The Visitors Chapter 2


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Adventures On The Way

  The rain stopped and the two of them started on their way again. About two hours into the woods, they could hear something moving in front of them. They stopped then saw two big leopards that were headed towards them fast. They both jumped off the horses and then Zatsuky took aime with her sword and sent out an energy blast at both of them that killed them instantly. A third leopard that neither of them saw jumped up and landed on Carmen and was ready to bite her. Zatsuky took her sword and stabbed the leopard deep in it's back. It went still then laid flat on top of Carmen. Get off me you big oaf, you are not my type, said Carmen. She wiggled out from beneath the dead leopard then looked at Zatsuky. That was a close one, said Carmen. Yep, we better keep going but keep an eye open for more leopards and where there are leopards there are probably lions and tigers too, said Zatsuky. They started out again but a lot faster now.


It took four more hours to clear the forest and came to another open area that looked similar to the flat lands except they could see a village ahead but there was smoke coming from it. The two of them looked at each other then smiled, then took off full speed towards the town. When they got there, the village was in turmoil as people we running around with buckets of water, trying to put out all the fires. Zatsuky looked up and saw two green dragons circling the village and looked like they were about to make another pass with their dragon breath. Lets get them, said Carmen. You bet, time for a bit of fun, said Zatsuky. They rode up fast to the town and started to yell and move around a lot to get the dragons attention. Some of the village people looked on. Are you two crazy, yelled on of the men. Nope just looking to have some fun, said Zatsuky. The dragons took the bait and headed towards them. They dismounted and ran out into the open away from there horses. You take the left one and I will take the right one, said Carmen. Okay, said Zatsuky. The dragons started to blow fire at them but they just laid flat down on the ground letting the fire go above them. They jumped up and waited for the dragons to do their second pass. When they turn to come back and open their mouths to blow out more fire, Zatsuky sent out an energy beam cutting off one of the dragons wings which made it lose control and smash into the other dragon, making them both crash down on the ground. Carmen jumped on one of the dragons and stuck her sword through it's neck and Zatsuky got on the back of the other dragon and shoved her sword into its chest. In a few moments the two dragons laid on the ground lifeless. Carmen and Zatsuky gave each other a high five then looked at the people watching them. 

A couple of people came running out cheering then a big man came forward that looked like the head of the town and said,"That was amazing, I didn't know there were any dragon slayers around here". We are not from around here, said Zatsuky. We are from Tazia. That is a long way from here, where are you headed, he asked. We are looking for another land that might have other Fae living in it. They say it is a land of magic, said Zatsuky. Hmm he said, I have only heard rumors of such a place but good luck. In the meantime come to the village and we will feed you two and see to your horses and seeing it will be getting dark soon, you two can sleep in our inn for free overnight, said the man. Both Carmen and Zatsuky accepted the offer and looked forward to a nice meal and soft beds. Do you have showers? asked Carmen. Yes we do, said the man. Good I could use a nice shower and wash my hair before supper, said Carmen. You can do that after we eat and before we go to bed, said Zatsuky. I am not waiting for you to finish up in a bathroom before eating. Oh alright then, said Carmen. The man brought them into the middle of the town where he had them drop off their horses at the stable to be fed and watered then took them to the inn where there was a dining room. They sat around a big table where the boss man told them his name was Corky and head of the town council. These other people here with us also help run this town with me on the council, said Corky. They sat and ate a nice big meal together and talked a bit, mostly about the the stories about a magical land but none of them believed it really existed. If there was such a land full of magical beings I am sure everyone would of know about it by now, said one of the council members. Sounds more like an imaginary fairy tail to me, said another. Maybe, said Zatsuky but what if it isn't imaginary and there are a team of powerful warriors there protecting the land from evil beings and dragons or maybe a land that is so magical that all evil is kept out. The only reason no one knows for sure is because nobody has traveled far enough north to find out but us two are. Everyone went silent for a minute. Yes you do make sense, said Corky but won't it be cold and snowy in the north? Maybe, we will see, said Carmen. The only person that didn't say anything was the innkeeper but he was listening closely to the conversations. Zatsuky asked if there was any more dragons around. We have only ever seen the two of them, said Corky. I hope that is all we ever see. After they finish eating the innkeeper asked if they wanted to go to their room now. Yes please, it would be nice to sleep on a bed again, said Zatsuky. Yep and get cleaned up, said Carmen. They followed him up to the room and let them in. So the room is not fancy but it should do, said the innkeeper. Now I listened to you at the table and said nothing because this town will never believe in the land you are looking for until it hits them in the face, said the innkeeper. So you believe it exists? asked Zatsuky. Well I am originally from a big town about three days travel north from here and I know there is such a land, said the innkeeper. Really, how do you know for sure? asked Zatsuky. Well first the place you are looking for is called Fae Land, but is at least a one weeks journey from here, said the innkeeper. So are their other Fae elves like us living there? asked Carmen. Oh yes, elves, sprites, pixies and even humans I have heard and it is also supposed to be a very magical land. Wow, we like magic. Have you heard about some warriors that live there also, asked Zatsuky. Yes, but they are not warriors, they are a team of heros that help out the queen when she needs them. They have a queen too? asked Carmen. Yes and I have been told she is a very good queen, said the innkeeper. So how do you know all this stuff? asked Carmen. That town I used to live in does trade with Fae Land, said the innkeeper. I owned a bar in that town and heard all the stories about this very wealthy and magical land. I have seen and served the elves that travel from Fae Land to that town doing trade. The nicest people I have ever met and very big tippers. So why do they say it is magical? asked Zatsuky. That I do not know, said the innkeeper. The travelers just say you can feel it everywhere but every person I saw from there in my tavern was a girl elf and let me tell you they were very pretty and not a scar or pimple on any of them. To me there has to be something magical coming from the land. Now you two have a good night's sleep, then he left and shut the door behind him.


  When morning came the two of them got dressed and went down stairs. Waiting for them was the innkeeper that told them that they will have to pass through the Dark Forest and it is rumoured that there might be some orcs living there. Orcs, said Zatsuky, what are they? They are big ugly strong creatures that fight and kill anything that lives and eat them including people, said the innkeeper. Yuk, said Carmen they sound nasty. Yes but if you can kill dragons then you should be able to take care of them no problem with that sword of yours, said the innkeeper. Best you try and avoid them though if you can. Okay, thanks for the advice, said Zatsuky. The two girls got their horses and started off again towards the Dark Forest. In about three hours they reached the forest and wondered if they should try and go around it. They started to look how wide the forest was but saw it was very big and would add another day to their journey. Well I guess we take the shortest way through the forest, said Carmen. They started riding into the forest and saw it was very dark inside. The trees were thick with leaves that blocked out most of the light. About two hours had passed and Zatsuky could smell something like meat cooking. They got off their horses and snuck up a bit closer to have a look. They hid behind a big bush and looked to see a bunch of orcs cooking what looked like a wild boar. Well at least they cook their meat first, whispered Carmen. I think we should go around them. They started to leave but one of the orcs looked up and saw them sneaking away. He yelled, "Fresh Meat" The orcs pulled out their swords and ran towards them. Oh crap, said Carmen. They both got their swords ready for battle and Zatsuky's sword was glowing bright red now. She shot a warning beam in front of the orcs that stopped them in their tracks. Then the orcs fanned out a bit and started heading towards them again.


The Orcs came in too close for Zatsuky to send out another beam so they both got ready to battle them with their swords. Carmen got down low and sliced at one of the orcs legs that brought him to his knee. Then Zatsuky jumped up high and used her sword to cut of one of the other orcs head. They may be big but they are slow, said Carmen. Carmen was dealing with another orc that was swinging at her aimlessly so she stabbed him in the stomach then chest and killed him. Zatsuky's sword was still glowing red and she knew exactly what do do. Get behind me Carmen and get down. Zatsuky brought the sword upright in front of her and moved it back and forth sending out multiple energy bursts along the length of the blade. The burst hit three more orcs, killing them instantly. That left just two more to deal with. The orcs started towards them and Carmen said to Zatsuky, "What are they stupid?" I guess so, said Zatsuky. They started to battle these last two orcs but they were not that great with their axes so they played with them for a bit then finished them both off at the same time with a big deep jab to the chest. Well that is that, said Carmen. Big dumb green halts of flesh that seemed to just want to die. Well if you looked like them would you want to live? asked Zatsuky. Not a chance and besides they were bald, I would just die anyways if I had no hair, said Carmen. I bet you would, said Zatsuky while smiling. Let's go back to the horses and get back on our way.

They started on their way and kept a look out for more orcs but saw none so far. About a hour had passed when they unexpectedly came up on a wolf den. They stopped but two of the wolves saw them and started to walk towards them slowly. Zatsuky took out her sword and held it front of her but the blade didn't start to glow. The wolves stopped and Zatsuky yelled to them that we want no trouble and just want to pass safely. The wolves turned and went back to their den and sat and watched the two girls go by. Wow was that ever weird, said Carmen. That sword has more magic than I thought. I am not sure but I think they understood what I said some how, said Zatsuky. Wolves that can understand what people say, said Carmen. That is new and I have never seen wolves that big before, they were huge. Me neither but I am glad they let us pass, said Zatsuky. They continued on for another couple of hours then they could see light ahead. They got to the edge of the forest and saw the grass and weeds soon changed to desert sand again.



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