The Visitors Chapter 3


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Chapter Four

 The Desert Plains

They decided to eat and rest there seeing it was getting dark again. It seemed safe enough so maybe we will take turns keeping watch. After eating Carmen went to lay down but suddenly two of the huge wolves emerged from the forest and then sat down facing away from the girls in either directions. Well I suppose we made some friends from the forest, said Carmen. I doubt anything will bother us with those two guarding us. They both layed down and had a good sleep. When they woke up, both wolves were gone they ate a bit of food then got on the horses and started on their way across the desert. Four hours had passed and there was nothing to see in any direction. A bit longer they came up to a large gorge that looked very deep and long with a river running quickly through it at the bottom. How do we get passed this? asked Carmen. Zatsuky look around and noticed a rope bridge to the left of her and said, "That looks like a way. I hope the bridge is strong enough to hold us. They rode over to it and saw that it looked more than strong enough and also looked like it was being maintained by somebody. They went to cross the bridge but as soon as they went to cross a weird looking little man popped up and said stop. You have to pay the toll in order to pass, said the troll. Just then Zatsuky's sword started to glow a bit red again and the troll looked worried as he saw it, Well I guess I should let you pass but I have to live too ya know and I am the one that makes sure this bridge stays safe to cross, said the troll. Zatsuky smiled then took out a gold coin and tossed it to him. Thankyou, I see you are good kind people, said the troll. You may cross now. Do you know how we can get down to that river and get some water for our horses and ourselves, asked Zatsuky. No need he said then disappeared under the bridge then in a few minutes he came back up with four water bottles and a bucket filled with water for the horses. The horses quickly drank all the water then Zatsuky, said thank you then reached into her pouch and pulled out another gold coin and gave it to him. Thank you kind ladies, said the troll. So where might you be going? To a place called Fae Land, have you heard of it? asked Carmen. Heard of it, I have been there. Where do you think I got all this rope and lumber to build this bridge, said the troll. Fae Land is the most wonderful country I have ever seen. Yes we have heard it is a magical land, said Zatsuky. Yes and so much more, said the troll. How far have you traveled to come here. We have been traveling for over two weeks now, said Zatsuky. Wow, that is a long journey, said the troll. Well you are almost there. Once you cross the bridge head due north and you will come to a small woods with trees that all have golden leaves. That is where the Yellow Fae live. Yellow Fae? never heard of them before, said Zatsuky. Well they are a very friendly clan of elves, said the troll. The forest is magical so whatever you do do not hurt a tree, they are alive. No way, trees that are alive like us, asked Carmen. No not like us, alive like trees that communicate with each other and can move their branches at will, said the troll. You will see. You two are going to have to get used to seeing things that you never thought possible from here on in. Now off you go to Fae Land. They both smiled at the troll then headed across the bridge.


They got to the other side safely and started out across the desert again. There was still nothing to be seen anywhere. That wizard's viewer back in Tazia was right, there is a lot of desert on this side of the equator, said Zatsuky. Well I hope we get there soon because I am almost out of skin cream, said Carmen. You look just fine to me, said Zatsuky. You have to stop worrying about how you look. Are you kidding, it is important for a pretty girl to look her best at all times, said Carmen Besides the innkeeper said there is a queen in Fae Land and I want to look my best when I meet her. Hmm, pass over some of that cream, said Zatsuky. Another four hours had passed when they saw a small wooded area ahead. It was different though. It looked all yellow and glistened. Is that a golden forest? asked Carmen. Don't be silly, said Zatsuky. Just the leaves on the trees are yellow. Must be the woods that troll told us about. Looks like gold to me from here, said Carmen. As they got closer they saw somebody just outside of the woods picking up stuff from the ground. They approached the girl that they could now tell was an elf and introduced themself to her. Hi how are you?.Are you here to look for gold too? asked the yellowish looking elf. No we are just passing through, said Zatsuky. Oh okay I am Amy where are you going? she asked. We are going to a place that they call Fae Land, said Zatsuky. We have traveled many miles to see if it exists. Of course it exists. It is less than one days ride from here, said Amy. Really, so we are that close to it now, said Zatsuky. Where we come from Fae Land is thought to be just a fairy tale and is not real. Well Fae Land is a land of fairy tales except real ones. Eight heros from there stopped here to rest after saving the Sandman. The heroes are real too?, asked Zatsuky that was getting very excited now. Yep and they were very nice and polite also, said Amy. Come with me and I will take you to my village. It will be dark soon so you can eat, clean up then sleep. Then you will get a fresh start in the morning. Thank you that is very nice of you, said Zatsuky. They all followed Amy and could hear what sounded like whispering. What is that sound? asked Carmen. Just the trees chatting away about you two probably, said Amy. Soon they came to a clearing with wood huts in it. Welcome to the village of the Yellow Fae, said Amy.

Amy brought them to her place and made them a nice dinner to eat. As they were eating Amy asked if she could go with them. If you want I suppose, said Zatsuky. Oh thank you so much. I am afraid to go by myself and you two look like you are more than capable enough to take care of yourself. So why do you want to go there, it looks real nice here in this village, asked Zatsuky. Well I am one of the younger elves here and have not been exposed to the golden trees magical effect on us elves living here, said Amy. The older elve's skin is a lot more yellow than mine and I don't want to be that yellow plus it is Fae Land of course. So the trees make you skin yellow, how is that possible? asked Carmen. I don't know exactly but it has to do with the magic their leaves have that keeps elves healthy and young looking, said Amy. I have always wanted to go to Fae Land but after I saw those eight heroes from there I just knew I had to go live there. I have been collecting gold out and around the woods for a while now. Gold is just laying around on the ground here? asked Zatsuky. Not in the forest but out in the sunlight, said Amy. When a leaf falls off a tree and lands on the sand where the sun dries it up, that is when the golden leaf turns into real gold. So this is truly a golden forest, said Zatsuky. Yep and that is why a lot of the elves here like to stay, said Amy. Okay sit and eat and then get cleaned up, said Amy. You will have a good night's sleep. The magic of the trees makes sure you will sleep great. When morning arrived they all got up and Amy made them a quick breakfast then packed up some supplies for the trip. She got her horse and the three of them headed off out of the golden forest and into an area Amy called The Bad Lands. So Amy, do you know of anything we should look out for here like dragons or wild animals? asked Carmen. I am not sure but I heard that there might be some desert marauders in The Bad Lands, said Amy. Okay that should be fine then, said Carmen. About four hours out they saw the marauders that Amy told them about. Three men with swords came out in front of them and said stop. You have to give us all of your valuables or die, said one of the men. Just then Zatsuky's sword started to glow red again and she raised high so the marauders could see it. On second thought maybe you can go through, said the man. They passed by the men and Carmen heard one of the men say, "We have to find another profession, There is no money in this business". Another three hours had passed and now they could see lots of birds flying around in the sky and the faint sound of music. Soon they came to a spot where the dry sand turned to lush green grass and could see a large building. As they got closer the music was very loud and people could be heard talking and laughing. Well looks like we made it and without a bruise, said Zatsuky. Well my butt is sore but I suppose that doesn't count, said Amy. They all laughed.



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