Adventures In The Land Of Fae - Book 9

The Visitors Chapter 1


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Fae Land has been prospering and with more and more people moving in and needing homes built for them. Ginger was put in charge of hiring builders from Cumberland and setting the cost of each home. Alieta made sure that the homes were affordable to everyone. Slowly word spread out about this amazing magical land but in the far south there were only rumors of such a place and most just believed it was a myth or just hopeful thinking...


Chapter One

The Search For The Land Of Magic

In a country far, far away called Tazia, there is a female warrior named Zatsuky. The people of her land call her the "Crimson Warrior" because she helped defend the land she lives in from dragons that are plentiful in this area plus she has long red hair and red eyes. Zatsuky was given a magic sword years ago that would glow red when danger approaches and could slice through anything but more important it shot out energy beams that made it very easy to kill dragons before they even got close to her. All this said it is no wonder she had the deepest respect of all the people of Tazia and neighboring towns. Her best friend is a dragon slayer also named Carmen. She is a petite, very pretty blonde girl that is able to kill dragons easily with just a sword. Together they would go out and hunt for dragons every day until it seemed after time there were no more to be found. Carmen figured the dragons considered Tazia too dangerous to live or attack anymore. Things were very quiet now for Zatsuky but heard a rumour that there was another country that had elves in it too plus some amazing warriors also. The rumors also said that it was a land of great magic and mysteries. The thought of there being such a place was something she couldn't get out of her mind and everyone she talked to about this land of magic said there was no such place. One day she went to the wizard's home and asked him about this land. Well I have only heard of Merlin talking about it briefly but I am pretty sure it is just myths spread down from generation to generation, said the wizard. Wizards are magical so how can an entire land be magical. Well maybe the people living there are magical, said Zatsuky. Yes maybe but still such a place would be known all over the world and probably very hard to find and get to, said the wizard. Still I can have a look on my viewer and see if we can find some place that may resemble a land with magical people in it.

Now leave your sword on the table because it is best not to bring any magical weapons into the viewer room, said the wizard. He then led Zatsuky to another room through a big doorway. This room looked very odd to Zatsuky and kind of mystical. Now watch your step, you don't want to fall down into the abyss down there. You never know where you might end up, said the wizard. Did you make all of this? asked Zatusky. No I am just an apprentice, Merlin made this so he could keep an eye on this continent, said the wizard. So does his apprentice have a name? asked Zatsuky. Yes, I am Zotac, Merlin's apprentice. So do you have an idea what direction this land might be?. Rumours have it as being very far to the north, on the other side of the equator, said Zatusky. Okay then, I will start to pan north and see what we can find, said Zotac. He waved his hand over the tablet and it lit up. The two of them looked and could see a top view of Tazia. Zotac put his hands on either side of the pillar and the viewer began to pan north. Okay here we are, this area is on the other side of the equator, said Zotac. Looks like lots of desert land. I doubt many people will be living there. He panned a bit further north. Wait what is that? asked Zatsuky and she pointed at a small green area on the map. Can you get closer to that spot? Yes but I cannot get close enough to see if anyone is living there, said Zotac. Just Merlin can do that. He adjusted the tablet to zoom in as close as it could on the green area. That is as close as I can go, said Zotac. Now that is a large sized piece of land, thousands of acres and what is very odd about this area is there is barren land and desert all around it. May there is something about those rumors about the land being magical. If anywhere that would be the best place for people to live. Then some movement could be seen that looked like a large group of people gathered around possibly dancing together. Okay I must go and prepare for the journey, said Zatsuky. Wait that could just be a bunch of trees blowing in the wind. It is not clear enough to tell, said Zotac. I don't care, said Zatsuky, I have to go see for myself or I will not be able to sleep at night. Okay then, said Zotac. Let me see how far you will have to travel. He pan the tablet back so that both lands could be seen at once then took out a measuring device and laid it on the tablet. Oh my, he said, it looks to be about three weeks journey from here by horse. That is okay, said Zatsuky, I will manage somehow. Then you better take some people with you because you will most definitely run into many dangers on the way. I will consider your advice but I only work with Carmen, you know that, said Zatsuky. Ya but Carmen doesn't seem like the type that would leave on such an adventure away from running water and fancy clubs and eateries ,said Zotac. What makes you think that? asked Zatsuky. I have gone on a couple of dates with her, said Zotac. She is quite the flirt but still a lot of fun to go out with. Ya and she can kill dragons without using magic too with ease, said Zatsuky. Well yes, there is that too, said Zotac with a smile. Okay then good luck and be safe. Then Zatsuky left the wizard's house and headed home.

Zatsuky went home and started to pack some supplies for the trip when her good friend Carmen came to visit her and saw that Zatsuky was packing for a trip. Where are you going? asked Carmen. Well I just got back from the wizards home and we found a spot on his magic viewer that may be the location where that magical land that has other Fae living in it, said Zatsuky. You mean you think the rumors might be true? asked Carmen. Yes, I have always figured there must be other places with at least elves living but even if I am wrong, it will be nice to see areas that I have never been or been before, said Zatsuky. Well, you are not going alone, said Carmen. I am coming with you whether you like it or not. That is fine, I was going to ask you anyways, said Zatsuky. Great, I will go home and pack for the trip, said Carmen. How long will it take us to get there, do you know? Yes, the wizard said it will take around three weeks to get there,, said Zatsuky. It is north of the equator and there is a lot of desert land that we will need to pass through. Wow! exclaimed Carmen. We have never traveled that far before. I know but it will definately be an adventure, said Zatsuky. That it will, so lots of deserts you said, I better pack lots of skin moisturizer, said Carmen. Then Carmen left to go home and pack. Zatsuky just shook her head and continued packing.

Zatsuky was done packing and was just waiting for Carmen to return. It had been two hours and was wondering what was taking her so long. She went outside then saw her approaching on her horse. What took you so long? asked Zatsuky. Well I had to shower and wash my hair then put on a clean outfit then brush my hair and... Zatsuky stopped her there and said, "Just like a girly girl". Well I am a girl as you know and what is wrong with looking great for the trip? said Carmen. Oh ya I had to stop at the store for some more shin cream and sun blocker. They both smiled at each other and got on their horses then started out on the trip. Soon they reached the borders of the town and set out into a vast open area that was called the Great Flat Plains. It will take us at least a day to pass the flat lands, said Carmen. Yes so let's get going and when it starts to get dark, which won't be too long from now, we will stop and make camp, then eat and sleep, said Zatsuky.

So far there was no trouble mainly because there was nothing there except mostly sand, some grass and rocks. It started to get dark so they made camp for the night. In the morning they noticed that the sky was starting to get cloudy so they decided to pick up the pace and see if there was a wooded area ahead where they could take cover in if it started to rain. I a few hours they saw a forest ahead of them as it started to rain a bit. They took off fast to the forest and made it just in time before it started to pour out. Made it, said Carmen, lets take cover under that big elm tree. While there the two of them ate then Carmen asked, "So what are you going to do when we get there?" Well first we look for people and then we will find out if they are friendly. Oh, said Carmen, sounds like a plan. I hope there are some good looking guys there. Is that all you think about is dating guys? asked Zatsuky. Not always, sometimes I think about dragon slaying and sometimes I think about what you are doing but dating men is fun and they always pay the bill, said Carmen. You are quite the character Carmen, said Zatsuky with a smile. I want to meet the amazing warriors that I have heard about, said Zatsuky. So you think they are real? asked Carmen. Most say they are just a myth, a story made up to tell children. I hope they are real but we will find out for ourselves if we ever find this place, said Zatsuky.



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