The Visitors Chapter 4


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 Welcome To Fae Land

They got off their horses and walked in on the grass then rounded a corner of the building and saw what looked like a festival was going on. Two elves ran up to them and told them they will take the horses to the stable to be watered and fed. Zatsuky went to take out some coins from her pouch to pay them. Oh no, visitors to Fae Land don't pay to have their horses cared for, said the elf. Well we are planning to stay and if it is okay, live here, said Zatsuky. Really, even better but nobody in Fae Land pays to have their horses cared for in the palace stable, said the elf. You want to talk to that pretty sprite over there. Then the two elves took away the three horses. They started to walk towards the crowd of people and they saw lots of elves dancing and singing and playing games together. There were humans also among the crowd also. Wow there is so many! I did not know there were so many elves around, said Zatsuky. As they approached the group, people saw them and the way Zatsuky was dressed, they were hard to miss. Then everyone stopped to look at them. Talk about getting centered out, said Carmen. Then a very beautiful sprite with magnificent wings came toward them with an elf and asked them who they were and where they were from. This is my friend Carmen and I am Zatsuky plus this is Amy from the golden forest's Yellow Fae village, said Zatsuky and we are from the country Tazia. Tazia! the sprite exclaimed. That is like over two weeks travel from here by horse. Yes actually almost three weeks of traveling, said Zatsuky. May I ask what your name is? You are the first sprite Carmen and I have ever seen. You are so magnificent looking. Well thank you Zatsuky, I am Alieta, Queen of The Land Of Fae. The three of them quickly got down on one knee. Please get up. No one bows to anyone here in this land of equality, said Alieta. They got up and Zatsuky looked around. So what are you celebrating? This is the harvest festival that we have every year, said Alieta. There are so many elves here, I didn't know there were so many, said Zatsuky. Well this is just some of the elves, said Alieta, many more will show up later when the food is served at supper time. Carmen smiled. I sure could us a bite or two, said Carmen. I have to ask you if the rumours I heard about Fae Land having a team of heroes is true? asked Zatsuky. Well yes it is true, all eight of them are here now, nine if you count Angus, said Alieta. This girl beside me is Ktara, she is one of the team members. Ktara, shook hands with them and said nice to meet you and very nice to see you again Amy. That is one fancy outfit you have on and a deadly looking sword. Yes the outfit is enchanted and was delivered to me a long time ago with the Crimson Sword, said Zatsuky. Is the sword magical, asked Ktara. Oh yes, it is a very powerful weapon, said Carmen. I better go get Alexa, said Ktara then she ran off into the crowd. Wait fo me I want to see her too, said Amy and ran off into the crowd also.


In a couple of minutes Ktara found Alexa dancing with some elves. Alexa, you have to come see those two new elves that just arrived, said Ktara. Okay where are they? asked Alexa. Over by the palace with Alieta, said Ktara, I am going to introduce Amy to some people here. Oh hi Amy, nice to see you here, said Alexa. It is very nice to see you again and I finally was able to come here with Carmen and Zatsuky, said Amy. They are both very pretty warriors. Well then I best go meet them, said Alexa. Yep and Zatsuky has a very powerful sword too, said Ktara. Really, how powerful? asked Alexa. Not sure I will leave that up to you to find out, said Ktara. Come Amy, let's mingle. Alexa walked over to where Alieta was talking to the two new visitors. Hi Alieta, Ktara said I should come and meet the visitors that just arrived with Amy, said Alexa. Yes they traveled all the way here from Tazia that is almost three weeks journey by horse, said Alieta. Wow, that is a long journey, said Alexa. So this is Carmen and the tall redhead is Zatsuky, said Alieta. This is Alexa and the leader of Fae Lands team of heroes. It is an honor to meet you Alexa, said Zatusky. Where we come from no one believes you and the team is real, same as Fae Land. Well we are as you can see. So I bet you are wondering how such a small girl can lead a team of heroes, said Alexa. Not at all, said Zatsuky. Look at Carmen, she is small too but the best dragon slayer I have ever met. Dragon slayer you said. So am I, said Alexa. Yep small is good when it comes to killing dragons, said Carmen. Green, red or brown, makes no difference to me, they are all the same to me. Red dragons too, that is impressive, said Alexa. So Ktara told me you have a powerful sword, it sure looks deadly. What can it do? This is the Crimson Sword that was delivered to me a long time ago with this Crimson outfit, said Zatsuky. It can kill anything even from a distance. Really, so it is magical then? asked Alexa. Very magical, said Carmen, you should see it shoot out beams of energy. Zatsuky killed three Orcs at once with it not long ago plus she can kill dragons in the sky before they even get close to us. Alexa scratched her chin. I have never heard of a weapon that powerful before, said Alexa. Can I hold it for a second? You can't said Zatsuky, Only I can hold and use it. If anyone else tries to touch the sword is will badly burn you, even if you are wearing enchanted gloves. So not even a wizard can touch it? asked Alexa. Nope but the sword's blade will glow red when anything bad or evil is getting close to it, said Zatsuky. Amazing, I wonder who made this sword, said Alexa. That I don't know but an elder elf delivered it to me when I was younger, said Zatsuky. Alexa looked at Alieta. We need to talk more in private, said Alexa. Take them to the dining room, said Alieta. I am sure they are hungry. Yep, I am starved said Carmen, we only had a small breakfast this morning at Amy's place. Okay then follow me, said Alexa.

They followed Alexa into the dining room and all sat down. Alexa told the elf to bring our new quests burgers and fries. That should hold you two, until the food gets served outside, said Alexa. Now tell me more about this Crimson Sword and the outfit, said Alexa. Well when I was just twenty one years old I was sitting in my living room reading a book when someone knocked on the door, said Zatsuky. I wondered who would be visiting me so late at night, it was around midnight. When I opened to door I saw a very old elf that still looked quite good for her age standing there with a big box. She said I am here to deliver this to you Zatsuky. How do you know my name? I asked her. She didn't tell me and just handed me the box, said use it well and left. I found this all to be very strange so I went back to the living room and opened the box that was pretty heavy. There was something wrapped in cloth inside but on top was a note with my name on it. When I opened the note it read as follows. "The Crimson Sword can only be used by you, any others will suffer great pain. The battle gear will protect you from attacks and the sword has powers unlike any weapon known to mankind. Use these gifts for good to defeat evil. Then it was signed with just a fancy looking "M". I just had to try on the outfit which fit me perfectly. Then I unwrapped the sword that was rather heavy at first, until I grabbed the handle. Suddenly it glowed bright red then blue and I felt a great power enter me and sword was now light as a feather. It stopped glowing so I tried a few moves with it swinging it around but when I squeezed the handle it let out a blue energy beam. that blew a hole in my wall. Now this was a gift that I knew I could use to get rid of the dragons that kept attacking in Tazia.

Hmm, I wonder what the "M" stands for, said Alexa. I figured magic, said Zatsuky. I don't know anyone with a name that starts with "M". So I take it you figure out how to make the sword work without instructions, said Alexa. You would figure a weapon like this would come with at least something. Nope but the next day I went to try it out on a dragon with the Crimson outfit on also and As soon as the sword started to glow red, I just knew how to use it properly. Though if it wasn't for Carmen I may have got killed. Really, what happened? asked Alexa. Well I was out in the open where most dragon attacks took place when the sword began to glow red like I said. I looked up and saw a green dragon headed right for me. I pointed the sword at it and squeezed the handle and shot a beam at it which wounded it and fell to the ground. I ran over and jumped on it and stabbed the dragon in the head finishing it. I didn't notice that a red dragon was almost on me and about to blow fire at me. I heard someone yell "Look Out" and saw Carmen pointing at the red dragon. She threw her sword and it went right in the dragons neck making it crash into the green dragon and knocked me on my butt then she pulled her sword out of its neck and jumped on the beast then stabbed it a few more times killing it. That was the first time we met and have been best friends every since. Carmen is a true dragon slayer and doesn't need any fancy weapons to kill them like me but together we made a great team and became famous in Tazia.

Well if you were famous there, why did you want to travel all the way to Fae Land? asked Alexa. First because we were getting bored because there were no more dragon attacks but I heard all the rumours about a land of magic that had other Fae elves in it. Tazia is mostly humans so I had to go find it, said Zatsuky. Besides Carmen was flirting too much with all the single men there and was getting a name for herself as being a flirt. I was not being a flirt, said Carmen, I was just being really friendly with them no one was complaining. Alexa smiled. Well why don't you two go and freshen up and put on a change of clothes, said Alexa. Then I want you to meet another member of my team that I think you will find very interesting. Okay, we have been wearing these outfits for a long time so fresh and clean sounds good to me, said Carmen. Alexa led them to an empty bedroom and showed them where everything was then went to the wardrobe room to get fresh clothes for them. She went back to the room in about ten minutes and found Zatsuky sitting on the bed in a bath towel. Okay here you go, I figured you like red and I picked blue for Carmen, when she is finished in the bathroom, said Alexa. Thanks but it might be a while if we just wait for Carmen to come out, said Zatsuky. She is the real girlie girl type and has to make sure she looks perfect for everyone. Alexa smiled. Sounds a lot like Paisley, said Alexa. She is very pretty too and likes to look pretty all the time. She is on the team also and man she can kick and jump. So how many are on your team? asked Zatsuky. Eight so far but with Angus my pet Titan wolf that makes nine so far. You mean one of those huge wolves, said Zatsuky. We ran into a whole pack of them on the way here. You saw an entire pack of Titan wolves? That is amazing, that must be where Angus came from, said Alexa. Can Angus understand what you say and is friendly? asked Zatsuky. Yep and he is super strong and fast, said Alexa. I knew it. These two wolves even watched over us as we slept to make sure we were safe, said Zatsuky. Okay Carmen has been in there long enough. Zatsuky got dressed then went in the bathroom and grabbed Carmen and dragged her out. Okay okay, I was just pulling a couple of eyebrow hairs, said Carmen. Well get dressed and let's go see this other person Alexa wants us to meet, said Zatsuky.

Alexa led them to Alieta's den then told them to wait here for a minute while she got Tempressa. I like to have her with me when I make some important decisions because she is The Ice Queen. Ice Queen, so she likes to live where it is cold, said Carmen. No, you will see, said Alexa then she ran out. Zatsuky put her sword on the chair. This is quite the place, said Carmen. This room is bigger than my whole apartment back home. Well if we play our cards right we won't have to go back home, said Zatsuky. Really, did you bring all the money we made back in Tazia? asked Carmen. I bet it is expensive to live here. No just a small pouch of gold coins and there is just a few of them left, said Zatsuky. Well I am not doing dishes to make money, said Carmen. I am not getting my hands all wrinkly. Just then Alexa came in with Tempressa. So what were you two talking about? asked Alexa. Oh nothing important, said Zatsuky. Okay so here is Tempressa, can you show her your sword please? asked Alexa. Zatsuky went over to the chair where she put it and brought it over. Well that is one impressive looking sword, said Tempressa. Alexa told me it shoots out energy beams and only you can hold it. Yep any one tries to take it from me or pick it up, it will badly burn them, said Zatsuky. Well let me try this then, said Tempressa and pointed a finger at the blade and tried to freeze it. Okay that is special, I couldn't freeze it at all, said Tempressa. There is some very powerful magic going on with that sword. Wow, so that is why you are called The Ice Queen, said Zatsuky. Yep and that sword is the first thing I haven't been able to freeze, said Tempressa. So you two have killed dragons together, how many? I don't know, said Carmen. Hundreds I guess. Wow that is a lot. Have you tried killing anything else with it. Yep Zatsuky killed two orcs then three at once with the sword and I killed the other ones with my sword. Orcs are dumb and slow. Very ugly looking too, said Carmen. Yes I agree, said Tempressa. Can I have a word with you for a minute Alexa? asked Tempressa. So what do you think, should we ask them to stay in Fae Land and join our team? asked Alexa. Well that is up to you but I say the two of them would greatly strengthen our team and that sword is nothing I have ever seen or heard of before, said Tempressa. Excuse me but I do have a question that I would like to ask, said Zatsuky. Alexa and Tempressa walked back over to them. Yes, what is it, asked Alexa. Well we were hoping that we could try out for your team of heroes. Carmen is awesome and very fast with a sword and is afraid of nothing and is great at getting the attention of people if one needs to have a decoy and I have gotten very good with this sword and not much scares me either, except spiders, I hate them creepy little things. Alexa and Tempressa looked at each other and smiled. What do you think Alexa, do you what to see how they do on our next adventure? asked Tempressa. What do you mean they...Tempressa elbowed Alexa to stop her from saying more. Umm sure we can do that, said Alexa.



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