The Wizard And The Witch Chapter 2


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The Evil Witch And Wizard

  Well we should go now, said Gwyneira. Got to make sure everything is okay at home. Nice meeting you Sakura and you too Tara thanks for not eating us or something. Tara just smiled. We will see you later then they vanished. Does it look like I eat people? asked Tara. Nope, maybe kiss Tamari but not eat him, said Ginger. Ya he is kinda good looking but they seem to be made for each other, said Tara. Yep they sure do, said Yeanny. Okay I am heading back into the woods to cool off with Avan. It is getting hot out here, said Tara. Okay see you later, they all said. Bye from me too, said Sakura. Well lets go talk to Alieta and Ginger before going back home, said Yeanny.  Okay, said Sakura. They walked over to talk with Alieta and Ginger but then a cloud of smoke appeared behind them. A woman and a man appeared. Alieta and Ginger pointed, look behind you Yeanny, yelled Alieta. She looked and saw the two of them. Oh oh said Yeanny and the two of them ran over to Alieta and Ginger. Where is my goodie two shoes sister and that guy she hangs out with. We followed their path here, said the dark woman. Then they started to walk closer. These two are really bad, said Yeanny. You two best get in the palace and take Sakura too. Why we haven't done anything to them, said Alieta. Just do it fast, said Yeanny. They all ran in but Sakura started to fly fast to the woods, but the woman saw her and froze Sakura in mid air. Yeanny broke the spell and yelled get small. Sakura got tiny then disappeared. The woman walked up to her and said you are the sorceress. How did you break her loose. That is my kid and know one messes with her, said Yeanny. Really, said the man. Maybe you need to be taught a lesson then raised his hand and started to cast a control spell on her. Yeanny blocked it and made two fire balls appear in her hands. Alieta and Ginger were watching from the window. Sakura was flying all over the place in the woods looking for Tara and Avan, yelling out their names. Oh ya she thought to herself. Too small for them to hear me. She went back to her normal size then started yelling again. Tara heard her first then got Avan. They both flew over to Sakura that looked really scared. What is it Sakura? asked Tara. Very bad people. Mom is in trouble, she said. You stay here and the two of them flew off. What you going to do with the fire balls sorceress? asked the woman. They won't hurt us. Oh ya, and she threw them at there feet knocking them over. They got up quick. You have some power there girl. Time to get rid of you. They both raised their arms but both Tara and Avan drop kicked them while in mid air sending back over ten feet. Who are these two? asked Tara. One is Gwyneira's older sister Megan and the guy is is her boyfriend Garlum. They are both very evil and very strong with magic, said Yeanny. Okay Sakura is staying put in the woods so don't worry about her, said Tara. The two got up and looked really mad. They ran up and started to throw fire balls at Tara and Avan. Yeanny put up a shield in front of them and the fireballs bounced back just missing Megan and Garlum. What are they? asked Avan. The woman is a powerful evil witch and the man is a powerful evil wizard. They are looking for Gwyneira and Tamari, said Yeanny. Hmm, well this will be fun, said Tara to Avan and they both smiled. Alieta and Ginger came out of the palace. Why did you come out? asked Yeanny. All is good now, said Alieta. Tara and Aven are here now. You have never seen these two in action so watch what they can do. Yeanny was a bit worried still but stood there and watched. Take the sheild down Yeanny, we don't need it now, said Tara.

The evil witch and wizard saw that these two were just she devils. She devils, no problem lets freeze them. They tried but it had no effect on Tara and Avan. They tried again but no luck but this time both Tara and Avan raised their hands and started draining out their magic. Hey how are you doing that, stop, said the wizard. Nope, just a little bit more and there we go, said Avan. Okay lets go play with them. They both grab one of them each and flew up very high in the sky where the air was quite thin then flew down very fast almost hitting the ground but curved back up again then flew very fast and high again and saw they better stop because both of them were bleeding from their nose. They let them go just a few feet from the ground and they fell down and couldn't get up for a bit. Okay Yeanny. They are all yours now. I will go get Sakura because she is frighten right now, said Tara and flew off to the woods. Okay you two. Why did you need to see Gwyneira and Tamari. Um we need to drain their power to finish the job we started, said the woman. What job? asked Yeanny. Making the people crazy in that town so they would burn it down and have to leave. We wanted it for our selves. No use now though, said the Megan. Why asked Yeanny. Those two she devils drained us of all of our magic. The spells on them are no longer there. Yeanny looked at Avan. She just shrugged her shoulders. We are not allowed to kill them but they are harmless now, said Avan. Tara came back with Sakura and she ran over to Yeanny. So now what do we do with them? asked Alieta. Well they wanted to see Gwyneira and Tamari so let them figure out. That is Gwyneira's sister. Yeanny waved a hand and they both vanished bleeding noses and all. There, let those two deal with them, said Yeanny. I know where they live so they won't end up in the Nouth Pole. Alieta smiled. Well that was the first time we had a witch and wizard battle in front of the palace, said Alieta. Ya but evil wizard and witch magic tasted bad, said Avan. Got any ice cream to get the taste out of our mouths? asked Tara. Me too said Sakura. Okay, said Alieta. Can you get them all some ice cream Ginger. Sure can, said Ginger then she ran into the palace.


They all sat down and ate the ice cream. When done Yeanny said we better get back home, Fettie is coming over soon to make some nice flowers for our gardens. Thanks for the help you two then they disappeared. Well Yeanny seems to be able to take care of her self and Sakura nicely, said Tara. Yes we saw that and she showed no fear either just knew what needed to be done and did it, said Alieta. Protected us and you two also. Yep very good girl in my book, said Tara. Didn't need her to put up that shield though but nice anyways. Pretty strong shield also, it blocked all those fireballs. Back at Yeanny and Sakura's place they both went back in the yard and waited for Fettie. Okay she should be here soon so have you got all those weeds out of the side garden? asked Yeanny. Yep all gone but I have a pile of them sitting on the ground. They both walked over and saw the pile of pulled weeds. Okay let me get rid of them and Yeanny made them vanish. So do you know what kind of flowers you want in there? asked Yeanny. Just nice ones with lots of different colours and not just pink. I know you like more than just pink, said Sakura. Yeanny smiled at her. Soon Fettie showed up and said hi. So where are these gardens you were talking about Sakura? Um right over there and around the back too, said Sakura. But lots of different colours please. Fettie smiled then went to work on the first garden. Soon it was full of colourful flowers. Perfect, said Sakura. Now the back yard garden. She did the same to the long garden that went almost the length of the back of the house. There, looks pretty good to me, said Fettie. Yes looks beautiful now, said Yeanny. Is there any way yiu can make this grass look better? Yep sure can, said Fettie then flew around the house and made much healthier looking grass. There dine, how about the front yard? asked Fettie. Not sure, said Yeanny. There is no flower beds out front yet. Well maybe some nice bushes then, said Fettie. Lets have a look. They all walked out front and saw it did look very bare. Yes some bushes would be nice but not big ones, said Yeanny. I don't want them hiding the porch. Okay you just point where you want each bush and I will make one there, said Fettie. Yeanny pointed to where each bush should be placed and soon the front of the house looked much better. A couple of elves walked by and gave them the thumbs up. Looks like they think it is better too, said Yeanny. Yep much nicer now, said Sakura. So come inside and lets rest a bit. We had a bit of action at the palace today so it would be nice to sit down for a few minutes, said Yeanny.


They all went inside and sat in the living room. It is nice in here, said Fettie. Does everybody's home look like this inside? Nope, Mom has been fixing it up, she is really good at making furniture and stuff now, said Sakura. Sakura looked around and saw that there still were no flowers in the living room yet. We need some colour in here too, said Sakura. Yes I see that but I need some pots with soil in it to make a flower plus you have to remember to water them from time to time, said Fettie. You can how ever cut a few flowers from your gardens and put them in a vase. Put a bit of your pixie dust in the water then mix it around some. The magic comes out of the pixie dust and stays it the water that will make the flowers look good a lot longer. Okay good idea, said Sakura. Well I am not finished in this room yet, said Yeanny. I have to make some candles for on top of the fireplace and get a center poece for the coffee table too. What happened to that big chair Merlin gave us? asked Sakura. Well it didn't look right in here so I changed it into that lounge chair over there behind you, said Yeanny. They sat and talked for a bit then Yeanny asked what Hennie was doing today. Oh she is with Nissie in Eden still teaching her how to make flowers, said Fettie. Well maybe we can go there and see how she is doing, said Yeanny. You two go and find them and I will teleport to where ever you land, said Yeanny. Easier then teleporting all over Eden looking for them. It is a big place to find two small people. Okay they said then ran out of the house and off they went.

They flew around a bit until they saw the two of them below. Looks like Nissie hasn't made a good flower yet, said Fettie. Well Alexa says practice makes perfect, said Sakura. They flew down and asked how things were going. Oh still working on it, said Hennie. After they were in the ground Yeanny was able to use a location spell then she teleported over just a bit away from everyone as to not scare anyone. Hello Hennie and Nissie. How is the flower making going? asked Yeanny. Oh still getting there, said Hennie. She can make tiny little flowers now but not regular size ones yet. Only red tulips so far but it is a start. So earlier I saw what looked like Avan and Tara flying high in the sky then coming down again a few times. What were they doing? Oh they took care of a couple of bad people and were just playing around with them some, said Yeanny. They are very powerful, sucked the power right out of both of them. Oh they told me some stories about how they killed evil devils and stuff but I have never seen them do it, said Hennie. Nissie was still trying to make a flower appear on top of a stem but just couldn't get it right. Sakura was watching her as Yeanny and Hennie talked. I have an idea she said to Nessie.

Sakura took a tiny bit of dust off of one of her wings then rubbed it onto the palm of Nissie's hand. Now you see that tulip over there, said Sakura. Yep, the red one, said Nessie, Mom made them for me to try and copy. Okay now look at it hard and do what Alexa tells us to do, lock it in your brain. Nessie smiled and, said okay. She stared at the tulip then said okay I got it. Now do what your mom told you to do but see that tulip in your mind, said Sakura. Nessie pointed the palm of her hand at the ground then a stem and some leaves started to form. Keep going, said Sakura. She kept her hand there and soon a tulip bulb appeared. Okay almost there, said Sakura. In a few more moments the bulb opened up and there was a perfect red tulip. I did it I did it! she said loud as she was jumping around. Hennie and Yeanny looked over and saw the tulip. Good girl, said Hennie. Yep Sakura helped me, said Nessie. Really how? asked Hennie. She put a bit of dust on my hand from her wing then I locked that tulip over there in my brain then made this one here, said Nessie. Okay good, so lets see if that was a good kick start, said Hennie. Now try and make another one just like this one but remember how it looks in your mind and how the first one felt when you made it, said Hennie. Okay Mom. Nessie did the same thing again but this time it bloomed faster. I did it again, said Nessie that was now very excited. Okay now for the final test. Wipe the dust off your hand and try again, said Hennie. Nessie wiped the dust off on her skirt then tried again. This time two flowers appeared on two stems. Well there you go. You just needed to see and feel how it is like to make a flower, said Hennie. Thankyou Sakura. That was good thinking on your part. Well Pippa said that pixie dust was magical and helped plants to grow. That is where I got the idea from, said Sakura. Well you are a very good listener too, said Hennie. Hennie looked at Yeanny. That girl of yours is priceless. I have been trying to teach her how to do that for over a week now and she did it in a few minutes. Yep, she surprises me all the time, said Yeanny.



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