The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

The Wizard And The Witch Chapter 1


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  Five days had pasted and all was quite calm in Fae Land. The four little girls were doing great in school and learning fast. Alexa had already started to teach from the grade two text books. It was the week end so the girls had two days off and Alexa figured she would change things up a bit for the second week with half a day of lessons and the other half doing art seeing they all liked to doodle on their papers. Phonixa and Repellia were still dating the two brothers and seemed to be having fun going out with them. Yeanny brought Sakura to a clothing store where she actually was very good in the store this time and found some new outfits she liked but they were all mostly pink. She still wore the outfit she had on mostly though. Yeanny was just happy that she had some different outfits to wear when needed and hoped as she got older she would start to wear them. Yeanny had another lesson from Merlin that taught her how to make fire and ice which was useful in the kitchen. He did say the fire could be used as a weapon also but best used for defence as a last resort. Certain types of magic require higher skill levels and can sometimes be more dangerous than good. The candy factory was doing great and Jessica made Daisy a partner seeing she loved working in the factory and flying to Cumberland as a sales representative for the company. The company now had seven elves working in the factory and four other delivery girls on top of Sally and Fawn that now had enough money to live comfortably. Samantha visited Tobias and gave him enough money to help out the two girls with expensives plus for himself to buy what ever he wanted. She did tell him that he should think of a way to make his own money. That would keep you busy while Ivy was in the cove working. Tillia was doing great with Sara that would take her out for some exercise after work plus they both got very popular with the people living in Fae Land. Alieta was enjoying this calm time with no attacks and even no new beings showing up that needed Ivy's reading skills. Alieta now had eight of her books published and was working on number nine...

The Unusual Twosome

  Yeanny was working in her back yard while Sakura was pulling out weeds from the side garden getting it ready for Fettie to plant some nice flowers in it. Two people appeared out of no where behind Yeanny and one said, Hello Yeanny, what are you doing on your knees?" Yeanny jumped up and turned then saw who they were. Oh did we scare you? Sorry about that the woman said. Ya I bet you are, said Yeanny. What do you two want? Well we came to visit you and found we couldn't just teleport in through your protection shield like usual so we knocked on the door and you didn't answer. Yeanny was glad the new shield was much stronger. So I did a location spell and found you way over here, said the woman. Okay so you found me Gwyneria, said Yeanny. Now go away please. Sakura heard voices and came flying around back to see what was going on. Who are they Mom? asked Sakura. Nobody important dear, said Yeanny. You have a daughter now? asked Gweyneira. Yes and do not touch her, said Yeanny. Oh I won't hurt her, she is very cute and well pink, said Gwyneira. She doesn't look anything like you though. Mom made me, said Sakura. She made you? That would take some very powerful magic to do anything close to what she looks like, said Gwyneira. You were never that strong of a soceress. Mom I don't like her. Make her go away please, said Sakura. Don't wory little girl we are just here to talk with your mother. Been a while since we have seen her, said the man. Tamari, you were always a mischievous wizard. I have nothing to say to you two, said Yeanny. Really, why not, looks like you are doing well. What is this place anyways? asked Gwyneira. It is Fae Land, said Sakura. Only good people can live here. Okay I guess, never heard of the place, said Gwyneira. Is that real hair? She went to touch Sakura's hair but Yeanny waved a hand and she disappeared. Hey how did you do that? asked Tamari. You were never able to send any one of us away. Are you going to leave now or should I help you, said Yeanny. No that is okay I will leave, but Gwyneira is going to be mad at you. Then he vanished.

  That lady was not nice but the man seemed okay, said Sakura. Well they both are not that bad, said Yeanny but they have to stop being pests. What is a pest? asked Sakura. Someone that bothers you and ply tricks on you, said Yeanny. Oh okay, said Sakura. So where did you send her? asked Sakura. Well not exactly sure, somewhere north of here, said Yeanny. Far away from you anyways. Sakura smiled. Okay we better go tell Alieta about those two. Let me put a protection spell on the house then lets go, said Yeanny. Yeanny teleported the two of them to the palace grounds and saw Alieta talking to Tara. Okay there she is, said Yeanny, lets go say hello. Sakura flew over and said hello to Alieta. Mom wants to talk to you about two people she called pests. Oh really, said Alieta, pests you say. Hello Alieta, said Yeanny. So your girl here said something about two pesty people, said Alieta. Ya, they are two people I went to school with a while back. They were both trouble makers back then. I think they are harmless just the type that gets their kicks at other peoples expense, said Yeanny. So how did they find you here? asked Alieta. Oh Gwyneira is a witch and cast a location spell and found me, said Yeanny. Now I would of sat and talked to them a bit but Sakura was with me and I told her not to touch her but she went to touch Sakura's hair so I sent her away. Sakura chuckled. Yep mom sent her away somewhere north. The man left by himself though. So who is the man? asked Alieta. His name is Tamari, said Yeanny. He is a wizard and not that great of one either. The two of them are really not that strong but were better than me back then. They used to tease me a lot and make me mad. They just thought it was funny, said Yeanny. So do you think they will come back? asked Alieta. Well probably, said Yeanny. Where I sent Gwyneira could of been anywhere. I really just did that by impulse. She will be mad at me and dosn't like being made a fool of, said Yeanny. Well if they come back I can deal with them if you want, said Tara. Well you would be an eye full for those two, said Yeanny but like I said they are not bad in an evil way, just pranksters. Just then Gwyneira and Tamari appeared in front of Yeanny. Do you have any idea where you sent me? asked Gwyneira. Nope, said Yeanny with a smile. Well the Nouth Pole and dressed like this was not good, said Gwyneira. At least you could of sent me somewhere warm. You will pay for that, I should...You should what? asked Tara, that was standing behind the two of them.

  They both looked over their shoulder and saw Tara standing with both hands on her hip. The two of them ran behind Yeanny. A she devil. My God, sreamed Gwyneira. Make it go away like you did me, said Gwyneira. Why should I, you make her go away besides she is a very good friend of mine, said Yeanny. Really, but she devils kill things, said Gwyneira. Ya I know, said Yeanny. Be good and you will be safe. The two of them came out from behind Yeanny then saw Alieta standing there looking at them sternly. So who are you? asked Gwyneira. Alieta, queen of Fae Land, she said. Opps, sorry no crown so how would I know, said Gwyneira. Lets get out of here and come back later when there is no one around, said Gwyneira. Then they both disappeared. Oh no you don't said Yeanny and put out a hand and pulled it back towards her. They reappeared with a shocked look on their face. Hey how did you do that? asked Gwyneira. Moms a wizard now and Merlin teaches her stuff and she can make clothes and furniture and likes ice cream too, said Sakura. Gwyneira couldn't help but smile a bit. So a wizard now and you know Merlin also. My you have been a busy girl, said Gwyneira. Mom how come the man does't talk. He seems nicer than her? asked Sakura. Oh she won't shut up so he hasn't had time to say anything dear, said Yeanny. Gwyneira looked a bit embarassed and stepped back a bit then Tamari got down on one knee and said hello, my name is Tamari. You are a very pretty little girl. Yep and pink too, said Sakura. Would you like to touch my hair? Oh I will pass on that, but thank you. I don't want to end up in the Nouth Pole. Now Tara and Alieta laughed. Okay, see Mom he is nice, said Sakura. Then Sakura looked at Gwyneira and smiled. She is adorable Yeanny, how you did it doesn't matter I suppose. I can tell she makes you happy, said Gwyneira. Oh yes, she is my little pink angel, said Yeanny. So are you two going to be civil now? asked Alieta. Yes we will, said Tamari then looked at Gwyneira. She just nodded her head. Okay then, sit down and talk. I believe that is what you originally came here for, said Alieta then walked towards the palace as Ginger came out.

Alieta went over by Ginger. So who are they? asked Ginger. Gwyneira and Tamari, said Alieta. They have a bit of a past with Yeanny and not a pleasant one from what I heard from her. Oh so they seem to be getting along now, said Ginger. Well yes, now they are, once Yeanny yanked them back from teleporting away after Tara scared the heck out of them and they found out Yeanny is a wizard now, said Alieta. What Yeanny did took some major power I would think. You know Yeanny sent Gwyneira to the Nouth Pole when she went to touch Sakura, said Alieta. Really, well you don't mess with a mother's child, said Ginger. No you don't especially a wizard's child, said Alieta. So Yeanny, now that you are this powerful wizard and all, how does it feel? asked Gwyneira. I feel the same but can do a lot more and very easily, said Yeanny. I still like to use my hands to do stuff though like working outside and shopping. It is good for Sakura also to see how to do things herself. Yep I can write and draw pictures now, said Sakura. Alexa says I am getting really good. She is our teacher. Oh good, said Tamari. I can draw a bit too. So this Fae Land, how big is it? asked Gwyneira. Oh I know that one, said Sakura. Alexa taught us about Fae Land. Go ahead then dear, tell them, said Yeanny. Okay, well it is very big and has four big provinces in it plus that big fairy forest other there and another one over there, plus the fairy nymphs forest cross from the water fall and another one called the Fantasy Pixie Forest that is somewhere in the middle I think, said Sakura. Lots of stores too! The two of them smiled. Big place then, said Gwyneira. Nice queen too, it seems. Yep she is the best, said Sakura. So what has been going on back where you two live? asked Yeanny. Well, a lot has changed but not for the good I am afraid. Really, how come? asked Yeanny. Well the people are fighting among them selves more and even setting houses on fire, said Gwyneira. Your place is safe seeing we were not able to touch it or get in. There isn't a good leader in that town. The mayor is a usless drunk so no respect there and no one else wants the job. Best the place burns down to the ground I say. Really I wonder why everyone is getting so crazy there, said Yeanny. They were always rude and not that nice to me but never violent. Must be bad mojo I suppose, said Tamari. What is mojo? asked Sakura. Something to do with magic, said Tamari. Oh, I like magic, do you want to hear a riddle I just made up? asked Sakura. Sure I am good at riddles, said Tamari. Good, what is half of 2+2 ? asked Sakura. Well 2+2=4 so 2 is half, said Tamari. Nope try again, one more chance, said Sakura. But two is the correct answer, said Gwyneira. Nope 2+2=4 and half of 4 is 2 but half of 2+2 is 1+1, said Sakura. They all looked at each other then laughed. Where did you learn that, asked Yeanny. I don't know, just figured it out, said Sakura. I like riddles and jokes.  




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