The Wizard And The Witch Chapter 3


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Gwyneira And Tamari Return

  Hennie told Nessie that she did great and to go have some fun now with your firends. Okay she said then the three of them flew off. So now that she can do that I need to teach her different colours now, said Hennie. That will be easy though, that part is all in the mind. How about different plants? asked Yeanny. One step at a time, said Hennie, then smiled. Suddenly Gwyneira and Tamari appeared beside them. Do you know how hard it is to locate you? asked Gwyneira. You move around so much and not just here and there in small leeps but over miles. Yeanny smiled. Well I like to move a round, what can I say and this is a big place. Well anyways, do you know anything about what happened to my sister and her boyfriend. They appeared out of nowhere on the floor of our kitchen with bleeding noses. Well yes Tara and Avan did that and sucked them of all there magic, said Yeanny. They were being evil as usual. Oh okay I guess. After we cleaned them up and helped them to the couch they both fell asleep. So we went out side to come see you again but also noticed that every one out there were no longer yelling at each other but were actually helping each other rebuilding the town, said Gwyneira. Ya I guess the spell on them came off when they lost all their magic, said Yeanny. Oh, so it was them that was causing all the bad stuff in town. Yep, that is what they said and wanted the town to burn down so they could take it over, said Yeanny. Good, now we don't have to fear those two anymore, said Tamari. Gwyneira looked around and saw that it was very beautiful every where. So this is Fae Land, she said. Well part of it, said Yeanny. So where is that cute girl of yours? asked Gwyneira. Oh out there some where playing with her friends. She really likes to play and so does Hennie's girls. So which are you? asked Tamari. A fairy or a fairy nymph. Fairy nymph, said Hennie. Fairies are bigger than us plus they have magic wands. Bigger and more colourful wings too. They can fly really fast and get small but we are slow flyers and don't change our size. So why don't we all go to the palace. It is getting close to supper time, said Yeanny. The fairies will be there and probably Ivy too. She will want to read you anyways. She does that to all new people to make sure they are safe to be around her friends. Ivy, what is Ivy? asked Gwyneira. Probably the prettiest girl you will ever see, said Yeanny. But I am pretty, right Tamari, said Gwyneira. Your pretty to me, he replied. Come lets go, the fairies can make a very good supper for every one, said Yeanny. Really, they can make food too? asked Tamari. Yep with their wands and it is something to see, said Yeanny. Okay I will round up the girls and meet you all there, said Hennie then flew off. So what do fairy nymphs do, asked Gwyneira. You see all these plants and flowers around you, they make them, said Yeanny. They have created most of the plant life on the planet. Oh how nice, like having a magical green thumb, said Gwyneira. Okay lets go to the palace and they all disappeared.

They arrived on the palace grounds where Tulip plus a few other fairies were already there with Ivy. Ivy saw them and started to walk over to the two new people. Look Alieta, said Ginger, there goes Ivy checking them out for you. Alieta smiled. Well she does that for all of us, said Alieta. Gwyneira saw here coming. My God, who is that gorgeous girl walking this way? asked Gwyneira. That would be Ivy, said Yeanny. Ivy got about six feet from them, said okay then turned and started to walk away. What do you mean okay? asked Gwyneira. Ivy turned around and walked up to them. Okay means you are okay, said Ivy. Do you want to know what I saw? Um maybe, said Gwyneira. Okay just say stop when you want me to stop, said Ivy. Well you both have just normal secrets, nothing bad. You both live pretty far away and were pranksters most of your adult life but I don't see that anymore. She likes you and he likes you and both of you act like good friends but actually you both are in love with each other but afraid...Okay stop, said Gwyneira. Yeanny smiled. Well you asked her to tell you, said Yeanny. Ivy turned the walked over to where Tobias and Tulip were. How does she do that, asked Gwyneira. I don't know but she is good at it. Good, she is scary good at it, said Gwyneira. Hennie finally made it with the girls and landed beside Yeanny. Oh good we haven't missed them using their wands yet, she said. Nope, looks like they are waiting for someone, said Heanny. Maybe that is who, said Tamari. The girl coming on the white horse. Oh that is Ivy's sister and that is no horse. That is a unicorn, said Yeanny. What now a unicorn too, said Tamari. Fairies, fairy nymphs, pixies, elves, sprites any thing else living here? asked Tamari. Well there are some humans living just north of the big park but I have only seen a couple of them. Alexa is human also but I am told her entire team of heros are amazing by them selves, said Yeanny. Welcome to the most magical land in the world. So that Ivy is she a forest sprite, I heard they are all extremely pretty, said Gwyneira. Yep and so is her boyfriend Tobias and her very pretty sister that is probably the strongest person in Fae Land, said Yeanny.

Tillia and Sara reached everyone and she dismounted. I have to see this unicorn up close, said Gwyneira. Okay, her name is Tillia and don't try and get on her back. It is not allowed, said Yeanny as Gwyneira was walking away. She approched Sara and Tillia then said "My she is beautiful can I pet her?". I think so, said Sara. Is it okay Tillia? Yes she can. I have an itch behind my left ear. Oh she talks too, said Gwyneira. Yep all special unicorns can talk, said Sara. She gave Tillia a good scratch behind her ear. Oh thank you dear that was nice, said Tillia. So I am Sara and this is Tillia so what is your name, asked Sara. Oh I am Gwyneira and that guy over there is my friend Tamari. More like a very close boyfriend, said Sara. Oh so you can read people too? asked Gwyneira. Well not as good as my sister Ivy but it is easy to see how he keeps a close eye on you, said Sara with a smile. Tulip flew over to Sara and Tillia and asked if they were ready to eat. Yep we both are, said Sara. So you are a fairy right? asked Gwyneira. Yep and Tulip made her wand appear. So do you have any requests? asked Tulip. Not really. This is our first time seeing all these amazing different people here, said Gwyneira. Tulip looked around. Oh maybe your boyfriend over there has a suggestion, then she flew away. Is it that ovious that we are into each other? asked Gwyneira. Yep, love is very hard to hide, said Sara. Okay girls lets make supper and we got two guests here also so lets do a good job, said Tulip. All the wands came out and first the tables appeared then the food came. Wow now that is amazing magic, said Gwyneira. No it is good magic made from love, the strongest of all magic, said Sara. Everything was ready and the little girls went first as usual then every one else followed. My everyone is so nice letting the little ones go first, said Gwyneira. Well yes, wouldn't want to be stepping on their little feet, said Sara plus they don't eat a lot. We are a big family here. You must have family too somewhere. Well ya I do now but it will be interesting how that is going turn out now, said Gwyneira. Okay lets eat, I need Tulip to make something for Tillia first, said Sara.

Sara and Gwyneira met Tamari at one of the tables. My everything looks great, said Tamari. Always tastes good too, said Sara. They all filled their plates then made room for some other people. Yeanny saw them and went to join them on the grass. Pretty good isn't it for instant food, said Yeanny. Very good for any type of food, said Gwyneira. Sara just smiled. So what are you two going to do with your sister and her boy friend? asked Yeanny. Not sure yet, said Gwyneira. They definately can't live with us. Only a two bedroom house and a small livingroom. Besides they don't deserve to be treated good now just because they have lost their powers. Many years of being evil can't be ignored. The only time they showed up at our place was to try and get us two to join them. We always refused. If I wasn't her sister I am sure they would of killed both of us, said Gwyneria. Yes I get that, said Yeanny. Well just go to that crevice where all the gems are. You two know where it is. Give them a bag then get them to buy there own house. Don't tell them where the gems came from though. Money has a way of making humans evil too. Ya I suppose so, said Gwyneira, just the thought of digging through all that dirt and stone dosn't appeal much to me. I will do it, said Tamari. Anything to get them out of our house. Thanks Tamari, you are such a darling, said Gwyneria. Get some for us too. That way we can fix the place up with money instead of magic. No one knows what we really are there yet so no need to be letting them know by using magic to make new furnture plus especially outdoor repairs and improvements. Let the men in town do the work and I kinda like the idea of going shopping. Yep shopping is fun, said Sara then went back to eating. Well just don't get the gems converted in that jewlery store there. They rip people off. Go to another town and do it, said Yeanny. A small diamond should be around one thousand dollars. Oh really that much. Good to know, said Gwyneira.

After supper was over, a few people came over to talk to Tamari and Gwyneira. Zan was especially interested in finding out more about the two of them. Tabitha came over and said she had never met a real witch before and it was nice to see that she was a good one. You are lucky Yeanny. So many nice people here in Fae Land, said Gwyneira. Well things will probably change in your town now, said Yeanny. Just be nice to people and they will be nice back. Ya well never been to a party either. I heard they could be fun. Yep parties are great, said Sara. Alieta loves to have parties all the time. Oh really, a queen that throws parties, how special, said Gwyneira. Yep she is the best, said Sara. Well I haven't been here long enough to see one of her parties yet but when she has the next one I will come and get you two, said Yeanny. I am sure she wouldn't mind. The more the better, said Sara. You should of seen Ivy's birthday party, biggest party ever. Okay well I suppose we should get back and see if those two are awake yet. This is going to be very interesting to hear what they have to say now, said Gwyneira. Yes it sure will be, said Yeanny. Just go over to Alieta and Ginger over there and say goodbye. Really the queen? Yep, she is very kind I have found, said Yeanny. So what is Ginger all about? asked Gwyneira. It seems like they are always together. Yep Ginger is very special, said Sara. Best friend to Alieta and runs the palace plus other stuff too I think. Pretty good dancer also. Gwyneira smiled. Okay bye for now they said to Yeanny and Sara then walked over to Alieta and Ginger. Thanks for letting us meet some of your people here Alieta. They are all very nice, said Gwyneira. Well glad you got to meet some of them, said Alieta. Come back anytime to visit, you two are always welcomed. Okay we will, said Tamari. Sakura over heard them and flew over. You are leaving now? she asked. Yes dear, got some things to take care of back home, said Gwyneira. Okay, Sakura said then hugged both of them and flew back to the other little girls. My she is something, said Gwyneira. Oh yes, she is definately one of a kind, said Alieta. Okay off we go, said Gwyneira then they vanished. Well those two seem really nice now, said Ginger. Yes, Fae Land has that effect on people, said Alieta.



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