The Wizard And The Witch Chapter 4


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Alexa was busy at home reading up on the grade two and three lesson books. Diego saw that she was really taking this teaching job seriously. So you must really like teaching the girls, said Diego. I have never seen you focused so much on one thing before. Well yes, being a teacher is a very big responsibility you know. Yeanny and Hennie have trusted me to teach their children and both of them have only known me for a short time. I just want to make sure I do good. Only two more weeks left so have to see what is most important for them to learn, said Alexa. Well I am sure you will figure it out, said Diego. You always do. A knock came at the door. Can you get that for me please Diego? asked Alexa. He answered the door and saw a woman he had never seen before. Hello, I am Mrs. Parker. Is Alexa home. Yes she is in the living room. Come in, said Diego. He brought her to see Alexa that was still busy reading. Alexa, this is Mrs. Parker and wants to talk to you, said Diego. Alexa looked up and said hello, how can I help you? Well not just help me but many more young minds, said Mrs Parker. Really, how is that? asked Alexa. Well may I have a seat first? she asked. Yes of coarse, sit please, said Alexa. Thankyou dear, she said and sat. Now first of all I am the principal at Fae Land Public School and I go to the school from time to time during summer break. Okay so am I doing anything wrong? asked Alexa. Oh no dear, on the contrary, I heard from two elves that are working there under Ginger's request that you have been teaching four small girls and have been doing a great job. They said you were a natural. Oh that is good to hear, said Alexa. The girls heard I am smart and really want to learn things from me, said Alexa. Well yes and that is why I am here knowing that are not just smart and intelligent, everyone in Fae Land knows that also plus everything else you and the team does for us all, said Mrs. Parker. Okay so what are you saying? asked Alexa. Well I would like to offer you a part time job at the school. I know you can not always be at the school because of what you do to help defend Fae Land and other countries so hours will be flexable. Really, you want me to teach the other young people too? asked Alexa. Well yes dear. You are famous here and the kids just knowing you were now one of the teachers would bring up attendence probably one hundred percent. Really, you think that would happen? asked Alexa. Most definately, said Mrs. Parker. Even I was looking forward to coming here and seeing you. Now we will pay you but teachers don't make a lot of money compared to what you already make from the crown but at least it will make me feel better knowing you are not doing the work for free. Okay that is fine, said Alexa. So you want me to teach the grade one and two students. That is where I am at with the girls right now, said Alexa. Well no, said Mrs. Parker. I want you to teach the older ones from grade four to eight. Our school only goes to grade eight then students wanting to learn special skills have to go to Cumberland High School. You see we have kindergarden to grade three students that never miss school because their parrents bring them here for the most part but the older ones can skip school sometimes because they are, well kids and kids want to have fun and I get that so I don't get mad at them but it is there loss if they miss too much school. Okay I can see that kids will skip days and do something else. I never did though, I loved being in school, said Alexa. Yes I bet you did, said Mrs. Parker and after checking the school records from the schools you went to I saw you were always at the very top of the honor roll. Very impressive! Diego smiled, Yep Alexa is the smartest. Oh not just the smartest but most intellegent too. There is a big difference. Notes left by teaches on her report cards always said excellent work and things like most likely to succeed at anything she does. Fastest learner and quickest with answers were other comments, said Mrs. Parker.

Now if you want the job I will work out a schedual for you on a daily basis. That means in one day that you are there you will have four classes, one for each grade four to eight. That way all the older ones will get to learn from you. Wow that is some idea you have thought of, said Alexa. The thing is I don't remember what was taught in those grades, I was always ahead of everyone. Well there are books in the school that you can use as a guide line but that is all I want you to use them for, said Mrs. Parker. What do you mean just a guide line? asked Alexa. Well I want your classes to be special. Not like the other classes like math, spelling, history and stuff like that. We have teachers that specialize in those subhects. I want your classes to be more about general knowledge, sciences and space plus things that the kids need to learn about but are not covered in our school in depth. Real life events you have gone through and how knowing these other subjects helped you make the correct decissions. There are mostly young humans attending the school and some young elves but not many. There are more and more children attending each year. Your classes will definately be the most popular and looked forward to attending. Even some of the students that skipped some classes will come back to your classes, at least they are still learning how to be good and productive people. You will have your own classroom and set it up how you like. Well you sound like a very smart person too, said Alexa. Oh all my knowledge came just from books in college, said Mrs Parker. You however have never stopped learning about all kinds of things. I read Alieta's books you know, she said with a smile. Now I will leave this with you for a week. Let you have some time to think about it but the children of Fae Land which all know of you will love to have you as their teacher and the parrents will love the idea also. A few stories of the teams adventures will definately keep your classroom filled with young minds. Okay I will, said Alexa. Mrs. Parker stood up and Diego let her out then went back to see Alexa. Do you believe that? asked Alexa. The principle her self offered me a job and it sounds like a new and very good one too with my own classroom. Diego smiled. Well you have been teaching all of us for a long time with out even knowing it, said Diego. Now you can pass on some of the knowledge in that amazing brain of yours to many kids too. Better than sitting at home just reading and stuff. Well that will mean less time around you, said Alexa. Well don't worry about that, said Diego. I will probably come to some of your classes too. Even help a bit sometimes. What do you mean? asked Alexa. Oh you know, stuff like how to make a proper camp fire and how to cook on one plus how to find water in the wilderness. You know survial skills. That is something I really know about, said Diego. Titus and I hang out a lot together plus school gets out at three pm so we still have plenty of time to do things together. You are one amazing girl Alexa. Alexa smiled and gave him a hug. Okay so what is for supper, I am getting hungry, said Diego. Alexa smiled and said you should know, I will figure it out.

The End



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