The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

Zotac Returns  Chapter 1


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In the last story Pixie Ginger got caught in a portal and ended up in Granada and met Shirley a very nice country girl, The two of them found a mysterious teleporter that only Ginger could operate and was able to Take Shirley to Fae Land to meet her friends. When they went back to Granada they took Merlin with them to have a look at this Gatehouse where they found the teleporter and that is where Merlin found out that his old friend and very powerful wizard that was a student of his was still alive and was the creator of the teleporter. The story ened with Ginger and Zotac in the teleporter ready to go to Fae Land so Zotac can finally meet his daughter Mika that he has been searching for many years...

 Zotac Meets With Alieta

When Ginger pressed the send button on the bi-demensional teleporter they were imediately brought to the palace grounds where Ginger and Shirly first arrived. Okay here we are, said Ginger. Wow that was so hast and I didn't feel a thing, said Zotac. Yep pretty cool don't you think, said Ginger. So go talk to ALieta over by the palace. She is probably wondering who you are. Well you may have to wait some for the teleporter to charge up some, said Zotac. Green light is on so that means it is ready, said Ginger. That is what it says in the instructions. Zotac looked at the symbols on the ground inside the sphere and it seemed like they indiated that the teleporter was ready to work again. So do you know your way around still? Things may have changed over the years, said Ginger. I think so, said Zotac. The palace looks the same but a couple new maple trees and looks like a new bird bath where that sprite is standing. Well that is a sundial not a bird bath, said Ginger. So you haven't met Alieta before because that is her by the sun dial. Really, last time I saw her she wore war gear and just became queen. I was at the coronation but never talked to her much. It was at the coronation, where I met Samantha and we fell in love immediately. Oh so love at first sight, how cool, said Ginger. Yes it was magical, said Zotac. We went to Alieta and asked her permission for Samantha to leave Fae Land and come live with me a couple of days later. That was the last time we saw her. Well go talk to her now. I bet she has lots of questions to ask you seeing everyone thought you were dead, said Ginger. Yes I must talk to her, said Zotac. One last thing before you go back to Granada. You said that Mika had lots of friends already, how long has she been here? I din't know, not that long though, said Ginger. She is very pretty for an elf though. Ask Alieta she knows all about her. I haven't met her yet but that is what all the pixies told me. Anyways I got to go and meet Bot, see you in three days. That is what you wanted right? Yes that will be perfect said Zotac. He stepped out of the transporter then it vanished.

Alieta was staring in Zotac's direction trying to make out who Ginger just brought here. Zotac waved then started toward her and Alieta walked a bit closer to him. No way, said Alieta. It can't be you, said Alieta. Come closer please. Zotac walked up to her and could hardly believe how much Alieta had changed her look. Hi Alieta, it is me Zotac. Sorry for intruding unexpected like this. No intrusion at all but very surprising, said Alieta. News came to me that you died twenty years ago. Nope not dead yet, said Zotac. No stupid demon is going to be able to kill me. Almost got Samantha though. Come in the palace with me, said Alieta. You missed supper but I can have someone make you something if you are hungry. Yes please. I haven't eaten today, said Zotac. I have been too excited after hearing about my daughter. Hmm, well come then, a lot has changed here since you left Fae Land, said Alieta. They both headed to the palace where Ginger was just coming back out. Um who is that Alieta? asked Ginger. Long lost Zotac, said Alieta. We will be in the dining room and make sure we are not disturbed. We have a lot to talk about. Okay, I will guard the diningroom with my life, said Ginger with a smile. Alieta smiled and they went in the palace. Zotac, I know that name from some where, thought Ginger.

They both went into the dining room and sat down. Okay so what do you want to eat? asked Alieta. Not sure what you have, said Zotac. Is there a menu? Nope, but we can make most anything you like, said Alieta. Well do you know how to make a burger and fries with a coffee. Yep, no problem, said Alieta. She called for an elf and told her what to make for Zotac. So that elf we passed that is guarding the diningroom sure looked like Ginger, said Zotac. Yep that is her, said Alieta and she is not gaurding the diningroom, she will have an elf stay in the hall and tell people that we are not to be disturbed. Oh so she works for you too now? asked Zotac. No not Ginger. She is my best friend but she does run the palace for me. You may not know but she is the person that is responsible for me becoming queen. Quite the girl. Yes I know and still the cutest elf I have every seen, said Zotac. Yep she is a cutie and probably older than me but you haven't seen Mika yet. That girl is as pretty and a forest sprite. Looks a lot like Samantha. Really, Samantha wasn't cute, she was beautiful from head to toe. Yes I remember, said Alieta. The elf brought out Zotac's food then asked if there would be anything else. No, that will be all, said Alieta. You can go home now. Oh good thanks, bye Zotac, nice to see you back, said the elf and left. She knows me? That is something I didn't expect, said Zotac. If ciurse she dies, when ever you came here you would entertain everyone with magic tricks, said Alieta. That is something people never forget. Wow this hamburger looks amazing, said Zotac. Yep we have the best cooks in Fae Land except for Ktara. She is the very best, said Alieta. So eat up and I will fill you in on a bunch of changes and events that has happened here while you were gone. Zotac ate up while Alieta told Zotac all about the heros and the two she devils plus how the fairies came to Fae Land also. Then a bit about the fairy nymphs and Tillia. When he was finished eating, Alieta asked him a personal question. So Zotac, have you ever thought of finding a new girl to keep you company? Nope, been way too busy searching the world for Mika. I found out she was in Granada but when I went there I couldn't locate her. I was a professional magician in the humans reality and traveled to many cities but no Mika anywhere. Before that I had to finish the steampunk gatehouse to find Samantha that I sent away out of danger. I finally got a weak summoning circle to work that brought me to Granada's reality. I was searching for Samantha back then and found she shacked up with a nice guy and he was supporting both Samantha and Mika. I left them alone knowing Samantha would out live the human man. I went there once and stayed invisisble and saw they were a very happy family. Wow that is some story, said Alieta. So how did she end up in another reality? That I wasn't sure about at first but I think it was beacuse I had no time to pick a location, said Zotac. I just waved my arms hard and though safe place and she vanished. After that Demon finally figured he couldn't defeat me he just vanished. White magic is much more powerful than dark magic you know. I tried to locate her but couldn't find her on my tablet but when I looked closer I saw that there was a rip in the demensional plane that I must of caused by using too much energy to send her to safety. That is when I knew I needed a way to get to her.I see well after you get together with your daughter I want you to meet someone. Really, who? asked Zotac. Yeanny and her seven year old daughter Sakura. I don't know, said Zotac. Are they elves? Nope. Yeanny is a powerful wizard like you and Sakura we are not exactly sure what she is but she was the result of many failed attepts to make a friend by Yeanny. Sakura just appeared one day in her lab and now they are mother and daughter. Well maybe after I meet Mika, said Zotac. So a female wizard that you said is powerful. How powerful? asked Zotac. Well Merlin is teachng her and you know him. He doesn't just teach anyone magic. No he only picks the best of the best, said Zotac. You know maybe I can wait a day to meet Mika. I am a bit affraid she may not like me at first. You have me interested in meeting this mother and daughter. Well don't worry about Mika not liking you. She loves everyone she meets and everyone that meets her loves her too, said Alieta with a smile. Funny Ginger the pixie said the same thing about her, said Zotac.

Okay first we got to get you changed into something cooler plus get rid of those wierd shoes. Why does everyone say they are wierd? asked Zotac. They were expensive. Well they look like weapons all pointy like a human girls high heel shoes, said Alieta. Hardly anyone wears shoes here anyways. Follow me to the wardrobe room and you can pick out some shorts and a shirt. Alieta got up and showed Zotac the way too the wardrobe room upstairs. She showed him the mens section that didn't have much there. This is all the men's stuff you have? asked Zotac. I can make something myself. Well if it will be anything like those shoes then forget it, said Alieta. Here, put these on and she handed him shorts and a sleeveless shirt. So this is what the men wear around here? asked Zotac. Well there are not many men here in Fae Land except for the humans but yes and these are enchanted to fit you perfectly, said Alieta. I will wait for you over there while you change. Just leave your stuff here and the elves will clean them for you and maybe do something about those shoes like throw them out. Zotac smiled then got changed and walked over to Alieta. So how do I look? asked Zotac. Perfect now lets go before it gets too late. You have to meet Sakura also before she goes to bed. They both went out of the palace where Ginger was still trying to figure out where she knew Zotac from. Hi Alieta and Zotac. Hey nice threads! said Ginger. Hi Ginger, nice to meet you again, said Zotac. Umm I guess, I recognize you but from where? asked Ginger. He is the wizard that took Samantha from Fae Land to live with him. That's right, said Ginger. Sorry to hear about her being in that accident. Mika told me all about it. She thinks you are dead you know. You better get over to her place and show her your not. Maybe tomorrow, said Zotac I am a bit nervous about her excepting me. She has never seen me you know. So what, said Ginger. Your her dad and us elves rarely get to see our fathers once we can walk. We are raised by our mothers. Why is that? asked Zotac. Simple, there are not that many male elves so they move on and it don't take long before another giel takes him in. Elves never marry or stay together for long. Well Samantha and I got married, said Zotac. Ya but your not an elf and look at you, said Ginger. You are very handsome and strong looking. Well thank you Ginger, you look very pretty too. You two sure have changed the way you dress from the last time I saw you. Ya I have to keep up with the times, said Ginger. As Alieta says, if you got it then show it off. So where are you two going. I am taking him to meet Yeanny, said Alieta. Oh playing match maker again like Pippa are you, said Ginger. Well if she doesn't want to date you, you can take me out anytime you want handsome, said Ginger with a smile. Well one thing at a time, said Zotac but thank you for the offer Ginger. You must be popular with all the boys, said Zoyac. What boys, only human men around here and most of them are married. Well we got to go Ginger, said Alieta. Can you get a room ready for him in the palace. He will need a place to stay tonight. Ya I can do that, said Ginger, It will be in the older wing of the palace though and nothing fancy. Say hi to Sakura for me. Then Alieta and Zotac took off to Yeanny's place. Okay time to open the old east wing upstairs. Going to need some elves to clean up a room there said Ginger to hereself.

Okay there they are in the back yard, said Alieta. Just let me introduce you first if I can before Sakura gets to you first. What do you mean? asked Zotac. You will see just have fun, everyone loves Sakura, said Alieta. They both landed beside them and Alieta said hi, I brought an old friend. Immediately Sakura got right in front of Zotac and looked up at him. Wow you are tall, said Sakura. Even taller than my mom and big muscles too. Blonde hair right, I have pink hair, pink is better I think but you probably think blonde is better. Yeanny went to tell Sakura to stop but Alieta shook her head to let Zotac get to meet Sakura unleashed. Sakura flew up a bit and looked into Zotac's eyes you have a pretty face and nice blue eyes. My eyes are pink, do you like them? What is your name? My name is Sakura and that is my mom behind me. What do you do? I have never seen you here before. Zotac broke in at that moment. Well I am not from around here. I came here from Granada and I am a wizard named Zotac. A wizard! I love wizards, at least good ones like Merlin and Tamari. My mom is a wizard too you know. I can do some magic stuff too but not like a wizard of a fairy. Do you think my Mom looks pretty. Okay Sakura, that will be enough for now. Let Zotac get a few words in and get out of his face, said Yeanny. Oh sorry Zotac. I just get so excited when I meet someone new and you must be good because Alieta brought you. Yes she brought me here to meet the both of you, said Zotac. I didn't know a wizard lived in Fae Land and such a lovely pink girl you are. Sakura turned to Yeanny. I like him Mom, can we keep him? Zotac couldn't hold back any longer and began to laugh. I am sure he has a place of his own, said Yeanny. Oh, but he is a wizard like you. Wizards should stick together, said Sakura. Two wizards together means two times the magic. I know that because Alexa taught me arithmetic, said Sakura. Sakura, you are amazing, I have never met anyone like you before, said Zotac. That's because I am the only Sakura, Mom made me back in our old place. Yes so Alieta told me. Very remarkable to be able to make a living being and such a pleasant and funny one at that, said Zotac. Well there is a very interesting story about how Sakura came to be, said Yeanny. So how long are you staying in Fae Land? Well when I was in Granada's reality searching for my daughter, Merlin contacted me and told me he found her and she was living in Fae Land now with her step sister. Ginger the pixie gave me a lift to Fae Land with my bi-directional transporter that I now gave to her to keep. Well so lots of gaps there with that story, said Yeanny. Looks like both of us have some tales to tell. So what is you daughter's name? asked Yeanny. Mika and her stepsister's name is Layla. Sakura perked right up and flew to Yeanny. Mika has a dad, this is Mika's dad. I wish I had a father can he be my dad too? asked Sakura. Oh wait never mind, you have to be married first. I'm doing it again, arn't I said Sakura then sat down on the grass.

So Zotac when are you going to go see your daughter? asked Yeanny. She is quite the girl and a very pretty. Yep she is almost as pretty as Ivy, said Sakura. Ivy is the prettiest girl in Fae Land. At least that is what I think. Well probably tomorrow, said Zotac. I am not sure she will accept me seeing she has never seen me before. Ya right, said Sakura. Now you are just being stupid. Sakura, watch what you are saying, said Yeanny. No let her talk, said Zotac. What are you saying that for? Well your her dad. If I found out that my dad was here after never seeing him all my life and didn't come to see me when he was just a couple miles away I would be very mad. Happy but mad too, said Sakura. Family is more important and anything. Man I wish I had a father like Mika. I am asking Santa for a father this Christmas. Zotac smiled. You are a very smart girl it seems, said Zotac. Oh she is very smart and rarely wrong, said Yeanny. So does Mika know anything about you? asked Yeanny. Well yes, her mother used to sit and tell stories about me when we were married, said Zotac. Samantha even told her what I did to save Samantha when she was pregnant with Mika. So basicly you saved your wifes life and Mika's life, said Yeanny. Y I would be mad too just like Sakura said. Maybe if I flew over and told Mika you were here at my place first, I could come back and tell you what she said. I don't know, said Zotac. That may be a good idea, said Alieta. Who better than Sakura telling her first. She has a way of saying things that always makes you happy. Ya let me please I won't be long I can fly there in a few seconds, said Sakura. You can fly that fast? asked Zotac. Oh ya she is as fast as a pixie, said Alieta. Wow, I found out how fast that was when I raced Ginger in Granada, said Zotac. Okay Sakura, go tell her but be smart about it, said Yeanny. Don't just say your dad is at my place come and see him. She will think you are joking. Okay I will, said Sakura. Sakura got up then took a good look at Zotac then got small and vanished. Now we wait and knowing Sakura this will take more than a few minutes, said Yeanny. Would you two lke to come in for a cup of coffee? Not me, I have to get back to the palace, said Alieta. You two go and tell your tales though. Then Alieta flew off. That woman never stays in one place for very long, said Yeanny. So do you like coffee? You bet, any time of the day, said Zotac. Ya me too, said Yeanny. Sakura got to Mika's place and flew in the open door and saw Layla sitting and reading on the couch. Hi Sakura, what's up? asked Layla. I am looking for Mika. I have important news for her. Well you just missed her, said Layla, she just went out to pick some flowers to put in her room. What news do you have? Her father is in Fae Land, said Sakura. Ya wright, our father is dead, said Layla. Not your father, her father Zotac. Really, Zotac is alive. Samantha said he was dead. Nope alive and real tall. Then Sakura flew out fast. Holy crap Mika's father is alive and here! said Layla with excitement. Sakura flew a bit towards where all the tulips were growing that Nessie made and saw her walking. She flew down and stopped Mika. Hi Sakura what's up? asked Mika. I know something that you don't know, said Sakura. And what might that be? asked Mika. Guess, said Sakura. Well I need a clue or two first, said Mika that was starting to smile. Okay lets see, He is very tall and blonde and you have never met him, said Sakura. Well that could be any man with blonde hair, said Mika. Give me another clue. Um he is a wizard and a very powerful one. Well Merlin is tall but he has a grey beard and not much hair on his head, so it can't be Merlin and Tamari has dark hair and a bit on the short side so not him either. You are not a very good guesser, said Sakura. Okay, let's see, he has nice muscles and saved your life, said Sakura. Saved my life, my life never needed being saved, said Mika. I give up, Mom told me to be smart but you are not being smart right now, said Sakura. It's your dad. He is at my place talking to Yeanny and Alieta. My dad died fighting a demon, said Mika. Well Zotac looks pretty darn handsome for a dead wizard, said Sakura. Zotac, where did you hear that name? asked Mika. He told me, said Sakura. He has nice blue eyes and a pretty face. Big muscles too. I wish I had a father like you. My dad is alive and he is here? Yep, he sure is. He is affraid you may not accept him or something. He has been looking for you for years. Mika began to cry. Is he coming here soon? asked Mika. Well that depends on what you say, do you have a message for him. Yes please tell him to get here now. I got to get back home fast. He can teleport you know. My Mom told me so many stories about him. Mika started running back to her house yelling, "Layla, my dad is alive, my dad is alive." Okay I guess that mean she wants to meet him, thought Sakura. Hey you forgot the flowers. Oh well they look happy out here. Then Sakura flew back home.


Sakura flew back home and saw that no one was in the backyard anymore. Okay they must be inside, she thought so she went in the back door and found Yeanny and Zotac sitting at the kitchen table. Where is Alieta? asked Sakura. She had to go back to the palace, said Yeanny. So what happened? Well first I went to her place but just Layla was there and she said Mika went out to pick some tulips for her room. You know all she has to do is ask Nessie to make some for her. Anyways I told Layla that I had important news and that Mika's father was alive and not far away. She didn't believe me at first and I forget what I said next but she believes now and looked happy so I flew out looking for Mika. I know where Nessie made all those tulips so I headed that way and found Mika. There are alot of tulips everywhere now in that part of Eden. Okay I know, said Yeanny. What happened with Mika? Well first I said hi and I knew something she didn't know and you said to be smart so I made her guess. I gave her three clues and she made three guesses but she wasn't very good at guessing so I just told her that her father is alive and at my place. Okay so what did she say? asked Zotac. Sakura took a big breath. Well first she said her mother said you were killed when fighting a demon but when I said you had beautiful blue eyes, a pretty face and big muscles, or was it when I said you were a wizard and very tall. Can't remember now but when I said your name, that is when she knew I was not making things up. So what happened next? asked Zotac. Sakura took another deep breath. Well I told her that you were not sure if she would accept you and it was up to her to tell me whether you want to see your dad or not. That is when she smiled and started crying at the same time. Now that was pretty wierd. Sakura, get to the point, what did she say next? asked Yeanny. Sakura took another breath, she said tell my dad to come right now then turned around and ran back home yelling Layla my dad is alive, he is alive and she forgot to brieng some flowers with her and I was going to brings some to her but the tulips looked happy so then I flew back here. So why didn't you just say that right from the begining? asked Yeanny. Well I would of but you two kept asking what happened next. That would of saved me from trying to remember everything that happened and save a lot of talking. I am smart but sometimes I forget stuff, you know that but did I do it smart like you said? asked Sakura. Zotac stood up. You did it perfect, said Zotac. Plus a perfect play by play of everything. Yeanny stood up too. Ya I forgot Sakura takes everything you say to her literally. I guess I should of just asked if Mika wanted to see her father, yes or no. Nope that was a perfect story and added to my excitement, said Zotac.




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