Zotac Returns  Chapter 4


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Meeting Ktara, Carmen And Zatsuky

Okay we should go to next door to Ktara's place, said Mika. She is usually outside in the morning checking her plants and coconut trees. Yep it was her that gave me the coconut to grow my tree Zotac, said Ivy. Really you grew this tree from a coconut, said Zotac. How long did it take to grow this big? Not long, less than a year, said Ivy. Things grow fast in Eden plus plants like me and grow even faster when I talk to them every day. I have an oak tree in the backyard that I grew from a seed too. Well you definately have a green thumb, said Zotac. Yep and green hair, green nails, green eyes and a green outfit, said Sakura. She almost looks like a plant, a very pretty plant. Ivy looked up in the sky. Someone new is her in Fae Land and is flying fast, said Ivy. I got to go see who it is and take her to see Alieta. You can tell it is a girl even though you can't see her? asked Zotac. Yep she came in very fast but has slowed down now. She is not a bad person just has some magic so anyone with magic has to see Alieta first then I have to read them to make sure they are okay. Have fun you three and go see Carmen and Zatsuky also. Then Ivy flew off fast. So where did Tillia go? asked Mika. Over to Ktara's place. She makes some special treatd for her. Ktara makes special treats for everyone, said Sakura. Zotac said goodbye to Sara and Viridian and headed over to see Ktara. They found Ktara feeding Tillia one of her treats. Hi Ktara, I brought someone over for you to meet, said Mika. Okay, who have you got there? asked Ktara. His is my birth father. He has been looking for me for a long time and Merlin finally found him in Granada and told him where I was, said Mika. Well I bet you were very happy to finally meet your real father, said Ktara. Yep, isn't he awesome looking, said Mika. Zotac smiled. Kids and there new use of the language, said Zotac. Hello Ktara, my name is Zotac at your service. Really, that is something Merlin would say, said Ktara. Well Merlin was my teacher, said Zotac. Really so your a wizard too. Thats right, Mika here is half elf and half wizard. Have you got some more of those treats so I can have one please? asked Sakura. I do but you wouldn't like them, said Ktara. They are special veggie snacks. Oh okay, said Sakura. I do have some brownies cooking but they are not ready yet. Oh same as Viridian. Her and Sara made a cake together but it is not ready yet either. Ih good, I hope Sara did okay trying to bake with her, said Ktara. Well there might be some egg shells in it but I can always pick them out, said Sakura. Ktara smiled. Well it will be lunch time soon and your mother is going to make us lunch soon said Zotac. Oh ya, I forgot. Do we have time to go see Carmen and Zatsuky, they are really nice and great heroes too, said Sakura. Yes we will have time, said Zotac. Okay lets get moving, I am getting hungry said Sakura then flew off fast. Well I suppose we are leaving again, said Mika. Ya best you get after her, she is only seven and tends to get side traked a lot, said Ktara. Well she is almost eight now and her birthday is on the forteenth of this month, said Zotac. Really that is not far from now, said Ktara. Wonder what kind of present she would like. Any kind of game, said Mika. She loves to play games. Yes of coarse, said Ktara.


Well those two are always outside doing something, said Ktara. Carmen lives to work in here garden that one of the fairy nymphs made look great for her and Zatsuky likes to exercise a lot. So Fae Land has fairy nymphs now too? asked Zotac. Yep a whole bunch of them, said Ktara. They just live in that forest over there. When Sakura got to Carmen and Zatsuky's front yard, Carmen was doing something in the garden and Zatsuky was doing situps. Sakura flew over to Zatsuky. Hi Zatsuky, what's the matter can't you decide lif you want to lay down or sit up? asked Sakura. No I am exercising said Zatsuky. Oh okay, well Zotac is Mika's dad and he is a powerful wizard plus he is a good friend of Merlin they will be here as soon as I land, said Sakura. Hey Carmen get out of the dirt we have company coming, yelled Zatsuky. Carmen got up and wiped her hands off on her shorts and Came over. Who is coming over? asked Carmen. Mika and her dad that is a friend of Merlin's, said Zatsuky. Yep and a powerful wizard too, said Sakura. Really, I thought her father was dead, said Carmen. So did I but that is what Sakura told me, said Zaysuky. Really are you sure it is her father? asked Carmen. Yep sure is want to see amd Sakura landed on the ground. Do you have any ice cream, I am hungry, said Sakura. Yes in the ice box, help yourself, said Carmen. Sakura walked over to the front door and went in. In a minute Mika and Zotac apeared in front of them but Sakura could not be seen. Where is Sakura? asked Zotac. Oh she asked if she could have some ice cream. She is in the house, said Carmen. So this is your father Mika? Such a good looking man. Yep this is my dad, he is going to be staying here in Fae Land soon, said Mika. Nice, another wizard living here, said Zatsuky. Sakura said you were very powerful and Merlin's friend. Yes Merlin taught me. I was his apprentice for quite a while, said Zotac. So which one of you is Carmen and which is Zatsuky? Me the short one is Carmen and this is my tall friend Zatsuky. We both used to slay dragons before we came to Fae Land, said Carmen. Dragon slayers, very impressive, said Zotac. Well Zatsuky is the main force once she gets her gear on and uses that magic sword of hers that Merlin helped to enchant, said Carmen. She can kill just about anything now. Really, can I have a look at it? asked Zotac. Sure, let me go get it, said Zatsuky and ran into the house.

Zatsuky came back out with her sword and showed Zotac it. Now only I can hold it, said Zatsuky. It will badly burn anyone else that tries to pick it up. Okay, said Zotac. I don't need to touch it, just scan it. Hold it out for me please. Zotac put his hand over top of the blade and moved it along the length. Yes I can sense Merlin's magic in it but mostly elven enchantment, said Zotac. Yes I was given this sword a long time ago by and elder elf that said she tavel a long distance to deliver it to me. It was just recently that Merlin tweeked it for me and gave it a few extra functions, said Zatsuky. Well it is a very dangerous looking weapon, said Zotac. There is a great power stored in it. This sword can kill anything you say? Just about, can't kill devils with it but I can make them hurt big time, said Zatsuky. It glows red when ever danger or something evil is near by. Nice, the perfect weapon for such a pretty girl, said Zotac. Well one thing that it can do that Merlin showed me was I can wipe out an entire army in seconds by putting the sword to my chest and jump up with a twist then it will raise me up in the air and make me spin real fast. Then I just squeeze the handle and it shoots out hundreds of energy beams in all directions. It can be used for good also like cutting down trees, said Zatsuky but don't tell Ivy that. One swing and down comes the tree. Wow, that must be the most powerful weapon on earth, said Zotac. Almost, Viridian's spear can do what this sword does but it got an extra entrantment by God through a bolt of lighting. That gave her spear the power of the heavens. Nothing is more powerful than that. Even when Merlin looked at it he said there was nothing he could do to improve it. Wow, no wonder Fae Land is so safe now. Nothing in their right mind would want to face either of you two, said Zotac.

Sakura came back outside and walked over to them. I think I ate too much ice cream, said Sakura. My tummy feels funny. How much did you eat? asked Carmen. Just two bowls. One chocolate and one strawberry. I couldn't make up my mind which to have, said Sakura. Bowls at my place are smaller. You probably used our stew bowls, said Carmen. We do have desert bowls also. Is there any ice cream left. Yep some but you may have to buy some more soon, said Sakura. Can we go home now Zotac. Mom should be home now and she will fix me. Zotac smiled at her. My silly little Sakura. I guess no one told you how much to have. Nope and it was really good but I am too full now, said Sakura. Well I did say we were having lunch soon, said Zotac. Ya I forgot, I was just hungry. Okay lets get you home, said Zotac. Lets fly and that way you will work some of it off. You two go then. I am not far from home and I want to see what Layla bought, said Mika. Okay, lets go ,said Zotac and the two of them flew off. Your dad is very handsome, said Zatsuky. Quite the catch for some lucky girl. Well I think he likes Yeanny, said Mika. Ya I figured so much seeing Sakura was with him and you, said Zatsuky. Yeanny dosn't leave Sakura with just anyone. Oh well do you want to do some exercising with me? No I think I will pass on that, said Mika.

The End




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