Zotac Returns  Chapter 3


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Babysitting Sakura

In the morning Ginger knocked on the door Zotac was staying in. Wakeup Zotac, go downstairs and have some breakfast, said Ginger. I am up just getting dressed, said Zotac. Okay, good, do you know where it is? asked Ginger. Yep I do, said Zotac. I'll be right down. Ginger left and soon Zotac came out and went to the diningroom and found Alieta sitting at the table. Good morning Zotac, how did you sleep? asked Alieta. Like a log, said Zotac. I had a very busy day yesterday. Yes Ginger told me all about it last night while we were sitting on the steps watching the pixies, said Alieta. We are having bacon and eggs and coffee. Is that fine with you? Yep that is perfect, said Zotac. He sat down and the elves brought out their breakfast. After they finshed Alieta asked what his plans were for the day. Well I am going to Mika and Layla's place first then I don't know exactly, said Zotac. Just then Ginger walked in. You have a visiter Zotac. He has a visitor and not me? asked Alieta. Nope not you this time, said Ginger. Can she come in. She, who is it? asked Zotac. You know, one of your new responsibilities, said Ginger then waved Sakura in. Looks like your in for another fun day, said Ginger then she left. Hi Zotac, did you sleep good, I sure did how about you Alieta? asked Sakura. We both had a good nights sleep, said Alieta. So what brings you here so early? Well I wanted to see if Zotac wanted to play with me, said Sakura. I forgot to ask him yesterday if he liked playing. Alieta smiled then turned to Zotac. Well do you like to play? she asked him. Well yes but I do have to go see Mika soon. I promissed her I would come over in the morning, said Zotac. On can I go with you? asked Sakura. I love Mika and she likes to play with me. It was funny watching her learning how to ride a horse. Well riding wasn't hard but staying on the horse without falling off was tricky for her. She can ride one now okay. Zotac smiled. Um where is your mother? asked Zotac. Oh she was still sleeping when I woke up so came here to see you, said Sakura. So she doesn't know where you are then, said Zotac. Well I left a note on the kitchen table saying I was at the palace, said Sakura. Zotac looked at Alieta. Does she come here by herself often? asked Zotac. Nope this is the first time, said Alieta. Oh boy, your mother will be worried about you Sakura, said Zotac. Why, I am with you and Alieta, said Sakura. I will explain it to you later but I am taking you home now. Thanks for breakfast Alieta. But we have to go. Then both Zotac and Sakura vanished. Well his first task of being a father and he did it well, thought Alieta.

They both reappeared in Yeanny's kitchen while she was cleaning some dishes. Oh oh, Mom's still in her night clothes, said Sakura. Close your eyes Zotac. Yeanny turned around and saw them and came around to the other side of the table. So there you are Sakura. Where were you? asked Yeanny. At the palace, said Sakura. I left you a note. Yes but you wrote it in elf language. I can't read elf words, said Yeanny. Opps, sorry. I meant to write in english. Am I in trouble? asked Sakura. No dear, at least you made the effort but why did you go there? asked Yeanny. Well I wanted to see if Zotac would play with me but he has to go see Mika today so I guess he can't play with me, said Sakura that was looking sad. I asked if I could come with him but he never answered me. Just brought me back home so you wouldn't be worried. Yeanny looked at Zotac. Thankyou Zotac, was she any trouble?  No she was no trouble at all, said Zotac. She was very polite and manerly and didn't talk fast. A perfect little girl. Ya she only talks fast when she meets someone new, said Yeanny. So your off to see Mika now? Yep but Sakura can come too and so can you, said Zotac. Well I have to go grocery shopping and was going to leave Sakura in Alieta's care but if you don't mind having her with you then fine, said Yeanny. Yeah! Lets go see Mika, said Sakura. So did she have breakfast at the palace? asked Yeanny. No she didn't. I figured she ate already, said Zotac. Well your not going anywhere before you have some cereal, said Yeanny. I will make it for her, said Zotac. You can go and get changed. Okay I will be back around lunch time, said Yeanny, you are welcome to have lunch with us. That would be very nice, said Zotac. Yeanny smiled then headed out to her room. Now sit at the table, said Zotac. So where do you keep the cerial?

 Bottom cupboard beside the sink, said Sakura. Mom keeps it there so I can reach it but I can fly up to the top cupboards and get other stuff. She keeps some bowls down there too. Well she is just making it easy for you, said Zotac. He filled a bowl with cerial then got the milk from the ice box and brought it to the table. Here you use what ever amout of milk you like, said Zotac. Okay, I need a spoon too, said Sakura. Zotac looked and didn't see any drawers to he just made a spoon appear on the table. Thanks you, I like magic you know, did I tell you that? asked Sakura. Yes I believe you did, said Zotac. Now eat up, Mika said she gets up early. Sakura ate her cerial then Yeanny came back out to the kitchen. Good girl you finished it all, said Yeanny. She had two full bowls, said Zotac. Where does she put it all. I don't know but she has a big appitite that's for sure, said Yeanny. So are you two off now? Yep, I am all energized, said Sakura. So you know where it is so just teleport there, said Yeanny. Oh I think I'll fly with Sakura, said Zotac. Fly, you can fly? asked Yeanny. Yep all wizards can fly, said Zotac. Haven't you tried it yet? Didn't know I could, said Yeanny. Well it takes a bit of practice but I will teach you. It is slower than teleporting but flying is fun, right Sakura. You bet, I love flying, said Sakura. Okay it is a date. You teach me to fly and I will cook you a nice dinner also, said Yeanny. That's a deal, said Zotac. Okay Sakura lets go. They both headed out and flew to Mika's place. When they got there Sakura saw the door was shut. Hey this door is always open, said Sakura. Well they probably shut it at night when the go to bed, said Zotac. Ya that makes sense, said Sakura. She tried pulling the door open but could only open it a bit. Maybe we should knock first, said Zotac. Mika says that anyone is welcomed to come in so just help me open this big door please, said Sakura. Zotac opened the door and they walked in. Okay we might be too early, said Zotac. No Mika always gets up early, said Sakura. You seem to know a lot about my daughter, said Zotac. Yep we are friends and she likes playing and hanging out with me, said Sakura. She is like a big sister to me. Just then Mika came out wearing just her nighie. Oops she wearing her night clothes, said Sakura. Close your eyes again Zotac. Don't be silly, said Mika. Hi Dad you sure do get up early. Ya well a few things happened that gave me an early start, so where is Layla? Still sleeping, said Mika. I'm the early bird, she likes to sleep in a lot. Let me get changed and we can go see Sparkle. She brought some walkie talkies back with her from Granada for us to use. Then Mika went in her room. Who is Sparkle? asked Zotac. Mika's friend from Granada. They went to school together, said Sakura. Well it's nice to know that she has good friends, said Zotac. Yep Mika has lots of friends, said Sakura.

Zotac walked over to the couch Sakura was kneeling on. Lets sit on the couch while we wait for Mika to pick out something to wear, said Sakura. You know girls when it comes to clothing. Actually I don't know much about girls, said Zotac. The only one I got to know very well was her mother. Did she take a long time getting dressed? asked Sakura. Actually yes she did even though she wore mostly the same outfits, said Zotac. There you go, most girls are the same when it comes to clothes except me, said Sakura. I like this outfit the best and have ten of them. It is my favorite so why change I figure. Zotac smiled then he sat on the couch. So you were going to tell me something later when we were at the palace. What was it? asked Sakura. Oh well it was about leaving home when your mother was still sleeping, said Zotac. Even if you left a note in english it was still wrong. Why, she always leaves me with Alieta when she needs to go somewhere, said Sakura. Yes and she brought you there and probably told you to behave yourself and not to get in trouble, said Zotac. Yep she says the same thing everytime, said Sakura. I don't know why, I have a good memory. Yes well you see one thing all mothers have in common and that is they always worry about their children when they are not with them. Even after leaving you in the good hands of Alieta she will still worry a bit about you. Mothers are like that because they love their children so much and are always afraid something bad might happen to them when they are not around. Oh so don't leave home alone without Mom saying it is okay them, said Sakura. I won't make her worry anymore. Well she will always worry a bit but a lot less when she knows where you are and who you are with, said Zotac. Okay, got it, said Sakura. Alexa always says to lock it in your brain, so it is locked. Just then Mika came back out dressed. Sorry I took so long but I never went out with my dad before, said Mika. Do I look okay? Yes you look very nice, said Zotac. Nice, Mika is beautiful, said Sakura. I'm still not sure wheather Mika is prettier than Ivy or Ivy is prettier than Mika. Sakura, it is not a competition to see who is the prettiest girl in Fae Land, said Mika. Ivy is my friend and we don't care about stuff like that. Well I do, I only like the pretty girls in Fae Land, said Sakura. Really, how come? asked Zotac. Mika smiled. All the girls in Fae Land are pretty Dad, she is just being funny with you. Yep I love everyone in Fae Land and they love me, I think. Yes we I all do silly, said Mika. Okay lets go, said Mika.

They all walked outside and Mika went to get her horse. I can teleport you there and it will be much faster, said Zotac. Oh ya, your a wizard, said Mika. Do you know where Paisley and Titus live? No but if Sakura flies there then I can just teleport us to where ever she is. Okay that will work. Just stay outside Sakura, said Mika. It is best that we knock first. Okay see you there, said Sakura and she flew off. Now just a heads up, both Titus and Paisley are heros, said Mika. Okay so is there a problem? asked Zotac. Nope just letting you know, said Mika. Paisley is very pretty plus athletic and knows Kung Fu I think and Titus is very strong. Okay so a very pretty girl that knows Kung Fu and a strong man, got it, said Zotac. Anything else. Nope but they are very nice people, said Mika. Hopefully Sparkle came back to Fae Land last night. Once we have those walky talkies we will know what each other is up to better. S Sparkle has a way of travelling back and forth between the two realities? asked Zotac. Yep some kind of magic orb a pixie gave her. Only she can use it though. I see, okay we can go now, Sakura is there waiting for us, said Zotac. Okay, teleport away, said Mika and they vanished. They reappeared beside Sakura. What took you two so long, I thought you were fast, said Sakura. I just told my Dad a bit about Paisley and Titus, said Mika. Oh, okay, I love both of them too, said Sakura. Mika knocked on the door and Paisley yelled, "Come on in, the doors open." They walked in and saw Paisley in her nightie. Opps, she is in her night clothes too, said Sakura. Close your eyes Zotac. Don't be silly, said Paisly. Who is the handsome man you brought with you Mika. This is Zotac, my real father, said Mika. So he is not dead like we were told, said Paisley. That is very good news. So I guess you are here to see Sparkle. Yep is she here? Sparkle Mika is here with her father and Sakura, yelled Paisley. Sparkle came running out of her room. Hey Sparkle did you get the radios? asked Mika. Yep sure did, said Sparkle, Here is the gold I promissed you to pay for the horse and stuff and put a bar of gold on the table. So Sakura, how have you been? asked Paisley. Great, I am learning lots at school with Alexa and Mom went shopping for food and more ice cream I hope so Zotac is taking care of me while she is gone. That's nice of him. Yeanny must really trust him with such a treasure, said Paisley. Yep they are both good wizards so you know what that means, said Sakura. Yep sure do, said Paisley. Two times the magic makes for quite a powerful team. You two have a seat and I will go get some clothes on and get Titus up, I am sure he will want to me you. Then Paisley walked to her room. Yep I want to grow up looking like her too, said Sakura. Really, how many people do you want to grow up looking like? asked Zotac. Um not sure. I lost count, said Sakura. Okay come check out what I brought back from Granada, said Sparkle then they both went to Sparkle's bedroom.

Titus Came out of the bedroom and walked over to Zotac and shook hands with him. Nice grip for a wizard, said Titus with a smile. So you are Mika's fatther, it is good to see another man around in these parts. So have a seat, Paisley will be out in a minute. The two of them sat down aling with Sakura. So Paisley told me you are babysitting Sakura while Yeanny is out shopping, said Titus. I am not a baby, I am almost eight years old, said Sakura. Yes of coarse, it is just a figure of speech, said Titus. I should of said he is taking care of you. Paisley came back out. Okay I am going to make you and Sparkle some breakfast, would you two like some too? asked Paisley. No we ate already, said Zotac. Sakura why don't you go in Sparkle's room and see what they are doing, these two are just going to be talking man stuff, said Paisley. Okay and and Sakura ran out of the kitchen. So is that real gold sitting there on the table? asked Zotac. Ya Sparkle brought from Granada to pay us back for her horse, said Paisley. Titus picked it up. Sure looks real, it says 99.9 percent, 1KG Granada Mint, said Titus. Not sure what the 1 KG means. That is the weight in kilo grams, said Zotac. It is a bit over two pounds. Okay after breakfast I will head over to the palace, and get it exchanged for gold coins. There will be more than enough to cover the cost of the horse with coins for Sparkle to use in town, said Titus. So where could a young girl like her get a bar of mint gold in Granada? asked Zotac. That girl comes from a very wealthy family and her father owns a big conctruction company and knows all the big wigs there, said Titus. Really, do you know his name? asked Zotac. Ya Parson I believe she said. What, Mr. Parson that owns Parson Construction, that company builds big buildings all over North America, said Zotac. That is a multi billion dollar company. I guess, sounds like she has rich parrents to me then. Well Sparkle has her own business doing charity work for women in need, said Paisley. That girl is know by everyone in Granada just like our Ivy. Have you met Ivy yet? No but I have heard everyone I have met mention her name, said Zotac. Well you will, everyone that comes to Fae Land meets Ivy, said Paisley.

In Sparkle's room the three of them were on the bed. Sparkle showed Mika the walkie talkies. Sakura wanted to know what they were for so sparkle gave her one and told her to just listen. Sparkle talked into the one she was holding then Sakura dropped it on the bed. It talked, said Sakura. No I talked, said Sparkle. These are for talking to people over a distance. Oh okay, O think I will stick to flying to someone and talking to them that way. The voice sounded a bit wierd, said Sakura.  I was going to get you a clock but they had no windup clocks left, said Sparkle. So who did you say the man was that you came over with. That is my dad, said Mika. I thought your parrents were dead, said Sparkle. No my real dad, said Mika. Merlin told him I was in Fae Land and now he is here. Okay that is real cool, said Sparkle. Look what else I brought with me. She got off the bed and openrd her dresser and pulled out a camera. Wow you bought a camera too, said Mika. Well no, I borrowed it from my friend Kimmy, said Sparkle. She is a pro photographer and has a few of them. It takes amazing pictures and does movies too. I want to take high quality pictures of everyone and do a movie then take it back to Granada. Kimmy said she can make prints for me to bring back here too. She can make up to eleven by fourteen inch pictures in her her office at home. Sparkle looked at Sakura and started to laugh. Sakura that is not how you use them, said Sparkle. Sakura hand one radio up to her ear and was making funny sounds into the other one. Why not, I play closest to the wall by myself so now I am talking to myself. I do that a lot anyways but you can maked neat sounds with these. You are a nut at times Sakura. Yep sometime nutty but always pick, said Sakura. What is that black box you are holding? It is a digital camera that takes pictures, said Sparkle. Like the pictures on the wall in my bedroom, I have one of Tulip that I painted myself, said Sakura. Sort of but you don't need paint or brushes with that, said Mika. Really, must be a magic black box picture maker then, said Sakura. Ya we will go with that, said Sparkle. Lets go back to the kitchen and I will take a picture of everyone. They started to go out of the room but Mika stopped and looked at Sakura. Okay, why are your hands behind your back? asked Mika. I don't know, said Sakura. You have the radios in your hands don't you, said Mika. Well those ones are not for playing with. They are for Layla and me so we can talk when she goes shopping, said Mika. Maybe if your good I will get you two of them the next time I go back to Granada, said Sparkle. Okay I'll be good promiss, said Sakura then she put them back on the bed then they left the room and head to the kitchen. 

They went into the kitchen where Zotac,Titus and Paisley were sitting at the table talking. Sparkle wants to take a picture of us all with the camera she brought back with her from Granada, said Mika. That can take pictures? asked Titus. Yep and real good ones, said Sparkle. So everyone get close together and I will take a few pictures of you all. Everyone moved their chairs close together then Sakura asked where she could sit. Just sit on the table said Sparkle and Mika, stand behind you father. They all got positioned then Sparkle pointed the camera at them and took a few pictures. Okay now I am heading over to the palace and take some pictures of them there, said Sparkle. I will come with you, I have to get this bar of gold changed into coins for you, said Titus. I am helping Zotac and Mika visit some of the people here in Fae Land, said Sakura. I fly to someones place then they teleport ove though they are a bit slower than me. Sparkle looked up at Zotac. What, Zotac? Zotac the magician. You are Mika's dad? asked Sparkle. I have been to both of your shows in Granada, you are the most amazing  magician and do the wildest illusions. Wait, your a wizard so you do real magic not illusions. So what, your still the greatest in my books. You are Zotac the magician right? Yes that's who I am in Granada's reality but here I am Zotac the wizard at your service Sparkle. So you performed magic for people, said Mika. Yes it was a way of making money as I travelled the world looking for you, said Zotac. Made a ton of money doing it too. No need to perform anymore though. I just have to go back there and take care of some business and find a charity to give that money too. That kind of currancy is no good here. I started a charity for girls and families with special needs for their children and the poor, said Sparkle. We got food banks also. Maybe you can give some money to that charity, said Sparkle. Sounds like a very good place to put it, said Zotac. What is the name of the charity? Sparkles Parson's Charity Foundation. Everyone trusts me in Granada and knows the money goes to the right people and places, said Sparkle. Well it is very nice to meet you and a good friend of my daughter's also, said Zotac. So Dad could you do me a favor? Can you take the two walkie talkies back to my house? asked Mika. I don't want to carry them around with me as I take you to meet some of my friends. I will watch Sakura for you but it will only take you a minute or two. Ya I can do that, said Zotac. Mika went and got the two radios and a box of batteris of the bed in Sparkle's room and gave them to Zotac and her vanished. I will go bring the horses around for us, said Titus then he headed outside.

Can you take a picture of just Mika and me? asked Sakura. She is one of my best friends. Sure come out here a Mika and you Sakura stand beside her, said Sparkle. Mika got behind Sakura and bent forward some then Sparkle said smile and took the picture. Okay got it, said Sparkle. So where is the pictures? asked Sakura. In the camera for now. Come have a look at them, said Sparkle. Sakura looked at the view screen of the camera. Wow that looks just like us, said Sakura. That's because it is you all. I will have my friend in Granada make you a picture to take home with you next time I come here. Okay I will put it beside the picture of Tulip I drew at school in my bedroom, said Sakura. So you can draw also? asked Sparkle. Yep and Alexa said it was the best she ever saw, said Sakura. My best friends the fairy nymphs drew very good pictures too of the other fairies. They don't have bedrooms like I do so Alexa said they were going to give them to Ginger to hang in the palace. Okay I better get going, said Sparkle and she headed for the door.

Zotac came back just as Sparkle was leaving. Okay all taken care of, I met Layla just as she was getting ready to head out shopping, said Zotac. She had a pretty big shopping list too. Ya she does all the grocery shopping for us. I can't cook that great and she loves cooking so best she does the shopping or I would just be buying ice cream and other sweet treats, said Mika. I would like to go shopping with you, said Sakura. Ya I bet you would, said Mika. Okay so where else are we going? asked Zotac. Next we are going over to Ivy's place so you can meet everyone there, said Mika. Yep that will be fun, Tillia is my best friend also but I am not allowed to ride her, said Sakura. Okay so Tillia, is that the unicorn Alieta told me about. Yep, she is really big and white and loves sweet stuff to, said Sakura. Okay then, you lead the way Sakura. Nice meeting you, Paisley. Nice meeting you also, drop by anytime, said Paisley. The three of them left then Sakura flew off to Ivy's place. She lives close by so this won't take long, said Mika. It doesn't take her long to get anywhere, said Zotac. So did Alieta tell you about Ivy also? asked Mika. Ya some, just that she was a forest sprite and controls the magic here some how, said Zotac. Did she tell you that she is very pretty too? asked Mika. Everyone I have met has told me that, said Zotac. I have never seen a forest sprite before though. Well you are in for a treat then because she is not a normal forest sprite said Mika. Okay Sakura is there waiting, said Zotac Lets go.When they got there Sakura said be quite, she is talking to her tree. She talks to trees? asked Zotac. Yep she talks to all the plants, said Sakura. What language is she speaking then? Um tree language I think. I don't know that one, said Sakura. Ivy turned around and said Hi to Mika and Sakura. So who is your friend Mika? Zotac is my friend too Ivy, said Sakura. Yes I see that, said Ivy. I usually read people that are new here but seeing you are friends with him I won't intrude in his privacy. You must be okay. Ivy I would like you to meet my father and he is a wizard plus good friends with Merlin, said Mika. Really, your dad! It is an honor to meet you sir. The honor is all mine Ivy. I have heard so much about you from everyone I have met here, said Zotac. Your the first forest sprite I have ever seen. Well you see one you see them all, said Ivy but you are Merlin's friend. Than makes you very special to me and Mika's father too, said Ivy. So Zotac, arn't you going to tell her she is beautiful? asked Sakura. I don't think she needs me to tell her that, said Zotac but yes she is very easy on the eyes. What does that mean? asked Sakura. It means she is very pretty, said Mika. Oh, okay, said Sakura. Everyone here is beautiful in their own ways, said Ivy. Ivy turned around and called for Sara and Viridian that were in the house. Tillia was in the backyard and came to see what was going on.

Tillia rounded the corner of the house and saw the three of then standing by the coconut tree so she walked over to them. Viridian and Sara walked out of the house and came over also. Si Ivy what is so important to interupt my lesson to Sara? asked Viridian. What are you teacing her? asked Mika. Just how to bake a cake but it is really hard to teach someone that won't get close to the stove. Hey I did the hard part and mixed the eggs and the powdered stuff all together, said Sara. Ya after smashing five eggs first and we had to pick all the shells out, said Viridian. You got to learn to be more deliacte with some things. Zotac giggled. Well who did you breing with you Mika? asked Viridian. This is my birth Dad, said Mika. Yep Zotac is incharge of me while my Mom is shopping, said Sakura. He is a wizard like my Mom and we are bring him to see some of our friends. Is that cake done yet? No Sakura, it will be a while yet, said Viridian. Sara whispered in Viridian's ear. Yes he is very pretty like Tobias, said Viridian. Anyways, this is Viridian and the other pretty forest sprit is Ivy's sister Sara and this beautiful unicon is Tillia, said Mika. Well nice to meet you all, said Zotac. So you all live here together like a family? Yep we are a family, said Ivy. Zotac walked up to Tillia. So this is what a unicorn looks like, I slways pictured them to be smaller, said Zotac. Well most are smaller than me but I am different from most unicorns, said Tillia. Yes I can tell you are and very magnificent looking too. May I speak to Mika in private for a minute? asked Ivy. Sure go ahead, said Zotac.


Mika and Ivy moved down the yard a bit while Zotac with everyone else. So what is it Ivy? asked Mika. Well your dad is very wise and talks a lot like Merlin, said Ivy. Ya he was was Merlin's apprentice, said Mika. Okay that makes sense but I sense he is extremely powerful, maybe more so than Merlin, said Ivy. Really, how do you know that without reading him? asked Mika. I don't have to read someone to sense certain things about someone, said Ivy. Just like he sees a glow around me I can see a very bright light around him. You two can see that? asked Mika. Yep and Merlin has one too but not as bright. Okay so what are you saying? asked Mika. Just that your dad is probably the most powerful being in Fae Land right now ither that Avan and Tara and he can teach you wonders that you can never imagine. At lunch time I am going to ask him a bunch of questions also and find out more about him. Just ask him if you can read him. I am sure he will let you, said Mika. Ya maybe but reading someone that powerful could be dangerous to me so I think I will just ask questions. Really dangerous, why? asked Mika. When I read someone that powerful I have to open up to them. There is an exchange of energy and my body can't take that much energy, said Ivy. Look at him over there playing and talking with Sakura like she was his own child and getting along with everyone. He is a very nice and good man. Maybe you should ask him how to do some magic tricks like he can. Merlin told me that you have no control over the magic in you yet and it is all defensive. He can propbably teach you how to control your magic and do some pretty neat stuff. Hey Mika, you two done telling secrets over there? asked Sakura. I am getting bored. No secrets, just some girl talk, said Mika.



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