Zotac Returns  Chapter 2


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Zotac Meets Mika

Good because now I am pooped, said Sakura. I am going to bed, you two go see Mika and probably Layla too. Okay, let me tuck you in then, said Yeanny. Nope I can go to bed myself, said Sakura. I am almost eight now you know. Then Sakura went off to her bedroom. She is so unique, said Zotac. She even goes to bed when she is tired. You created the perfect daughter, so is she going to grow up or stay just like she is? No she is growing, said Yeanny. Slowly but still growing. She will be a very pretty girl when she hits her teens but I don't think she will get any bigger than an elf. She will give Ivy a run for her money. Well I haven't meet Ivy yet but I hear she is very beautiful, said Zotac. Ya she is but just acts normal and doesn't really concider herself prettier than everyone else. Ivy is just Ivy and we all love her, said Yeanny. So do you want me come with you? Well I don't know where she lives, said Zotac. Lets walk there, it is a beautiful evening plus I need some time to figure out what to say to her. Okay, lets walk then, said Yeanny. It's not that far... Back at Mika's place both her and Layla were going nuts waiting for Zotac. Should we change into something less sexy? asked Layla. I don't know. I kinda like what I am wearing plus everything we own is sexy, said Mika. Ya your right. Maybe I should brush my hair then, said Layla. Mika smiled, you sound as excited as me. Well ya, it's your dad back from the dead and he is a flippin wizard. Ya your right lets both brush our hair, said Mika and they both ran into the bathroom. I hope he likes me, said Mika. I am not a little girl anymore. Of coarse he will, said Layla. Fathers always love there daughters no matter what. You saw how my dad acted around us. Ya your dad was awesome, said Mika. Treated me like his own daughter. I really loved him too. Yep we had a great family back then but now we are still together as family and your dad is coming! said Layla. I am too excited to wait for him lets start walking to Yeanny's place and meet him half way, said Mika. Okay, good idea, how do I look? asked Layla. Perfect, how do I look? asked Mika. You always look perfect little sister, said Layla. Come lets go. They started walking towards Yeanny's place and Yeanny and Zotac were now close enough to see the house. Look Zotac it is them coming to meet us, said Yeanny. Are you sure? asked Zotac. How do I look. You look perfect, said Yeanny. Just relax, this is the moment you have been waiting for. Soon they were a couple yards from each other and they stopped. Both Zotac and Mika looked at each other. Before Zotac could say a word, Mika ran up to him and gave him a big hug and wouldn't let go. I know your my dad, I can feel it inside me, said Mika. Yes I feel it too, said Zotac. They both closed their eyes and let the feelings merge.

Mika stopped hugging Zotac then turned to Layla that was being very quiet with a big smile on her face. This Dad is my sister Layla. I know people say she is my stepsister but to me she is my big sister. Layla waved her hand and said hi. Yes and she should be your sister, said Zotac. You two have been the only family you had for too long. Well welcome to our family Mr. Zotac, said Layla. No, just Zotac or better still Dad, I can never take the place of your father, God rest his soul but I will treat you like my own daughter if that is okay with you. Okay, said Layla. I would like that. Let me have a good look at you two, said Zotac. Mika went beside Layla. I am so lucky to be with the two most beautiful girls in Fae Land, said Zotac. Well Yeanny is beautiful too, said Mika. Zotac turned to Yeanny. Yes she is, make that the three most beautiful girls then. How are you two making out here? I must be a big change to what you were used to. Not really, actually there are a lot of things that are the same, said Mika. The people here are really friendly like Granada. They got nice stores with clothes like the shops in Granada though it is a lot cheaper to buy things here plus I kinda like using candles at night. Even though the people are different looking than in Granada they are still just people that are so easy to make friends with and Alieta, man did you see her yet, she has the most beautiful wings. Yes I have know Alieta for a long time and she is the one that brought me to Yeanny's place to meet her and Sakura. So I better get back home, said Yeanny. I don't like leaving Sakura by herself for too long. Okay thanks for coming with me, said Zotac. Anytime Zotac then she teleported home.

So what do you think of Yeanny? asked Mika. She seems like quite the girl, said Zotac. Yep she is, did she tell you how Sakura just appeared one day in her lab? asked Mika. Yes we talked some while Sakura was looking for you, said Zotac. That takes some very powerful magic to be able to created a living being, said Zotac. A wizard normally can't do anything like that, only God can create life. Yep and Cindy fixed the two of them also, said Layla. Well she was just starting to tell me about that but Sakura came back from talking to Mika, said Zotac. It's a cool story, you should let her finish it, said Layla. So would you like to come to our place for a bit? Lets do that tomorrow. It has been a very busy and interesting day for me plus Alieta had a room made up for me in the palace, said Zotac. Okay so we always get up early so come over anytime. I have no plans for tomorrow, said Mika. Me neither, said Layla. Wait I have to go see Banshee tomorrow and help her a bit in her new kitchen. Should be done atfter lunch time though. Okay good, I will see you two tomorrow, said Zotac then teleported away. He is so cool, said Layla. Yep, everything my mom told me about him seems to be true. I should take him to see Sparkle tomorrow at Paisley's house. She has those walkie talkies for us. Okay good plan, said Layla... Zotac was almost at the palace when he stopped dead in mid-flight then floated down to the ground. What the hecked happened he said to himself. I happened, I am Cindy. I need to talk to you. Cindy, the angel that helped Yeanny and Sakura? asked Zotac. Well yes but I help lots of people, said Cindy and now I would like you to help me. Okay, what can I do to help an angel? asked Zotac. Well this is more about you helping four very special souls for me, said Cindy.

I thought soul stuff was an angels job, said Zotac. What can I do about four souls, I am just a wizard. Yes and a very talented one too, said Cindy. You are right angels deal with souls but we do have limitations as what we can do with the living. You have a very good soul and can influence others. Okay so I am guessing you are talking about Mika and Layla, said Zotac. Who are the other two. Well when Yeanny accidently created Sakura that was a big surprise to God and not just Yeanny. He saw how good and funny Sakura was but she had no soul so that meant she could become evil very quickly. Why didn't she have a soul? asked Zotac. Well only beings God creates have souls, said Cindy. So what God did was make Sakura share Yeanny's soul. That worked for the time being but had some side effects so that is when I came in and with Gods help I split the soul so there was two. They were not sharing one soul anymore then we also made Yeanny a wizard and not a sorceress anymore and Sakura became the only Sakura in exsistance. Sakura is a Sakura? asked Zotac. Cindy smiled. Talk to Yeanny about that. She will tell you many funny stories about her daughter. Sakura is probably the most innocent and purest being on the planet. The two of them are everlasting also. Okay so they seem to be fine together, said Zotac. Yes they are but now you showed up and threw a screw into things, said Cindy. What did I do? asked Zotac. Alieta just brought me over to meet them. Yes and she just sped up the process, said Cindy. Eventually Sakura would of met you and found out that you were Mika's dad and you were a wizard. Now Sakura wants a dad but knows that will never happen. Oh so how do I help Sakura. I can never be her father, said Zotac. Not really but a father figure you can be to her and that is all she needs, said Cindy. You are not Layla's father either but you did say you will treat her like your own and even said it was fine to call you father or dad. Do the same with Sakura, you have a big heart with lots of room for love in it. Didn't you enjoy being with her today? Zotac smiled. Yes she was the most pleasant and naturally funny person I have ever met, pretty darn smart for a seven year old too. said Zotac. Almost eight, said Cindy. Listen to her and remember what she says. The small things are important to her right now. Her birthday is August twelve. Even Yeanny doesn't remember the exact date but somehow Sakura knows and has said nothing but krrps telling everyone that she is almost eight. Okay so I can do that for Sakura and it will be fun but what about Yeanny? Just helping with Sakura will mean a lot to her, said Cindy. But you two have a lot in common and not just drinking coffee anytime of the day, even before going to bed. She is very powerful inside and needs help learning. Merlin can't be here all the time but you can. Ya but I have my magicians job with bookings I have to honor in Granada's reality. Yes I know and like I said us angels have limitations. We can't interfere with free will. You figure it out, your a smart guy, said Cindy. Decide what is most important to you now. You've already found the most important person to you. Then she vanished. Wow talk about leaving when the book is still opened, thought Zotac.


Zotac noticed it was starting to get dark out so he headed towards the palace. He was almost there when Ginger came out. Hello Ginger, looks like another day is coming to an end and what a day it has been for me. Ya it's been an interesting day for me too, said Ginger. Well my day started out normal until I got that message from Merlin about my daughter then meeting Ginger the pixie in Granada that was quite the event by it's self. Then I came here and Alieta brought me to meet Yeanny and Sakura. You can imagine how exciting and entertaining that was. Ya Sakura is a blast, said Ginger. Just full of energy and lots of questions but usually she answers most of them herself. Ya she is very unique, said Zotac. Then I met Mika and Layla that was a very emotional event. Then finally on my way back here Cindy stopped me and asked me to help her out. Cindy the angel, what did she want? asked Ginger. Well she said that when Alieta brought me over to meet Yeanny and Sakura, I may of created a problem with Sakura. What kind of problem? asked Ginger. Nothing seems to upset her. Well not upset, just now that she saw that I was Mika's father, she wishes she had a father too. Cindy told me she was very happy just having Yeanny as her mother. Cindy wanted to know if I could go there often and spend some time with Sakura and be a father figure to her. Really, she must have a lot of trust with you. She is the angel that fixed Sakura and is very special to her. Ya I know so now I went from having no real responsiblites to having three girls to look out for and teach stuff to and Cindy seemed to be trying to get me to spend some time with Yeanny also. Ginger smiled. Well to me it sounds like you had a fantastic day, said Ginger. You have three daughters and a pretty girl wizard to date. Things don't get that much better than that. Ya your right, said Zotac. It has been one heck of a day and now I am bushed. Okay then, follow me and I will show you your room, said Ginger and they both headed into the palace.




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