The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

Aiko And The Twins In Granada  Chapter 1


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In the last story The Mysterious Portal, two people from Fae Land fell victims to these portals that would appear randomly without warning First Aiko wolked on a portal while on her way to meet Mika then Phonixa that was in her bedroom. Penny is Aiko's room mate and reported her missing to Alieta and so did Repellia as soon as she noticed she was missing also. Alieta called for Gabriel to find out what was going on and Gabriel told them they were both safe in Granada and in good hands and wished to remain there for a bit. Gariel offered to bring Repellia to Granada also seeing the two twins always do things together and also offered Penny to go but she prefered to stay in Fae Land. The story will start with Aiko first when she appeared out of nowhere in a park in Granada...

First Encounter 

Olympia was sitting on the park bench tring to figure out why her boyfriend just broke up with her. She knew that she was pretty and all but maybe there was something wrong with her that he didn't like. She saw a girl walking towards her that kinda looked lost and was dressed unusual. The girl saw her and walked toward her. Hello. Where am I? asked the girl. In the park of coarse, said Olympia. What park? I have never seen this park before, said the girl. Olymipa thought that this very cute girl might be drunk or stoned. Are you coming from a costume party, asked Olympia. No, I was walking through the elf village going to meet Mika. My room mate told me Mika came frome a land of futuristic wonders so I wanted to find out for myself and go talk to her. Well I know a Mika but she moved away somewhere with her sister recently, said Olympia. Why they would want to leave Granada is beyond me. Granada! How is this possible. We all heard about this country but it is in a different dimension or something we were told. Now Olympia was getting very concerned with this girl and asked her sit and rest for a bit. The girl sat down beside her and really looked confused and worried now. So the ears, they go good with the costume, said Olympia. My ears, what is wrong with my ears? she asked. Well they are pointed fake ears, said Olympia. There not fake, all elves have pointed ears, said the girl. Ya right so your saying they are real. Olympia reach over and puttled one. Ouch, what are you dong? she asked. Holy crap they are real, said Olympia. You are a real elf? Well yes, there are lots of elves in Fae Land, said the elf.

Well I never heard of a place called Fae Land, said Olympia. You look very worried, are you sure your not stoned or drunk. No I don't drink alchohol and why would I be made of stone or what ever you ment, said the elf. Like I said I was walking to Mika's house and then suddenly I was here in this park as you called it. I saw you so I came over to find out what was going on. Wouldn't you be worried and scared. Well yes I would but you don't have to be scared here, said Olympia. Granada is a very safe place with no violence. So my name is Olympia, what is yours? I am Aiko from the upper elven village. Very cute name, said Olympia. So lets say that all you are saying is true. What is Fae Land like. Oh it is the most beautiful and magical place in the world, said Aiko. We have sprites and fairies plus lots of pixies. Sara even owns a unicorn and Alieta is a hybreed sprite with beautiful wings and she is out queen. Olympia was now thinking that this girl couldn't be making all this up but how is this possible. I am begining to beleive you now but it is very hard to take in all at once, said Olympia. Are all the elves in Fae Land as pretty as you? Everyone is beautiful in Fae Land, said Sapphire that appeared out of nowhere.

Sapphire! You are here, what is going on? asked Aiko. Well that I have yet to find out, said Sapphire. By all the rules you shouldn't be here. My god, what are you? asked Olympia with a very shocked look on her face. Oh this is Sapphire and she is a fairy nymph, said Aiko. Real pretty isn't she. She has wings though, said Olympia, that was still in shock. All fairies have wings silly, said Aiko. She is very magical. Okay I must be dreaming or something, said Olympia. Nope, this is no dream Olympia, said Sapphire. I stayed invisible and listen to you two talk before showing myself. You seem like a very nice girl, very cute too. Stop it Sapphire, no hitting on my new friend, said Aiko. Fairy nymphs are very flirty and she is always hitting on the elves in Fae Land. Can you blame me, they are all so pretty but I am just having fun with them all, said Sapphire. Everybody needs an ego boost from time to time. So how did you find me, asked Aiko. Well seeing you are the only Fae in Granada right now I sensed your presents and got here as fast as I could, said Sapphire. Just like Ivy can sense evil beings from far away I can sense Fae beings. So you just appeared here while you were walking? Yep, very strange, said Aiko. Yes it is, said Sapphire. We are going to have to find you a place to stay while I figure out why this happened. Can't you just bring me back? asked Aiko. Yes I can when the next portal appears but that is in two days, said Sapphire. Well she can stay with me, said Olympia. I live alone right now. Sapphire looked at Olympia and read her. Yes that will work for now, said Sapphire. Take her now before anyone else see's her please and take very good care of her. She is well known and loved by many elves. I will be above out of sight until you get there. Okay lets go, said Olympia. What started out as a very bad day is now an amazing day. They both started out to Olympia's place while Sapphire was flying above them invisible.


When they got to Olympia's place they went into the kitchen. Okay are you hungry? asked Olympia. A little bit, said Aiko. Do you have any ice cream? Ya I think so, said Olympia. Just chocolate though. That is perfect, said Aiko. Chocolate is my favorite. Everyone in Fae Land loves ice cream. Olympia filled two bowls with ice cream then grabbed a couple of spoons and sat down with Aiko at the table. So tell me about Fae Land, said Olympia. You said it is a very magical place. Well yes it is very magical in that the land emits magic, especially in Eden, said Aiko. Everything grows very fast there and the people never get sick either plus everyone lives a long time too. Really, how long? asked Olympia. Well hybred sprites are everlasting, so long as they don't get killed they will live forever. Elves arn't everlasting but we live very long like Ginger, she is one of the oldest I know of. So how old are you? asked Olympia. Two hundred and twenty five, said Aiko as she kept eating her ice cream. What, no way. You look to be my age, said Olympia. Well I am know as being very young for an elf. said Aiko. Some are a couple centuries old. Not sure how old Ginger is though, she never tells anyone but Penny my room mate came to Fae Land together before it was called Fae Land and that was a very long time ago. Physically we don't age past twenty or so. That is amazing, said Olympia. Now it is your turn to tell me about Granada. Why did Penny tell me Granada had futuristic wonders? Though that elevator thing that you called it was pretty cool, said Aiko. Well we are on the fifth floor so much better than using the stairs, said Olympia.

Okay let me put these empty bowls in the sink then I will fill you in, said Olympia. She got up and put the bowls in the sink sat back down. Now first off Granada is a lot like most other countries in the world except it is very hard to become a citizen here if you were not born in Granada, said Olympia. Okay, so why is that? asked Aiko. Well first of all you cannot be violent or do anything bad like stealing or hurting someone, especially the girls here. If you do you are kicked out of Granada and you can never come back. Okay, that is a good thing then, said Aiko. Guys shouldn't hurt girls anywhere. Yes that is true but Granada girls are very special and the goverment makes sure they stay safe especially now that Mrs. Parson is on the board for women's rights. Whi is she? asked Aiko. She is Mr Parson's wife, said Olympia. He owns the biggest constuction company in Granada and has built most the buildings and houses here and evn a couple schools in cluding Parson high where I went to and so did Mika. Wow so super rich then, said Aiko. Yes but their daughter Sparkle started a home for girls that needed help becuse of drinking and drug propblems or they are having tuff times being a single Mom. She is my age and is a good friend of mine and Mika plus everyone loves her for all the charity work she does. She sounds very special, I would love to meet her, said Aiko. Well I am not sure how she would take seeing someone from another reality, said Olympia. I could change and put on a hat, said Aiko. Yes I suppose you could, said Olympia. Okay so this is why you said it was very safe here for me, said Aiko but why are the girls special here? Well Granada girls like all girls have babies. and just over the past ten years, most of the babies born have been boys, said Olymipa. Wow, it is opposite in Fae Land, most babies born are girls even among the humans. Just then a knock came at the door. Hello, you home Olympia? asked the person. Oh no, I forgot to losch the door said Olympia. Yes I am, said Olympia. In the kitchen. Too late to do anything now. A pretty blonde girl walked into the kitchen. Oh sorry, I didn't know you had company, said the girl. Well this is Aiko and she is just visiting, said Olympia. Well hello Aiko, my name is Sparkle. Then she paused for a moment. Are thise real pointed ears like Spocks? They are real but who is Spock? asked Aiko. You are deffinately not from around here if you don't know who he is, said Sparkle. Okay Olympia, what is going on here? It is not like you to keep secrets from me. Just then Sapphire appeared in the kitchen.


Hi you two I just dropped in to see how Aiko was settling in, said Sapphire. Oh my God, are you a fairy? asked Sparkle with a shocked look. Sapphire turned arround. Oops. I guess I should of checked first before popping in. I am sure Gabriel going to be mad at me now, said Sapphire. I hate getting in trouble. Well yes dear I am a fairy nymph, Sapphire is my name at your service. My the girls in Granada are so pretty. Okay, I need to sit down, said Sparkle. She sat down then looked at Olympia then Aiko then Sapphire. Okay now I came over here to ask you if you knew where Mika was, said Sparkle. I went there and knocked on the door but no one answered but the door was unlocked so I went in and saw the place was cleared out except for the furniture and three books sitting on the coffee table. T grabbed one of the books and sat down then began to read it hoping Mika or her sister would show up. Now this was an amazing book, best fantasy book I had ever read. It had elves, sprites and pixies in it and a team of heroes lead by a small girl named Alexa that defended a place called Fae Land. I can explain, said Olympia. Yes I bet you can but let me finish, said Sparkle. Now the queen of Fae Land's name was Alieta and when I checked for who wrote this book it just said the author's name was Alieta. No last name or middle initial, just Alieta that I found odd at first. Now you just mentioned the name Gabriel that in that book was an angel and I know my angels and she is the most important one. Now I have two questions for you all. First did the queen of Fae Land really write those books and are thise stories real and please no fibbing. Aiko smiled. Did you like the siories in the book? asked Aiko. Yes very much, said Sparkle. Well wait until you read the newtest ones with Ivy and Sara in them and Tillia the magical unicorn. They are all my friends and we all live in Fae Land, said Aiko. Sparkle smiled, your not kidding are you? Nope no jokes said Aiko. This is amazing! How long were you going to keep all of this a secret form me? asked Saparkle to Olympia. Well I just met the two of them about two ours ago in the park, said Olympia. Aiko was lost and confused walking towards me on the picnic bench then Sapphire appeared out of nowhwere and said she had to wait for some kind of portal to open again in two days to bring Aiko back to Fae Land so I invited her to stay with me, for now. I made sure no one else saw use on the way home, I took my short cut through the allies. Well you did very good and something I might of done, said Sparkle. So where is Mika and Layla? They are in Fae Land, said Sapphire. They live there now. They live there! I need a drink, do you have any wine Olympia? asked Sparkle.




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