Aiko In Granada  Chapter 4


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Twins Arrive In Granada 

Olympia paid for the shorts and shirts then said goodbye to Jenny and Ginger and left the store. Okay tell me the truth, said Jenny. Do these shoes look good or bad? We;; you said the truth right, said Ginger. Yes we are friends so tell me, said Jenny. We you wouldn't catch me wearing them, said Ginger. Really, so Aiko was right they do look stupid. I must be loosing my edge on fashion, said Jenny. No you are allowed to make a mistake once and a while but we have a new task to begin, said Ginger. I think I have a plan that can make it so things start ti get cheaper in Granada but I need your help. Okay let me start then, said Jenny. She turned around and anounced to everyone that everthing in the store is fifty percent off and will stay that way from now on. Tell all your friends. How was that? asked Jenny. Perfect start now we need tohit the media with the news then I will put my plan in action, said Ginger... After Olympia finally got Aiko to stop going up and down on the esculators they went to the food court and had something to eat. So what do you want to do next? asked Olympia. I don't know, I am getting pretty tired actually, I could use a nap, said Aiko. Okay lets go back home them. This has been an interesting day and I could use some down time, said Olympia. Now don't stick your head out of the car window this time, it is embarassing and childish. Okay but it is a lot of fun, said Aiko. Elves love to play and have fun, even while working, we make a game out of everything. Really, well that explains a lot, said Olympia. Once they got back to the appartment Aiko told Olympia she was going to change into the shorts and top then lay down for a nap. Olympia looked at the clock and saw it was five thirty si she figured Aiko would sleep right through the night. That will give her some time to talk to Sapphire then after go to bed herself. She called for Sapphire and she appeared immediately. So Sapphire, did you hear and see everything that went on with us two? asked Olympia. Yep, she is quite the character, isin't she, said Sapphire. Character in one word for it, one minute she it calm, talking and acting like and adult then next she is like a little kid, said Olympia. Are all elves like that? All I can tell you is what I saw in the one day I was in Fae Land and what Ivy told me. Okay tell me then, said Olympia. Okay, Ivy told me that everybody in Fae Land loves to have fun and play when ever the can and the elves I met other than Aiko act just like her no mater how old they were, said Sapphire. Now let me make you a nice lemon tea that will help you have a nice sleep. To Aiko, being in Granada is an adventure and she is going to want to see and do as much as she can. Do you think it is wise to expose more people of Granda to her? asked Olympia. Actually I have a feeling that is part of the greater plan that Gabriel is keeping secret from me. I may not be able to read her but I can tell when some one has a secret and she has a big one.


Afte Olympia finished her lemon tea she went to check on Aiko and as she suspected she was fast asleep. Good she figured now I can get some rest too. She went to her room and git dressed for bed then went to sleep also. In the morening Aiko was woken by someone talking. Where is the rest of my clothes, these are not my clothes, this isn't my dresser either someone said. What's going on here! Phonixa, not you too now, said Aiko. Phonixa turned and saw Aiko laying on the bed. Aiko, what are you doing in Repellia's bed, I mean where did she go? asked Phonixa. This isn't your room, it is Olympia's spare room, said Aiko. Olympia, who is that and how did I get in her room? asked Phonixa. Well the same way I got here but at least you didn't appear in a park like I did, especially dressed the way you ara, said Aiko. That portal must of teleported you here. So where is here? asked Phinoxa. Granada and don't worry it is very safe here especially for girls, said Aiko. Granada, that place people have been talking about, said Phonixa. I just woke up and pulled out my shorts and top from my dresser then I felt something wierd then saw you on the bed. Ya I felt the same weird feeling. You best get changed then come to the kitchen with me and wait for Olympia to get up, said Aiko She is really nice and has a car with two hundred horses in it that makes it go fast and Gabriel gave her a gold case with lots of money in it. Maybe we can get Sapphire ti make us sime breakfast. Sapphire is here too? asked Phonixa. Yep she is here to make sure nothing bad happens to anyone that may end up in Granada like we did, said Aiko. Okay first I have to use the washroom then brush my hair, said Phonixa. Is there a brush around anywhere? Yep in the bathroom, said Aiko but hurry up, I am hungry. You are going to love it here, wait to you see these magical stairs they call esculators.


After Phinixa came out of the bathroom Aiko took her to the kitchen. Olympia is not up yet so lets be quite, said Aiko. I better call Sapphire quitely so she can make us something to eat. She called for Sapphire that appeared right away. So Phonixa is here now, I better call Gabriel so she can take her back to Fae Land. Can we wait a bit before doing that? asked Aiko. We are hungry and besides, maybe she doesn't want to go back just yet. I will make you breakfast but I still have to call Gabriel, said Sapphire. I don't want to get in trouble for not letting her know you are here. Sapphire made two plates of eggs and bacon then called for Gabriel loudly. Hey Ilympia is stll sleeping, you probably just woke her up, said Aiko. Oops, my bad, well she needs to get up and see what is going on anyways, said Sapphire. In a few moments Gabriel appeared. Yes Sapphire what do you need? asked Gabriel. Sapphire pointed at Phonixa that had already sat down and started eating. I see, when did you get here? asked Gabriel. Not long aga , I woke up and went to get my clothes out of my dresser then ended up here, said Phonixa. Okay, after you finish eating I will take you back, said Gabriel. Can't she stay a bit with me? asked Aiko. Would you like that Phonixa? asked Gabriel. I would but Repellia will be worried sick about me when she can't find me, said Phonixa. Besides we do everything together and even if you told her where I am she will still be sad just like I would. Yes that is true, let me go tell Alieta where you are first, said Gabriel. Sapphire give them some orange juice, where are your manners. The Gabriel vanished. Man no matter what I do I keep getting in trouble with her, said Sapphire. Your not in trouble with her, but orange juice would be nice though, said Aiko.

Olympia came into the kitchen and saw Phonixa sitting at the table just finishing her breakfast with Aiko. And who might you be? asked Olympia. No pointed ears so where did you find her Sapphire. I didn't find her, she just showed up here, said Sapphire. I see so is it money you need, I have a feeling I am going to have a busy day so no time to be entertaining any guests today, said Olympia. This is Phonixa, one of the twins I told you about yesterday, said Aiko. She appeared in the bedroom this morning from Fae Land. Really, so she is human like me then, said Olympia. Yep sort of, she is a hybreed human, she can make fire balls in her hands, said Aiko. Okay, so is there anyone in Fae Land normal? asked Olympia. Depends what you mean by normal, said Phonixa. There are humans in the north village but I wouldn't say they are normal. Sorry, what I meant was human with no madical powers, said Olympia. Oh okay, ya there is lots then, said Phonixa. They just live for a long time and never get sick and most have families. Okay so not really normal then, said Olympia. So did you tell Gabriel about Phonixa yet? asked Olympia. Yep, she went to tell Alieta where she is so her sister won't get worried, said Sapphire. Just then Gabriel returned with Repellia. Okay Repellia wanted to come here too, so take good care of her also Olympia. These two live in the palace with Alieta and are very special to her. Then she vanished again. There you are I was so worried about you when I got up and couldn't find you, said Repellia. Ya I was scared at first but Aiko told me it is very safe here, said Phonixa. Yes so Gabriel told me though she said we have to sit down and listen to all the rules here and to do what ever she says, said Repellia. Olympia is in charge. So looks like I missed breakfast. Sapphire could you make her some plus me too please, said Olympia. So how old are you two, one hundred years old or more? Heck no we are almost twenty tho, said Phonixa. Olympia smiled. Finally I am older than some one here, said Olympia. So Aiko, what was it that you said something about Gabriel leaving Olympia a gold case of money? asked Phonixa. Yep and it never runs enpty, said Aiko. Phonixa and Repellia looked at each other and smiled.



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