Aiko And The Twins In Granada  Chapter 5


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The Twins Adventure

Back in Fae Land Alieta was keeping Ginger nice and close to her. She figured is the stayed close, that portal wouldn't be able to take the both of them at the same time. It has only take one person each time, said Alieta. So if we stick together we should be safe. Well so far it has only taken one person but what if it can? asked Ginger. Well at least we will be together and that way we can watch each other's back, said Alieta. But Gabriel said it is very safe in Granada, why would we have to watch each other's back? asked Ginger. I don't know, just in case, we are a team look at me, I would stand out around a bunch of humans that have never seen a sprite before, said Alieta. You could put on a hat and not be noticed. What and mess up my beautiful hair, said Ginger with a smile. You want to go there too, don't you, said Alieta. Maybe but not until I hear from Phonixa and Repellia and see what they say about the place, said Ginger. Ya, I wonder how they are doing in a strange land, said Alieta. You heard Gabriel, Olympia has a never ending supply of money, They are going to shop until the can't walk anymore, said Ginger. They are going to have the time of their life in Granada. Ya, that is what I am afraid of, said Alieta.


Phonixa and Repellia both sat at the kitchen table listening closely to Olympia telling them about what to expect in Granada and what the rules were. She told them about how electricity is every where and powers lights and so many other things. She also told them about cars and trucks and how they are used to get around but you need a licence to drive one. Okay so how do we get a licence? asked Repellia. It isn't that easy, said Olympia. First you have to do a writen test to get your beginners licence then you need to be taught how to drive by someone that has a full licence then you have to pass the driving test with an official from the transportation board. Really, you don't need to go through all of that to be able to ride a horse, said Phonixa. Well riding a horse is nothing like driving a car, said Olympia. Actually it looked really easy, said Aiko. There is a steering wheel you use for turning and there is two pedals on the floor, one makes you go the other makes you stop. Well what about the rules of the road, you don't know them yet, that is what the written test teaches you, said Olympia. What kind of rules, asked Repellia. You know like stop signs and traffic lights plus speed limit signs. Well the two kinds of sings seem easy enough but what are traffic lights? asked Repellia. They control the flow of traffic so there is no car accidents, said Olympia. There are three lights, a red one a yellow ine and a green one. What do you think you have to do when the red light is on. Stop, said Phonixa. Yes and what about the green one? asked Olympia. Means go of coase, said Phonixa. Okay and what do you think the yellow light means then? asked Olympia. Sounds like a warning so best to stop, said Phonixa. Hmm, okay so you do know what they mean then but regardless it is against the law to drive without a licence and if you need to go anywhere you can call a cab, saod Olympia. Okay we want to go shopping, said Phonixa so how do we call a cab? Really already? asked Olympia. Ya these two love shopping, said Aiko. They spend a lot of time in the west town hanging out and flirting with the boys. We have boyfriends now so we don't flirt so much anymore, said Repellia. Now the boys try to flirt with us. Yes I can see why, said Olympia. Okay I will write down the closest shopping mall for you to give the cab driver and my address when you need to come back and keep it in your pocket so you don't loose it. I would take you but I have some things to take care of downtown. Can I come with you? asked Aiko. Sure why not. Best not to have the three of you running around in Granada by your selves, said Olympia. Now here is my spare cell phone. All you have to do is tap the word "Taxi" and put it up to your ear and wait for them to answer then tell them you need a cob and tell them where you are and where you want to go. I will call the cab for you so watch what do. Olympia called the cab company while Phonixa watched what she did. Okay that was easy enough, said Phonixa. Yes it is easy now keep the phone in your pocket and I will go get each of you some money then go down stairs and wait for the cab, said Olympia. They usually take about fifteen minutes. Olympia got some money for them then took Aiko and the twins down the elevator then showed them out and where to stand then went to get her car with Aiko. Sapphire appeared in the kitchen. Okay they are splitting up, Olympia can take care of Aiko so I better keep an eye on those two young twins then she vanished.

Phonixa and Repellia saw a parked car parked on the side of the street. Look that must be a car lets have a closer look, said Phonixa. They both looked through the windows. Looks really nice in there, said Repellia, I don't like the colour though. Me neither, there is the steering wheel Aiko was talking about, said Phonixa. I bet I could drive a car like this with no trouble at all. Excuse me ladies, did you loose something said a police man from behind them. They both turned around fast. Umm no, we were just looking inside, we have never seen a car before, said Phonixa. Sure you haven't, where are you from Never Never Land? asked the officer. No silly, that is make believe and where Peter Pan lives. We are from Fae Land, said Repellia. Never heard of the place, must be in Europe I suspect, said the officer. Maybe where is Europe, asked Repellia. Okay so you never seen a car before and you don't know where Europe is but you are both fully grown woman, twins by the look of things. May I ask what you are doing out here? asked the officer. Yep, we are waiting for a cab, we don't have a licence but I don't understand why we need one, said Phonixa. It is harder to learn how to ride a horse properly than to drive a car. So what is all that stuff you have in your belt? Really you don't know, I am a police officer, I enforce the laws of Granada and keep everyone safe. These are my tools and weapons that help in keeping the peace. Oh okay, we don't really have any laws in Fae Land, said Repellia. We have been at peace for a long time now but we have the winged army plus Avan and Rara so nobody dares to attack us anymore. Really a winged aremy, what are they flying monkeys? asked the officer. Oh don't let Jazmen hear you call him and is army monkeys, she would knock you head so hard you would see stars for a week, said Phonixa. Really and who is Avan and Tara? asked the officer. Two she devils that God created, said Phonixa. I see, so where are you to going? asked the officer. To the shoping mall. Olympia wrote down the name of it to give to the taxi man, said Phonixa. May you you two should come with me. I have some more questions for you two. Okay, are you going to give us a drive to the mall then? asked Phonixa. Ya sure just get in the back seat of my car over there, said the officer. Sappire appeared behind the police man and said, Just stay here girls, your cab is coming now". The officer turned aroind fast and saw Sapphire then pulled out his gun but Sapphire made it vanish then go back in his hoster and he couldn't get it back out.


The cab pulled up and the driver asked if any if you call a cab? We did, said Phonixa. Ikay then jump in the back the driver said. I need to take them down to the station, there is something wrong with those two, said the officer. Just because they seem different to you doesn't mean there is something wrong with them, said Sapphire. Now girls no more telling people you are from Fae Land or anything about Fae Land. Just tell them if asked you are from the country. Okay, see you later, bye nice policeman, said Repellia then they got in the cab and it drove off. Now before you get all hot around the collar let me inform you that those two girls live in a palace and the queen of Fae Land treats them like her own daughters, said Sapphire. If you wish to create an international incident then go file your report but I am sure your captian will think there is something wrong with you and probably suspend you. Umm, really those two are royalty? Why didn't they just tell me that? asked the officer. Probably because you didn't ask the right questions. They concider themselves as equals with everyone in Fae Land. They are the sweetest and kindest girls that you will ever meet, said Sapphire. Well they did seem to be very nice to me while I was questioning them, said the officer. So what are you, and how did you do that trick eith my gun. Sapphire smiled. Me, I am just your imagination, said Sapphire then vanished. The police man took off his hat and scatched his head. Man I definately need to take a vacation, said the officer.


The cab driver took Repellia and Phonixa to the mall that Olympia wrote in the piece of paper. Okay here we are, Cloverdales Mall, said the cab driver. I like this mall better than the big one downtown, the prices are more reasonable. That is good, we always look for the sales, said Repellia. Good thinking now that will be ten dollars, said the cab driver. Wow that is expensive, said Phonixa. That was like a dillar a minute. Well that is the going rate here in Granada. What do the cabs charge where you are from? asked the cab driver. Well we live in the country and ride horses so there are no cabs there, said Phonixa. Must be nice to live the country life, said the cab driver. Clean air and nice and quiet, I am saving my money so I can buy a small ranch in the country, but at this rate it will be another ten years before I can afford just a down payment in a place, said the cab. Tell you what, I have never given two pretty twins a ride in my cab before so I will just charge you seven dollars. Okay that is a bit better, said Phonixa. We will be needing a ride home when we are done shopping. Well if you are dine by three o'clock just them them you want Jimmy to come and get you and if it is after three then just call my private number and I will come and get you. Jimmy gave Phonixa his card and she gave him the money. Okay thanks for the nice drive, my name is Repellia and this is my sister Phonixa. We will see you again after we are done then the twins got out of the cab and headed for the front door of the mall. Very nice sweet girls, he thought. living in the country must be the healthiest way to grow up. Those two are gorgeous!

They both walked up to the glass front doors and they opened automaticly for them. Hey just like the entrance to the fairy forest, said Phonixa. Must be magic doors. They went inside and a girl greeted them. Welcome to Claoverdales Mall, would you two lovely girls be needing a shopping cart? Sure, why not, we are not sure what we want to buy yet but we have lots of money to spend in here, said Repellia. The girl went and got them a cart and gave it to Repellia. So where are the best deals for today, asked Phonixa. Go up the esculatirs to the secind floor, said the girl. The best deals and sales are always up there. Okay thank you, said Phinixa and they walked into the mall. What are esculators? asked Repellia. Aiko told me they are magical moving stairs that are a lot of fun, said Phonixa. That looks like them over there. It's so nice and cool in here, said Repellia, there must be lots of white magic in this building keeping it so nice. Okay there they are moving stairs, how do we get this cart up them. I don't know, try pushing it forward and see what happens, said Phonixa. Repellia pushed the cart forward and the front wheels caught the first step then in a few moments they were moving up the esculator. This is fun, said Repellia then she began waving at people going down on the esculator beside them. Once the got to the second floor they looked around at all the stores. Wow, now this is what I call a good place to shop, said Phinixa. Look at all these stores. Ya lets check them all out, said Repellia.


The two of them spent over three hours going from store to store buying at least ine thing from each of them. In the woman's clothing store they saw a lot of outfits that they really like which filled up half the cart. In the last store they went in was was a store that sold sold a variety of different types of clocks from compact electric alarm clocks to big grandfather clocks. Phonixa found a shelf filled with clocks that were on sale. Look at these Repellia arn't they cute looking. Yes but how do the work? There is no cord connected to them, said Repellia. Lets ask the lady over there, said Phonoxa then took a small clock with her. Hello Miss. how do these work, asked Phonixa. Oh those are very old and have been ih the store for ages. Everyone buys the electric clocks now days, said the lady. So these work with out electricity? asked Phonixa. Yes, all you do is wind that knob on the back until it is tight then turn the big knob untile the hands point to the right time then turn the small know to turn that small gold hand to the time you want to wake up then poll up the knob between the two bells, said the lady. Then what happens? asked Repellia. Well whe the time reach the spot you set the gold alarm arm to the two bells ring that wakes you us and just push the knob in the top down to stop it from ringing, said the lady. The twins smiled at each other. These are perfect, we will take all of them, said Phonixa. Really you want all of these old clocks? asked the lady. Yep, where we are going they will be perfect, said Phonixa. They lady put them all on a bag then Phonixa payed for them. Now what? asked Repellia. Well I think we did enough shopping for one day, said Phonixa. More like a whole month, said Repellia. Let's take take the cart outside and call Jimmy to take us back to Olympia's place, said Phonixa. When they were outside Phonixa wnt to call Jimmy when Repellia spotted a store beside the mall called The Barefoot Bar. Hey wait, maybe they make milkshakes in that eatery, said Repellia. I sure could use one right now. Ya me too, lets go in and find out said Phonixa. What about the cart? asked Repellia. Bring it in with us, There must be a place inside to park it, said Phonixa. They both went in and put the cart full of bags by the window then walked over to the bar. Listen to this, they are still talking about that girl with the wings that was seen flying around the city, said the lady behind the bar. Radio stations will do anything to keep people listening to their station. Then she turned off the radio. Well look who I have here, twin sisters, I haven't seen you twi around these parts before. My name in Maggie, what can I get you two pretty girls. Do you sell milkshakes here, asked Repellia. Milkshakes, no I am afraid not dear. This is a bar and we only serve alcohol beverages. Oh we don't drink those kind of drinks, said Phonixa. Well you would have to go to a restraunt that serves ice cream and milkshakes. There is one about a block down the street, said Maggie. Oh okay, we might as well go back to Olympia's place. We just finished shopping and are kinda pooped, said Phonixa. So you said something about a girl with wings flying around, is she still here. Oh I don't know, that was a couple of days ago, said Maggy. Probably some company doing some kind of promotion for a new product. Did you hear if she had green hair, asked Repellia. As a matter of fact they did say she had green hair and pointy ears and a very sexy green outfit. Sounds like a Martian to me if you believe in stuff like that, said Maggie. So did you say you are going back to Olympia's place? I know her well, there is only one Olympia in Granada. Yes we are just visiting her for a couple of days, said Repellia. Well isn't it a small world, why don't you two try a light beer, there is not much alcohol in a one of those. Okay I guess, said Phonixa and Repellia.


 Maggie poured each of them a small mug of light beer then put it on the counter in front of them. So welcome to Maggies Barefoot Bar, said Maggie. New customers always get their first drink free and being barefoot is optional but usually more comfortable. Thanks but we don't wear shoes, said Repellia. Really, you never wear shoes? asked Maggy. Never, no one in Fae Land wears shoes except for the men that have to go to work, said Repellia.  Fae Land you say, that is where that girl with wings said she was from, said Maggie. Sounds like you two know something about this mystery girl that you are not telling me. We were told not to tell people anything about Fae Land or the people here will think we are nuts or something, said Phonixa. Really, well let me tell you something girls I have been a bartender all of my adult life and I have heard every kind of story possible, said Maggy. Once someone gets a few drinks in them it loosens their tongue and it becomes story time. Usually it is about breakups or tall tales when they went hunting. Thing is when you tell the bartender something it stays with the bartender and tells no one. That is the code all bartenders live by except if someone murdered somebody or is palnning to but that never happens in Granada. So have a sip of beer and tel me all about this Fae Land. Bothe Phonixa and Repellia grabbed their mug of beer and took a sip but ommediately spit it back into the mug. This tastes bad, said Phonixa. People actually drink stuff like this? Ya tastes really yucky, said Repellia. Okay I get it you oviously don't like beer, said Maggy. Usually after a few mouthfuls you get used to the taste. Why would anyone want to get used to something that tastes bad? asked Phonixa. Well good question but alcohol gets people drunk and makes them feel good for a while and forget their problems, said Maggie. Okay I guess but I already feel good, now I just got to get that taste out of my mouth, said Repellia. Here have a mint, that should do the trick, said Maggie.

So is that better? asked Maggie. Yep we love candies, said Repellia. Here let me dimp out those two mugs then tell me about this Fae Land you say your from. Okay so long as you don't think we are nuts, said Phonixa. Well you are two teenage girls that have never heard of beer and definitly don't like it which is very unusal by itself so I am already beginning to believe you two are not from anywhere around here, said Maggie, so lets start with where Fae Land is located. Well this is going to be hard to believe but it is in a different reality to Granada, said Phonixa. Okay, go on, said Maggie. Well it is the most magical place on the planet where nobody ever gets sick and people live for a very long time, said Phonixa. Everything is really cheap to buy especially food and clothes. Our queen Alieta made sure of that, she won't let anyone go hungry or not being able to buy clothes and other essensials for life. Okay she sounds like a very nice queen, so what is so magical about Fae Land? asked Maggie. White magic comes up out of the ground mostly in Eden and spreads out all over the land plus the pixies fly around at night dropping pixie dust off their wings that land on the plants and makes them grow healthy and fast, said Phonixa. Then there is the fairy forest that gives off magic also. That is where Ivy and her sister work controling the magic somehow. Really, Who is this Ivy then that has that kind of power? asked Maggie. Ivy is a forest sprite and so is her sister. Ivy was here a couple of days ago looking into how to make electricity. She is really smart and really pretty, everyone loves Ivy in Fae Land. So the stories about a girl with wings and green hair are all true? asked Maggie. Well we didn't hear and stories except from you but I suppose so unless you have an ivy her just like her, said Repellia. Just then the frint door opened and Olympia walked in with Aiko. Well look who it is, my friend and good customer Olympia, said Maggy. Hi Maggy, what are you two doing in Maggie's bar? asked Olympia. Nothing bad, said Repellia. Relax Olympia, these two pretty girls took one sip of beer and spit it back in the mugs. They came in here hoping to buy milkshakes, said Maggie. They have been telling me all about this magical place called Fae Land with pixies and fairies that is in a different reality. Harmless fun, that's all. Really did they tell you about the sprites and elves yet like Aiko yet? asked Olympia. Maggie looked at Aiko and saw her pointy ears. Um no they never got to that part yet, said Maggie. Well what ever these two told you will be the truth, It seems that there is no reason for anyone to lie that comes from Fae Land and what I have seen so far there is a Fae Land, said Olympia. So this is all true? asked Maggie. Yep but remember you are under the bartenders code of honor, said Olympia.  Yes, not a word to anyone, said Maggie. No one would believe me anyways. So what can I get you two. Oh I just brought Aiko here to meet you. She is very delightful and can be pretty funny. She is well over two hundred years old and still loves to play and have fun, said Olympia. Your two hundred years old? asked Maggy. Two hundred and twenty five, said Aiko with a smile.


  Yep everyone loves to paly and have fun in Fae Land, said Aiko and so does Repellia and Phonixa but mostly they like to shop and from the looks of that cart they did a lot of it. Yep we bought mostly clothes plus a some other odds and ends plus a bunch of wind up alarm clocks that I am going to give everyone in the palace, said Phonixa. Okay so it was a good thing we came by, said Olympia. Lets put those bags in the trunk of my car and we can head home now unless you two want to do some more shopping. Nope we are done for today, said Phonixa. Well before you all leave is there anything else you can tell me about this amazing Fae Land? asked Maggie. Like how do you all do things without electricity. Well Ivy is working with Alexa last I heard at making something called solar panels, said Aiko but we all have done quite nicely without it all this time. Your stores sell a lot of the same clothes that ours do and there are a lot of other things you have that we have. Ivy told me that she wanted solar panels so that nobody needed to use candles all the time light the rooms up at night. Forest sprites hate fire as you can probably understand why so she is trying to make it safer for everyone back home. We use horses instead of cars to get around which is probably why the air here smells funny. One thing I have noticed here is a lot of people don't look happy, some I sense are quite sad mostly because of the cost if living in a big modern city. Everyone in Fae Land is happy most of the time. Yes Phonixa did say everything in Fae Land was very affirdable to everyone because of the queen. Yep Alieta is the best and takes very good care of all the people in Fae Land. Best and safest place in the world to live, that is for sure, said Repellia. We have to go back later on tomorrow. We have dance rehearsals to do Monday morning to get ready for the harvest festival. Everyone shows up for the festival so we all want to be really good on stage and make Ginger proud of us. Okay then best we get going then, said Olympia. Lets load up the car and be on our way. Can we seop and get a milkshake before we go home? asked Repellia. Maggie said there was a place close by. Sapphire can make you one once we get home, said Olympia. I have to give the landlord the rent check and he doesn't like it when it is late. Okay by Maggie, nice meeting you, sorry we wasted some of your light beer, said Phonixa. The rest of them said goodbye then left the bar. Well there goes some very happy and delightful people, thought Maggie. I guess you don't need alcohol if you are already living a very good life and a very long one at that.



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