Aiko And The Twins In Granada  Chapter 6


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Sakura Gets Teleported

Once they got back home and in the underground parking they all got out of the care and Olympia opened the trunk. Okay every one take a bag and get up to the appartment but first I have to drop off my rent cheque to the superintendent. Sapphire appear and siad I got all these for you, see you all in the kitchen then vanished along with all the bags. Once Olympia dropped off her check they all went up the elevator then went in the appartment then found Sapphire in the kitchen and all the bags were on the kitchen counter. That was some shopping spree you two went on, said Sapphire. Yep it was a lot of fun, said Repellia. I bet it was for both of you, it was really funny when you asked for milkshakes at the bar, said Sapphire. I could barely stop from laughing. So you were with us all that time? asked Phonixa. Yep, it is my job, said Sapphire. Aiko was with Olympia so I stuck with you two incase you needed my help. Giid thing seeing you both almost ended up in a police station being interigated. What, what happened? asked Olympia. Nothing we were just looking in this car parked outside to see what it looked like inside when this nice police man started asking some questions, said Phonixa. We did as Sapphire said and idn't say we were from Fae Land, just frim the country but when I said we never seen a car before that is when he kept asking more questions but Sapphire showed up just as the cab showed up so we left to go shopping. Okay Sapphire, how did you deal with the police officer? asked Olympia. I just told him that repellia and Phonixa were very nice girls and would never do anything wrong. And he belived you and didn't seem surprised to see your wings? asked Olympia. Well ya ay first and he pointed his gun at me but I made it vanish and go back in his houster and made it so he couldn't take it out again, then told him I was his imagination and vanished. That poor police officer, he must be in shock now, said Olympia. Did you make it so he can use his gun again before you disappeared? Um no, but I am sure the effect will wear of eventually, said Sapphire. At least I think it will. Well I just hope he doesn't come back here asking more questions, said Olympia. So I promised the girls that you would make them milkshakes when we got home. Okay but I am not that great at making milkshakes, said Sapphire. Either they are too thick or too milky, I am really good at making ice cream sundaes in any flavor though. That works for me, said Phonixa. Mee too, said Repellia. Can I have one also? asked Aiko. Sure everyone sit down and just tell me what flavor you want, said Sapphire. Strawberry for me, said Phonixa, Blueberry for me, said Repellia. I like chocolate the best, said Aiko. Okay and what about you Olympia? asked Sapphire. None for me, I am trying to watch my weight, said Olympia. Why, when you come to Fae Land you never get fat no matter what you eat, said Phonixa. Really, then in that case I will have chocolate also, said Olympia.


After they finished eating the sundaes, Sapphite made everything disappear. So you two, what is in all these bags? asked Olympia. Mostly clothes, said Repellia. We found lots of new styles that are not in the wardrobe room at the palace. Plus a bunch of wind up clocks to give to everyone that lives in the palace with us. Okay, so did you get anything for your selves? asked Olympia. Not really, we can wear some of the clothes if we want but mostly they are for Myka and Rose, said Phonixa. So you did all that shopping and didn't see anything you liked to buy yourselves? asked Olympia. Sure we liked all kinds of things but nothing we really needed or could use in Fae Land, said Phonixa. We just loved shopping and seeing all the stores pius all the things they sell here. We have never had that much money before to shop so we hand the best time shopping ever! That we thank you for plus we got to ride in a cat and met Jimmy an very nice man and Maggie that owned the Barefoot Bar. Funny tasting drinka she sells in there but people here must like them. Today was a very good day in Granada but we have to leave tomorrow. Dance lessons Monday morning. Well the portal opens at 2 PM so be ready to go back then, said Sapphire. Okay that will give us a chance to buy some treats for everyone back home. Just then there was a flash of light over by the refridgerator. Hey where am I? I was at home in the kitchen just a moment ago. Hi Repellia and Phinixa. Oh hi Aiko and Sapphire, who is the new girl? Hello my name is Sakura, I like your outfit and you have nice brown hair. My hair is pink like my eyes and wings, Pink is my favorite colour, do you like to play. Oh boy, I need to fix this fast, said Sapphire then called for Gabriel.


Sakura, that is Olympia and this is her place so stop confusing her by talking so fast, said Phonixa. Oh, okay, sorry Olympia, how did I get to your place? asked Sakura. Was it one of those portals I heard people talking about? Mom told me to stay inside or no further than the backyard. I was just in the kitchen and was going to have some ice cream. Do you have any ice cream? Here Sakura, sit in my chair, said Repellia. Sapphire will make you a bowl. Okay, thanks Repellia, thanks Sapphire, chocolate please. Repellia got up and Sakura sat down then Sapphire made her a bowl of ice cream while she waited for Gabriel to show up. Well it looks like that portal is still wandering around, said Aiko. I wonder who will show up next. Gabriel appeared in the kitchen. Yes Sapphire, what do you need? asked Gabriel.We have another visitor and I am sure she will not fit in here at all, said Sapphire. Oh dear, hello Sakura, when did you get here? asked Gabriel. Hi Gabriel, I just got here, said Sakura. Where am I, Sapphire makes good ice cream, do you want some? No thank you dear, you are in Granada right now but not for long. Really, Ivy told me Granada was a really nice place with lots of differnt things not found in Fae Land. Can I stay for a bit and see what she meant? asked Sakura. "NO" everyone said at once. Okay okay, I was just asking, said Sakura. My Mom will be wondering where I am soon anyways. Okay you just finish that bowl if ice cream and I will take you back home, said Gabriel. So Sapphire do you sense anyother people from Fae Land here. No but I can only sense Fae people. If any humans show up then I won't know, said Sapphire. Okay, just do the best you can then, said Gabriel.

You almost done Sakura? asked Gabriel. Yep all done that was good, thanks Sapphire. Okay then hang on to my hand and lets go, said Gabriel. Sakura git up ang grabbed Gabriel's hand and they both vanished. Well I must say she was a very unusual person, said Olympia. Very cute and sure likes to talk. Don't forget she loves to play and her favorite colour is pink, said Phonixa. Yes that too so is she some kind of fairy too? asked Olympia. No, she is kind of a mix of different things, said Repellia. Lets just say she is one of the mist unique people in Fae Land and everyone she meets, end up loving her and her perky ways. Perky, more like super hyper, said Olympia... Gabriel and Sakura reappeared in Yeanny's kitten that was wondering where Sakura was. Hi Mom. I am back, guess where I was, said Sakura. Well you weren't where I asked you to stay, said Yeanny. Oh sorry but I tried to stay here but I ended up in Granada where Repellia, Phonixa, Aiko and Sapphire were plus a nice girl named Olympia, said Sakura. Kind of a funny name but she was nice. Yeanny looked up at Gabriel. Yes that portal seems to be still moving around, said Gabriel. Good thing it took here right to the kitchen where everyone was. If she ened up somewhere else then she would definately not gone unnoticed there. No I would of gone invisisble the got small then flew around, said Sakura. Sure you would of, what would you do when you sa someone new walking around? asked Gabriel. Everyone in Granada would be new to you. Um, I would go and talk to them I guess and everyone else I meet, I like making new friends, said Sakura. Yes we all know that, said Gabriel. Anyways so that you know, Granda is very safe and Sapphire can sense as soon as a Fae ends up there and will go to her and bring them back to Olympia's place. So staying inside, or just in the backyard is not going to make a difference? asked Yeanny. Nope, seems it will not so just do as you normally do, said Gabriel. Don't let this portal problem rule your lives. Main reason for it is because of the heat wave. I am going to see Mother nature again and see when it is going to start cooling off. See you two again some time, said Gabriel the vanished. Your not mad at me are you? asked Sakura. No dear that was something that was out of your control, said Yeanny. I just hope you minded your manners when you were there. Well I did talk a bit fast when I first met Olympia but she was smiling then Sapphire gave me some ice cream so I am pretty sure I was being good, said Sakura. Yes I am sure you were just fine also, said Yeanny.



Kendra decided to go see what Ivy was doing so she left the fairy forest and headed to the palace to see if she was there. When she reached the palace Alieta and Ginger were standing outside talking but she didn't see Ivy around. She flew down to them to see if they knew where she was. Hi Alieta and Ginger, I was wondering if you have seen Ivy lately, said Kedra. Actually she was here about ten minutes ago, said Alieta. Oh so I just missed her, did she say where she was going? asked Kendra. Well first she was going to go talk to Mika about something then she was going to go home, said Alieta. Oh, so who is Mika? asked Kendra. She is a new girl here grom Granada. Her and her sister came together and now live in a house at the west end of Eden, said Ginger. Just go back towards the elf village then turn right at the waterfall mountain and keep going for just a little bit. Their place is the first house you will see. The next house is Banshee's. You can't miss it, everything else out there is the grassy plains. Okay thanks, said Kendra then flew off. Should we of told her to keep an eye open for any portal opening? asked Ginger. I am sure Ivy has told her all about it and her time in Granada, said Alieta. Kendra followed Ginger's instructions and was soon past the Sandy Lake mountains and on the grassy plains. Suddenly she saw a portal opening up just a head of her. Oh crap, she thought. She tried to turn around but the portal was strong and was pulling her closer and closer no mater how hard she tried to break free. She rolled onto her back and kicking her legs and waving her arms but the pull was just too strong for her and in just a few moments she was swallowed by the portal then both Kendra and the portal disapeared without a trace.

Back in Granada, Sparkle was getting ready to go to one of her charity homes that helped single moms and girls with emotional problems. Her parents were in the kitchen so she stopped to talk to them. Hi Mom and Dad, are you all packed for your holiday? asked Sparkle. Yes but I wouldn't really call it a holiday, said Mr. Parson. Every day your mother has to speak in front of woman's rights groups and I have to attend seminars on new grapic designs for high rise buildings. Well that is just during the morning, you two will still have the rest of each day to spend together. Yes I suppose you are right, you always look at the bright side of things, said Mr. Parson. So Sparkle will you be okay while we are gone? ask Mrs. Parson. We will be gone for five days you know. I will be fine, I have tons of things to do, so when do you leave? asked Saprkle. Our plane leaves in a couple of hours so we will be gone when you get back home, said Mrs. Parson. Okay, I just got to go to my room and get my cell phone. It should be charged by now, said Sparkle. Have a safe flight, love you bith then she went upstairs to her room. She walked over to the far side of her room and took her cell phone off the bed side table. Yep one hundred percent charged, that should be good for a couple of days, depending how many people call me, she thought to herself. As she was checking her text messages she didn't notice that a portal had formed on the bedroom floor and she walked right on it. The portal glowed then vanished along with Sparkle.

The End



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