Aiko And The Twins In Granada  Chapter 2


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Gifts From Heaven

Olympia got up and went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of wine and grabbed a glass from the cuboard and gave them to Sparkle. Now best I get Aiko into some different clothes so she will blend in better, said Olympia. That would be good seeing I had to sleep in this dress in that park not knowing where I was and then wandered around until I found you, said Aiko. Well maybe a shower too then, said Olympia. Oh I am really liking you now, said Aiko. Olympia smiled. Okay I will show you the bathroom, you do know how to work one right? asked Olympia. Yes of coarse, said Aiko. Okay, just asking, said Olympia. Whole you shower I will pick out a dress for you and some sandals. No sandals please. I never wear shoes of any type, said Aiko. Of coarse not, elves don't wear anything on there feet, said Sparkle. Don't you know anything about elves? Actually no, said Olympia but I am learning fast. So what about the hat, I never heard of elves wearing hats either except in Santa's village said Sparkle jokingly. Ya Santa's elves wear toques but they are much smaller, said Aiko. What Santa is real? asked Olympia. Of coarse, he comes to out Christmas party every year in the grand hall. Usually Merlin comes too, said Aiko. Best you stop asking questions Olympia. Fae Land is oviously a place that none of use has even dreamed about, said Sparkle. Yes but I don't have a toque, just a cowboy hat and I dought it will stay on her. Well Ivy came here and she has pointed ears plus wings, said Aiko. How did she get disquised? I know that one said Sapphire. Ivy wouldn't let me shrink her ears of wings. She wanted to fly everywhere and see as much as she could and meet people. Ivy just didn't care what people thought and quite frankly as I followed her around everywhere invisible that girl just made friends with everyone she met. Shocked a few at first but soon everyone wanted to meet her. Really, that story if the flying green fairy was true I read on the internet? asked Sparkle. I don't know what the internet is but ivy is a forest sprit and not a fairy but I suppose the story was true, said Sapphire. Okay you sit with me, I have a few questions I would like to ask you about Fae Land while Aiko gets cleaned up if that is fine with you, said Sparkle. Sure but Aiko knows more about Fae Land than me though Ivy did show me around some, said Sapphire.


Olympia took Aiko to the bathroom and Sapphire went to sit down but suddenly Gabriel appeared and she stood up straight. Well Sapphire I saw you found Aiko and got her to a safe place, said Gabriel. Oh my God, oh my God, said Sparkle then spilt her wine. Well hello Sparkle, nice to see you again, said Gabriel. Sapphire can you fix her drink and clothes please. We must not waiste the lords gift now to mankind now should we. Sapphire waved her hand and the wine went back in the glass and that stain on her dress vanished. I am sorry Gabriel, I should of checked in her first before showing us but Sparkle was here and saw Aiko and me. Am I in trouble? asked Sapphire. No dear you are doing a great job, said Gabriel. Your Gabriel the number one angel? I have never seen and angel before but you said you have seen me before, said Sparkle. Well yes dear us angels have been watching you since the moment you opened your eyes in your mother's arms and she saw that sparkle in your eyes and gave you that name, said Gabriel. You have grown into a lovely young woman with a heart of gold not unlike the many of the people in Fae Land. You have shared the love in you that God gave you with many peope as you were growing up. That has made our father very happy. Now Sapphire, where is Aiko now? Olympia took her to get cleaned up and get a change of clothes, said Sapphire. Very good, Olympia is another girl with a big heart. Now that random portal may bring more people from Fae Land here while this heat wave contiues so do your thing then bring them here. Mother Natures says that things will start cooling off in two or three days so hopefully no more people will get caught in that portal. Just in case here is a suit case filled with paper money so that Olympia will not have to support anyone. Only she can open it but tell her to use as much as she wants and needs seeing the money will keep replenishing itself. Things here in Granada can be very expensive. So keep up the good work Sparkle, you are making us all proud in heaven and same goes for you Sapphire. Then Gabriel vanished. Wow that was intense, said Sparkle. Yep Gabriel is amazing but she still scares me sometimes, sais Sapphire. Why is that? asked Sparkle. She the boss, and her only boss is God. Don't you think that can be scary to be working for her? asked Sapphire. No I would be honored to work with any angel, said Sparkle. Ya me too but I am still scared a bit, said Sapphire.

Is that case made of gold? asked Sparkle. Probably only the best comes from heaven, said Sapphire. Sparkle finished her glass of wine and went to finish off the last bit in the bottle. Hey this bottle is full again. There wasn't that much in it when Olympia gave it to me, said Sparkle. Did you fill it back up when you fixed my spill? Nope not me, said Sapphire. Then Gabriel must of then, said Sparkle. Nope only God can turn air into wine, said Sapphire. I thought it was water into wine, said Sparkle. God can turn anything into wine, bet you it tastes good, said Sapphire. Wow it does taste way better, said Sparkle. Drink up and enjoy then, said Sapphire. Olympia and Aiko came back into the kitchen. How do I look, asked Aiko. Very pretty, said Sparkle. Ya I like it too, nice and light for on this hot day, said Aiko. Where did the suit case come from? asked Olympia. Gabriel left it for you, it is full of money to pay for everything while Aiko is here and incase more people show up, said Sapphire. Gabriel said only you can open it, looks like a gold case so probably only you can lift it too. Really lets see, Hey it is light as a feather, said Olympia. Open it up then, said Sparkle. Olympia put the case back on the table and opened it up. Wow look at all the money, all in small bills from fives to twenties. Garbriel said to use as much as you want because it refills everytime you close it, said Sapphire. In that case looks like we have some shopping to do, said Olympia. Ya and God filled up this bottle of wine for us too, said Sparkle. Best wine I have ever tasted. Come have a glass before to go shopping. Don't mind if I do, said Olympia then grabbed a glass and filled it up.

 Okay so where are we going shopping? asked Aiko. Lets go to the shopping mall down town, said Olympia. There lots of different kinds of stores in there. You can buy just about anything. Okay is it very far away? asked Aiko. Well yes but we can take my car, said Olympia. What is a car? asked Aiko. Sparkle giggled. I knew she was going to ask that, said Sparkle. It is what a drive around in to go to place that are too far to walk, said Olympia. Oh like a horse then, said Aiko. I suppose but my car has over two hundred horses under the hood, said Olympia. Wow it must go really fast then, said Aiko. It can but we won't be going on any highways. Don't worry it is very safe, said Olympia. She opened the case and grabbed two handfulls of money then put the money in her pockets. Okay lets go, stay as long as you want Sparkle, said Olympia. No I best be going, I have some things to take care of, said Sparkle. I will be following you two but invisible said Sapphire. It is my job to make sure nothing bad happens then she vanished. Well thanks for one of the most unusual visits ever, said Sparkle then she got up and left. Okay lets go but you stay in the lobby downstairs until I bring the car around, said Olympia. Okay no problem you just show me where the lobby is, said Aiko. Olympia smiled. Just follow me, said Olympia then they both left. Once they got off the elevator Olympia told Aiko to sit in the chair and she will come and get her in a couple of minutes. She went down the stairs to the underground parking and got in her car then drove it to the front of the building. When she went back in she found Aiko talking to a little boy. Okay Aiko lets go, said Olympia. Okay by Jessie, I am going shopping, said Aiko. Okay, wait until I tell my Mom I met a real elf then he ran over to the elevator. You told him you were an elf? asked Olympia. Well he asked and I don't lie, said Aiko. What else could I tell him, I don't have wings so I could say I was a sprite. Olympia shook her head then they both went out side. Olympia opened the passenger door for Aiko then when to the drivers side and opened her door. Okay get in, said Olympia. Really in there, it looks kinda small to fit in, said Aiko and where are all the horses? They are under the hood, that is how much horse power the engine is, said Olympia. Just get in, you will see there is lots of room once you have sat down inside. They both got in the car then Olympia turned the car on. Wow that is loud, said Aiko. Here let me turn on the radio then, said Olympia. Hows that? Nice music, like the fairies make when we have a party at the palace. It's not bad but I have better rock music at home, said Olympia. They headed out and Aiko put her head out the window and waved at everyone they passed on the side walk. Okay this is going to be a very interesting shopping trip, said Olympia. This is and adventure to me, said Aiko. Can we go faster. We can but it is not allowed here, said Olympia. Okay, your the boss, said Aiko.




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