The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

Alexa Has A Party Chapter 1


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After Alexa had a long talk with Gabriel that made her feel much better, she went with Jazmen to her place to have something to eat and meet her room mate Jessica who is supposed to be a pretty good cook. Alieta asked the three teen girls how they liked the big pool in the forest and they all said it was fantastic and would like to go there more often. Alieta told them that now that you have been excepted by the forest you can get in any time you want plus use the sauna, spa and use the outdoor eatery also. Pippie, Lilly, Roseberry and Sunflower now had a good plan in place for a new section in the forest and got started on it. Lollipop had another idea for the north end of the river also but had to wait until the next day to get started on it. Viridian left the pool and went to the cove to look around at the beautiful setting that both Ivy and Sara worked in every day. Tulip commented on how great Viridian looked in that swim suit and Ivy told her that Viridian has one of the nicest bodies around, she just has to do something with her hair that does nothing for how great she looks. Viridian smiled and agreed but maybe later when I have some time. Ivy knew she had lots of time but probably liked it the way she had it. Everything was fine in the forest and every where else so Ivy and Sara had nothing to do right now so they both decided to check out the sauna then have a quick swim after before going home for the day. After hearing about the new paradise being built just north west of the palace, Tara and Avan went for a fly over to check it out. Everyone else just hung outside on the palace grounds enjoying the nice sunny summer day...

Alexa Meets Jessica

Jazmen got home and showed Alexa in and introduced her to Jessica. She was quite the looker as most sprites are and was very happy to finally meet Alexa that she heard so much about. So do you work with Jazmen and her winged army? asked Alexa. No that is not for me, said Jessica. I am not into fighting with people and creatures like Jazmen. I like cooking and shopping or staying at home working inside or out in the yard. She has a big enough army to lead anyways, said Jessica with a smile. We have lots of friends so there is always something to do. Ya I have lots of friends too, but most of the town's people don't visit thinking that they would be imposing or something, said Alexa. Well have a small neighborhood party then, said Jessica. That will get them to know you better and then you will have lots of company after. Humans are funny that way. So Jessica, are you into making us something to eat. I was swimming and Alexa here said she was hungry too. You bet, that is my favorite thing to do! said Jessica. Might be weird to some people but not me. You show Alexa around our place and I will get looking for something nice to make. I shop a lot so the ice box is always full with all kinds of stuff.

Jazmen showed Alexa the living room first that was very big for just two people. This room is more than twice as big as mine, said Alexa. Well it wasn't always this big, said Jazmen. The two of us have been saving our money and doing additions a bit at a time over the years. Like Jessica said we have many friends that come and visit so this room needs to be big. We started with just a kitchen and a living room that was also our bedroom. I wish I could do that, said Alexa. We are limited with homes beside us that are pretty close to each other. Ya I was always wondering why you didn't live in Eden. That is the best place anywhere in Fae Land, said Jazmen. Well Diego and I have talked about it but we kind of like the idea of everything being close by in town, said Alexa. Ya including the other houses, said Jazmen with a smile. Now that was the living room and over here is our dinning room that we use when we entertain people. A separate living room and dining room? said Alexa with surprise. Yep, that room was Jessica's idea and she paid for most of it, said Jazmen. Really, where does she make money if she doesn't work for the army? asked Alexa. Oh she makes those amazing boxed treats that you see in a lot of stores everywhere. Chocolates and hard candies plus gummy fruit treats. You must of seen them before, They are called, "Jessica's Treats". She makes them? asked Alexa. Yep, she sure does, said Jazmen. She must be rich, those boxes of candy are everywhere, said Alexa. Jazmen laughed. Well I suppose so but she spends a lot also like she wanted to put a pool in our back yard but once I told her that the forest had a huge one that was just a couple minutes away, she decided to think of something else. Jessica loves to shop a lot even when we don't need anything.

Your own private pool. Now that would be nice, said Alexa. You know that the forest pool is limited to who can go in it so all your friends couldn't get in and I am sure Ivy wouldn't let a bunch of people in the forest she didn't know. Ya so, what are you saying? asked Jazmen. Pool parties girl! I bet your friends would love a nice swimming pool to go to from time to time, said Alexa. Ya that is true but then we need to build a fence and stuff, said Jazmen. I really didn't like her backup plan of making tennis courts. That doesn't sound too relaxing. Alexa smiled. Ya and you all got wings which would make it unfair to those with out wings, said Alexa. I will talk to Jessica about it again, said Jazmen. Jessica came into the dining room holding a box of candies. Here take one girls, these are from my latest batch. They are fruity hard candies. Alexa and Jazmen took one each from the box and put it in there mouth. Now just suck on it Alexa. They last longer that way, said Jessica. Yes I know I buy these all the time, said Alexa. I just found out that it is you that makes these fantastic candies. Yep, that would be me, said Jessica. The good thing is it doesn't take long to make candies. So what gave you the idea to start selling these? asked Alexa. It kinda happened by itself when I took a bag of them with me shopping and offered the store owner one. She flipped at how good they were and wanted to start selling them in her store. It snow balled from there. I will leave them on the table if you want more then Jessica went back to the kitchen. Now in here is our main big bathroom. It is a good size so one person can have a bath while the other has a shower. Okay I think I have seen enough, said Alexa. This place is like a mini mansion, said Alexa. But you haven't seen the bedrooms upstairs yet, said Jazmen. You have an upstairs too? said Alexa. Yep with a bathroom in each of the four rooms. Alexa just shook her head.

Okay you two, it is ready, said Jessica. Come into the kitchen and eat. They went in and sat down. Wow this smells good, said Alexa. Yep, Jessica is a great cook like I said. She never tells me what is in it though. She likes to surprise my taste buds, said Jazmen. Alexa tasted hers and it was amazing. Is it okay? asked Jessica. You bet, said Alexa. It is like the food Tasha made us in the elder village. Ya that is where I get a lot of my recipes, said Jessica. She is the best though, said Jessica. Ktara got a bunch of recipes from her too, said Alexa. That is good, she will enjoy cooking them like me, said Jessica. I have never met her either. As a matter of fact you are the first hero I have ever met. You two have to get together, she has a huge kitchen and loves cooking too, said Alexa. They all finished their dinner and Jessica gave them all some ice cream covered in chocolate syrup. Ivy would love this, said Alexa. Yes I hear she had a thing for ice cream, said Jessica, haven't met her either. Hmm, you have to get out more girl and not just to stores. There are so many awesome people out there that would love to meet you, said Alexa. I can see why you stay at home a lot with this fantastic place you two built. Even Alieta would love to meet you. The queen? really, said Jessica. I have told her that so many times but I think she is just afraid of not being able to say the right things to her and making a fool of herself, said Jazmen. Well Alieta has this magical way of making you feel comfortable around her. You go there tomorrow and see the crazy bunch of people that hang out at the palace, said Alexa. Have you seen the she devils yet. Nope, said Jessica. Any of the fairies.? Nope. How about Zan the Triffie? Nope, said Jessica. Okay, tomorrow I want Jazmen to take you to the place grounds in the morning, eight o'clock sharp. And I will be there with Diego and my two pet wolves, said Alexa. Now you better come or I will get you myself. Jazmen smiled. You best do what she says, said Jazmen. She is one strong girl. Okay okay I will, said Jessica. It can't hurt I suppose. Hurt, you will have a blast! said Alexa. Okay I got to go now. I have to figure out what to make Diego for supper now but first I am stopping by the palace and telling Alieta to expect you. Jazmen laughed. Now she has to go. Can't disappoint the queen of Fae Land. Alexa smiled. You know we love having something to do these days seeing that Tara and Avan take care of most of the attacks now, said Alexa. Maybe a few more of my team will come also, said Alexa. Oh here take a container of this that we just ate for Diego, said Jessica. Okay thanks Jessica, you will be just fine tomorrow, I can tell, said Alexa. Then Alexa left and headed to the palace. Oh boy, I am so nervous already, said Jessica. What am I going to wear? Relax girl. You are beautiful and everything in that big closet looks great on you, said Jazmen. Just wear something pretty but sexy too. Are you sure. I am meeting the queen you know. Jazmen smiled. Wait until you see the outfit she wears and the rest of the girls that live in the palace, said Jazmen.



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