Alexa Has A Party Chapter 4


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Alexa Gets Party Started

Jessica spent the next hour meeting every one on the palace grounds. All of Alexa's team were very friendly and acted quite normal to her which surprised Jessica. She still hadn't talked to Ktara yet as instructed by Alieta though she really wanted to soon. After meeting Tara, Avan and Zan that were hanging out together and found them to be very unique and quite funny, she then saw Alexa by the palace steps with Alieta, Ginger and both big wolves sitting on either side of Alexa. Alieta waved her over. So you having a good time? asked Alexa. Yes I am, said Jessica. Such a wide range of people that all seem to be like a big family of friends. Yep that is what we all are, said Alieta. So these two very beautiful and huge wolves are Angus and Sivia that Jazmen told me about and I see they are well taken care of, said Jessica. Jazmen has told me stories about them and how they are actually part of the team. Yes they are both very helpful to the team and a lot of fun also when nothing is going on, said Alexa. Both of them are expert soccer players, said Alexa. Really, they play soccer too? said Jessica. Yep and no one has been able to win against them yet, said Alexa with a smile. Now that tall handsome man walking over here is my boy friend Diego, said Alexa. He is the most understanding person I know seeing a lot of times he has to stay at home when some members of the team are need to go to battle. Why is that? asked Jessica. Battles where his amazing archery skill would not be effective I leave him safe at home same with some of the other's. I pick who I think will be best to battle certain enemies, said Alexa. Okay I can understand that, said Jessica. Sometimes I worry about Jazmen when she has to take her army out to battle something but she always comes back without a scratch then tells me the most amazing story about what your team did. So even though you rarely go out and had never met any of us Jazmen told you everything about us and the adventures we went on, said Alexa. Yep, her stories and the ones Alieta writes, said Jessica. You all make everyone very happy here and I make candy that makes people happy too. I am just a different kind of hero I suppose. Alexa giggled, yep the sweetest hero of us all said Alexa with a smile.

Hello Jessica, I see you are mixing in very nicely, said Diego. Yes, everyone here is so friendly, said Jessica. So Alexa said that you are and expert archer. Oh he is the best, said Alieta. Why don't you show her, said Alieta to Diego. Sure but I need a bow and arrow, said Diego. Alieta waved down a sprite on patrol and got her to lend Diego her bow and arrows. Now I need a few targets, said Diego. How about these three apples, said Guen and she made them appear in Alexa, Jessica and Alieta's hand. Perfect, said Diego. Now at the same time throw them straight up in the air nice and high. What all three at the same time? asked Jessica. Yes please, said Diego. Okay girls lets throw them high, said Alieta. They threw them up as high as they could then Diego shot off three arrows with lightning speed and hit every one of them. They came falling down to the ground. Tulip, Lollipop and Pippie picked them up and showed Jessica that each arrow went in the apples dead center then they started to eat the apples. Yum, apples on a stick, said Tulip with a smile and a mouth full of apple. That was amazing, said Jessica. I could barely see your arms move. Yep that is my man, said Alexa. Jessica saw the three fairies still eating the apples pierced by the arrows. You know this gives me an idea for a new treat, she said. What is that, asked Guen. Well it would be an apple with a long stick stuck in it then dipped in a nice caramel glazing that was heated on the stove then let to harden. That does sound good, said Alieta. What would you call it? Oh just "candy apples", said Jessica. They would have to be kept in ice boxes though. Yes of course said Alieta but that does sound like a very tasty and healthy treat. Very smart thinking. Well I guess that is why a lot of people call me the Candy Lady, said Jessica with a smile.

Okay I believe it is time to have a bit of a party, said Alexa. Yes please, said Alieta. Guen raised her hand and made music begin like before and that was a good enough clue for everyone to start dancing. You didn't have to use your wand this time, said Jessica. Nope, we just use the wand to direct the magic to smaller areas, said Guen. We all know that people like to see the magic wand so we make it appear most of the time.. Here hold it, said Guen. You have no magic but I think you will like what you can do with it, said Guen. She handed the wand to Jessica and it lit up. Now wave it back and forth, said Guen. When she did that lots of sparkles came off the wand that got some of the other fairies attention. We can do that too, watch. They all started doing the same and lots of sparkles were flying around everywhere. This is so cool, said Jessica. Each wand seems to have it's own colour of sparkles also. Yep, it is just the residue of magic in the wand escaping that makes the wand do that until it is all gone for you but us fairies can keep it sparkling as long as we want, said Guen. Jessica gave the wand back to Guen. Now Jessica, this would be a good time to talk with Ktara that I know you have been wanting to do from the start, said Alieta. She is over there by the maple tree. Jessica and Ginger walked over and said hi to Ktara. Sorry it took me so long to talk with you Ktara but Alieta figured us two would have a lot to talk about so she told me to leave you until last. Ktara smiled. Yes us cooks can talk forever about food, said Ktara. Okay I will leave you two to chat, said Ginger. Oh no you don't, said Ktara. You like to cook also in the palace kitchen. Ya I know but not lately ever since I got food poisoning from eating some left overs in the ice box that smelt okay and tasted fine, said Ginger. Oh don't let that stop you Ginger. It happens to the best of us usually just once though, said Jessica. Don't deprive your self from the joys of cooking. Stay and talk with us. The three of them sat on the ground and chatted away while everyone else kept dancing and talking plus eating some candies of course.

Well this seems to going well, said Alexa. Normally only during the harvest festival do we have parties this early. Yep and that is a couple months away yet so lets consider this a warm up, said Alieta. So your first party at the palace seems to be a success. Yes it does but I wasn't planning it to be a party but Diego told me when we get all our friends together in one place that a party is bound to break out. Alieta laughed. Yep that is the magic of loving friendships, the best times can always happen when everyone gets together, said Alieta. So I see none of the elves here, said Alexa. Oh I told them that this was your party and it was kinda private, said Alieta. Most of them know Jessica anyways plus they have their regular work to do, said Alieta. This is more of a family party. So do you think Jessica will consider all of us as part of her family now? asked Alexa. Well I think she will have no choice, said Alieta. See even Ivy has sat down beside her and is talking to the three of them now and she can't cook at all. Ivy is very careful who she picks as friends. Yes I know that, said Alexa. But she can feel if someone is good to be her friend, but the candy thing is a big plus too! Yep, that girl sure likes her sweets, said Alieta. So lets go out there and join the party, said Alieta. Time to have some fun and you have done all that was needed, said Alieta. Okay sounds good to me, said Alexa. They both went and joined everyone dancing and all was going great. When lunch time came, the fairies made a big lunch for everyone as usual. After everyone ate, people were just sitting around talking. Jessica saw all the candy she brought was gone so that was a huge success. She thought to herself that these people are amazing and why she had to be forced into meeting them all earlier. Bit by bit people started to head out after saying goodbye to Jessica. Sara took off to the cove but Ivy stuck around some more and was still talking with Ktara. Diego and the wolves headed home also and soon just the regulars were left on the palace grounds with exception to Alexa, Ktara and Ivy. Hmm, I have never seen Ivy talk so much to Ktara before, thought Alexa. Well they are neighbors, said Alieta. They probably talk to each other all the time. Ya, I'm going to go see what they are talking about anyways, said Alexa. She went over to the two of them and said hi. Hi Alexa, nice party you put together, said Ktara. Yes it seemed to work out that way, said Alexa. So what are you two talking about? Oh Jessica talked Ivy into trying to learn cooking. Really, how did she do that? asked Alexa. Well we all know that she is afraid of the fire in the wood stove, said Ktara. Really, I didn't know that, said Alexa. well ya it is just natural for a forest sprite to be frighted by fire seeing it can destroy an entire forest, said Ktara. But Jessica explained how the wood stove is our friend and the fire is controlled so just give it a try. So Ivy your going to try cooking now? asked Alexa. Yep I am but not alone, said Ivy. Ktara is going to help me and she is the best at cooking plus she has the biggest kitchen too. Good, said Alexa. Let me know when you get the hang of it. I would love to test your cooking, said Alexa. You see Ivy, just as Jessica said. Cooking brings friends together, said Ktara.



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