Alexa Has A Party Chapter 5


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Back To Work

Jessica thanks Alexa and Alieta for such a good time and promised not to be so secluded anymore. Well you are welcome here anytime with out any invitation now, said Alieta. You are part of a bigger family now. Jessica smiled. Yes I feel that now, such a big and wonderful family of friends too, said Jessica. Well I have to get back to work making some more candies. We all ate the batch that I made for the stores today, but that is fine. They can all wait another day. Now Jessica here was thinking of having a outdoor pool installed in her back yard, said Alexa. Well maybe not now seeing that the forest has a big one already, said Jessica. Besides I can tell Jazmen isn't all that interested in a pool, or a tennis court that I mentioned either. I have a better idea now but this time I am keeping it to myself and surprise Jazmen with it. This is something that I know both of us will love. How do you know she will like it? asked Alieta. Because I know Jazmen better than anyone and after flying around all day this is something she will definitely use, said Jessica. Okay off I go, have a great day and she flew off. I wonder what she is going to get? asked Alexa. I suppose we will have to wait and see, said Alieta. Okay my turn to get back to work, said Ivy. The fairies had the first half of the day off so now they can get to work on the paradise area plus work has been started in the forest also with a new something that Pippie came up with. Not sure what it is yet but I am sure it will be great. Ivy then flew off. Well that was fun, said Alexa to Alieta. Now I know why you love to throw a party. Yep, what is life with out having some fun from time to time, said Alieta. Well I am going back home, said Alexa. Time to relax a bit. Okay Alexa, now remember Ivy's birthday is coming up very soon, that party I have already started to plan, said Alieta. Cool, said Alexa. That should be a good one!

Back in the cove Ivy and Sara were getting started getting every thing ready for the new section in the paradise area. Okay you four. All is ready for you all to start building, said Ivy. Oh, said Tulip. It is an adventure fantasy forest and won't take too long to make seeing their is already a water source there. An extra bit of magic may be needed but we will leave that up to you. The four of them took off to get to work. Ivy could see in the overviewer that something was happening in the forest where the other four fairies were working. It wasn't that far from the cove, just a bit south west of it. Not really big, about the same size as the waterfall area. She could also see that they had tapped into the water source at the waterfall, so no drilling would be needed. Guen showed up in the cove and asked how everything was going. Oh all seems to be looking good so far, said Ivy. I have everyone working, some in the forest and some out in Fae Land. Oh good, said Guen. So you said it seems to be okay so far. What do you mean by that? Well I am still concerned about this paradise that Tulip just told me is going to be a adventure fantasy forest, said Ivy. A forest requires a lot of magic unless they are just making a small forest. Well if you see a problem then just let me know and I will see what I can do, said Guen. I think I will go help out the girls in the forest for something to do and off she left.

Tulip, Lollipop, Misty and Chestnut were all ready to get started. So you all know what we are going to do here so get in position and lets get started. Yes we all had three pieces of Jessica's candy, we all have lots of power now, said Chestnut. Tulip smiled and they got their wands out an started to get to work. They all started from the outer edge raising it up a bit to border the entire fantasy forest. They spent a lot of time in the center sections of the forest taking great care with detail. After they were about finished Tulip asked Lollipop if there was anything else that she would want done. Yes, I think a small island in the middle of the pond would be prefect and a nice touch to finish things off, she said. Yes I agree, said Tulip. Once done they all double checked everything because this forest was for the public and not just them in the forest. It had to look perfect and ready for everything to grow. Lollipop made a few tweaks here and there as she walked around and when she figured it was the best that could be done she told Tulip that it is perfect now. Yes it is and almost at full size also. It will fill out nicely inside as time goes by, said Tulip. So lets check out the river running into the pond, said Tulip. Not sure what we can do there yet. They flew along the small river that had some flowers and plants still growing along it's shore. Well lets give it some time to all grow more, said Lollipop. We will figure out later what to do along here. Suddenly the ground began to shake and they all looked back towards the fantasy forest area and saw things were changing very fast. What is going on, said Tulip. Beats me, nothing should be happening already, said Chestnut. They flew back above the fantasy forest and watched as trees began to sprout out of the ground and a small waterfall formed on the west side of the raised border. Then trees began to grow all around the top of the forests border plus ferns began to grow everywhere. The pond started getting bigger and bigger where water was coming in from the small waterfall. Tulip flew over to see where the water was coming from and noticed that a new river had broken off from the one passing through Caspia lake and was flowing east to the forest. Then everything seemed to settle back down. How did that happen? asked Lollipop. I don't know, I have never seen anything like that before, said Misty. We didn't plant all these trees and plants. Well maybe there is more magic here than we thought, said Tulip. We better go back and tell Ivy what happened and have her check the overviewer. Well what ever happened it looks amazing, said Lollipop. Yes it sure does, said Tulip. They all flew back to the cove to tell Ivy the fantasy forest was done in record time.

When they reached the cove they found Ivy and Sara over by the overviewer talking. Tulip flew over to them and the others flew over to the pool and sat on the edge with their feet in the water. You four are finished already? asked Ivy. Yep and it looks great but something really strange happened, said Tulip. What do you mean strange, asked Ivy. Well we set everything up as we planned and even raised the land around the forest to be a border then planted a few trees here and there plus Lollipop figured a small island would look nice in the middle of the pond so we did that too then we headed over to where the pavilion was located to check it out. Okay so none of that sounds strange, said Ivy. No that part was all normal, what happened next was strange, said Tulip. The ground began to shake and we looked back and saw the fantasy forest was growing all by it's self at a very fast speed. Things we didn't even make started to form by itself. A waterfall and there must be over a hundred trees that are all grown fully which we didn't even plant. Same with ground plants. we didn't plant any of them but they grew anyways. It was kind of spooky but then everything settled down and now it is finished. You should have a look for your selves and that way you can judge the amount of magic it will need but it looks great. That does sound strange, I haven't even moved that much magic over there yet, said Ivy. They went to the overviewer and looked at the Fae Land screen. Wow, that is a lot bigger than I thought you four were going to make that forest, said Ivy. Well it grew that big by itself, said Tulip. We only made some nice stuff around the pond and planted a few trees to start things off. Well it is all green and showing no red spots so maybe there was an underground water source from Eden that we didn't know about though I can't see a trail coming from the east, said Ivy. Well we will have a look once finished here and going home. I want to get back to Ktara's place before supper, said Ivy. She promised to show my some stuff about cooking. You are learning how to cook? asked Tulip. I thought you said the stove scared you. Well yes but I have to get over that and Ktara says it is very safe to use. I have to learn to help out Viridian some. She shouldn't have to be doing all the cooking for everyone, said Ivy. How about you Sara, you going to learn how to cook also? asked Tulip. Nope, cooking is too hard, I watched Viridian sometimes and she takes a long time to make things. I am her taster though. Tulip smiled. Okay, have fun with that, said Tulip then rested her feet in the pool with the other fairies.


Alexa was almost home and feeling really good about herself. Now that is the way to have fun, she thought to herself. I wish I could have my own parties at home but definitely would have to a very small one. There is so much open area in Eden that I could use, but do I really want to move. She kept on thinking about it and then realized that this was a new thing that was unsettling her. Tempressa has a good point with everything being in walking distance and we know most of the people around here plus we get free delivery from all the stores. In the other hand Angus and Sivia would have lots of room to run around in and I am sure we would still get free deliveries but I do like my home the way I have it right now. I'll talk it over with Diego then maybe tomorrow we can have a look at Eden and see if there is a good spot to have a home built that would not interfere with the beauty of Eden. I still have lots of time left today to do stuff. I know, I will have a nap. That was a very easy decision, she thought to herself.

Jazmen got home a bit after Jessica and found her in the kitchen as usual. Hi Jessica, making more candy I am guessing. Yep, got some orders to fill for tomorrow, said Jessica. How about you making supper today later. I have some thinking to do about what to put in the backyard. Ya sure I can do that, said Jazmen. So you are still thinking about having our own pool? asked Jazmen. No not anymore, said Jessica. Pools are not cheap you know. Okay so now you are going for the tennis court then? asked Jazmen. Nope, that is not relaxing and you would never use it enough after working all day to make it worth while, said Jessica. Okay so what are you thinking of doing now? asked Jazmen. Well I think I know what to get that both of us will like but for now it is my secret, said Jessica. A secret, but you never keep secrets from me, said Jazmen. Yes I have especially at Christmas time with presents, said Jessica. Ya but that is different, this isn't a present, said Jazmen. Yes it is, a present for both of us, said Jessica. Okay I can tell you are not going to let me in on your secret so tell me how you like meeting everyone today instead, said Jazmen. Well after seeing how every one was at the palace and how happy they all were, it opened my eyes to a better way of living. I want to be part of their family like you are, said Jessica. Actually they already consider you family, said Jazmen. Just start going there and visiting some of the heroes. You need no invitation. They all love having company. Ya that would be nice. They mostly live in Eden and I have never been there either, said Jessica. Definitely been cooped up for too long. Good thinking roomy! So what do we have in the ice box to make for dinner? asked Jazmen. Just open it up, there is all kinds of stuff, said Jessica. Maybe just heat up that frozen meat pie. They are always good for supper. Okay sounds good to me plus nice and easy, said Jazmen.

The End



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