Alexa Has A Party Chapter 2


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Alexa's Quest

Alexa got to the palace grounds and saw there was a lot of people there hanging out. She went to Alieta and said she had a surprise for her tomorrow morning. Oh really, a surprise, what kind of a surprise? asked Alieta. Well have you ever met Jazmen's room mate? asked Alexa. As a matter a fact no, said Alieta. Well that is the surprise and she is something else. Ivy and Sara over heard Alexa and came over to listen. So what do you mean she is something else? asked Alieta. Well you should see the house that they have built, it is big and gorgeous, said Alexa. Really, I didn't know that Jazmen had that kind of money to work with. I knew she had a room mate but thought she was supporting her, said Alieta. Alexa smiled. Not at all, said Alexa. Have you every heard of Jessica's Treats? Oh I love them! said Ivy. I buy them all the time. The best candies anywhere. Ya I love them too. I always have them in the palace for me and guests, said Alieta. Well she is the one that makes them, said Alexa. Your kidding, said Alieta. Those candies are in almost every store in Fae Land. Yep, they are so do you think Jazmen is supporting her now. No, probably the other way around, said Alieta. You know she rarely goes out except to shop. The two of them have a ton of friends that always come over to their place. She is an amazing cook also so spends a lot of time in the kitchen. You know she has never even seen a fairy yet, said Alexa. She knows about everyone but has never met any of us. Oh my, said Alieta. We definitely have to get her to meet everyone. Well I kind of gave her no option, said Alexa. So what did you do Alexa? asked Alieta. Well told her if she didn't come here by eight o'clock tomorrow morning that I would come and get here plus I told her that you would be expecting her. I might of scared her a bit. Why would she be scared, asked Alieta. Well she has not even seen you from a distance in all these years, and she became very nervous seeing the queen of Fae Land for the first time. Alieta smiled. Well I will make her feel just fine, said Alieta. Ya I know that. She hasn't seen Zan or the she devils either. Not even the twins I think. She seems to know all about everyone from what Jazmen has told her but that is all. So eight o'clock you said, right? asked Ivy. I will be here with Sara and Viridian for sure. Come on Sara, lets go tell Viridian that we are all going to meet Jessica the candy lady, and they flew off. Guen came over and said it sounds like you have a nice plan there Alexa. She hasn't even seen one of my girls yet? Nope, not at all. So maybe I should just bring over a few at first, said Guen. My girls can be, well you all know what they can be like when meeting someone new. So she makes candy you said. You have had those candies, I gave you some in my den, said Alieta. Yes they are amazing, said Guen. I always take a handful to my kids, they love them too. Well just tell them that the girl that makes them will be here at eight o'clock. I am sure they will all want to come at once, said Alieta. Okay you take care of making sure everyone here is out on the grounds when they get here and I will gather up my team and get them to come also, said Alexa. I got to go and give this stew that Jessica made to Diego. He should be hungry by now, said Alexa and off she went. Hmm, first Jazmen has a party here now Alexa is arranging one here also, said Alieta. I must be wearing off on them.

Alexa, stopped by all the teams places and told them what was going on at the place in the morning. Even Tempressa was willing to come and see the candy lady. When she got home she heated up the food that Jessica gave her and told him that he was going to love it. While it was heating up she told him all about what was going to happen tomorrow. You are becoming quite the person Alexa, said Diego. You see something that feels not right then you do your best to fix it. Almost angel like. Well I am no Gabriel but maybe she would like to come also, said Alexa. Diego smiled. It is your party Alexa so invite any one you want. Party, what do you mean? asked Alexa. Well everyone is all going to be there including the fairies I suppose and everyone loves Jessica's candies so everyone will surely show up. Sounds like a party to me, said Diego with a big smile. Ya I guess you are wright, said Alexa. Alexa gave Diego a bowl of the food Jessica gave her. He took one mouthful and said, this is fantastic. I will definitely be there. Wow, what is in this? he asked. Don't know, she keeps it a secret. Well a great cook also, that girl has talent, said Diego. Now Angus and Sivia are coming too but I don't want them running a head of us as usual, said Alexa. You hear that you two. Stick with us, we are meeting someone new, said Diego. They both looked at Diego and wagged their tails. Okay that is taken care of said Diego. Now is this dress up or casual? he asked. Oh just casual, said Alexa. Okay good. That makes it easier for everyone, said Diego.

Back at Jazmen and Jessica's place Jessica was going through all her clothes to find something to wear in the morning. Relax Jessica, said Jazmen. It will be casual so just pick out something comfortable that looks good. Okay if you think that will be good enough for the queen, said Jessica. Now just call her Alieta, she doesn't like being addressed as the queen by people that live in Fae Land, said Jazmen. Okay I will, said Jessica. We will just bring a bunch of your different types of candies with us. That will be a great start, sounds like it will be a party so lets treat them all. You have had plenty of parties here with your friends, said Jazmen. Ya well they are not a queen or Fae Land heroes though I would like to see a fairy, said Jessica. You are going to have a lot of fun like Alexa said, just enjoy it, said Jazmen. The heroes act just like normal people when they are not battling something. Okay I will, said Jessica. I am excited too ya know. This is just something new to me, that is all. Not really new, just different, said Jazmen. I am sure everything will be fine seeing you see these people most every day so I am trusting you, said Jessica. Just pick something out fast then get ready for bed. It is going to be an early morning for you tomorrow and a busy day, said Jazmen. I am going to bed now my self. Then Jazmen left the room. Man of course she is not nervous, she has know Alieta all her life, thought Jessica. Oh ya and Ivy is a queen now too and she is supposed to be beautiful. I sure hope I can sleep tonight.



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