Alexa Has A Party Chapter 3


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Everyone Meets The Candy Lady

In the morning Alexa got up a bit earlier than normal and fed Angus and Sivia first. The two of them looked excited also that they were invited to a party. Alexa made arrangements for everyone to meet at Oaklyn's then Ivy's place then set out together. Back at the palace Alieta was preparing everyone at breakfast to go slow with Jessica at first. She is very new to all of us here at the palace. She will probably be very nervous, said Alieta. That is your job, said Ginger. You are the best at making people feel welcomed. Alieta smiled and said yes I should have no problem. Zan came in to the dinning room and sat down. Wow, you are up early, said Ginger. Ya well I did hear what was going to be happening today so sleeping would be out of the question. Besides this way I won't miss anything, said Zan. Now listen up you all, said Alieta. Don't be asking her if she brought any candies with her. She will think that she was just invited for her treats. Okay, said Ginger but I hope she does have some with her though. Everyone laughed and even Alieta smiled. So Ginger you must have met Jessica before, you know everyone that lives in the elf village. Yep, she is really nice, said Ginger. Very pretty blonde sprite and has had a lot of work done on her and Jazmen's house over the years. Always pays in advance for the building permits. I have never been inside the house though. Well Alexa says it is like a small mansion inside, said Alieta. Well Jazmen and her bought up some land around the house some time ago so I am not sure what they are going to do with it but Jessica wouldn't sell it back to me to build a couple of new homes on it. Well you can ask here why, when she gets here, said Alieta.

Jazmen got up a bit earlier and had eggs and bacon waiting on the kitchen table for Jessica. There that should be good for now, she thought to herself. Jessica came down and said I could smell the bacon all the way upstairs. Sometimes the simplest things can be the best. Well sit and eat and get some energy in you. We both will probably need it, said Jazmen. Going to be lots of people there with wings so there may be lots of flying going on. Maybe Pippa will be there too, seeing she is Ivy's best friend. Just then Pippa showed up in the kitchen. Hi Jazmen. I heard my name and thought I would come and help with anything you need help with. How did you get in? asked Jazmen. There was a window upstairs open a bit, said Pippa. Jazmen smiled. Oh my, is that the real Pippa, that you told me about that lives in the forest? asked Jessica. Yep I sure am beautiful, said Pippa. And are you the real Jessica that I have never met before? Well yes I am Jessica. Good so Jessica what do you need me to help with. I can fly too ya know, Pippa said with a smile. Well maybe one of the bags with boxes of candy in it would be nice. That is all I could think of to bring, said Jessica. Okay but it will cost you a bit of ice cream to keep my wings nice and strong, said Pippa. You were working up to getting some ice cream weren't you? asked Jazmen. Yep, sort of but I really did come here to help too, said Pippa. You are funny, said Jessica. Wait until you see the fairies. They are funny too, said Pippa. Jessica got Pippa some ice cream then went upstairs to change. Thanks for coming, said Jazmen. You really didn't just hear your name and appear, did you. Nope, Ivy told me to come and help you. She felt that you two may need an extra hand or two, said Pippa. She could feel that we could use some help all the way from home? asked Jazmen. Yep she can sense things coming to Fae Land too. She is getting pretty strong inside, said Pippa. Jessica came back down to the kitchen. Okay how do I look you two? asked Jessica. Looks perfect to me, said Jazmen. You looked great to me before you went up to change, said Pippa. Those were my pajamas silly, said Jessica. Still looked good anyways, said Pippa. Okay lets get this table cleared off and lets get on our way, said Jazmen. One more minute please, said Pippa. I have to finish my ice cream.

Everyone was at Oaklyn's place and Alexa figured it was about seven thirty. So you all live here in Eden and seem to like it a lot, said Alexa. After seeing Jazmen's place I was wondering what it would be like to live in a place that had lots of room around it to grow and build. Yes I guess we all could do that but I have all the room that I need for now, said Ktara. Viridian's place is the only place that has expanded any so far. We were thinking of adding a games room to our place, said Paisley. You know if you ever did decide to move to Eden, Alieta would have a place built for you just like she did for all of us. Well I like where I am now, said Tempressa. I finally have a bunch of friends that visit all the time and it is close to the stores. Things are good for me there. Ya but you have a very big home that you bought yourself, said Ktara. I know so why move I figure, said Tempressa. Okay lets all head out. Ivy, Sara and Viridian are probably waiting for us, said Alexa. They all headed out and Alexa was right about Viridian and the gang being outside waiting for them. Okay I see you are ready to leave, said Alexa. Yes Sara and Ivy are very excited to meet the girl that makes candy. I had to tell them to wait for you all or they would of been there already, said Viridian. Well lets go now, it is almost eight o'clock, said Alexa. Soon they all got to the place grounds and saw Alieta and the girls outside already. Alexa went over and talked with Alieta first. So we are all here, said Alexa. Good now do you have a plan? asked Alieta. A plan for what? asked Alexa. Well what is going to happen when they get here? Are we supposed to line up and introduce our selves or something, said Alieta with a smile. No how about everyone just spread out and play it by ear. Jessica is a very smart woman and also has legs so she can walk up to people also, said Alexa. I am pretty sure Jazmen will stick with her until she feels that Jessica has adjust to all of us. Ya that does sound like the best way of doing things, said Alieta. Guess I should of known you had it all figured out. Okay everyone spread out and just do as you usually do in the morning here, said Alieta. Does she want us to kill a demon again? asked Avan to Tara. Ha ha very funny, leave the jokes to Pippa, said Tara. Well lets check the sun dial, said Ginger. Now we can see if it is going to be a nice day.

Pippa, Jessica and Jazmen flew over to the palace grounds each carrying a bag with boxes of candy. Oh my, there are a lot of people in front of the palace, said Jessica. Oh not much more than usual, said Pippa. Alexa's team is here but other than that all is about the same. So go see Alieta first, she will welcome you to the palace okay. Okay which one is she? asked Jessica. That very pretty sprite in the sexy blue outfit standing beside Ginger, said Pippa. Really that is her. She definitely knows how to dress, said Jessica. They all landed and Pippa called Sara and Ivy over to help her with the boxes of candy. Hey look they brought candy, said Phonixa. Now behave your self Phonixa, said Alieta. Oh okay, sorry but you have to love a person that brings candy to a party, said Phonixa. Okay lets go see Alieta together, said Jazmen. That was Sara and Ivy wasn't it helping Pippa. Yes it was, we can talk to them in a bit, said Jazmen. Alieta and Ginger saw them coming so they started to walk towards them. So you are Jessica, said Alieta. Very nice to finally meet Jazmen's room mate. Nice to meet you too Alieta and hello Ginger good to see you again. My you are pretty, said Jessica, nervously to Alieta. Alieta smiled. Well thank you dear, I do have an image to up hold sometimes, said Alieta. Am I the first queen you have met? asked Alieta. Um yes it is, said Jessica. Well dear don't sweat it, when you have met as many queens and kings as I have you soon see that they are no different then anyone else. You know, the first time I was nervous meeting a queen was when I first met Guen, queen of Fairy Land. I couldn't figure out why but once we came face to face like we are doing now it was evident that we both were nervous. We both laughed and that was it, friends ever since. Jessica smiled. You know, Jazmen said you were actually a very nice person, I see that now, said Jessica. Alexa did say you have a way of making people feel at ease around you. Alieta smiled. So anyone in particular you want to meet first? asked Alieta. I am not sure, said Jessica. Maybe Ktara, that likes to cook like me. Hmm, let me help you, save her for last because you two will have a lot to talk about and other's here would like to meet you too. Okay that is smart thinking, said Jessica. How about Ivy and Sara then. I really want to talk with them too, said Jessica. Perfect choice, said Alieta I will tell them. Now have fun and move around like you have been here many times before. We are all family here, said Alieta.

Alieta told Ivy and Sara that they should go talk to Jessica now. Okay, said Ivy and they both flew over to her and Jazmen. Hi Jessica. I am Ivy and this is my sister Sara. I am queen of the forest and Sara is my helper too in the cove. She is bigger bigger than me but still very pretty, I think. Well actually you both are beautiful, said Jessica. Sara, what is in your mouth? asked Ivy. Nothing, just my tongue, said Sara. You have a candy, don't you, said Ivy. Ya but they are so good, said Sara. I couldn't help but try one. Jessica and Jazmen both smiled. So Jazmen told me that you two do a lot of work here in Fae Land keeping all the magic under control and stuff. Well mostly the stuff part we do, said Ivy. The magic kinda takes care of it's self but I do move it around a bit sometimes, Sara is getting really good at it now too. We work in the cove doing stuff like that. So were all those boxes we put over on the palace steps candies you made? Yep, lots too, said Jessica. You can have some when ever you want? We love candy especially yours, it is the best, said Ivy. Sweet things are good for our wings. I like ice cream the best but these candies are good for taking with me when I am flying around. Ice cream doesn't travel very well, said Ivy. Well go help your self but if Alieta could have a table put out that might be better than them being on the steps, said Jessica. Won't need that, here comes Guen. She will make one for us, said Ivy. Jessica looked up and saw nine fairies flying towards them. Wow look at them, real fairies, said Jessica. Yep and very magical too, said Ivy.

Ivy waved down Guen then asked if she could make a table for all the candy. Well sure, said Guen. Come on lets watch. It is really cool, said Ivy. They ran over to where Guen was and watched her make a table appear with her wand. Wow that is really cool, said Jessica. Lets get the boxes of candy and set them up on the table, said Jessica. Okay, said Ivy and Sara. So dear would you like some glass jars to put the candy in? asked Guen. Oh yes please if it is no trouble. Never any trouble for a fairy, we love to do magic, said Guen and she made several glass jars appear. Sara and Ivy helped organize the candy. My those two are good at this said, Jessica. Oh candy is taken very seriously to a forest sprite dear, said Guen. So these are all your kids? asked Jessica. Not all of them, six are mine plus two are their friend, said Guen. They were dying to come and see you once I told them the girl that makes the candy I gave them from the palace was here. Well I want to see them too, said Jessica. They seem so nice and well behaved. Okay I am getting out of the way, said Jazmen. Have fun roomy and she walked over to Alieta. This should be fun to watch, said Jazmen to Alieta. Alieta smiled. Guen wave them to come over and they all flew over fast. My they can move quick, said Jessica. Yes they are still very young. Their wings got lots of power, said Guen. Hi Jessica, nice to meet you, said Tulip. Now I would introduce you to them all but that can get confusing with them moving around a lot so lets just let them do their thing and see how it goes, said Guen then she moved over beside Alieta also. My they are all so cute, the cutest girls I have ever seen, said Jessica. Hi Jessica, your really pretty, said Sunflower. Can we have some of your yummy candy? asked Lollipop. Yes please. Have some, said Jessica. Tulip tried making candy like yours but it wasn't that good, said Chestnut. Well some things can't be made by magic, said Jessica. I make them by hand with all natural ingredients, I love making candy. So you use love to make your candy, said Misty. That is like using magic too. Yes I suppose you are right, said Jessica. They all went to the table and stood in line along the length of the table and each of them decided which they were going to try first then took one candy each and sucked on it. My they are orderly, said Jessica. Well like Ivy and Sara they take candy very seriously, said Guen. Mom can I go have a piece of candy asked Colin to Oaklyn that were standing out of the way for now. Yes dear go ahead, said Oaklyn.

Colin trotted over and said hi to Jessica, I'm Colin, my mom said it was okay if I had some candy too. Oh sure go ahead Colin. My you are a good looking young centaur, said Jessica. Thanks Jessica, said Colin. You are very good looking for a sprite too. Guen laughed. Centaurs sure do get pretty big, said Guen. There is his parents over there, do you want to meet them? Sure, said Jessica. They flew over to where Oaklyn Taiyo and Starlite were standing. Okay you talk with these three and I will get my kids away from the candy table if I can, said Guen and flew off. So you are the first centaurs I have ever seen, said Jessica. You all look very strong. Yep we are but only when we need to be, said Oaklyn. Taiyo here is much stronger than the two of us. Ya but we are much prettier, said Starlite with a smile. Colin came running back with Pippie on his back. Look who I got mom. She wanted a ride. Jessica smiled. That is so cute. Hi Jessica. I am Pippie, a good friend of Pippa's, thanks for the candy, it is the best. Then Colin rode off with her. So funny, said Jessica. Well we don't come to the palace grounds as much as every one else. We prefer Eden where there is a lot more room to run and get exercise, said Oaklyn. Keeping up with Colin is a lot of exercise by itself, said Taiyo. Do you want a ride asked Oaklyn. Oh not right now but for sure later. I have a lot more people to meet, said Jessica. Yes I see that, said Oaklyn. There are the twins over on the palace steps and Zan. There is a new girl also that we haven't met yet plus Tara and Avan that are always fun to talk to, said Oaklyn. You haven't talked to Ktara and some of the other heroes yet either. Ya Alieta told me to leave Ktara for last because we both love cooking, said Jessica. Yes, that makes sense, said Oaklyn.



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