Alexa Teaches Chapter 2


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The Mystery Unfolds

     Alieta asked Hennie to stay for supper and we will not be gone too long. When Yeanny came back on her horse from the stable they headed out. After a bit Alieta said, "Well she is not flying a head of us". Oh no she never does, always stays beside me, said Yeanny. So how far is it to her place? Not far, we will be there in five minutes from now, said Alieta. When they reached Alexa's place Alieta knocked on the door. This time Alexa aswered. Hi again, said Alexa. What's up? Oh I brought Yeanny with me this time and had to bring Sakura too so she wouldn't fall asleep again, said Alieta. Okay come in then, said Alieta. They went in but this time both Angus and Sivia came to see who it was. Sakura hid behind Yeanny. What are those? asked Sakura. They are Alexa's pets and they are friendly wolves. They won't hurt you, said Alieta. Oh okay, said Sakura. Do they like to play? Alexa smiled as she saw Sakura peeking out from behind Yeanny. Well yes they do, said Alexa but not in the house. They are too big for that. Okay, said Sakura. Now stop hiding and let Alexa see you please, said Yeanny. Oh that is Alexa! Then she came out and walked up to her. Tulip said you are really smart and Alieta said you will teach me stuff, Sakura said with a huge smile. Yes I will, said Alexa. My you are so cute and nice big eyes too, said Alexa. Yep and pink too like my hair. I like pink a lot, said Sakura. Yes I bet you do, said Alexa. Okay now lets go inside and sit with Diego and you can get to know these two nice wolves, said Alieta. Alexa is going out back with Yeanny to talk, she will not be far away so don't go to sleep okay, said Alieta. Okay I won't, if she is close I don't sleep, said Sakura. Good so lets go inside and meet Diego and while they go talk, said Alieta.

  Alexa and Yeanny went out back. That is quite the little girl you have there, said Alexa. Yes she is very adorable but since she came here and I found out how old she is, now she has been a little angel, said Yeanny. Good and that gives me an idea too. Have you met an angel before? asked Alexa. No never, said Yeanny. Oh you will like this one, said Alexa. "Cindy can you come down here please." Cindy appeared right away. Yes dear what can I do for you. Yeanny smiled. Very pretty angel, she said. Oh hello Yeanny, nice to finally meet you, said Cindy. So Alexa what is going on? Well there is a very cute little girl in the house with Alieta and we need to find out some things about her. Now first can you stay invisible and have a look at her then come back, she is in the livingroom with Alieta and Diego. She scares easily, said Alexa. Okay, said Cindy I will be right back. Cindy vanished and in a minute she reappeared. My she is adorable and likes Angus and Sivia too. Not sure what she is though that is very odd for me, said Cindy. Well she is a Sakura and that also is the name she goes by. Ivy found that out for Alieta. Okay, never heard of such a being before but go on, said Cindy. Well I have a feeling that Yeanny here is the one that made her with out her knowing, said Alexa. So you listen to what she does and maybe you can help, said Alexa. Okay I suppose but what do you need help for? asked Cindy. Well she sleeps when ever Yeanny leaves and won't wake up until she comes back, said Alexa. Okay, that is very odd for sure, said Cindy. Now Yeanny, tell Cindy about some of the things you do in your lab other than make soap and lotions please, said Alexa. Well I try to make different spells to make things like better furniture and clothing. Sometimes they work and sometime not so much. I even tried to make food but that has never worked yet. Okay so what else? asked Alexa. Well a while back I used to try and make some kind of pet. I was living alone back then and wanted some company. First I tried a kitten and that started to work but just fizzled out in a puff of smoke. Then I tried making a puppy, but got the same result. Another time I tried to make a helper that looked like it was going to work so I kept on repeating the spell and saw a small figure begining to form but poof, it disappeared. I figured that was too big and didn't have enough magic to conjure up anything that big. I tried other things like a eagal and rabbit plus other cute animals that I liked when I was a kid but every thing went up in smoke, said Yeanny. Well dear, only God can create anything that is living, said Cindy. Ya I figured that but the people living near me were not all that nice so I had no friends. No one would even buy my soaps seeing they thought I was a witch, said Yeanny. I see, said Cindy. So what are you thinking Alexa that may have caused Sakura's exsistance? asked Cindy. I think she is the result of all her failures, said Alexa. She said they all went "Up in smoke". So where did the smoke go but all together, said Alexa. Hmm, very interesting theory, said Cindy.

 Let me see your soul Yeanny. Okay, she said. Cindy placed her hand on Yeanny's chest and then removed it. No problem there. Nice and clean but hasn't been blessed yet so must be why it is a bit smaller than usual. Let me check Sakura's soul now if she has one. I will be right back and she vanished again. You haven't been blessed yet? asked Alexa. Well no. There was no priest around where I lived, said Yeanny. Cindy came back and look surprised. Well she has a soul alright but it is exactly like yours. I mean it is like you are sharing the same soul or something. I have never heard of anything like that before, said Cindy. I need to talk to the big guy about this then I will be right back. He is a man of few words. Then she disappeared. Well Alieta did say that if you thought of something that could be the answer then the odds were you would be right. But I don't get the sharing soul thing, said Yeanny. Ya me either, said Alexa. Heaven stuff is way beyond my knowledge. In a few minutes Cindy came back down. Well it seems that Alexa here was correct as usual. Sakura is the end product of your attempts to create a pet or something. He had nothing to do with that but let you keep trying because you are a nice girl in his books. Yeanny smiled. Now the thing is you can't create a soul and without a soul what ever becomes alive from your magic would definately become evil like a devil. Oh my, said Yeanny. That would be terrible. Yes, now he couldn't give this new girl a new or even used soul. He can only do that with beings he creates like Avan and Tara. So he did want you to be happy so what he did was mirror your soul and gave the mirrored soul to Sakura. Now that would cause some complications as it has in your cases. When you go away somewhere Sakura's soul becomes incomplete so her body shuts down to stop her from becoming bad when you are gone. You see God watched Sakura and found her to be a very delightful child and so full of love to you Yeanny. Main reason for that is because she is a result of your imagination, you must have incredible dreams. So what do we do about the sleeping thing? asked Alexa. Oh that is easy, said Cindy. I have to bless both of you at the exact same time. That will make your soul separate from hers and her soul will become whole and separate from you. Basicly she will be a blessed individual with free will and all the things that goes with having a soul. So we need to get you two together so I can bless you both. We can do that in the house plus I have to be visible for that. Okay, so will she act any different after being blessed? asked Yeanny. Well that will be up to her but I don't think so. She is in Fae Land now and surrounded by love. She will be just fine and won't sleep when you leave anymore, said Cindy. Just don't just be her friend, that is not what she needs from you. You made her so you are her mother. Oh she has lots of friends now, even in the short time she has been here, said Yeanny. Yes she will make friends quick. She has your soul right now and it is a good one, said Cindy so lets get this done. They went inside and Sakura saw Cindy. Was that you that touched my back, it felt really good, said Sakura. You have nice wings, do you like to play, Angus and Sivia like to play also but it is not allowed in the house. Cindy smiled. Yes I do, like to play but don't have much time for that anymore dear. Now I have to do something very special for you and Yeanny. Okay, said Sakura, you feel like you are from heaven. Yes dear I am an angel, said Cindy. Deigo got Angus and Sivia out of the way. Now stand up straight beside Yeanny please. Cindy placed a hand on each of their chest then uttered some words then both of them glowed for a moment then she removed her hands. Okay all done, said Cindy. So how do you both feel?  Good, said Yeanny. Kind of lighter and new I think. Me too, said Sakura but not lighter, I am already light just hungry now. Alieta smiled. Well it will be supper time soon so hang on just a bit. Okay, said Sakura. Well thanks Cindy and thank God for me. You just did dear, said Cindy. Now when you get back have Ivy read you two again. I think you will be surprised at what new she will find. During the blessing God gave you both a gift. That is why you two glowed. Okay, said Yeanny. Very remarkable young girl you have there that is going to do so much good for Fae Land, said Cindy. Take very good care of her. Then Cindy vanished.

Alieta and Alexa walked over to where Yeanny and Sakura was still standing. Well that mystery is solved and fixed, said Alieta. So you both feel the same now? Yep I do, still hungry a bit and want to go back and play with my friends, said Sakura. Yes we will be leaving very soon, said Alieta. How about you Yeanny. I think I am just fine. I feel just a bit different now, that is all. Well you now have a blessed soul so you are a bit different now, said Alieta.So what are you going to start teaching tomorrow Alexa. Not sure, I will have a look through the grade one books first but probably the alphebet first, said Alexa. Yes that sounds about right, said Alieta. Okay we best be going so thanks for all your help Alexa and good luck tomorrow. You have four young minds you will be in charge of. Then the three of them left. So Alexa seems like you did good again, said Diego. How do you feel? Kind of nervous now, said Aliexa. I have never been in charge of children before. You will be just fine, just come up with a good plan, said Diego. You are really good at making plans. 




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