Alexa Teaches Chapter 5


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After School

  Everyone finished eating then headed back to the classroom. They all got in their desks and grabbed a pencil ready to work again. Alexa erased everything off the black board then turned around. Okay girls now we are going to do something different. Now does any one know how to count? asked Alexa. They all looked at each other then shook their heads. Okay then, said Alexa. Today I will teach you how to count from one to ten. Learning numbers and how to count is very important especially when you go in a store and want to buy something, said Alexa. Now get your pencils ready and copy down these ten numbers that I am adding to the black board. Alexa wrote down the numbers and said them all out loud while pointing at each of them. Now you all have to remember these first ten numers so practice saying them to your selves until you have them locked in your brain, said Alexa. How do we lock them in our brain. We don't have a key like my Mom does for the house door? asked Sakura. Alexa smiled. Well when I say to lick it in your brain it means you have to always remember it, said Aliexa. Just like the alphabet you have to lock that in your brain too. Lets pretend the key is invisible and once you use it to lock something in your brain you wil never forget it. Sakura smiled then looked at the board and stared at the ten numbers then raised her hand to the side of her head and turned her invisible key. Okay lock, said Sakura. The other three girls copied Sakura. Alexa was trying her best not to laugh at them. Next she continued to tell them a little about Fae Land and how it became so beautiful and magical plus where some of the places were. The girls listened very closely to everything she said and rarely took their eyes off of her. After about an hour of Fae Land history she figured that was enough for today. Now fold that piece of paper that you wrote everything down on and take it home with you and show Hennie and Yeanny what you did today and keep it where you can look at it again before you go to bed tonight, said Aliexa. School is out for the day and you all did great. See you all back here tomorrow, said Alexa. They all thanked her and headed out. The elf came in and asked how they did. Perfect, said Alexa. They all seem to be quite smart and want to learn. If there was a honor roll here they all would be at the top, said Alexa. Sakura also seems to have a tallent for drawing, the second picture of Heanny she drew was very good. Plus it only took her a few seconds to memorize counting from one to ten. Okay off I go, said Alexa. Got to think of what next to teach them, said Alexa. When she got home Diego asked her how the first day at school went. Better than I expected, said Alexa. They all did great and it was a lot of fun.

Yeanny was just doing some minor adjustments in the livingroom when Sakura came running in all excited. Look mom, look at what I learned today. She handed Yeanny the paper she had folded. Yeanny looked at it and smiled. You learned all of this today? she asked. Yep, said Sakura but the picture of you was just me trying to draw. Well not bad for your first try, actually quite good, said Yeanny. It does look like my head and the hair is almost perfect. Yep, you have nice hair so did my best on it, said Sakura. So you learned the alphabet and the numbers from one to ten plus some words too. That is quite a bit in one day. Yep plus Alexa told us a bit about Fae Land. Did you know that a long time ago it was all just sand here then God started doing his magic on it, said Sakura. No I didn't, said Yeanny. Well she also told us where some other places were and other stuff too. Fae Land is very very big! said Sakura. Yeanny smiled and could see she had a good time. So I suppose you are hungry now, said Yeanny. I bought a bunch of food for us and yes some ice cream also. Well we had lunch there in a big roon called a cafeteria that had big long tables and a place to get food up front from a nice elf. It was all free too! said Sakura. My they really thought of everything, said Yeanny. Can I have some ice cream though? They didn't have any at the school, said Sakura. Yes dear of course. Have a seat and I will have some with you. Okay, said Sakura but first I am putting my paper in my room. I have to study it a bit later on. She ran off to her room and quickly returned. Yeanny took out the tub of ice cream and filled two bowls then put it back in the ice box. Wow lots of stuff in there, said Sakura. Yes food is cheaper here than at the old place, said Yeanny plus the people working in the store were very nice to me. Sakura smiled. Everyone here seems to be nice, said Sakura.


After they finished eating Yeanny asked her what else she wanted in her room. I don't know, said Sakura. Well lets go have a look and maybe you will think of something then, said Yeanny. Okay, said Sakura then they both went into her bedroom. Kind of bare in here right now, said Yeanny. How about a carpet? she asked Sakura. Okay a big pink one please, said Sakura. Yeanny made one for her. Maybe a mirrow on the wall so I can make sure my hair looks good, said Sakura. Yes good idea, said Yeanny. Every girl should have a mirror in their room. She made a mirror that was the perfect size for a little girl. Oh I want a desk too. That way I can draw and write on it when I am not at school, said Sakura. Yes, another good idea, said Yeanny. She made a desk with a matching chair. Oh I know, said Sakura. Paper and pencils but more than just one colour of pencil. They only have the black kind at school, said Sakura. Okay that should be easy, said Yeanny then made a small pile of paper and a container with different colours of pencils in it. Thanks Mom, now I can practice drawing pictures. I want to get real good at it. Yeanny smiled. Well your first drawing was not bad so keep practicing and you will become better, said Yeanny. Now what about clothing? asked Yeanny. Are you always going to wear the same pink leotard outfits every day? Um I don't know, said Sakura. What is wrong with this pink outfit? Well nothing really but it is a bit well lets say most little girls don't wear just one thing like that all the time, said Yeanny while trying not to say it was too sexy for a seven year old. Um okay but I don't know what else to wear, said Sakura. But it has to be pink, it is hard to think of something with out seeing stuff. Well yes I know that so we will have to go shopping together, said Yeanny. But in the mean time I will make you something to wear that will do for now and you should like it, said Yeanny. Okay I guess, said Sakura.

Yeanny thought up of something in her head then removed the pink leotard she had on then made the new outfit appear on her. Sakura ran to the mirror and said she loved it. Two different kinds of pink too! Hmm. Yeanny thought to herself. Not exactly what she was thinking. Still looks kinda sexy on her actually sexier. It does seem to suit her though and she likes it. Too late to change it now she figured. Besides the fairies and fairy nymphs dress kinda sexy too. How about some sandals now? asked Yeanny. Nope don't like shoes, said Sakura. I like how the grass feels on my feet. Okay, said Yeanny. Lets go to the palace and you can tell Alieta all about what you learned at school today. Okay and show her my new outfit too, said Sakura. Yes, that too, said Yeanny. Now go outside again so I can lock up, said Yeanny. Just like Alexa told us to lock it in our brain today except you have a real key, said Sakura. They both went out the front door then Yeanny locked the door then they teleported to the palace.

They appeared out front of the palace and saw the gang was all there separated in their groups. Ginger was out talking with Zan and Tabitha but Alieta wasn't outside. Lets go see Ginger and Tabitha and show them your new outfit, said Yeanny. Okay, said Sakura. They walked over to where Ginger was and said Hi. Hello, said Ginger. How was school today? It was great, said Sakura. Well wait until Alieta comes back out, I am sure she will want to hear all about it, said Ginger. I like your outfit, said Tabitha. Wow, said Zan that is one...Tabitha elbowed Zan. Um nice pink outfit. Yep, Yeanny made it for me. I like it a lot and very comfortable, said Sakura. Yes well it didn't really turn out the way I was thinking but she saw it in the mirror and loved it so I figured it was too late to try again, said Yeanny. I guess I need more practice making clothes. Furniture I do perfect now. Well maybe just go shopping with her, said Ginger. Yes I think that would be best. That way she can pick something out herself, said Yeanny. I am pretty sure she will be okay now in a store with me, said Yeanny. Okay here comes Alieta lets go tell her albout your first day at school, said Ginger. They all started to walk over but then Sakura flew ahead of them and started talking to Alieta first. Hi Alieta, do you like my new outfit? Mom said it was not exactly what she was thinking of but I like it and feels good, said Sakura. Alieta smiled. Yes it does look good on you, said Alieta. Everyone else reached the palace steps. So how was the first day at school for you Sakura? asked Alieta. Oh it was lots of fun. I learned the alphebet and how to spell my name and both mom's names plus cat, dog, fox and some more. Then we had lunch, said Sakura. My you did all that before lunch time? asked Alieta. Yep but they had no ice cream so we all ate sandwiches instead, said Sakura. So what did you do after lunch? asked Alieta. Oh that is when Alexa taught us how to count to ten, want to hear? Then Sakura counted to ten. Very good, said Alieta. Then Alexa taught us a bit about Fae Land and stuff. She is really smart and smiles a lot while she is teaching us, said Sakura. She uses a white stick to write on a big black board and we copy everything she writes. I even drew a picture of mom. Need more practice though, said Sakura.


Well sounds like it was a good day for you all, said Alieta. Yep, then I came home all by myself and showed mom my paper from school then we had some ice cream together, said Sakura. Very good, said Alieta. So are you two going to stay for supper? asked Alieta. Well I was thinking that I would go home and cook us a nice little supper and have our first dinner together in the new house, said Yeanny. Oh that sounds nice too, said Alieta. Yep Mom is a great cook, said Sakura. Yes I did a big shop today with the coins I had left from yesterday and the food there was really cheap compared to the other store I used to shop at plus the girls at the counter were really nice to me. She even helped me when I told her that I had too much to teleport home with at once. She was surprised I could do that so I told her that I was now a wizard and Merlin was teaching me stuff and I knew you and Ginger and Alexa so she said they would deliver the grocieries to my place for free instead of paying five dollars extra. I just took the bag with the ice cream in it and teleported home. Alieta smiled. Well news gets around Fae Land fast so lots of people will know that a wizard now lives here, said Alieta. Well at least they were not scared of me and stuff and I let the girl keep the five dollars to give the person doing the delivery. She had a nice smile, said Yeanny. Oh I almost forgot, said Ginger. Here are those two diamonds you gave me to hold on to. Oh keep them Ginger, you deserve them for taking care of my girl while I was gone and getting my home cleaned up. Buy something nice for yourself. I went back to my old place and got two big bags of gems and teleported them back with me. I have lots now, said Yeanny. Wow best pay I ever got for baby sitting, said Ginger. Then you must be rich, said Zan. I suppose so but richer now with Sakura acting more normal now and being her mother. That is priceless. Zan smiled, yes motherly love can not have a price tag on it. Hey now you can play closest to the wall with me, said Sakura. Well maybe later, said Ginger.



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