Alexa Teaches Chapter 3


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The New Beginning

  They left and headed back but first went to the school so Yeanny would know where it was. You see that big building Sakura. That is a school where people learn things. Alexa will be your teacher there for a few weeks. Okay, said Sakura. Looks nice and very big like your home. Yes it is big but you will be only using a few rooms in there, said Alieta. They headed back to the palace where everyone was waiting for them plus it was close to supper time also. Sakura saw her friends were still there and flew over to them. So all okay, now asked Hennie to Alieta. Yes perfect, said Alieta. Ginger came over and asked how things went also. Well she won't be sleeping anymore in the middle of the day, said Alieta. Cindy fixed everything for the two of them. Ginger smiled. So where is Ivy? asked Alieta. Over there with the girls, said Ginger. Yeanny and Alieta walked over towards Ivy and she saw them coming and ran over. Is Sakura going to be okay? I like her and she likes me too, said Ivy. Yes dear everything is fine, said Alieta. Cindy blessed the two of them and now she told us to get you to read the two of them again. I want you to read Yeanny first and see if you see anything different in her. Okay, said Ivy then looked at Yeanny. She smiled and said you have changed inside from when I first read you yesterday, said Ivy. Really how? asked Yeanny. Well you are no longer a sorceress first of all. Really, how come. Well you can't be both you know, said Ivy. What do you mean? asked Yeanny. You can't be a soceress and a wizard at the same time. It is not allowed, besides a wizard is much more powerful, said Ivy. You should let Merlin teach you some things, he is the best you know. Yeanny smiled. So I am a wizard now! Yep and ever lasting too. God must really love you, said Ivy then walked over to Sakura. They followed Ivy to where Sakura was tlking to the three fairy nymphs. Okay Sakura, I need to read you again. Alieta says so. Okay, said Sahura. She stood up and Ivy looked at here. Okay you changed too inside. Really how? asked Yeanny. Oh she no longer tells herself jokes in side constantly and she only seems to think on english and the two elven languages now I think but she is not talking so much inside so who knows. Her soul is a bit bigger too like yours Yeanny. She is ever lasting now too. She is still the same when it comes to everything else though. Sakura smiled. Not sure what that all meant but Yeanny is smiling so must be good and she flapped her wings a bit. Ivy saw some dust fall to the ground. She touched one of Sakura's wings and said look. Pixie dust or Sakura dust and lots of it. They all looked and saw Ivy was right. Hope this means she won't be flying even faster now, said Yeanny. Maybe, said Ivy, lets see. Fly over to that nice tree over there and back again as fast as you can, said Ivy. Get small also, you can do that now easily. Okay said Sakura and got really small about the size of a persons baby finger then vanished then reappeared. That was as fast as I could go, said Sakura. Ivy smiled. Yep faster now too, almost as fast a Pippa. Sakura got big again then went and sat down. So this is all going to be a big adjustment for both of you, said Alieta. Yes I suppose so, said Yeanny but a good adjustment I think. It's like a brand new begining.

  Okay here come the fairies so must be supper time everyone. Lets make some room for them please, said Alieta. Everyone made some room for the fairies and they got supper set up. The fairy nymphs and Sakura were first at the table again. This time Sakura only took a few pieces of meat, some peas and an orange. Then she went and sat down on the grass. She ate the meat and peas then peeled the orange and started eating it. Yeanny saw that she didn't take much and asked her why. I am full, said Sakura. I am only small you know, you are big so you eat lots more. Yeanny smiled. The other girls sat down with Sakura and started eating too. Tulip went over to where Sakura was sitting. You want some ice cream now? she asked. Nope, the orange is good for now and better, said Sakura. Maybe later though. Alieta looked around and couldn't see Tillia or Sara. She asked Ivy about them. They were here earlier but went home. Sara wanted to eat outside with Viridain and Tillia. That way she wasn't eating alone again, said Ivy. Oh good for them, said Alieta. Yep Sara cares how Viridian feels too. We both love her, said Ivy. I need to get Merlin here too. He has to tell Yeanny how to do wizard magic. She can't do sorcery anymore. Okay but you eat first and let her finish too then call him, okay, said Alieta. Yep okay, said Ivy. In a bit every one finished eating and everything got cleaned up. Ivy walked over to Yeanny that was talking with Alieta. So do you want to talk to Merlin now? asked Ivy. Maybe later, said Yeanny. He might be busy. Well you need to talk to him you know, you can't make things like you used to be able to do. Really, how come? asked Yeanny. Try making a chair like you used to right there, said Ivy. Okay, said Yeanny. She put out her arms and chanted someting but nothing happened. She tried again and still no chair. Hey what is going on? Chairs a really simple to make said, Yeanny. Yep still are but you need to talk to Merlin, said Ivy again. Okay call him for me please, said Yeanny. Nope, you call him, he will come for you now. Just tell him you need his help, said Ivy. Okay, "Merlin, it's Yeanny can you help me please."


  Merlin appeared in a few seconds. Yes dear what do you need help with? asked Merlin. Um I can't make a simple chair appear and Ivy says you can help me. Really, let me see, said Merlin and looked at her eyes then smiled. Good for you Yeanny. You are a wizard now and quite a powerful one. How did that happen? asked Merlin. Oh Cindy the angel fixed Sakura and me. Now I can't do magic any more. So who is Sakura? asked Merlin. Oh she is over there with the other little girls, found out I made her so now I am her mother. Cindy did some heaven magic on us both, said Yeanny. Well I will talk to her later but first you need to know a few things seeing you are very new at being a wizard. Now first of all yes you can still do magic but much better and stronger now plus a lot easier too. No need for waving arms around and chanting out anything, said Merlin. Just think about what you want to make appear then look where you want it then think appear. Try it, said Merlin. Okay, said Yeanny. She thought for a second then a somple wooden chair appeared. Wow that was really easy, said Yeanny. Yes see, nothing to it. Now that you have a chair make it go away. Just do the same and think vanish. She did that and the chair disappeared. Cool that is awesome, said Yeanny. Yes it is now stop thinking so simple and make me a really nice chair to sit in, something king like, said Merlin. Okay I will try. Oh don't try just think and do it, said Merlin. Yeanny looked in front of her and a beautful chair appeared with a plush red velvet seat and back rest. Lovely wood carvings on the legs and back. There you go dear, very nice indeed now my favorite colour is blue so change the colour of the fabric please. Yeanny looked at the chair and the fabric changed to a nice blue. Thank Yeanny then Merlin sat down. Ivy smiled. Told you Merlin would help you, said Ivy. So can someone bring that new girl over to me. This chair is really comfortable, said Merlin. I will and Ivy flew over to Sakura. Sakura, I want you to meet someone special, said Ivy. He is a very good friend of mine. Okay, she said and they both flew over to Merlin. Here she is Merlin.

Sakura said, Hello, Ivy said you are her friend. You look old, nice beard though, do you like to play, what is your name, why do you wear so much clothing, are you cold? Merlin smiled. Did you teach her to talk like that Ivy? asked Merlin. Nope that is all her, said Ivy. My goodness and so pretty too. Yep pink too, do you like my hair? asked Sakura. Yes I do dear. And those beautiful big pink eyes too, said Merlin. Sakura just smiled this time. So dear I am Merlin the wizard and I feel that you have some good talents in you like flying and disappearing. What do you like the best. Oh playing and eating ice cream, said Sakura. I am seven years old and I start school tomorow in a big building plus Alexa is going to be teaching us. I like her too, said Sakura. She has big pets too and they are freindly also. Merlin laughed, yes they are friendly, said Merlin. Hennie came over with Nessie to say hello. Hi Merlin just thought I would come and see you before taking Nessie home and the rest of the girls. Mom he has a nice chair. Yes he does dear. He probably made it, said Hennie. Nope I did, said Yeanny. I am a wizard now. Sakura looked at Hennie then Yeanny. Why does Nessie always call you Mom and everyone else calls you Hennie? asked Sakura. Oh I made this pretty little girl, said Hennie. Oh, Yeanny made me too so can I call her mom , asked Sakura. Well sure, if she made you then she is your mother. Good that is easier to say than Yeanny, said Sakura. Okay, Mom can we stay here I like Fae Land. Yes we can, lets go to our new home. You have school in the morning, said Yeanny. Let me get my horse. Well you don't need a horse now just take her with you there so long as you know where you are going, said Merlin. You don't even have to touch her, just think where you need to be and go. Okay, I always had to hold on to her before, said Yeanny. Merlin got up and made the chair disappear. Okay I am off, just call me when you have time for another lesson dear. There are a lot of things you can do now that a sorceress can't do then Merlin vanished. Well you keep the horse for me Alieta if you want or give it to someone. Thanks for everything and they both vanished. Well now we have a wizard living in Fae Land, said Alieta. Yep and a super fast pink girl too, said Ivy.



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