The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

Alexa Teaches Chapter 1


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  Alieta was flying over Eden heading towards Alexa's place when she saw Hennie and Nissie below. She flew down to say hello and see how Nessie was doing with her plant making lessons. Hello Hennie how are things going? asked Alieta. Oh fine, I am working with Nessie here teaching her how to make some basic plants properly, said Hennie. So how is that going? asked Alieta. Well we are getting there. She can now make plants with leaves but still has a problem giving them flowers that look proper. It is understandable seeing flowers are the hardest part plus making them smell good, said Hennie. Well she will get the hang of it soon I am sure, said Alieta. Ya I know, actually she is doing pretty good for a very young girl, said Hennie. So where are you off to? I am heading over to Alexa's place. Yeanny brough her friend with her and she is quite unique seeing she is the only one of her kind and is only seven years old plus has never been schooled, said Alieta. Alexa is the smartest around and I want to see if she would teach her some basic skills like reading and arithmetic. Oh so what do you mean unique and one of a kind? asked Hennie. Well Ivy read her and she is made up of several different types of fae plus she she can do a few things that Tulip and Pippa said that she shouldn't be able to do but can, said Alieta. She is quite cute though and small, a bit taller than you girls. Pink hair, eyes and stuff too. She is getting along nicely with Capi and Latish back at the palace. Well she does sound interesting. I will drop over later and meet her though schooling sounds like a good idea, said Hennie. Yes she wants to learn that is for sure, said Alieta. Well see if she would teach Nessie here also plus Fettie and Setta have never learned basic writing or math either. The rest of the older girls were taught by the sprites and pixies in the old forest but those three never got taught seeing they were young and always hanging out together playing, said Hennie. Okay I will ask her, said Alieta. I will see you later back at the palace. Alieta took off and continued on to Alexa's place.

Alexa Agrees To Teacher

  Alieta got to Alexa's place and knocked on the door. Diego answered and said hi. Nice to see you Alieta. It's been a while since I have been to the palace. Yes well things are fine and the last encounter we had only needed Zatsuky and Viridain, said Alieta. Anyways I would like to chat with Alexa if she is home. Yes come on in, she is in the livingroom, said Diego. Hi Alexa, nothing is wrong I just came to chat and ask you something, said Alieta. Oh okay, come and sit, said Alexa. Alieta sat down across from Alexa and Diego asked if he could get her anything. No thank you, I just finished having lunch, said Alieta. Okay, then Diego sat beside Alexa. So first I would like to tell you about Yeanny's friend that lives with her back home. She brought her to Fae Land to see if she would fit in, said Alieta. Okay but why wouldn't she fit in? asked Alexa. Well she is not like anything I have ever seen before and is quite unique, said Alieta. Okay but unique is okay but you have never seen anyone like her before? asked Alexa. I thought you knew all the fae types. Well I thought so but no one else has seen here kind before even Pippa, Zan and Tillia didn't know what she was, said Alieta. Okay so what does she look like? asked Alexa. Oh very cute as cute goes and smaller than a pixie but bigger than a fairy nymph. She has this very wild but pretty natural pink hair that is a bit long, plus big pink eyes and even her nails are all naturally pink. Lips are kinda pink also plus wings like Ivy but they are pink too. So she is a very cute petite pink girl that can fly, said Alexa. Oh yes she can fly alright. Even Pippa had a hard time keeping up with her when she shrunk down to her size. Wow, so very fast too, said Alexa. Does she have any skills? Well not sure other than being able to disappear but she did make a peanut appear in her hand with Tulip's wand but she was trying to make an apple for Tillia. Surprised the heck out of Tulip, said Alieta. Wow, she must have some fairy magic in her to make a wand work some for her, said Alexa. Yes, that is what Tulip said. Now I got Ivy to read her and she had a bit of trouble doing that at first seeing Sakura, that is her name, wouldn't stay still for her. Ivy grabbed her by the arm and told her to stay still. Sakura said sorry then stood very still for Ivy, said Alieta. She sounds kinda funny and playful then, said Alexa. Oh yes very playful and very funny plus a fast talker in more than one language, said Alieta.  So what did Ivy find out about her? asked Alexa. Well she kept on laughing while reading her then finally said enough. I asked her why she was laughing and Ivy said she is constantly telling herself jokes and in several languages also. That is very odd, said Alexa but kinda funny too. Yes so Ivy told us she was made up of several types of fae including fairies, pixies, nymphs and something called tinkers plus more things. Ivy did say that she had a bit of magic inside and has a white soul but she could only go back as far as seven years which was when she appeared in Yeanny's lab one night. Wow, so she must be only seven years old then, that is why she is so playful but knowing all those languages is a bit odd, said Alexa. Yes and another thing odd about her was Pippa told me that her wings had next to no pixie dust or fairy dust on them and she should not be able to fly so fast or even fly much at all, said Alieta. Okay so now I see why you called her unique, said Alexa. Oh yes, very much so and she seems to be connected to Yeanny some how too, said Alieta. How so? asked Alexa. Well when Yeanny goes out to shop and leaves Sakura at home for a good reason I will tell you about later, she just lays down and goes to sleep and won't wake up until Yeanny gets back home, said Alieta. Well that is odd. Never heard of that kind of a connection before, said Alexa. Well I saw this happen when I went shopping with Yeanny and we left Sakura with Ivy to fly around Fae Land a bit. When I got back ahead of Yeanny, Sakura was curled up asleep on the grass in front of the palace with Ivy and Ginger watching over her. Even with us talking she didn't wake up until Yeanny got to the palace. She woke up and flew over fast to Yeanny and hugged her. Okay, there definately is some kind of connection between the two of them, said Alexa.

 So have you found out what kind of sorcery she does in her lab? asked Alexa. Well I asked her that when we were checking out the house she is going to move into if she decides to stay and she said this and that, beauty products, simple potions plus soaps, said Alieta. Hmm, I wonder what the this and that is, said Alexa. I kinda got a feeling of where this unque girl came from but I will have to talk to Yeanny first before making any false conclusions, said Alexa. Now there is a favor that I would like to ask you Alexa, said Alieta. Oh, what is that? Well Yeanny didn't know she was only seven and thought she was an adult just really nutty and energenic so she never taught her anything. So I was wondering if you would teach her some basic things like writing and math. She has setttled down a lot since Yeanny found out how young she is and now is acting more like a mother rather than just a friend. She actually does everything Yeanny tells her to do like a puppy. Alexa smiled, I suppose so if she wants to learn things, said Alexa. Oh yes she does, she listens now more than talking and when Tulip told her about how smart you are she came over and asked if you could teach her things, said Alieta. Oh then sure I will, if she wants to learn then that will make my job a lot easier, said Alexa. Good I knew you would, said Alieta. Now one more thing. I met Hennie in Eden when coming here and she wanted to know if you would teach Nessie, Fettie and Setta also seeing they have never been schooled either. The rest of them were schooled back in the old forest, said Alieta. Well if they want to learn too then okay but I don't have much room here, said Alexa. Yes I know but what if you used the Fae Land Public School while it is closed for summer holidays, I can get a couple of elves to make sure a classroom is set up for your needs, said Alieta. They have all the books there already from grade one to six. Alexa smiled. I never thought I would be a teacher in a real school, yes I think it will be fun, said Alexa. Great! said Alieta. I will tell every one and probably start tomorrow morning, the same time as school normally starts. You only have a few weeks before school starts so make the best use of that time, said Alieta. Oh I will, said Alexa. Young minds are the easiest to teach. Okay then I will be back soon then, said Alieta and headed out.

Alieta went back to the palace and Hennie was there with Nessie who really liked Sakura a lot. My she is so nice, said Hennie, Very pink too but really listens to Yeanny a lot and so do my girls for some reason. Sakura came up to Alieta and asked if Alexa was going to teach her stuff. Yes she is plus Fettie, Setta and Nissie too, said Alieta. Really, they are coming to see Alexa too? asked Sakura. Well yes but not at her home but in a real school were other people go to learn during school season. Okay I think, what is a school? asked Sakura. It is a special building that has books and things for teaching people with, said Alieta. You will see tomorrow. School starts at nine o'clock in the morning, said Alieta. Okay so can we play in a school? asked Sakura. Well no not really but is it fun to learn and Alexa is really nice too, said Alieta. You can play after school. Okay, said Sakura then flew back to where the other girls were. So a real school too, said Yeanny, how nice. Now I am not sure what will happen if I was to leave. Pretty sure she will fall asleep at her desk. Yes so you may have to stay with her but Alexa has a thought of how Sakura came to be and it has to do with you, said Alieta. Me, how is that possible? asked Yeanny. Well we are going to talk with her. Alexa is very smart and has never been wrong so when she says that she may know something then be asured she will be right, said Alieta. She needs to know what else you do in your lab. So I need to talk to Alexa about what I do in the lab? I usually keep that stuff pretty secret, said Yeanny. Well if you want to find out more about Sakura then you need to talk to her. She will keep your secrets, said Alieta. Oh it is nothing bad just me trying to make different things. Some times they work and sometimes they don't, said Yeanny. Well lets go see her and let her talk to you plus on the way back I can show you where the school is, said Alieta. Okay but Sakura will fall asleep if I leave. Alieta smiled. Okay bring her with you, Alexa will like to see her anyways, said Alieta. Okay let me get my horse and we can go. Alieta told Sakura that we needed to visit Alexa again but you need to come also seeing Yeanny is going also. Don't want you falling asleep again. Now we won't be long so your friends will be here still when you get back. Okay, said Sakura and looked very excited.



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