Alexa Teaches Chapter 4


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School Starts

  When Yeanny and Sakura appeared in her kitchen. She noticed that the chair she made was now in her livingroom. That is some nice man she thought to herself. Sakuka was looking around at all the rooms and seemed really happy. Yeanny looked in the ice box to see if the ice came yet and found that it was some extra food was in there also. That must of been Alieta's doing she thought. Ice cream was still frozen too. Sakura would you like a bit of ice cream before going to bed. Yes please, she said and sat at the table in the kitchen. They both ate a bit of ice cream then Yeanny took Sakura to her room. She first gave her a better bed then a dresser too with night wear and a few clean pink outfits like she had on in the drawer. Now here are the clothes for sleeping in, said Yeanny. They are very comfort able. Now get changed and have a good sleep dear. Okay mom, good night. Yeanny closed her door and went to her room and made a better bed also. Then some nighties for herself the got changed. She looked around the room and figured she could spruce it up tomorrow so she just laid down and went to sleep. Back at the palace every one was getting ready for bed also. Ivy flew home and the girls went inside to go to bed. Zan was long gone in the palace. Alieta and Ginger sat on the steps as usual and Ginger said, "Another amazing day". Yep it sure was, said Alieta. Things keep changing here all the time now. Yep but one thing will never change and that is us two sitting out here together at night, said Ginger. Yes that is a constant, said Alieta. Well I have to get up and show Hennie where the school is in the morning, said Alieta. Oh you don't have too I told how easy it is to find. Just go straight over Ivy's place and keep to you left a bit and look for the big building just north of the town. Impossible to miss the school, said Ginger, Yes and thank you Ginger, said Alieta. Oh and I told one of the cooks to bring food to the school's kitchen. He can work there now until school starts. We don't need as many cooks here now with the fairies cooking for us most of the time, said Ginger. It's a cafeteria so they can start taking lunch breaks there now and picking what they want. A couple elves will be working there also. My you think of everything, said Alieta. Well the little girls need to learn and they are real nice so a little help will go a long way with them. Plus Alexa will get hungry too I bet, said Ginger. Okay lets go in now. I am tired, said Alieta. Me too, said Ginger and they both went in the palace.

  In the morning Alieta got up and went to the dining room for her morning coffee and breakfast. Ginger came down shortly after and had a coffee too. Well school day one, said Alieta. Hope they like it there. Oh they will, said Ginger. They all seem like the type that want to learn more. School can be fun, especially with Alexa being the teacher. Yes she should be fine, if she can control all her team members then she will have no problem with four little girls, said Alieta. Well I think so but four little girls is a lot different than working with adults, especially to a girl that has no kids of her own, said Ginger. Alieta smiled, well it will be a learning process for her too, said Alieta. Penny came out gave them their breakfast and they started to eat. At Yeanny and Sakura's place, Yeanny got up and saw Sakura sitting at the table in her nightie. Did you have a good sleep? asked Yeanny. Yep slept really good, nice and quite not like the old place with people yelling all the time and dogs barking, said Sakura. I slept good also, said Yeanny. So looks like eggs and bacon for breakfast today, and some kind of juice too, said Yeanny. Okay, said Sakura, sounds really good. While you are at school I will do some more shopping for food. Okay, make sure you get some ice cream too please, said Sakura. Yes I will, said Yeanny. Now we have a bit of time before we leave so I am going to pop over to the old place and grab a couple bags of gems then come right back okay. Yep okay, said Sakura. First I will make breakfast for us. The two of them ate and Sakura said she would clean up. Really! you never did that before, said Yeanny. Well got to help now, said Sakura, and cleaning these few dishes will be easy. I used to watch you do them all the time. Yeanny smiled. Okay then, you clean up then get changed for school and I will be right back, said Yeanny then she disappeared. When she got to the old place she saw that everything looked okay but had to make sure the place was sealed again because the old spell wasn't working anymore. She went into her storage room and grabbed two big bags of gems then teleported back again. Sakura was sitting in that nice chair all dressed in her pink outfit and ready to go. Okay school will be starting in about thirty minutes so let me put these in my room for now. I still have some coins from yesterday left so that will be good enough for shopping, said Yeanny. After she put the bags of gems in her dresser she came out to the livingroom. Okay lets go outside first, I got to lock up, said Yeanny. She locked the front door then they teleported to the school. They were a bit early so they looked around a bit first, checking out the school yard. Soon Alexa showed up and opened the front door.

  Hi you two, ready to check out the classroom, said Alexa. Yep, said Sakura, is that where we learn stuff? Yes you will see, I just have to see what room is ready for us. Should be the first on though, said Alexa. She checked the first door and it was opened and there was four desks set up. Okay this is it, said Alexa. They went in and had a look around. Alexa went to the back of the room where all the books were. She looked at a few and found the grade one learning book. Sakura was already sitting in a front desk ready to learn. Well she looks all set to go, said Alexa. Yes she is really excited to be here and learn with you, said Yeanny. Okay I am going to do some shopping at the grociery store then head back home. Okay, said Alexa. Now Sakura you be good and do what ever Alexa tells you then fly home when you are finished. Do you remember where our house is? Yep the big one, said Sakura. Okay see you later, said Yeanny then disappeared. Wow got to get used to her doing that, said Alexa. Yep she is a wizard now and Merlin taught her some stuff and she is going to by some ice cream also, said Sakura. Hmm, a wizard living in Fae Land now interesting she thought to herself. Hennie walked in with the other three girls. Hi Alexa. Here are my little gems. I already told them to behave and listen to you. Okay good, said Alexa, Okay have fun, got to get back to the forest and off Hennie left. Okay girls pick a desk and have a seat, said Alexa. So we are going to start off with something very simple, said Alexa. I am going to write each of your names on this big black board so you can see what your name looks like in print. You all have paper and a pencil on your desk so when I read out your name and point to it. Copy the letters down on a piece of paper with the pencil. Okay they all said at once. Alexa wrote out all of their names then pointed at the first one and said Sakura. Now copy the letters as best as you can Sakura. She looked at the board then started writing. Next is Nissie, you do the same please, said Alexa. Next is Capi, then this one is Setta. Now take your time and I will have a look and see how you all are doing. She waited until they all looked like they were finished then had a look at each of their papers. She noticed they were very neat printers and no mistakes so far. When she saw Sakura's paper it looked very neat too but also had a little picture of her head drawn under the name. A bit rough but still you could tell it was her. Do you like it. It kinda looks like me I think, said Sakura. Yes it does look like you, said Alexa. Oh can we see, the other girls asked? Sakura showed them all then they asked if they could do the same. Yes go ahead, said Alexa. She smiled and thought this is going to be a lot of fun.


Okay you all did great with your names so now we are going to learn more about those letters that made up your name, said Alexa. I am going to write down some of the alphebet on the black board. Then you all copy it down on the same piece of paper. Okay they all said again. Alexa wrote the alphebet from A to M first. Then pointed at each letter told them what each letter sounded like. Now copy them all down please, said Alexa. They all started writing again and soon they all stopped writing. Okay let me see, Nessie, I want you too say each letter out load to me starting with the first one, said Alexa. Nessie started saying each letter but got stuck at "H". Sakura leaned over and whispered to Nessie. Thanks Sakura, said Nessie then said H and continued to M. Alexa skiled and figured it was fine that they would help each other out. Okay now I will print out the rest of the alphebet, said Alexa. She did the same as before and they all went back to copying the letters down. Then Alexa got Fettie to read out the last letters and she got them all excpt the last one where she just said I forget. Setta whispered to her and then Fettie said, "Oh ya zed, that is a funny letter". They all giggled. Finally Alexa asked Sakura to say the entire alphabet out loud to everyone. Sakura stood up and without looking at her papper or the chalkboard she sang out the entire alphabet in a little tune perfectly. The girls all looked at Alexa. Well that was perfect, said Alexa. The all cheered and clapped. Alexa saw that even in school these four girls were still having fun like they were playing a game which gave Aliexa an idea for a future lesson. Can I see what my Mom's big name looks like, you know Yeanny? asked Sakura. Okay, good idea, Sakura, said Alexa. Do you three want to see what Hennie's name looks like too? Yes please they said. Alexa wrote out Yeanny's name first then Hennie's name then said the name to each of them. They all went back to work and Alexa could tell they were all drawing a picture also. When they were all done she once again had a look at each paper. Very good everyone, you are doing great, said Alexa. They all smiled. Now look at the name on each paper then look at the alphabet you wrote down. As you can see that when you use certain letters in a special order you can make different names and words. They all were checking there papers and looked like they saw that Alexa was right. What does Mom look like? asked Nessie. Sakura wrote it down and showed it to Nessie. Oh okay and she copied it to her paper.

Okay now we will learn a few small words and how they are spelled. First is cat then she wrote it on the board. Next is dog and next is fox. She added a few other easy words too. Now add these words onto your paper, said Alexa. Now when I point at a word on the board you tell me what it says. Okay you first Setta. Alexa pointed at a word and she got it right. She did the same with each girl and they all got the answer correct. An elf came in and said it was lunch time and the cafeteria is opened. My time goes by fast when you are teaching, said Alexa. Okay everyone lets go eat, said Alexa. They all got up and followed the elf down the hall. They went in a big room that had lots of long tables and benches. Now go up front there where the elf and cook are behind the counter and see what you want to eat, said the elf. They all ran up and looked at the food. Well even from here Alieta is feeding people, said Alexa. Well yes that is Alieta but this is all Ginger. She wants to make sure you and all the girls are well taken care of. She is the best you know, said the elf. Yes Ginger is quite the girl, said Alexa. Now you get up there too and eat. You still got the other half of the day to do, said the elf. Alexa smiled then she went and got something to eat.

In the mean time Yeanny was just about finished shopping and had to cash out now. The girl added everything up as another girl bagged everything. Okay that will be fifty dollars please, the girl said. Okay, said Yeanny and pulled out the bag of money and counted out some coins. Wow you carry around a lot of money, said the girl. Well yes, I just moved here from a place that over priced everything so just got to get used to the cheaper prices here, said Yeanny. She handed the girl the coins and she said you bought a lot today. Yes got to stock up, said Yeanny. Yeanny looked at all the bags and wondered how she was going to teleport them all back at once. Can I come back a few times to bring them home. Too many bags for me to hold while I am teleporting, said Yeanny. You can teleport? she asked. Yep I am a wizard but still learning stuff from Merlin, said Yeanny. Oh cool, said the girl. Well for five dollars we deliver right to your kitchen table, said the woman. Oh really, how nice of you all here. Okay here you go five dollars. I will take the ice cream with me and get it in the ice box first, said Yeanny. Good choice said the girl now where do you live? Oh number six it said above the front door. It is the big house between the elf village and closest to this town. Oh yes I know the place. It has been empty for a long time. Must of been pretty dirty in there when you moved in. No Ginger and Alieta had it cleaned up for me. They are really nice to me and my girl. Oh so you have a daughter too then. Yeanny thought for a second. Yes I do and she is seven and Alexa is teaching her right now in the school. My you know Alexa too. Here take back the coin. I am not charging you for delivery seeing you know all these important people. Oh no, give it to the delivey person then as a tip, said Yeanny, then grabed the bag with the ice cream in it and vanished. Wow how did she do that asked the girl that bagged all the food. She is a wizard and knows Merlin and Alieta plus Ginger and Alexa. She must be someone important, said the girl.



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