Attack From The Sky Chapter 2


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A Real Fairy Tale

Mother Nature walked over where Alieta and Ginger were standing with Tulip and Lollipop. Okay all done, said Mother Nature. Done what? asked Alieta. These two wonderful girls agreed to help me irrigate some areas that need it, said Mother Nature. They can do that? asked Ginger. Oh yes, they can and very quickly too. I just have to check for certain supplies of water near these places then they can cut an instant river in the ground, said Mother Nature. Oh okay, said Alieta. So you had to talk to them privately for that? Well it is my thing and I wanted honest answers with no one around. That is all plus I got a one on one conversation with these two amazing girls. Now I will do a test area not too far from here, maybe a few hundred miles away that I have been looking at and maybe we can give that open waist land to the east some water and possibly a small lake so the Black Fae can start growing their own crops. The river I made there is too small for anything like that, said Mother Nature. Oh, that does sound good, said Alieta. Now Tulip and Lollipop, it is very nice to see you two again, said Mother Nature. You know these two? asked Alieta. Yes, I know all the fairies, they make amazing forests that show up on my orb that can't be missed. Hi Mother Nature, we built another forest but this one is really big, said Tulip. Yes I saw that so how is your mother doing? asked Mother Nature. She is doing good, she is in the forest right now, said Tulip. Do you want me to go get her for you? Sure if she is not busy, said Mother Nature. How many of you are here in Fae Land? Just eight, my Mom just comes back to check on us every two weeks, said Tulip. Okay I will be back and Tulip flew off to the forest. So Ivy, did Alieta show you how the new enhancements work on the sundial. Yep, it is easy and will come in handy, said Ivy. Good and how is Sara doing? asked Mother Nature. Really good, she learns really fast and likes working in the cove, said Ivy. We have a new beacon tree now so I am going to be able to move more magic to the areas in Fae Land that need it. Good to hear, you just give me a call when you need some rain anywhere. Magic may be good but all plants need rain to grow you know, said Mother Nature. I will, said Ivy.

Well I am heading over to the cove and check on some things, said Ivy. Besides looks like all the fairies are coming to see you which leaves Sara alone in there. Talk to you later, then Ivy flew off. Here they come, said Ginger. They all landed and were all talking at once at her. Okay girls, give Mother Nature a chance to say something. said Guen. Mother Nature giggled. They are still all the same, always full of excitement, said Mother Nature. Hello girls how do you all like your new home here in Fae Land. It's great, we can fly really far and fast here, said Roseberry. Yep, lots of nice people here too, said Chestnut. Well I am glad to hear you all are happy, said Mother Nature. Yep we are making a new paradise out on the grassy plains now that was my idea, said Lollipop. Really, what kind of paradise? asked Mother Nature. Well not completely sure yet, depends on how much magic can reach there but probably some woods with paths and waterfall and benches for people to relax on. We want to make it so anyone can go in it. Well that sounds very nice, I know that area that Alieta had always planned to build more houses on but just never got around to it, said Mother Nature. I am glad someone is doing something with it now. Well we are only using a small part of it so Alieta still has plenty of room to do stuff out there, said Tulip. Okay girls best everyone get back to work, Ivy and Sara are in the cove probably checking out that new project you are working on, said Guen. Okay, bye Mother Nature they all said and flew back to the forest. It is always a joy to see all your girls Guen. Yes they are a good bunch but need to have someone in charge of them all the time, so they don't get into any mischief, said Guen. Tulip is a great leader but Ivy keeps them very busy so I am not worried about them when I am not here and I told them all Alieta is in charge of them also. Alieta walked up to them. So how long have you known about fairies? asked Alieta. Same time Guen got her Fairy Land going, said Mother Nature. Yep she just showed up in the forest and was surprised to see all the fairies but now we are all good friends, said Guen. So you were able to get in the forest with no problem? asked Alieta. If course, she is Mother Nature, said Guen. What forest wouldn't want her to visit.

So tell me Guen, this forest looks so much bigger than Fairy Land, why don't you and all the fairies there move to this new one? asked Mother Nature.Well there is a number of reasons, said Guen. First of all Fairy Land is getting bigger and the number of fairies are growing with it. Now you have never seen a young fairy before and what mischief they can get into. Nothing bad I would think, said Mother Nature. All children can act out at times. Yes but you see a baby fairy is fully grown in one to two months complete with magic, said Guen. The mother has to teach her child everything about being a fairy but young fairies are very head strong and learn extremely fast but they tend to think they know better than the older fairies and will end up making mistakes and even getting hurt so that is why we keep these very young fairies in a section of the forest where they can't do much damage and bother the older fairies. They know they can't leave the forest or they will probably get killed that is the first thing they are taught but a one year old fairy that has a magic wand can definitely cause a lot of trouble. Now think what it would be like here with a say fifty of these young fairies flying around Fae Land free to do what they want. They are just children wanting to have fun but childish fun that will drive everyone here crazy. Mother Nature laughed. Yes I see your point, so when are they allowed to mix with the older fairies? asked Mother Nature. Age fifty is there coming out and is celebrated like a special birthday, said Guen. That is when they see what it is like to be a true fairy and will make friends with older and wiser fairies. Now my children stay with me from birth and learn how to be princesses from all of us older fairies. None of the young fairies get to meet the princesses until they are fifty except for one. Okay you have my attention, which one? asked Mother Nature. Tulips best friend Lollipop. That little fairy at age five found a way of escaping the confines of the nursery area of the forest as I call it. How she did it was genius because the cove makes sure none of the young fairies can pass through the trees and the magic separating the two sections. Lollipop was exceptional and somewhat of a loner, wouldn't play with the other fairies her age so she got picked on. Oh the poor thing, even with fairies there are bullies, said Mother Nature. Well not that often but one day Tulip saw here crying on the other side of the magic wall and she went and called her over. Tulip was just seven years old then and Lollipop was about five. Now I don't know what they talked about that day but Tulip went to that spot to keep her company all the time. So how long did that go on, asked Mother Nature. Not long at all, you see Tulip taught Lollipop things that her wand could do that she had no business doing and with out anyone knowing about it. One day Tulip walked up to me with Lollipop trying to hide behind her and wanted me to meet her friend. I was shocked to see Lollipop to say the least out of the nursery. I told her it wasn't time yet and had to go back but that is when it happened. Tulip started to cry and cry and wouldn't stop and so did Lollipop. Now if you ever saw what a crying young fairy looked like you would see how much it broke my heart to see Tulip like this and she was such a good and smart girl. So I asked Lollipop how she got through the barrier. She said she didn't, she went around it. One night she flew up to the highest branch on the tallest tree when everyone else was asleep then slowly crawled from one branch to another until she got to the edge of the forest then climbed down the outside of one of the trees that was barely in the forest. When she reached the ground she felt that the magic was very weak at the base of the tree trunk so she used her wand and blasted through the wall of magic then ran outside of the length of the forest until she got past the nursery area. Then it was easy for her to get back in, she is a fairy and the forest just let her in. That was so smart, sneaky but smart, said Mother Nature. Well yes but it showed me that this young girl was above average just like Tulip. I asked Tulip if she had anything to do with her escaping and she said she didn't and just found Lollipop hiding behind a tree at their regular meeting spot but on this side of the wall. To me that made her special to be able to think of a way out and succeed so I granted her permanent access to Fairy Land. Tulip and Lollipop grew up together as best friends and did everything together. Even when I brought my girls here and put Lollipop in charge of the cove I could see she was not happy and kept asking me when Tulip was coming home. Instead of telling here she wasn't coming back I just brought her here. Wow now that is an amazing fairy tale with a very happy ending, said Mother Nature. Yes it is but it won't happen again, I had the magic strengthened around the entire nursery forest, said Guen with a smile.


Alieta and Ginger were listening to the story Guen was telling then Alieta turned to Ginger and said well that explains how Tulip and Lollipop became best friends. Yep is sure did, said Ginger as she wiped her eyes. Were you crying again? asked Alieta. Just a little bit at the end, said Ginger. That was a really good story. Yes it was, said Mother Nature. Guen has lots of great stories but some of them don't end up so happy. Well Guen it was great seeing you again and all your kids but I have to get back to work, said Mother Nature. Enjoy the sun dial upgrade Alieta, I know how much you like it. Then Mother Nature vanished. So Guen I didn't know that fairy wands can blast anything, said Alieta. Yes they can but we just can't use them to kill. That is how we drill for water and plus break through rock. Wouldn't that be dangerous having a bunch of young fairies with wands. Kids get mad at each other, said Ginger. Very true and that is why they are not taught how to activate the blasting function of the wand until they come to age. Tulip taught Lollipop how to activate her wand. Tulip wanted her out of that nursery as much as Lollipop. At first I was a bit upset when she told me but Tulip had made Lollipop her family and when she came to me with her, she wanted Lollipop to become part of all our family. That kind of love you don't turn away. So I have to go see what is going on in the cove. I hope this paradise project works for her. This is the first major project she have worked with my girls. I don't want to see her become disappointed. Then Guen flew off. You know, you and Guen are a lot alike. She loves all her family and worries a lot just like you, said Ginger. Ya that comes with being responsible for so many people, said Alieta. One thing I wonder though is what stories that Mother Nature said that Guen told her that didn't have a happy ending. Those stories I don't want to hear, said Ginger. Ya me too I suppose, said Alieta.




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