The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

Attack From The Sky Chapter 1


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In the morning, everyone got up at around the same time except for Zan of coarse, she always sleeps longer than everyone else. So Alieta, Tabatha, Phonixa, Repellia and even Ginger that normally used to wait until later to make her own breakfast, were all having breakfast together and they all chatted some while eating. Alieta asked the three young girls what their plans were for the day. Today we are hanging out here by the palace, said Phonixa. We don't want to miss anything again like we did while we were in town. Alieta smiled. Well Jazmen is back from her break today so maybe she might take you three to the pool in the forest. The three of them looked at each other and smiled. Ya that is a much better idea, said Repellia. Think she will take us today? Well she will be by the palace some time today so you can ask her when she shows up, said Alieta. Okay they all said then quickly finished their breakfast then ran upstairs to pick out a bathing suit from the wardrobe room. So are you going to join them Ginger? asked Alieta. No I think I will stay here with Zan and Candy today. We will think of something to do together, said Ginger. So what are you going to do? asked Ginger. Not sure yet but I will be here until Jazmen reports in. I need to bring her up to speed with all the events that happened while she was away, said Alieta. Okay, said Ginger, you can hang with us three while you wait for her, said Ginger. They finished eating then headed outside and do the regular thing of checking the sun dial.

 Mother Nature Enhances The Sundial

The girls came back down and they all went outside and checked the sun dial. We are pretty consistent every morning, said Alieta. Always a bit past seven. Yep we all like to get an early start, said Ginger, but sometimes the girls sleep in a bit. You know the sundial is out here in the open all day long and is exposed to the weather all the time, day and night, said Alieta. I wonder if one of the fairies could do something to it to give us an idea how the weather was going to be like too. Nope they can't do that, said a voice from behind Alieta. Hi Mother Nature, long time no see, said Ginger. Ya I have been working away doing my thing and no one has needed me here but Gabriel has been keeping me updated with all the stuff that has been going on, said Mother Nature. So you said the fairies couldn't add a weather feature to the sundial, said Alieta. Why not? Oh they have no idea about how the weather will be like. Only I do and besides they don't really care with that big forest they have to protect them from the elements, said Mother Nature. So can you? ask Alieta. Well sure but just a daily report for Fae Land only. No need to know the world weather plus you would need a much bigger sundial than that she said with a smile. Yes that is all we would need, said Alieta. So do you need to take it with you and merge it with the orb or can you do it right here? Right here is fine, said Mother Nature. Now I first have to set it up for a twenty four hour read out. Why, the sun dial only tells the time during the day, said Ginger. Yes but weather continues even during the night, said Mother Nature. Now first I add two new features. She touched the face of the dial and a sun appeared on it and a crescent moon beside it. There that part is done, she said. Now the default will be daytime with the sun. Next she added four more small images to the dial at the bottom. There that should do it. You have a full sun, a sun partly covered by a cloud, then just a cloud and beside it is a cloud with rain falling from it. Now one more should be added but rarely happens around here. She touched the face of the dial again and a dark cloud appeared with a lightning bolt going through it. Okay all done. So how does it work? asked Alieta. Well as the sun moves and shows you the time, every hour it updates and what ever the weather is like, one of these five images will be the brightest, said Mother Nature. Alieta saw the the full sun was the brightest. Okay it is sunny today, said Alieta. Yes but that is just now. If you want to see what the weather will be like in say four hours from now, just touch the number with your finger say one o'clock, and see the sun is still full and brightest. Very cool, said Ginger. Yep I thought you would like that, said Mother Nature. Now if you want to know what the weather will be like during the night then just put your finger on the crescent moon and hold it there and with your other hand touch the number of time and then it will show you with those five images. When you remove your fingers it resets to the present time. That is amazing, said Alieta. Yep, I do have a few tricks up my sleeve. I may not be a fairy but I know the weather. Now anyone can use it as long as they have fingers of course and she smiled. This is going to be a very popular spot once everyone finds out about it, said Alieta. Oh I would hope so, weather is very important when planing one's day, said Mother Nature. Now show Ivy how it works because weather is very important to her work also. Yes I figured that, said Alieta. Actually she should be along soon. She said she would plant a couple of red maple trees here on the palace grounds for me. Oh very nice trees and will grow nicely here. Should get pretty big fast and make for excellent shade trees too, said Mother Nature.

Now before I leave, I would love to meet your new she devils. Gabriel has told me about them and how powerful and pretty they both are but a visual would be nice and some chatting of coarse. Yes that is right, you have not seen them yet, said Alieta. Well they should be out here soon, said Alieta. They always come out here but last night they stayed in the forest with the fairies. They had a run in with Quazar and they were told to spend the night with them to make sure what he did to fix them would be even better with the forest magic around them. Yes Gabriel told me they almost died yesterday. Glad to hear all is good now, said Mother Nature. I will go and check the orb then come shortly then. Don't let them fly away on me before I see them! Alieta smiled, don't worry, I am sure they would love to meet you too. Then Mother Nature vanished. Ivy showed up and said she planted all the seeds with Sara around Eden but left the two best looking seeds for here. Now where was it that you wanted them? asked Ivy. Oh on either end of the grounds, said Alieta. Okay and off she went. Tulip and Lollipop flew over with Tara and Avan from the forest. Oh hi you two. Stick around because Mother Nature wants to meet you and she should be back soon, said Alieta. Oh okay, said Tara. We would love to meet her too. Ivy came back and said, "All done. They should grow pretty fast as Tasha told me but I will see if I can send some forest magic this way. It should be close enough. Those trees are beautiful, said Ginger. We will be able to make our own maple syrup from them when they are big enough. Alieta showed Ivy the new features on the sundial and how to work it. Ivy really liked it and said it looked easy to work. So that tells the weather, I just look up and can see what it is like, said Tara. Weren't you listening silly, it also tell what the weather will be like later on during the day and night, said Avan. Oh that is really good then, said Tara.


After a bit Mother Nature returned and said all is good for weather around here. So I see Tara and Avan standing over there with Ginger and a couple of fairies. Can I go see them now? Yep lets go, I told them you were coming and they are looking forward to meeting you. said Alieta. They both walked over to them as they were chatting with Ginger. Hello Tara and Avan. Mother Nature is here now to see you two. They both looked at Mother Nature. Wow, I love your outfit, said Avan. Yes I like it too, said Mother Nature. That is some outfit that you two have on. Yep, it was given to us. Very comfortable, said Tara. Yes I bet it is. So can we chat a bit by ourselves without everyone listening in? asked Mother Nature. Sure I suppose, said Tara. If it is okay with Alieta. Sure if you want to, said Alieta. So Tara and Avan, you two must really like it here in Fae Land, said Mother Nature. Oh yes, it is very beautiful here and the people everywhere like us, said Avan. Yes I figured that. Even Gabriel likes you and for her to like two she devils then you two must be very special, said Mother Nature. Well we will protect Fae Land and work with Alexa's team when ever we are needed, said Tara. Good, said Mother Nature. Now this huge power you both have in you, Gabriel told me that you can kill devils or any other creatures but also can shoot out an energy blast correct. Yes, both can kill but if we just want to scare something off like humans or animals then we will use the blast in front of them and that usually makes them turn and run, said Tara. I bet it would, said Mother Nature with a smile. So this blast, can you control it or is it just one strength all the time? Oh we have full control and can make it just hit something and wound it or sent out a stream and make a deep ditch so what ever is attacking can't get any closer, said Avan. You see we will not hurt humans or animals of any kind. Gabriel said evil creatures were on Gods hit and kill list though, said Tara. Perfect, said Mother Nature. Then maybe you two could help me sometimes. Really, how? asked Tara. Well you see there are many places on the planet that need me to constantly make it rain so that crops can be grown properly. But if there was a nice river and lake in these regions then they could irrigate the crops them selves and that way they would get much better weather conditions. So is there a limit at how long a stream or beam can last before it runs out and needs to be recharged? asked Mother Nature. As far as we no the power is limitless. It is the energy of the heavens, said Avan. So it sounds like you would like us to make some rivers for you. You got it, said Mother Nature. Now it is not as easy as it sounds to do. We still have to follow the rules of nature. Okay, how so? asked Avan. Well depending on the lay of the land, rivers flow south in the northern hemisphere and north in the southern hemisphere. So that means direction is important plus the body of water that will be filling the river must be big enough and have a large enough supply of water going into the river also. You understand what I mean? asked Mother Nature. Yes, said Tara. Like having an unending milkshake with a straw that never goes empty. Mother Nature laughed. Ivy turned you two on to ice cream, didn't she. Yep and Alieta was the milkshake, they are both amazing tasting! said Tara. Okay good, That is all I wanted to find out, I wanted your answers with us alone so that Alieta being there wouldn't influence your answers, said Mother Nature. Now in a bit I will use my orb that helps me control the weather and also lets me see things on the surface world wide. Once I see an area that meets all the needs to make a river then I will get you two to help me. Okay but if it is a long job then one of us will have to stay here just in case we are needed. Never know what can happen here around Fae Land. Yes of course so just one of you can make a long river then? She asked. Yep, no problem, said Tara. Good, so lets go back to the other's, I am sure they are wondering what we are talking about plus I would like to chat with the fairies, said Mother Nature.



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