Attack From The Sky Chapter 6


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Alexa Talks To Gabriel

Alexa was now beginning to feel unsettled with the news she got from Tess. So she told Diego that she needed to go to the palace and do some stuff. Diego never questioned anything Alexa said or did so he just said okay. Alexa rode off and headed out to the palace. When she got there she saw everyone standing around looking at the new statute. She got off her horse and walked over. Oh hi Alexa, look the statue finally arrived, said Alieta. Alexa looked at it and said it looks perfect. So you just visiting asked Alieta. Yep, I just wanted to get out of the house plus I want to talk to Gabriel about some personal stuff, said Alexa. Oh then go up stairs into the den and talk to her there. Just tell the elf at the door that it is personal and not to be disturbed. Okay, said Alexa and off she went. You know, every time I have seen Alexa, it seems like everything is good about her or something, said Guen. She just has that glowing personality I suppose. Yep Alexa is very special to all of us here, said Alieta. Alexa went upstairs in the den and closed the door then called for Gabriel that appeared immediately. Yes dear, how can I help you, she asked. Oh hi Gabriel, that was fast, said Alexa. Well you are on my priority list to respond to, said Gabriel. Oh okay, said Alexa. That may have something to do about why I need to talk to you. Oh really, said Gabriel. I feel that something is unsettled in you. Ya there is, said Alexa. When I was with Tess in the elder village, I asked her to read me to see if she could tell me who my blood parents were. Now I did find out I was adopted a while ago but couldn't find my blood parents so I just wanted to know why I couldn't find anything about them for some reason. Yes you are like that, said Gabriel, You always have to find answers to things that you have questions about. Yes but when she read me she ended very fast and looked surprised. I asked her what the matter was and she told me I had no blood parents. Oh she did, said Gabriel. Ya she saw that I was found on the steps in a nice basket of a deserving wealthy family that could not have their own baby and there was a note attached to it telling them that I was a gift to them. Yes, that is true, said Gabriel, that now knew where this was headed. So I figured some mother that couldn't take care of me left me on their steps but Tess said no. I was created in heaven by either an angel or God himself or both. She couldn't tell which. Okay, go on, said Gabriel. Well she told me to talk to you if it bothered me at all but she told me not to let it worry me because she could see that I was happy and had lots of people around me that loved me. Now that worked until I got home and went to bed but I just couldn't get it out of my mind. Gabriel smiled. Yes that mind of yours will forever make you look for answers, said Gabriel. So is it true that I was created in heaven. Well in a way all babies are created in heaven with either a new soul or an old one, but they grow in a mother and given birth on earth. You however did not get born like that. Have a seat dear, this may take a bit to explain, said Gabriel.

Oh so is it true that I was made in heaven? asked Alexa. Well not made as you put it, said Gabriel. You were created in a way by me and God, but you first have to know why before you will understand why we did it. Okay, said Alexa that was all ears now. The couple in mention became very successful and wealthy and were very smart. They were not at all like other rich humans that horded their fortune from other's and just used it to get richer. Now these two were Jacob and Margret and they were an amazing couple. They came up with many ideas for products that would make life easier for everyone and made them all affordable to all. On top of that they were very charitable and helped out many families in need. They were highly respected and loved in the community. Now our lord works in his own way and had me keeping an eye on these two for him. When I told him all the nice things they were doing but found out that that Margret could never have a child of her own, this upset him seeing that was something he could not interfere with and just magically make her capable of having a baby. Now he can however do what no other being can do and that is create human life. In his wisdom he wanted to make the couple a baby but insisted that I helped because he wanted some of my qualities added to the child. It was amazing to see, though I never saw him but I did get to see you magically appear on a nice soft cloud then told me what to do in addition to his new creation. So what did you do? asked Alexa. Oh I will get to that later, said Gabriel. Now when the child was found on the doorstep with me watching to make sure you were not taken by anyone else walking by, Margret was very surprised to find you all alone out on her step and brought you in but felt that it was her responsibly to find the real mother and return the little baby girl to her and offer to help her raise the child financially. I kinda knew she would try and do that so that is when God let me appear to them and tell them that you were a gift to them from heaven. Marget and Jacob were overwhelmed and look very happy. Margret looked at you now in her arms and saw these two big eyes looking up at her with the cutest smile she had ever seen on a baby. She said Alexandra, that is who you will be my daughter. I told her that it was a perfect name that meant defender of mankind. The two of them raised you with all the love they had and sent you to the best schools around. You girl as you know never failed a test and became a top of the honor roll girl. Ya I remember that, I used to purposely make a wrong answer so the other kids didn't think I was a freak or something, said Alexa. Gabriel smiled. Yes we saw that. Very smart of you too and you still do that to this day keeping you high intelligence hidden most of the time, said Gabriel. Everyone at school liked you and your friends shortened your name to Alexa which you liked better but you parents still called you Alexandra. Yes I loved them very much, said Alexa. So what was it that you added to me as you said earlier? asked Alexa. Oh not too much dear. God did most of the work but I gave you the personality and kindness of an angel plus the desire to help people in need. Now everything else like strength, intelligence, speed and ever lasting life was all him. Plus he wanted you to be petite but very cute. He loves to create beautiful things. So I will not die? asked Alexa with a surprised look on her face. Well not naturally, said Gabriel. Sort of like Zan, except you are much more capable of defending yourself. Even still I have watched him slowly surround you with amazing people helping to keep you safe. I have always told Alieta as a new member of your team would be added that God has his own ways of doing things in his own wisdom. So does that make you feel at ease now. Yes it does, said Alexa. At least it is good to know I am mortal. Oh yes you are mortal, just a very special one, said Gabriel with a smile. Now just keep all of this to yourself dear. This is your business and no one else's. Ivy may sense you have a secret but she probably will never read you. She is like that now with her friends. Everyone has secrets, even tiny ones but yours is a pretty big one, said Gabriel. Even if she figured out this about you she would never say anything about it. God looks after her too. Okay that is all good to know and knowing that I am still me and just came from a different place is all good with me, said Alexa. Thanks for everything Gabriel. No problem dear. Now just call if you ever need anything. You are my number one girl to respond to forever. Then Gabriel disappeared.


Alexa went back outside and saw that everyone had broken up into small groups. Alieta asked Alexa if all was okay and she said yep, all is great. Alexa looked and saw the two new trees growing on the edges of the palace grounds. Hey they are like the ones in the elder village. They grew that fast from just a seed that Ivy got from Tasha? asked Alexa. Yes she has the magic touch when it comes to growing things, said Alieta. Yes she does, said Alexa. I think we all here in Fae Land have a bit of magic inside of us. Jazmen and the girls came back from swimming and said they all had a great time and even Viridian showed up. Really, said Alieta. That is good to hear. Ya and that girl has some body on her for a tall elf, said Jazmen. She looked great in a bikini. Well when you got it why not show it off sometimes, said Alieta. A swimming pool is the perfect place for her seeing she usually hides her body when in public. Wonder why she hasn't got a boyfriend yet? asked Jazmen. Oh I think she has all she wants right now, said Alieta. She is very happy, I can tell. Okay girls go inside and hang dry those bikinis and keep them in your rooms please, said Alieta. Okay they all said and went inside. So Alexa, what are you doing here? asked Jazmen. Oh just visiting, said Alexa. Checked out the new statue of the first queen of Fae Land then had to talk to Gabriel some but I am done now. Okay, said Jazmen I am heading home, would you like to come to my palace and meet my room mate Jessica? Pretty sure you have never met her before, she is very nice and is a good cook too. Okay sounds great. I'm kinda hungry too, said Alexa. Good she loves to cook for people like Ktara, not quite as good but still very good, said Jazmen. Alexa went and got her horse then they both headed out. Okay that reminds me, we already had lunch but the girls will be hungry after swimming, said Alieta. I will get a couple of my girls to come out and make them something, said Guen. We could eat some more too, said Tara. That nice story got us hungry again for some reason. No problem you two, plus you battled a bunch of Wyverns so you should be hungry, said Alieta. Guen flew off to get two of her girls.

The End...



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