Attack From The Sky Chapter 3


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The Danger Above

Phonixa, Repellia and Tabitha came out of the palace. Has Jazmen showed up yet? No not yet, said Alieta. She should be here soon though. Good because we found some really nice bikinis to wear, said Repellia. Zan came out and said good morning to everyone. Alieta smiled. It is almost eleven o'clock. Oh good. I got enough sleep then, said Zan. So did I miss anything. Not really, Mother Nature was here and got to meet Tara and Avan, said Alieta. Oh okay, I will go back inside and get some breakfast, said Zan. Send Candy in when she gets here, she get here around this time then off she went. Funny people we have in Fae Land, said Ginger. There look here comes Jazmen up there. Yep here she comes girls, said Alieta. Hi all, did you miss me? asked Jazmen. Did I miss anything while I was away. Yep, lots but I will fill you in later, said Alieta. Okay so what is going on with you three? asked Jazmen. Oh we were just hoping you would take us to the pool in the forest like you said before you left, said Phonixa. Oh ya, said Jazmen. We can do that, sounds like fun. Hey what is that up there headed our way, said Ginger. They all looked up and saw what looked like dragons. No they are too small to be dragons said Alieta. Maybe Wyverns but they rarely fly together in large packs. I guess we should go see what is going on, said Tara. Yes please, said Alieta. Don't know what they want here. They are not usually attracted to magic. Well we will find out, said Avan and off they flew to head them all off.

Well they see us but they are not slowing down, said Tara. Lets see if a warning blast will stop them. They both went to send out a blast but they were too late and the Wyverns just flew by them. Really, we are not good enough for them, said Tara. They flew back fast and got a head of them again and this time got a couple of blasts out. The front ones all stopped in mid air and the ones behind them started to crash into the leaders. Not too smart are they, said Tara. Soon they were all at a stand still just flapping their wings staying a float. What the heck is that coming? asked Tara. Maybe a devil but don't look like one, said Avan. He got closer and now they could see it was a demon. Now, Kenzie said that most demons were stupid so they will do stupid things, said Avan. Okay here he comes. What do you two devils want, scaring my army like that? asked the demon Some army, a bunch of dumb Wyverns. Ya, much more than a bunch he said. Look behind me. They saw another dark cloud of Wyverns coming fast. So again what is it you two devils want? More like what do you want, said Avan. We are making a clearing for my land army to come through. We are taking over the entire south of this continent. This land below is in our way. Oh really, said Tara. So you don't know this is Fae Land the most powerfully guarded land anywhere. Never heard of it, said the demon. Nothing can stop my armies. Well you will have to get past us first said Tara. Just you two. You are joking, said the demon and started laughing. Go tear them apart he said to his Wyverns. They all started at them so both Tara and Avan starting blasting at the front line of them blowing them to pieces. What the heck the demon yelled and sent out some fireballs at them. In coming, watch out, said Tara. Lets give him a blast he won't forget, said Avan. They both sent a blast at him. He dodged one but the other one hit him dead on and sent him back quite a bit. He shook it off after a few seconds and now looked really mad. The two of them continued to blast away at the attacking Wyverns. He flew back at them and said you two can't kill me or stop me. We are coming through whether you want us to or not. Hey dummy, we are devil killers. You are like candy to us, said Avan. Nothing sweet about this and he sent out a bunch more fire balls.

What are they doing up there? asked Jazmen. Looks like they are having fun to me, said Ginger. Look one got past them. No worries my girls will get it, said Jazmen. Two winged sprites flew at the Wyvern and shot it down but it landed not far from the people on the ground. Hmm, ugly looking things aren't they, said Phonixa. Back in the air Tara and Avan were toying with the demon while they quickly got rid of the first wave of Wyverns. Look at him, he thinks he is scaring us, said Tara. Well all those other Wyverns are almost here, said Avan. We better turn him to ash. Just then Quazar appeared. Hi girls can I help. It looks like you two are just having fun but I don't get much action in space. Sure why not handsome, said Tara. Okay thanks I will deal with the stupid demon, you two start ashing those ugly birds. Even in battle you hit on him, said Avan. Tara smiled. Lets just start blasting then we can go back and see what Quazar is going to do with that demon, said Tara. Quazar grabbed the demon and flew him up higher out of the way. The girls were killing all the Wyverns very fast now. What are you, you are no devil. Where is your tail? asked the demon. I am Quazar, king of the overlords and you have no chance against those two girls. They can't kill all of my army, he said. Well look stupid. They are just about done then they will be coming after you next, said Quazar. What, impossible he said. He looked around and almost all the Wyverns were gone. Were are they all, I see no bodies on the ground. No they turn them to ash. No mess that way, said Quazar. Tara and Avan saw Quazar had a good grip on the demon so they finished off the last of the Wyverns then flew up to see what was going on. Told you dummy, here they come for you. Hey Quazar, why is he still alive, asked Tara. Oh just trying to get some info from him, maybe he will leave if he smartens up any. Yes I will leave, don't let those two creatures near me, said the demon. Let me go please. Okay, said Quazar then let go of him and he flew off. Okay if you think that will work, said Tara. It won't watch, said Quazar. The demon then turned around and started firing fire balls at the three of them. He is as dumb as they come, said Quazar then sent a big blast at him sending him down to the ground dead and smoking. Nice shot Quazar, said Avan. Now he said you two couldn't defeat his entire army. Is there more? asked Quazar. Ya he said he was clearing a path for his ground troops. Something about taking over the southern continent. Quazar shook his head. What would an idiot like him do with an entire continent. Okay I will take his dead body and drop it in front of his troops then stand behind it, If they are humans then they will turn and run but if they are nasty creatures I will incinerate them all. Okay, that will save us a lot of work, said Avan. No problem girls then he winked at Tara and flew down to get the dead demon. See I told you he likes me, said Tara. He likes me too, said Avan. Ya maybe but that is because you look like me, said Tara. Man sometimes Tara I just want to grab you by the tail and swing you around, said Avan. Hey that might be fun, we should try that sometime. They both smiled at each other and headed back to the palace grounds.

Tara and Avan flew back down to everyone and saw that Phonixa was having a closer look at the dead Wyvern. Watch this, said Tara and she walked over to the other side of the creature. Pretty ugly looking isn't it, said Tara. Yes and smelly too, said Phonixa. Well don't get too close. It might not be completely dead yet, said Tara with a serious look on her face. Well it looks dead, said Phonixa. Has two arrows in it and the eyes are closed. She bent a bit closer to look at the closed eyes. Tara kicked the back foot of the Wyvern that made one of it's arms and head move a bit. Phonixa screamed and ran back saying it is still alive! Everyone started laughing. What is so funny, it moved, said Phonixa. That was Tara, she kicked it, said Ginger that had tears in her eyes from laughing. Ha ha, very funny Tara. You scared the heck out of me, said Phonixa. Just a joke girl here have a look it is dead. Phonixa went closer and Tara lifted up it's head. See it is dead, said Tara. Um then why did its eyes just open? asked Phonixa. What! Tara looked at its face and saw the eyes were looking at her. Crap, she said then dropped the head then stood back and turned it to ash. There dead now, said Tara. They both walked back to the group. Sorry for scaring you, said Tara. No worries, it actually was a good one on me, said Phonixa. So girls was that Quazar up there with you two. Um yep. He just took the demon out of the way so we could get rid of all the Wyverns. He ended up killing him though after he gave him a chance to leave. Demon was too dumb to know how lucky he was, said Tara. Zan came back out and asked why everyone was standing around out here. Did I miss something? she asked. Awe ya, said Phonixa. An entire invasion that Tara and Avan stopped. Ya sure what ever, said Zan. So where is that Candy? Not here yet, said Alieta. Well girls have you got your bathing suits? asked Jazmen. They are in our room, said Repellia. Okay go get them then start going to the forest and I will fly home and get mine then meet you at the forest entrance, said Jazmen. Okay and off they went back in the palace. Looks like they are excited about going swimming, said Jazmen. Well they haven't gone swimming since they got here, said Ginger. Oh, hope they can swim, I am a lousy teacher, said Jazmen.



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