Attack From The Sky Chapter 5


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The Statue Arrives

Alieta was sitting on the palace steps when Candy arrived. Hi Candy, how are things. I am fine, oh good. I see Zan is out and about, Yes she does sleep a lot, said Alieta. Ya it gives me some time to get some stuff done at home, said Candy. There you are Candy. I have been looking for you, said Zan. No you haven't, said Alieta. You have hardly been out here at all today. Ya I know just fooling around, said Zan. So what can we do today? asked Zan. Well we can see that that wagon coming here is bringing first, said Candy. Oh that should the statue I order to go in front of the palace's east wing. So who is it of? asked Candy. It is of the very first queen that ruled over Fae Land. It was her that actually approved the name Fae Land for our country. What was her name? asked Candy. I can't remember at the moment but someone did tell me what her first name was but I forget who it was for some reason, said Alieta. Oh lots going on lately Alieta, you will remember it eventually, said Candy. The three of the watched as the wagon slowly approached the palace then stopped in front of them. Okay made it and she is still in one piece, said one of the men. It was a bumpy ride here from Cumberland so we had to ride very slowly. We didn't want her losing a finger or her head.

The three men unloaded the statue and asked Alieta where she wanted it placed. She showed them the exact place where where the first queen was buried that Alexa told her she saw from that time line device under the palace that happened many years ago. They carefully placed it there and one man told her that a place at the base was left bare for her to have the name of the person it represented for her to add later but it did say "The Founder And First Queen Of Fae Land". Alieta had the man go inside with the bill and see her treasurer to get the payment. Ginger came out and saw the statue and they all gathered around and looked at the life size statue. They did a good job, said Ginger. Excellent detail. Pretty hair and nice dress, it looks almost exactly like her except she hand more colour to her skin. Of course it is a statue, said Alieta. So why didn't you have them put her name on the plate? asked Ginger. Well I forgot what her name was when I requested it done, said Alieta. That's right you knew her name. Yep and so does Pippa, said Ginger. Everyone else just called her Queen though. So what was her name? asked Alieta. Scarlet, I never knew her last name, said Ginger. Okay good, said Alieta. I never got to meet her. She died just before I came to Fae Land. Well she created the first army of foot soldiers and only had about a dozen winged sprites with bow and arrows but back then it was know as a very strong army and they rarely got attacked, said Ginger. The magic here was no where near what it is now so not that many creature attacks occurred either. So how did you end up here Alieta? asked Candy. Oh there was a big attack that was too much for Fae Lands army to defeat and with out a queen to lead them most of the male elves were killed so new female archers were trained but they were not that organized like before, said Alieta. It was Pippa that came to get me and my winged army that was in Cumberland and told me that Fae Land was about to fall. That was the first time I met Pippa. I took my entire army of two hundred sprites to Fae Land and filled the sky with them that ended the battle fast and those that lived retreated and sent news out that Fae Land was a place not to be taken lightly anymore.

Wow that must of been an exciting time for you, having the strongest army around to lead. So how did you become queen anyways, asked Candy. Yes I would like to know that too, said Zan. Well that came a bit later on, said Alieta. At first all us sprites stayed in the west woods. More people were starting to come and live in Fae Land so housing became an issue. Now Ginger here kind of befriended me as I was in the forest. She had a small home and wanted me to come stay with her until my own place was built. I didn't want to impose on her so I stayed with my army in the woods. Ginger was not happy that I was stuck living in a forest and wasn't going to stand for that so she did something that I will never forget. What was that everyone asked as now even some more elves had gathered to hear Alieta's story. Well the palace had been empty now for quite a while and no one was working there anymore, said Alieta. The place was dusty and the kitchen was a mess, must of looked like and old haunted mansion. Ginger was one of the oldest elves in Fae Land and she became well liked by all the other elves. She told a few of her friends that she needed their help cleaning up the palace for me. They all got excited and told some more elves that Ginger had a plan to get a leader back into the palace. Soon there were lots of elves working away cleaning and organizing the palace making it look bran new again inside. When it was ready to be lived in. Ginger went to the forest but couldn't find me. I was out on patrol with some other sprites so that is when she first met Jazmen that was a captain then. When Jazmen heard what Ginger had done for me she got all excited and flew out to find me but Ginger told her to keep it a secret. After a while Jazmen found me she said that there was someone at the palace that wanted to talk to me.

Guen had flown over from the forest and saw the gathering and joined in to hear what Alieta was telling everyone. So I flew over to the palace figuring it was someone that needed my winged army's help but when I arrived I saw a large gathering of elves and some humans all standing on the palace grounds, with Ginger sitting on the palace steps. I asked her who was it that wanted to talk to me and she stood up and said "Me. You have a new home now", she said loud enough for everyone to hear. We the people of Fae Land want you to live in the palace and lead the people of Fae Land in a place that you will have better control and but more important you deserve it and everyone loves what you have done to protect our great country. Well I looked around and saw so many happy faces then looked at Ginger that had the biggest smile on her face that I have ever seen and just could not refuse. I said okay to her then everyone cheered. The treasurer that still has her job in the palace today came up to me and said that I now have control of all the funds of Fae Land, and she would only use that money with my approval. At that time I didn't know how wealthy Fae Land was from all the trade that the prior queen did. I asked Ginger if she thought I should have a party for everyone here seeing they were all gathered together. She said "No, have a celebration!". I smiled and that was my first act as leader of Fae Land. Ginger had a few cooks already working the kitchen and then had some elves setting up tables and bringing out food for every one. Minstrels started to play music and a very big celebration was well on it's way. So Ginger was the one that started all this? asked Guen. Yep she did and even hired a few elves including Candy to help with the kitchen and other places in the palace. They all looked at Ginger, no wonder you two are so close, said Guen. Yep she is my main girl, said Alieta. You know she never asked for anything from me except my friendship, even though everyone that I hired later to work in the palace considered her the head of all the palace employees and everyone did as she asked. Once word got out that Fae land had a new queen, this started a huge increase in trade and I saw so many new people moving to Fae Land living in tents. I sent out messengers to get lumber from Cumberland that had thousands of trees and was their main industry. They came happily but not just a little at a time but wagons full of wood and supplies and many men that went to work planning and building new homes for everyone and even a small town for everyone to shop from. Oh I also made Jazmen the head captain of the winged army seeing I was pretty busy now. She was the strongest, fastest and best archer anyways.

Wow Alieta, that was the best story I have ever heard, said Guen and I have been around for a long time. Alieta smiled. Yes those were fun times for me but eventually attacks came from greedy kings that heard that Fae Land was rich with money and resources so that is when I made a much bigger army and soon no one could even come close to attacking our country with out being confronted and made to retreat. So now we have the statue here of the woman that started it all. She must of been a very wise human woman for all the elves to like her too, said Guen. Now that Ginger told me her name, I can get her name put on that label, said Alieta. Well what it says now will be good enough for the time being, said Ginger. I suppose so, said Alieta. Well what was her name? asked Guen. Scarlet, said Ginger. Guen made her wand appear and made the name appear on the label. There, now it is perfect, said Guen. They all smiled.



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