Cupid's Sister Lulu Page 4


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 The Strong Man 

Okay he just rounded the corner but looks like he is heading for the stable, said Ginger. Holy crap he looks huge even from this far away. Yep Jazmen was right that is one very big man, said Alieta. The man got to the stable then got off his horse and a elf came out. Hello little lady, could you please take care of my horse. He is very tired and needs water and food. I will pay. Wow are you ever big, said the elf. Well Alieta never charges to take care of visitors horse's. It is always free. How nice, said the man. So who is Alieta? The queen of Fae Land, said the elf. Oh good, that is one of the people I came to see. He reached in a pocket and took out a gold coin and tossed it to the elf. Here you go pretty girl. That is a tip for you. Take special care of my horse for me. Thankyou mister, I will, said the elf and brought the horse into the stable. Well prettiest face I have seen in quite a while, he thought to himself. Okay lets see what those two over there are up to. Okay here he comes, said Ginger. I think I will go in the palace. You stay right there. He didn't hurt the stable girl and he won't hurt you. Actually she looked not scared at all, said Alieta. Besides we are well protected from above. Ginger looked up and now there was at least a dozen sprites up in the air. The man walked up to them and looked at both of them. You better not try to hurt us, we are well protected from above, said Ginger nervously. Yes I know, I saw them long time ago, said the man. They followed me from the sky even before I got inside Fae Land. I was told that Fae Land is the most powerful and best protective country in the world, said the man. I wouldn't hurt two very beautiful and small girls anyways. So I am here to see Alieta. What do you want to see her for, asked Alieta. I have to talk to her, my father the king sent me from far away, said the man. Who is your father? asked Ginger. King Zeus, said the man. Never heard of him, said Ginger. Alieta looked up and noticed Ivy just saw them while going to the cove and was heading towards them fast. Here comes Ivy, please don't hurt her she is very important to fae Land, said Alieta. Don't worry, I am not here to hurt anyone, said the man that was watching Ivy coming straight for him. Maybe you should tell that pretty thing heading this way not to hurt me. Sorry Alieta but I am going in the palace to check on the girls and Ginger ran off. Why did she leave, I said I wasn't here to hurt anyone and I really liked her. Cute as a button and very nice dresser too. Alieta smiled. Well she recently had a bad scare and is a bit nervous right now. Oh okay, poor pretty thing, let me know who scared her and I will pound it into the ground with my club, said the man.


Alieta stepped to the side and Ivy landed right beside her then looked up at him. Wow he is a big one Alieta, who is he? I don't know but he said he is not here to hurt anyone. But I saw Ginger running to the Palace. Ivy looked at him for a moment. Well I think I can take him, said Ivy if her tries anything. The man smiled. Ya Ginger is still a bit nervous after that hydra scared her, said Alieta. Hydra, there are no more hydras, said the man. Ya that is what we thought, said Alieta. Ivy step closer to the big man and got on her toes to look bigger but it really didn't help much. Is it okay, asked Ivy. Okay to what, asked the man. To read you, said Ivy. Oh a reader, sure go a head that should put everyone at ease, said the man. Ivy looked at him for a bit then turned to Alieta. He is okay, said Ivy. Actually he is more than okay, he is very very good. Pure white soul and no secrets. You like Ginger? You just met her Hercules. Did you say Hercules? asked Alieta. Yep Hercules, son of Zeus and a real demi god, not like Rose that is not really a demi god. Hercules is really strong like my sister. Yep strongest man on the planet, said Hercules. So your sister is strong too? Alieta smiled. Never mind her big guy. So you are actually the real Hercules that we all thought was just a myth? asked Alieta. A myth, tell that to the hundreds of beings I have killed. They don't think I am a myth. Right Ivy. You bet and it is more like thousands that you have destroyed with that big stick and even with your bare hands, said Ivy. Big stick indeed, I like you Ivy and you are the prettest thing I have every seen, even prettier than my mother Athena. Thankyou Hercules. I would shake your hand and welcome you to Fae Land but I think that big hand of yours would hurt. Well let me do this then, said Hercules.


Hercules got down on one knee then gently grabbed Ivy's arm and kissed her hand. It is an honor to met you Ivy. She is queen of all the forests in Fae Land, said Alieta. Then it is an honour to meet you queen Ivy of the forest and he kissed her hand again. Ivy had a big smile on her face and stepped back to Alieta. He kissed my hand, no one has ever done that before, said Ivy. Yes that is what a gentleman does when they meet some one important, said Alieta. Yes he sure was gental for such a strong man, said Ivy. Hercules stood up. And you must be queen Alieta, queen of all Fae Land, it is an honor to meet you too, said Hercules. Thankyou but you are have quite the history of doing good, said Alieta. Gabriel did tell me that a very big surprise was coming. Gabriel the angel, yes I have seen her from time to time, she is a very nice girl, said Hercules. So Hercules, you said your father Zeus sent you here to talk to me, What about? asked Alieta. Well do you have anything cooked up that I can eat. I am very hungry from that trip and haven't eaten much, said Hercules. Yes we can make you something said Alieta but you won't fit through the dining room door so you will have to eat out here, said Alieta. That is fine. We can sit out here and talk then, said Hercules. Alieta waved over a elf that was watching them closely then asked her to bring Hercules two cheese burgers, no make that three. Ivy laughed, then said she had to go to work in the cove and flew off.

The two of them got comfortable on the grass while they waited for the food. So Hercules, you said that your are the son of Zeus and Ivy said you are a real demi god, said Alieta. That would make Zeus a god then correct? Yes that is correct, said Hercules. But there is only one god, said Alieta. No there is only one creator, said Hercules. There are several gods that used to control different aspects of this planet. What do you mean? asked Alieta. Well a very long time ago, the creator had just one angel that took care of all the souls. But soon things got too much for her so he created more angels from the very good souls. That gave him the idea to create lesser gods to control things like the oceans and the weather, plus other things. Zeus was the first he created and made him the head god and also took care of the sky. Okay but now we have Mother Nature that takes care of the weather, said Alieta. Yep and a great job she does too. Never met her though. Anyways there was an uprising among the gods and they wanted to dethrone Zeus so they banded together and create large human armies and the war of the gods began. My father was the strongest though seeing he could send bolts of lightning down at the armies that stopped them plus he sent me down to the surface to defeat the armies also. The creator got angry and put an end to the wars by distroying Mount Olympus where all the Gods lived and took away there powers. Now all the gods are spread out all over the planet never seeing each other anymore. They have very week powers so they use them just to help others and themselves now. So you lived with your father then, said Alieta. Yep and my mother Athena. You see Zeus was a very good god and helped the humans. When I was sent down I only fought against the evil armies that used creatures like minators and gargolyes and other nasty creatures to fight with them. So you seem to have kept your stength, said Alieta. Yep, I was the good guy in the creators eyes and he lets me go out and kill evil creatures when need be but lately there has been nothing bad around. At least not in this reality, said Hercules. The elf came out with the three cheese burgers and handed the plate to Hercules. Here you go sir. I brought you a milk shake too. How nice thankyou pretty girl. Then she left. My they are so nice here and very pretty, said Hercules. Is everyone here seems to be like that. Yes all of Fae Land is full off very friendly and loving people, said Alieta. Okay that explains it then, said Hercules and started eating.


After he finished eating and drinking the milkshake the elf ran over to take the dish and cup back. Was that enough? she asked him. Yes it was and very good, said Hercules. He reached in his pocket and tossed a gold coin to her. That's a tip for being such a good server, said Hercules. I won't be needing this club here so is there a place I can put it. Oh I will take it to the armory, said the elf. Well it is quite heavy for a cute little girl like yourself to carry, said Hercules. She went to the club and tried to pick it up but could barely budge it. Wow it is heavy, said the elf. What is it made of? Solid petrified oak, said Hercules. I made it myself from the strongest branch of the tree then once I shaped it I had my father electricute it making even harder. I'll take it in the palace, said Alieta and she got up and picked it up easily. Hey you got some good stength there, said Hercules. Ya I can take care of myself, said Alieta. Now don't go anywhere, I have some more questions for you. Well I wouldn't know where to go, said Hercules as he stood up and stretched. Alieta headed to the palace. Who is that nice man, asked the elf. That is Hercules, said Alieta. The strongest man in the world. Really and the biggest eater too, said the elf. While Hercules was looking around Sakura and Lulu flew up to him fast. Wow are you ever big, said Lulu. Ya and very big muscles too, said Sakura. I bet he is super strong. Hello sir my name is Sakura. Hi my name is Lulu, and we are very food friends. Yep and we play together all the time, said Sakura. Ya but she is the best and fastest flier, said Lulu. She is faster than a pixie and that is super fast. Ya and I can disappear like Ivy, said Sakura. So do you like to play? Maybe we should ask him his name first, said Lulu. Oh ya, good idea, said Sakura. What is your name? I bet it is a big name. Hercules started to laugh. I have never met so entertaining and funny girls before in all my days. I am Hercules. Really so there is a real Hercules? asked Lulu. Of coarse there is, said Sakura. He is standing right here. You are real right? Yes I am real, said Hercules. Just as real as you two. Alieta came back out of the palace and saw what was going on. She she waited a minute before going over there to see how Hercules would react to them. So how strong are you? asked Sakura. He is super strong, said Lulu, can't you tell. Legend has it he is the strongest of all men. Wow that is strong, said Sakura. I wonder if he is stronger than Sara, she is a girl and is stronger than Alexa. Maybe, I don't know, said Lulu. Alieta figured he had enough and walked over. Okay you two enought with bothering Hercules, said Alieta. Oh they are no bother at all, quite delightful actually. So you like us, asked Sakura. Yes I do very much, said Hercules. Okay then I like you too, said Sakura. Me also, said Lulu.

So why are you two here? asked Alieta. Mom sent us here, well me but Lulu wanted to come with me, said Sakura. Yep where she goes I go, said Lulu. Okay but why, what is she doing. I thought Zotac went to your place, said Alieta. Yep he did but he needed to talk to Mika about something and Mom wanted to go with him then go shopping for something but she didn't tell me what, said Sakura. Okay that is fine, said Alieta. Just hang around the palace grounds then while I talk to Hercules. Okay, can we go inside and have some ice cream first? asked Sakura. Ya just one bowl each though, said Lulu. I know, I won't eat two big bowls ever again, said Sakura. Yes you can, said Alieta. Okay thanks Alieta and they flew off. Very delightful beings, said Hercules. Do they always talk like that together. Yes they do, said Alieta. Sakura is just about eight years old but Lulu is over two hundreds years old. Pixies never really grow up and stay playful and friendly forever, Sakura is not a full pixie though but she seems to have a lot of pixie in her. Okay, enough about those two for now and tell me more why your are here. You said earlier that it made sense when I told you all the people here were friendly and loving. Well what I was told is that something is coming and I don't know when or from where. Coming to Fae Land? asked Alieta. We can deal with anything. Yes you can but not here, said Hercules. This is a bit hard to explain but it has to do with a alternate reality where things are much more advanced. Okay you mean Granada then, said Alieta. We know all about there and some of my people have been there. Really, that I didn't know but yes Granada was mentioned but it is the entire world there that is in danger. From what? asked Alieta. That I don't know but I was told that Granada's reality had weapons of mass destruction that they will need to use but that would be very bad for the planet and all the realities. Okay now I am a bit lost, said Alieta. How powerful are these weapons? Well so powerful that one bomb will wipe out an entire city and kill millions of people instantantly, said Hercules. Why would anyone make such a bomb? asked Alieta. That is humans for you always trying to be the best and strongest but the good thing is that all the countries agreed to disarm all the big bombs because they realized using them would mean the end of the world. Okay that is good for them, said Alieta. Yes and good for you here too. If a bomb was to go off say in that Granada place, that is exactly parallel to Fae Land then Fae Land would feel the force also. These bombs leave some kind of radiation that stops anything from growing or living for decades after. Basicly makes earth a dead planet in all realities. Oh my god, now I am scared, said Alieta. Don't be, said Hercules. My father said that the creator has been preparing to counter this attack for many years. Supposidly Fae Land and Granada are his prize places on the planet that he watches over the most. My dad said you have people here with skills and weapons that can distroy anything and not hurt the planet at all, said Hercules. Is that true? Well yes it is, said Alieta. Over the years amazing individulals have come to live here and have protected Fae Land. No one can defeat us now and don't even try, said Alieta. Well there you go, nothing to worry about then, said Hercules. I would really like to meet these people. That can be arraged but her comes one now, her name is Tara and she is one of the most powerfull beings on the planet and she has a sister, said Alieta. I will intruduce you to her then I will go and personally gather the heros to come here to meet you. Okay good, said Hercules Oh there is one other that I need to talk to that I was told doesn't live here. Her name is Apollonia. Do you know of her? Yes she is a dark angel and very powerful and is God's warrior. An angel, that figures, She will be putting together the team that will be needed and leading it, said Hercules.

Tara flew down and said hi to Alieta. My my who have you got here now Alieta. Now he is a fine specimen of a human man. Wow your a she devil and the prettiest one I every saw, said Hercules. Well thankyou handsome, flattery will get you everything with me. Down Tara, said Alieta. This is the mighty Hercules. Oh Gabriel told me he was coming here soon just didn't tell me when. So she told you about him? asked Alieta. What else did she tell you? A bunch of stuff but you don't have to worry. We got this covered, said Tara. Okay, I guess, said Alieta. Hercules wants to meet all the heros so I am going to go round them up and get them to come here. Okay I will keep this big guy company for you. Yes please and keep an eye on Sakura and Lulu for me. They are in the palace right now eating ice cream, said Alieta. Okay who is Lulu? asked Tara. Sakura's new friend. She is Cupids little sister and lives here now. They do everything together. Okay I will, said Tara. Alieta flew off towards Eden. So Hercules I was told that you will be here when the action starts. Ya I am to take care of anyone that comes through any portals when you all are gone. Is there someone here called a Ice Queen? Yep, that is Tempressa, said Tara. She can frezze anything by just pointing at it. Good, that is who I will be working with. She freezes them then I smash them, said Hercules. Sounds perfect to me, said Tara. So do you know that dark angel Apollonia? She is supposed to be leading the team, said Hercules. Oh ya I know her well, said Tara. That girl has some very powerful gusto. She put a big hurt on me and my sister when we first came to Fae Land. We are friends now though. So where is your sister now? asked Hercules. Beats me, but she likes to hang out in the water at Sandy Lake, said Tara. She might be there or in the human village. They all like us there. So there are humans in Fae Land too? asked Hercules. Yep lots of them but a few are here that live in the palace, said Tara. There they are now coming out with Sakura and Lulu. Do you want to meet the sisters? asked Tara. Okay they are looking over here anyways, said Hercules. Oh you will like those two, prettiest human girls I have come acrossed, said Tara. Got some magic in them too so I guess hybreed humans. Be nice to them though they are just teenagers. I will be by the steps keeping an eye on Sakura, she tends to forget stuff and may fly off with that new friand of hers. Who is that over there? asked Repellia. That is Hercules girls, said Tara. Go say... Before Tara could finish her sentence both Repellia and Phonixa ran over to Hercules. Well teens will be teens I suppose, thought Tara.


Both sisters ran up to Hercules that noticed they were twins followed by Sakura and Lulu. Wow, are you the real Hercules we read stories about back home? asked Phonixa. Well I am not sure, said Hercules. What did you read. Oh lots of different stories, said Repellia. There is a bunch of books writen with you in them. You are from Olympus, right? Ya that was where I used to live, said Hercules but Olympus is no longer here. It was destroyed by the creator. You mean God right, sais Phonixa. We read about everything you did back then in the books. Is it true that you are like super strong and defeated evil creatures in Rome? asked Phonixia. Is Rome a real place? Well yes it is, said Hercules. Many people live there now but a long time ago it was a very strange place where only the wealthy were happy. Must of been really bad living back then so you are really strong right? asked Repellia. Yes I am, the strongest man in the world, said Hercules. Okay then prove it to us, said Repellia. Sure if you want, said Hercules. Stand back some Lulu and Sakura.

Both of you turn around please, said Hercules. Okay, so what are you going to do? asked Phonixa. You will see, said Hercules. They both turned around then Hercules reached down and grabbed both girls by their bum and lifted them up. How is that? asked Hercules. Okay you are like very strong, said Repellia. Yep you sure are, said Phonixa. Okay let me put you two down now, said Hercules. Well you don't have to if you don't want, said Phonixa. Hercules smiled then put then back down on the ground. Can you pick me up next? asked Sakura. Don't be silly, if he can pick those two up them he can easily pick you up, said Lulu. Ya I know bit it looks like fun, said Sakura. Ya it does, can you pick me up too? asked Lulu. Hercules smiled at them then said sure jump on a hand each of you. They both stood on a hand then Hercules lifted them both high above his head. Wee now we are taller than everyone here now, said Sakura.

 So we are going to find Kori and Nidale, said Repellia. They are probably wondering where we were all this time. Ya we can tell them all about Granada and all the stores there, said Phonixa. So you two were in Granada? asked Hercules. Yep just got back yesterday, said Phonixa. So what is it like there, is it like Fae Land? asked Hercules. No not at all, said Repellia. No magic there and just humans but lots and lots of stores in the city with very tall buildings. Fae Land is much better though. Lots of cool stuff happens here, like you for instance. There is nobody like you in Granada. All the real magical people and beings come to Fae Land. In Granada, they just have fantasy books and movies that they all read and watch but that is all fake and make believe. Ya here it is all real, said Phonixa. I was in Granada to you know, said Sakura. Ya but just for a few minutes and you never left Olympis'a kitchen said Phonixa. I know but still I was there and had some ice cream, said Sakura. Okay but it is still a very nice place? said Hercules. Yep it sure is and a very safe to visit but like Repellia said, Fae Land is better and more fun too, said Phonixa. Okay lets go Repellia, nice meeting you Hercules. Then the two of them headed towards the elf village. So where is Yeanny? asked Tara. With Zotac, said Sakura. I think they are in town now shopping. Ya they like each other, said Lulu. I can tell, they don't need my brother to make them fall in love. They will do that all by themself. Who is your brother? asked Tara. Cupid, he flies around with a magical bow and arrow and shoots people with it that makes them fall in love, said Lulu. That sounds wierd, said Tara. Yep it is wierd and not right. People don't need his help to fall in love, said Lulu. If they were meant for each other then nature will take it's coarse. You sound like a very smart girl, said Tara. Yep Lulu is real smart but I am getting smarter, said Sakura. I will be eight years old soon. Very good, said Tara. I think my sister and I are two years old now. Wow you are really big for a two years old, said Lulu. Well we were born big, said Tara. That is a long story. Can you tell us? asked Lulu. We got nothing to do. Okay if you want, said Tara. Lets sit on the grass and I will tell you what happened before we reached Fae Land.



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