Cupid's Sister Lulu Page 5


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The Secret Gets Reveiled 

Hercules started to walk towards the palace to sit down on the steps when he noticed something high in the sky flying towards him. In a bit he could tell it was an angel of some sort but not like any he saw before. In a few more moments she landed in front of him. Hello Hercules, nice to finally meet you. I am Apollonia. Gabriel told me you arrived in Fae Land and asked me to come see you. Well you are some kind of angel, said Hercules. Never seen one that looked like you or dressed like that. Well I am a dark angel and I do what ever I want down here. Normal Angel rules don't apply to me for the most part, said Apollonia. Well then nice to meet you too, said Hercules. Alieta told me a bit about you. Something about being the creators warrior. Yep that is me packed with the power of the heavens, said Apollonia. Not much I can't destroy. Just devils I can't kill but Tara over there and her sister Avan took care of all of them everywhere. Now I can't stay long but you know your job is to stay in Fae Land, right? Yes and I will be working with the ice queen Tempressa. That is correct but you will also need Ivy, said Apollonia. I didn't know she had any powers other than being able to read people, said Hercules. Well she can do more than just that but you see, there may still be a random portal floating around Fae Land that is linked to Granada and neighbouring lands. That may become a problem if any of the enemy uses it and starts invading here. Now Ivy has this uncanny talent to be able to sense anyone new arriving in Fae Land and especially evil or bad. The moment anyone new steps foot in Fae Land or around it, she will know it and also where they are. Wow that is some talent she has there, said Hercules. Well yes she is a very special sprite and one of God's prize creations, said Apollonia. Now strength is not one of Ivy's talents but her sister Sara is almost as strong as you. Okay so what will she be doing? asked Hercules. Well she has very big and strong wings and can pick you up and fly you to the invasion location fast. Ivy will guide her and Sara will take you there. Now I will bring Tempressa here now. She knows what is going on seeing her sister is Mother Nature that is good friends with Gabriel and Cindy. They may be angels but the are still girls and girls love to gossip. Hecules smiled. Okay I will drop her off here for you then I have to take off. The invasion in Granada's reality may start as soon as tomorrow some time. So who is invading? asked Hercules. Well best you not know that right now but lets just say they are not humans and not from this world, said Apollonia. Okay I'll be right back. Why is it when a angel talks and answers some questions it just creates more questions, thought Hercules.

Apollonia arrived with Tempressa in a couple of minutes. Okay I got to go, said Apollonia. You will have to find your own way back. No problem, I'll just borrow one of Alieta's horses, said Tempressa. Okay bye for now, said Apollonia. Hello Hercules, my you are definately one big man. Well you are the tallest person I have met here so far, said Hercules. Ya. Zatsuky is as tall as me also, said Tempressa. So looks like we are going to be a team of four. This is going to be fun. Not much action around here anymore, said Tempressa. Yes so this Sara girl, is she really as strong as what I have heard? asked Hercules. Yep, strongest person in Fae Land that is for sure, said Tempressa. You will like her. She is a bit on the new side but smart and pretty as they come, said Tempressa. Well I kinda like that friend of Alieta's named Ginger. Ya well she is cute and all but not much of a fighter, said Tempressa. She is always very busy taking care if Fae Land's business and the palace but Sara, that girl has spunk and takes no nonsence from anyone trying to mess aroind with her friends especially Ivy. She is pretty tall for a forest sprite also. Well I would deffinately like to meet her then, said Hercules. You will later today, said Tempressa. Ivy and Sara work in the cove until lunch time then fly out to the palace with Tulip and Lilly to have lunch. I think I will stick around for lunch too. So where is Alieta? She went to bring the heros here to meet me, said Hercules. That was a while ago though. Well everyone is at Mika and Layla's place planning Sakura's surprise birthday party. I guess she didn't think of checking there, said Tempressa. There she is now, said Hecules. Oh good, I am going to go see what Tara is talking about with the Sakura and Lulu over there. Talk to you later big guy.

Hercules saw Alieta land in front of Tempressa so he took the chance to go sit on the steps. There you are, said Alieta. I have been flying around to everyone's homes trying to get everyone to meet Hercules. Nobody was home, even Paisley and Titus wasn't home and they rarely go out and Sparkle wasn't there either and she told me she was taking a two week vacation here. Well everyone is at Mika and Layla's place planning Sakura's surprise birthday party, said Tempressa. Oh, I didn't think of checking there, said Alieta. So when did you get here? asked Alieta. Apollonia brought me not long ago, said Tempressa. So she was here too? Why did she bring just you here? asked Alieta. So I could meet and talk to Hercules. We will be working together, said Tempressa. Working together, why? asked Alieta. For when the invasion comes, I will freeze anything that comes through that portal and he will smash it to pieces. I thought you knew about all of this. No, Gabriel said nothing about an invasion, just that something was coming soon, said Alieta. Oh, that's odd. Maybe she didn't want you to worry, said Tempressa. Too late, I am very worried now, said Alieta. What else do you know? Well you don't need to worry, said Tempressa. We all got this and won't let anything happen to Fae Land. Besides the invasion is in Granada's reality. Is that why Gabriel brought Kendra and Aiko back today? said Alieta. I guess so, said Tempressa but I am sure nothing would of happened to them anyways. But what about Sapphire, I haven't seen her back yet? asked Alieta. Well I am sure she is still there for a reason, said Tempressa. Okay, come with me to my den and tell me everything you know. I am the queen here and should of been told first. Alieta stomped off towards the palace. Oh oh she looks really mad, thought Tempressa. I better come clean with her so she knows what to expect and not to worry.

Alieta walked past Hercules without saying a word. What's up with her? asked Hercules. She is mad, Gabriel didn't tell her anything about the invasion. Oh okay, so you going to fill her in? asked Hercules. I have too, she is the queen and told me to tell her everything, said Tempressa. Okay, have fun with that, said Hercules. Tempressa then ran in the palace and up to the den where Alieta was waiting for her. Okay tell me what you know, said Alieta and don't leave anything out. Well I already told you an invasion was coming but not in Fae Land, said Tempressa. Hercules and I plus Ivy and Sara will be here plus Titus, Paisley, Alexa and Deigo will be here too just incase we need them. Why are they not going to Granada? asked Alieta. Alexa is the leader of the team. Well she is not leading this time, said Tempressa. Apollonia is the leader in Granada's reality. Alexa can lead here if she wants, but Ivy will be mostly leading us here. Ivy? She has no battle experience, said Alieta. No and she doesn't need any, said Tempressa. She will sense if anything enters Fae Land and she will take me and Sara will take Hercules to the location. Ivy has that bracelette so she will be fine and I won't let anything happen to Sara. This is just a percausion though. We don't know if that portal will be a problem. Okay, so tell me what is going to happen in Granada, said Alieta. Well Granada may not even get attacked. It isn't really a main target and has no weapons for the enemy to worry about, said Tempressa. Besides this is a world wide invasion. World wide? Who is attacking then? asked Alieta. Well I don't know who they are but they are not from earth, said Tempressa. From some other gallaxy I think. Gabriel said they are a race of beings that are very intellegent plus highly advanced and want to rule the solar system and take over other worlds and make them theirs. Okay, so why doesn't Quazar do anything about them. He is in charge of what goes on in space, said Alieta. Ya I asked that too, said Tempressa. He is not allowed to interfere with beings anywhere just like God doesn't interfere here. Something about free will. Quazar did slow them down though so we could prepare for them with some type of meteor showers I think. He wasn't suppose to but he did anyways. That space stuff is beyond me. All I know is that we are going to be okay and the plan is to keep Fae Land untouched and same as Granada. These two places are his prize lands. We are hoping no one here will even know there was an invasion. We just don't want Granada's reality using those big bombs. That would be very bad for all realities. Okay Hercules told me a bit about them but what is stopping them from using them? asked Alieta. Well all the big bombs have been disarmed or something and it will take a while to re-arm them I was told so the girls in that reality will have to wipe out all the enemy fast, like in one day. That is where Apollonia will be used to teleport everyone all over the world. Sounds really exciting to me. Exciting, arn't you scared just a little bit? asked Alieta. Nope and neither should you, said Tempressa. Have faith in your girls, nothing on the planet in any reality is as powerful as them. God has been preparing for this for a long time. So do you feel any better now? Ya a bit but I will feel much better when it is all over, said Alieta. Well think about this then, sats Tempressa. Gabriel told me that there was a reason why some of out people ended up in Granada with Kendra being the main girl. How is that? asked Alieta. Well she told me that Kendra being the way she was all friendly and very pleasant looking went on some kind of Granada news television interview and she told everyone all about Fae Land and all about our heros. That interview ended up being seen all over the world which started making millions of people believing in magic plus other stuff I can't remember. Kind of an awaking I think she said. When our girls start wiping out these invaders, especially Tara, Avan, Rose and Banshee, those invaders will have no chance. Wait Rose and Banshee are going too? asked Alieta. Yep, the four most powerful beings in the world, actually the universe, said Tempressa. So you are sure that our girls will win this battle, said Alieta. Yep, it is not like they are fighting against thousands of she devils though that would make Tara and Avan happy, said Tempressa with a smile. 


Sakura went up to where an elf told her where Alieta was and knocked on the door. Can I come in? asked Sakura. Yes come in Sakura, we are all done talking now, said Alieta. She opened the door and walked up to Alieta. Hi Tempressa, hi Alieta. Tara saw you go in the palace and wants to know if she can go find Avan. She thiinks she is at Sandy Lake but might be at the humans village, she is not sure. Can she go now? asked Sakura. Yes she can. I am coming back outside now. Okay good, said Sakura. She told Lulu and me a real nice story about what they did before they came to Fae Land and what happened when she and Avan got to Fae Land plus how you got Lilly to fix them. You are such a good queen, they really love you a lot. And we all love them, said Alieta. Okay I will go tell her. Oh Hercules wants a cold drink of water. Can I get him one? Yes please do. Give him a fruity drink, said Alieta. Okay, I think that is all I had to tell you, sometimes I forget things, said Sakura then left. You see, God would never let anything happen to her, said Tempressa. She is so sweet. Ya I suppose so, said Alieta. Thanks for filling me in and lets get back outside.

Alieta went back outside with Tempressa and saw Sakura and Lulu sitting on the grass playing some game with their hands. Hercules had finished his drink and was standing watching them. Well it must be almost lunch time, said Alieta. Here comes Tulip. Has Hercules seen a fairy before, asked Tempressa. No he knows of them but never had a chance to meet one, said Alieta. Well he is going to meet one now because Tulip is heading right for him, said Tempressa. This might be funny. Tulip flew down to Hercules and hovered in front of him. Hello, you are one big man, said Tulip. My name is Tulip what is yours? Hercules, nice to meet you. Ya right, Hercules and I am Samson. There is no such person as Hercules. He is just a character in fantasy books. No really I am Hercules, and you can't be Samson because your hair isn't long enough. Well maybe I am Thor then, Nope Thor doesn't go anywhere with out his big hammer. Okay, so you know both of them. Yes of coarse, but we haven't seen each other for a very long time, said Hercules. So you look more like a fairy. Yep I am a fairy princess but a very strong one so watch yourself big man, said Tulip then flew over to Alieta. That guy says he is Hercules, said Tulip. Like there is a real Hercules. Yep he is and he is very real, said Alieta. Really! Oh oh. I just said there was no such real person named Hercules and I was a very strong fairy. I think I am in trouble, said Tulip. I don't think so. He is laughing plus he is a real nice guy. Good, said Tulip I better make him something really good to eat. Looks like he could eat a horse. No but he did eat three cheese burgars and drank a milkshake earlier, said Alieta. Wow, okay I'll figure something out when Lilly gets here plus Ivy and Sara. Really, the real Hercules? asked Tulip. Yep in the flesh, said Alieta. Tulip sat down rubbing her head. See Alieta, Fae Land is the most amazing place anywhere, said Tempressa. Nothing bad is going to happen here.

Lilly showed up with Ivy and Sara and Sara went right over to Hercules. Hello Hercules. Ivy told me all about you. But I didn't expect you were this big and handsome. My you have big muscles, said Sara. So you are Ivy's sister, said Hercules. My you are pretty. Ya but not as pretty as Ivy but I am okay, said Sara. Okay you are beautiful, said Hercules. I was told that you are very strong too. Yep, strongest person in Fae Land and Ivy said you were really strong too, said Sara. Watch this Alieta, said Ivy. Sara doesn't believe Hercules is stronger than her. I told her to shake hands with him and squeeze. Oh do you think that is a good idea? asked Alieta. Sure it is, said Tempressa. She has to find out who she is going to be working with. So lets see how strong you really are, said Sara. I grabbed Alexa's shoulder and she couldn't move and she tought she was the strongest in Fae Land. Okay but are you sure, asked Hercules. Yep very sure, said Sara. Hercules brought out his big hand and Sara grabbed it. Okay lets squeeze, said Sara. They both started to squeeze hands and Sara was surprised that he didn't ask to stop yet. Hercules squeezed a bit more making sure not to hurt her too much and Sara then squeezed as much as she could. You have some very good strength there Sara. No one has every managed to last this long with me before. Thanks but can you stop squeezing now? asked Sara. I need my hand to ti be able to hang on to Tillia. Hercules let go of her hand. So what are you doing after this invasion thing is over. What invasion? asked Sara. The ine that we are going to be teaming up together for, said Hercules. We are going to be a team, I would like that, said Sara. See told you Sara goes for the big strong looking guys, said Ivy to Alieta. Looks like Hercules will be here to stay for a while. So you are not afraid of what is coming? asked Alieta. Why, Fae Land is the strongest country in the world and we have Hercules now, said Ivy. So how long have you know about this invasion? asked Alieta. After I read Hercules, he didn't seem worried so why should we, said Ivy 

The End




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