Cupid's Sister Lulu Page 1


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After meeting Mika's father, Ivy sensed someone new with magic was flying in Fae Land. She said goodbye to them and took off to see who it was. Ivy flew over to the grassy area and saw a girl coming straight at her and seemed to be looking around. Ivy stopped in mid air and yelled stop. The girl saw Ivy right in her path and quickly came to a stop. Hey watch it, I almost crashed into you, said the girl. But you didn't and I would of moved out of your way then came after you, said Ivy. You have to come with me and see the queen. Why, I don't want to talk to a queen. What are you some kind of a police girl? she asked. Down to the ground please so we can talk, said Ivy. No make me, said the girl and she tried to fly past Ivy but Ivy grabbed her leg and pulled her down to the gound with her...

Lulu In Fae Land

The girl sat down on the ground and said nothing. Okay now what is your name? asked Ivy. The girl didn't speak. Okay, then why are you here? asked Ivy and again the girl still said nothing. Alright you leave me no choice then, said Ivy. Ivy began to read the girl and found out her name was Lulu and had an older brother named Cupid. Surprising to Ivy she was not a child like she first thought but over two hundred years old and is a pixie. She was not bad at all and also had a white soul but she had more magic than an regular pixie that she was used to seeing in pixies. Okay Lulu, you have to come with me to see Alieta. All new people with magic have to talk to her before they can explore Fae Land. Lulu looked up at Ivy surprised. What are you, some kind of witch? asked Lulu. I don't like you and I am not moving from this spot until you go away. Ivy took a big breath and looked up and saw Jazmen was hovering above them so she waved her down. Jazman came down and looked at the little girl. Yes Ivy, what is going on here? asked Jazmen. Lulu here refuses to come with me to see Alieta before exploring Fae Land, said Ivy. She has magic and that is the rule. Well she kinda looks like a pixie and all pixies have magic, said Jazmen. Ya but she has more magic than our pixies. I have to get her to see Alieta but she is refusing to come with me, said Ivy.

Okay so did you read her yet? asked Jazmen. Ya I had too, she wouldn't talk to me, said Ivy. So what did you find out? asked Jazmen. Oddly she is not bad inside aeven though she is being bad now and she has a white soul and her name is Lulu with a brother named Cupid and extra magic that I couldn't figure out what it was, said Ivy. Oh and she is over two hundred years old. Two hundred and twelve witch, said Lulu. If your going to read me get it right. Jazmen smiled. She thinks you are a witch? asked Jazmen. I guess so and she doesn't like me at all, said Ivy. Well Lulu you have to come with us to see Alieta. That is the rule, said Jazmen. Nope I am not budging from this spot until you both go away, said Lulu. I don't like you either. Well then we will see about that, said Jazmen. She grabbed Lulu and put her under one arm. Lulu started kicking and flapping her wings trying to get loose but to no avail. Stop kicking, said Ivy. Jazmen is the general of Fae Land's army and is many times stronger than me and especially you. You could say she is the police here. Lulu stopped kicking and they flew off to the palace.

They arrived at the palace grounds and Jazmen asked an elf to get Alieta for them. Now you behave in front of Alieta, said Jazmen. You do not want to get her mad at you. So is she mean and powerful like most queens are? asked Lulu. No she is kind and very smart plus loved by everyone in Fae Land, said Jazmen. Alieta came out and walked over to them. What's going on Jazmen and Ivy? asked Alieta. Well this is Lulu and she refused to come talk to you before exploring Fae Land so I had to physically bring her here, said Jazmen. She has magic that is unfamilar to a pixies that Ivy found in her when she read her seeing she wouldn't talk to Ivy. That is why I brought her to you. Oh and she thinks Ivy is a witch and doesn't like either of us. Now Lulu, look up there, you see those three armed sprites watching us. Ya. they look scary, said Lulu. Well there is always armed sprites guarding the palace grounds, especially when the queen is out here, said Jazmen. Now I am going up there with them to watch so behave and don't try to fly away okay. Okay I will stay, said Lulu. Okay you take over Ivy then Jazmen flew up above them. So what did you find out from this cute little pixie? asked Alieta. Well she has some kind of magic that pixies don't normally have and she is two hundred and twelve years old plus has an older brother named Cupid. Cupid you say. I haven't seen him for a long time, said Alieta. You know my brother? asked Lulu. Well yes, he used to come here before the great war, said Alieta. How is that little rascal doing? Okay I guess, said Lulu. You know her brother? asked Ivy. Yep he flies around with his magical bow and arrow making people fall in love with them, said Alieta. And he shouldn't be doing that, said Lulu. What gives him the right to say who falls in love with someome, said Lulu. Okay, it seems like she will talk to you so I am off to the cove, said Ivy. Sara is probably there now and wondering where I am. Then Ivy flew off. Okay Lulu, I knew Cupid had a little sister but I never got to meet you but there seems to be some tension between the two of you, said Alieta. What is going on and why are you here in Fae Land? Well think about it, said Lulu. What if you don't want to fall in love with someone just yet and what if Cupid makes you love someone that is wrong for you. He sees a couple walking together or sitting in the park and out comes that stupid bow and arrow and makes them fall in love. He doesn't do any research about the two of them first. He doesn't let me go anywhere by myself and has pixies keeping an eye on me all the time. Now he wants me to learn how to use a bow and arrow and help him. Not a flipping chance that is going to happen. Alieta started to laugh. Well I think there is more to it than just the arrow making them fall in love but I get where you are coming from. So tell me why you are here now, said Alieta.

Well I heard through the pixie grape vine that Fae Land was real safe now and anyone was welcomed to live there especially faes like pixies, said Lulu. So while my brother was asleep, I got up and wrote him a note saying I was going to start my own new life then snuck out of the house. I got very small then flew north looking for Fae Land. I was flying real fast just incase my brother got up early and came after me. It wasn't hard to find this place at all once I got going. Fae Land puts out a huge magic vibe so I just followed it. Soon I was here and that is when that Ivy witch girl stopped me and got real bossy with me. Well Ivy was just doing what she thought was right and she is no witch, said Alieta. Ya I know that now but I just left a place where everyone bossed me around and I wasn't going to let anyone tell me what to do anymore, said Lulu. Well you called her a witch and said you didn't like her, said Alieta. That must of really hurt Ivy. She loves everyone here and everyone loves her. She does so many good things for Fae Land. She is also the queen of the forest and land. Oops, I didn't know that. Am I in trouble? asked Lulu. No but you need to apoligize to her and Jazmen too, said Alieta. So where do you plan on staying in Fae Land. We have several woods and forests where you can stay. Oh my kind of pixies don't live in the trees. We live in houses, said Lulu. So can you pay for a house here? asked Alieta. Actually I will make my own, said Lulu. And how will you do that? asked Alieta. With my wand. Cupid was born with a magic bow and arrow and I was born with a magic wand. That is what Ivy probably sensed in me. I don't have any different magic than a regular pixie. Can I see it, asked Alieta. Yep, I will show you how it works too, said Lulu. Lulu made the wand appear in her hand then pointed at the ground and made a beach ball. There see, everyone likes beach balls, said Lulu with a smile.

Okay so it is like a fairies wand then, said Alieta. Well not exactly, said Lulu. From what I was told and once again from the pixie grape vine, fairy wands are much better. I have never seen a fairy but they say that they can make food plus heal and make things they created go away. My wand only makes things. Big and small but once I make it, it here to stay. I can't make anything living including plants but I can make water and different flavours too. I like blueberry the best. So everyone back home knows about your wand? asked Alieta. Yep and what a bunch of lazy greedy pixies they have become. Make me this and make me that. Make me a diamond necklace or make me some new furniture. The whole bunch of them hardly do anything for themselves now, said Lulu. Alieta smiled. Now I get the whole picture, said Alieta. They all got lazy and depend on you to take care of everything. Yep and now they will have to go back to the old ways so long as you let me live here, said Lulu. I think there will be no problem but you will have to deal with Ginger now. She takes care of all the building permits and many other things. She will tell you Fae Lands rules too. There are not many but they must be obeyed. Okay I will be super good from now on, said Lulu. Okay then, welcome to Fae Land Lulu, said Alieta. I will get Ginger for you. Okay I will sit on the ball. Maybe someone will want it. Oh I am sure someone will, said Alieta then she headed into the palace. In a a few minutes Ginger came out and saw Lulu sitting on the beach ball she made. Hello Lulu, I am Ginger. Alieta told me you are going to build your own house with a wagic wand. Yep and I have a good idea in my head what it is going to look like, said Lulu. Okay well we will have to find a place for you first and their is the building permit fee also, said Ginger. Oh so money then, what kind of money do you use here? asked Lulu. Gold coins mostly but we can exchange gems into coins for you if you have any. Okay, I can make either gems or gold coins but I have to see a coin before I can make any first, said Lulu. That must be some wand you have there, said Ginger. Lets find a spot first. Well I kind of like the spot Ivy stopped me. It was close to a town and not far from from some woods, said Lulu I like being close to the woods. Okay I think I know where you are talking about. Let me get my horse and we will head out. Okay, said Lulu.

Ginger came back on her horse and said lets head out. What about the ball? What should I do with it. Just give it a good kick towards the palace, said Ginger. Someone will take it to Sandy Lake with them. Okay and Lulu gave it a good kick. Okay follow me, said Lulu and they headed out. In ten minutes they got to the place where Ivy stopped Lulu. Now over there looks better, said Lulu. Close to the woods. We may not live in the trees but we like to be close to them. Ginger followed Lulu then she said this spot is perfect. Ginger got off the horse and looked around. Okay this is out of the way some. Not that far from the pixie forest and close to town. This will be fine, said Ginger. Are you sure because once I make it, I can't make it go away like a fairy. Yes this will work, said Ginger. How long will it that you to build it? A couple of minutes, said Lulu. Stand back, I have to fly fast in circles, then she made her wand appear. Ginger stepped back and watched in amazement as Lulu flew around so fast that all Ginger could see was a blur at first then the house began to appear. Lulu slowed down and did some finishing touches with the wand then made it disappear. Pretty nice house don't you think, said Lulu. Better than the one my brother and me lived in. Um yes very comfy looking, said Ginger. I have never seen a house that looked like this one before or built as fast but definately has that pixie home look to it. Well now I just have to make the furniture and the kitchen, said Lulu. Want to come in? No you finish up then come back to the palace and we will take care of the permit fee, said Ginger. Plus I just got to tell Alieta how amazing this place looks. Lulu smiled. Ya I am really good and making things, said Lulu. Then she walked in the front door.

While Zotac and Sakura where on their way to see Yeanny, Sakura stopped in mid air and then flew down to the ground. Zotac followed her down and asked her why she stopped. Had too, said Sakura, feels like my tummy is going to explode. You won't explode it is gas that has built up in your stomach, said Zotac. Just take the palm of your hand and rub your stomach in circles. Okay, said Sakura and began to rub her tummy. In a couple of minutes Sakura let out a big burp. Wow what was that? asked Sakura. That was a burp, said Zotac. Haven't you ever burped before? Nope but my tummy feels a lot better now, said Sakura. Good but we still need to get you home. More gas might build up, said Zotac. How big were those bowls? Sakura showed him with her hands. What, I can't even eat that much ice cream, said Zotac. Man you can sure eat for such a little girl. Ya I like food especially sweet stuff. Makes my wings flap faster, said Sakura. Okay well can you flap those wings of yours now and fly or do you want me to teleport you. No I can fly now, said Sakura. Zotac and Sakura flew off again towards her home but then Sakura spotted Lulu's new house from the air. Hey that wasn't there when we left my place this morning, said Sakura. Lets go see who lives there. But I thought you were feeling over full, said Zotac. I'm okay, lets go and Sakura flew down. Okay I guess we are going visiting some more thought Zotac and followed her down. This is a cool looking house, said Sakura. I wonder if anyone is home. Try knocking on the door, said Zotac. Ya right, okay, said Sakura. She walked over to the door and knocked on it. Lulu opened the door and knocked Sakura off the steps. Oops sorry. I didn't see anyone through the window. Are you okay? Yep just didn't expect the door to open outwards, said Sakura. Yep pixie houses always have doors that open out. Lulu came out on the grass with Sakura. My name is Lulu and I just moved here to get away from my stupid brother Cupid that thinks it is cool to go around shooting love arrows at people to make them fall in love. Alieta said it was okay to live in Fae Land and Ginger said I could make my house here. She went back to the palace. Your cute, what is your name? I am Sakura and this is my friend Zotac. He is a wizard and knows Merlin. I like your hair and wings all turquios. I like pink best though and I am almost eight years old. Do you like to play? You bet pixies love to play, said Lulu. Where do you live? Zotac looked at the two of them chatting up a storm and talking fast. Oh boy, now there is two of them, thought Zotac.

So Lulu if I could ask you a couple of things? asked Zotac. Yes Zotac, what would you like to know? asked Lulu. First of all you said you are the sister of the love fairy Cupid wright? asked Zotac. Oh he is no fairy, he is a pixie like me. Fairies are way more powerful than pixies, but yes he is my big brother. Okay next question, how did you build this house so fast? asked Zotac. It wasn't here a few hours ago. I used my magic wand. Cupid has a bow and arrow and I have a wand. I can only make things with it but nothing living. Plus I can't make anything I made go away. Can I see it? asked Zotac. Nope no one can touch my wand. It is mine and only works for me, said Lulu. Well can you show me how it works then? asked Zotac. I know, said Sakura. Your house looks small and perfect for one person but what if you have a guest and wants to stay overnight? Do you have two bedrooms? No just one. I wasn't thinking that anyone would want to sleep over night with me, said Lulu. Well maybe make another small house like a guest house, said Sakura. Can you do that? asked Sakura Yep, good idea Sakura. Your pretty smart for being almost eight years old, said Lulu. Lets see, let me think. Okay got it. Lulu made her wand appear and started flying in a circle again beside her house. Once again a smaller buliding began to appear. Sakura flew up and watched her as she put the final touches to it. There what do you think Sakura, is it a good guest house? asked Lulu. Looks perfect, said Sakura. Very comfy looking. Do you like it Zotac? Sure, it looks like the kind of place a pixie would build, said Zotac. Make, not build, I don't build things with my wand, said Lulu. Now I have to go to the palace and pay for the permit. I guess I need to pay more now with two houses. So where do you live Sakura? Just past the town in the first big house, said Sakura. You can't miss it. Okay good, when I get back we can play okay? asked Lulu. Okay I will be waiting for you, said Sakura. Lulu then flew off. I like her, said Sakura. She is small like me and loves playing. Yes it seems you two hit it off immediately, said Zotac. A perfect little playmate for you.

Lulu reached the palace grounds and flew over to where Alieta and Ginger were standing. Hello Alieta, hello Ginger. I came to pay for the permit. I met Sakura and she is my new friend, she likes to play also so she is waiting for me to come back to her place so we can play and stuff. Zotac seemed nice too but asks a lot of questions. So how much do I owe you Ginger. Well it was just a small house so thirty dollars will do, said Ginger. Well there are two small houses now because Sakura said that I had only one bedroom and I couldn't have a guest sleep over so she suggested I make a small guest house too plus Zotac wanted to see how my wand worked, said Lulu. It is a bit smaller than my place with just a bedroom and bathroom in it. Well maybe I should come and see it first, said Ginger. Okay but I will be playing with Sakura that is almost eight years old so when should I come back? Maybe I will just give you this and that should cover it. Lulu made her wand appear and pointed at Ginger's wrist. A gold bracelette appeard on her wrist studded with diamonds. Wow are these real diamonds? asked Ginger. Yep and real gold. I don't make fake stuff, actually I don't know how. I think it is worth more than thirty dollars. Maybe I can get some coins like Alieta said so I can go buy some food. Anyways got to go, Sakura is waiting for me. Then Lulu flew off. Look at this bracelet, said Ginger. It must be worth thousands of dollars. Yes I see that, said Alieta. Get the treasurer to appraise it then bring a bag of gold coins with you when you go to see the other building. You know she sure does talk and act exactlly like Sakura, said Ginger. Ya, now we have two of them, said Alieta with a smile.



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