Fairy Land Chapter 2


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Pippa's Secret

Alieta decided to read the rest later seeing she was almost finished the book. That was the best read I have ever had so far. She close the book but noticed that on the back it said in small letters. Never ever repeat what you have read in this book to anyone unless they are special and can be trusted to keep a secret. I can keep a secret, most of the time, thought Alieta. Alieta went outside and saw it was a beautiful sunny day. The girls were gone from the palace again so they must be having fun with Ivy and Apollonia again so let's see if I can have some fun too, she thought to herself. Pippa, are you busy. Pippa showed up fast and said nope, not yet. Oh good, everyone has left the palace and are all probably at Ivy's place so I was feeling a bit lonely. Ya they are all over there playing and stuff. You should go there and see the coconut tree and the oak tree. They both are starting to get big, said Pippa. I will be going there later. Okay that sounds like something nice to do, said Alieta. You know I was reading this book about fairies and a name cropped up, said Alieta. What name was that? asked Pippa. Her name was Pippie and it sounded a lot like your name so I just wondered if you ever met her before. Nope, said Pippa. Alieta smiled. Another name was mentioned too called Guen that was a queen. Does that ring a bell. Nope, said Pippa again. Alieta continued to smile. There was five other fairies named Lilly, Tulip, Chestnut, Roseberry and Sunflower like your four friends in the woods. Is that just a coincidence, asked Alieta. Nope, I mean yes, said Pippa. Why would I know them if they are fairies? Anyways, fairies are even nuttier than pixies and even smaller most of the time. Then Pippa put her hand over her mouth. A ha! So you have seen these fairies before, said Alieta. Well yes but don't tell anyone please. I swore I would never tell anyone, but you tricked me, said Pippa. Well yes but you can trust me with your secret. Okay thanks, they are so nice and beautiful plus quite young looking but can drive ya crazy sometimes when they are in a playful mood which is most of the time. So have you met Guen and that Pippie also? asked Alieta. Pippie is a very good friend of mine and she knows that being too nutty bugs me so she acts more normal when I am there like her Mom. Fairies are super smart, even smarter than pixies. I am not sure who came first, pixies or fairies but there are not near as many fairies as there are pixies. So what about Queen Guen, have you met her also, asked Alieta. Well ya, you can't enter the forest without her approval. She is the smartest and a bit taller than the rest of the fairies. She is my size almost, said Pippa. In the book it told a bit about her but not much other than she was very nice and all the fairies loved her, said Alieta. Well lets just say if she was a sprite she would be just like you, said Pippa. I like her a lot and she has the most magic of all the fairies. Her girls have very strong magic too more than regular fairies. Regular fairies magic will only last for maybe a day then whatever they did or made will begin to fall apart then vanish but fairy princesses magic is permanent until they decide to change what they made. So have you ever told Guen about Fae Land? asked Alieta. Yep and she is glad that there is such a lovely and magical place where pixies, elves and sprites all live together in peace. She knows about you too. She likes to hear me tell stories from outside of the forest. She never leaves there, said Pippa. Well that is so kind of you Pippa and you have lots of stories to tell her too, said Alieta. Well I just tell her the good ones though and a bit about how you have protected your people from attacks but never anything about wizards and demons, said Pippa. Alieta smiled again.

The book also said on the back to never tell anyone about the forest unless they were special, said Alieta. Have you told Guen about Ivy yet. Well Ivy was not around when the last time I was there, said Pippa. Do you think they would let her in and like her, asked Alieta, she is special. Oh for sure, they would love Ivy but it is a long way from here. It would take a full day without stopping for her to reach the forest, said Pippa with a bit of a sad look on her face. We would have to stop and rest a bit but not sleep though. It is all untamed land out that way with lots of wild animals. Once in the forest you feel energized again, said Pippa. That is not very long for a sprite to travel. If she went with you then the time would go by faster don't you think. Probably if you put it that way but do you think she would really like to leave her friends behind for a while. Viridian might get lonely, said Pippa. Plus the twins hang out with Ivy every day lately. Don't worry about them, said Alieta. Viridian is good friends with Ktara that lives right next to her, Phonixa and Repellia know how to amuse themselves plus ApolIinia will be round probably. That is true, It won't hurt to ask her, said Pippa. Okay then, let's go to Ivy's place and check out the two trees, then you pull her aside and ask her, said Alieta. Ginger came and walked over to them. What are you two doing? asked Ginger. We are off to Ivy's place to see if she wants to visit Fairy Land, said Alieta. You watch trhings for me until I get back. Okay no problem, said Ginger then they both flew off. Wait Fairy Land? What the heck is she talking about now, said Ginger. When they got to Ivy's place. Everyone was in the front yard. Hey there is Pippa and Alieta, said Phonixa. Hi all, Pippa told me that the two trees were getting big so I figured why not check them out, nothing is happening at the palace, said Alieta. Here look at the palm tree. It is almost as big as me, said Ivy. My goodness, said Alieta. It is growing very fast. Yep, I talk to it every night before I go to bed, said Ivy. Now Viridian said I could fix up the backyard too and to go nuts but not the nutty nuts but just do whatever I want. I haven't figured out what to do back there yet. Hmm, well talk to Pippa, she knows of a place where you can get some ideas, said Alieta. Really okay, said Ivy. Ivy walked up to Pippa and asked where this place was that Alieta said I might get ideas how to do things in the backyard. Yes I do but come over here away from the others, said Pippa. It is a secret place and nobody else can no about it. Wow a secret place, this sounds really cool, said Ivy. First what do you know about fairies? asked Pippa. Well back before my parents died in the forest some of my friends would talk about how they were very secretive and never left the forest they lived in but they were pixies and they used to joke around with me all the time, said Ivy. What if I told you I know where the fairies live and have been there many times, said Pippa. That is the secret I saw in you when we first met? You know where to find real fairies with magic wands and everything!. Yes but keep your voice down. I don't want the others to know, said Pippa. Oh, so this is now our secret, said Ivy.

Yes, I already messed up by telling Alieta but she tricked me, said Pippa. Well Alieta won't trick me, said Ivy. Um she already knows, I just told you that, said Pippa. Oh ya, well Viridian won't trick me then, said Ivy. So how far away are they? Pretty far but not so bad for a nice young strong sprite like you, said Pippa. At least a full day of flying very fast day and night. Oh that would mean I would be leaving Viridian alone for a while. She will get lonely, said Ivy. Ya but Alieta said she will have Ktara around to spend time with and the twins did just fine before you came here, said Pippa. Besides we will be coming back. Okay, this is going to be so much fun, said Ivy. Can we leave now? Well I guess so but first let me tell Alieta that you want to go and she will talk to Viridian for you, said Pippa then she walked over to Alieta. Ivy wants to go and is very excited, said Pippa. Good, now I will talk to Viridian and just tell her that you are taking her for a while but not too long and it will be good for Ivy's growth. Okay, so when do you want to leave? asked Alieta. She wants to go now, said Pippa. Wow she waists no time but she is young and that can be expected, said Alieta. I am excited too, it's been a while since I visited them and I miss all my friends there, said Pippa. I just hope they won't get mad at me for bringing Ivy with me. You said they would probably love to meet Ivy, said Alieta. Ya but the forest trees are magical and won't let strangers in, said Pippa. She is a forest sprite, what forest would not want her to come in? asked Alieta. You have a good point there, said Pippa. So how long has that tree been growing? asked Alieta. Three days, said Pippa. Really! That is amazing, said Alieta.

Alieta went and talked to Viridian over by the house. Pippa is going to take Ivy on a bit of an adventure that will be good for her growth, said Alieta. Really, she seems to be growing just fine, said Viridian. Well growth may not be the correct word. Lets just say, Pippa knows of a very special place that Ivy will learn things that Fae Land can not teach her and she is really excited to go with Pippa, said Alieta. I see, so where is this place? asked Viridian. Well it's location is a secret and I don't even know where it is but it is very far away and Pippa says it will take an entire day and night to get there if Ivy flies at top speed, said Alieta. My goodness, is this place safe for Ivy to go to? Pippa isn't really someone that can protect her from danger, said Viridian. I assure you there is nothing dangerous to worry about and Ivy will meet some of Pippa's friends that she keeps secret from everyone, said Alieta. Even Gabriel doesn't know where this place is and the people that live there. You have to trust me, Ivy will have an amazing time. So you know about these people then? asked Viridian. I know of them but I have never met them and never will I suppose but as you know Pippa and Ivy have a special connection and Pippa wants her special friends to meet Ivy. Okay I will trust you of course, ask the two of them to come in the house first for me, I need to energize both of them. Ice cream right, said Alieta. Yep and lots of it, said Viridian.

Viridian went in the house then Alieta told Pippa and Ivy that Viridian wanted to energize the both of you before leaving. Ivy smiled then they both went inside. Now you two eat as much of this ice cream that you can. It will give your wings lots of power for the trip. Both Pippa and Ivy smiled. That is a lot of ice cream said Pippa. I know, you don't have to eat it all of course, said Viridian. Now you take good care of my Ivy, Pippa and remember if you run into any trouble then just call for Apollonia and she will come help, said Viridian. Okay, said Pippa and they both sat down and began to eat the ice cream. Once they had their fill and couldn't eat another spoonful Viridian told them to go outside and say goodbye to your friends and I will tell them that it is an important trip. They all went back outside and said goodbye to everyone. We will be back in a little while, said Ivy to the twins and Apollonia. Then they both then took off to the skies. So is everything okay? asked Apollonia to Alieta. Yes dear, everything is perfect. Viridian went to Apollonia. You make sure that if any of them call out for you, you get there as fast as you can, said Viridian. Don't worry that is what I am supposed to do, said Apollonia.



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