Fairy Land Chapter 5


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Fairies In Fae Land

They all slept great that night and Guen treated them all to an nice feast of a large variety of food including meat. I wouldn't of thought that you would have meat on the table, said Ivy. Well it is real but made from magic so we didn't have to kill anything, said Guen. We just heal animals when we see one hurt, said Guen. Now eat up because we have a big day tomorrow. Okay they all said. They ate and then the girls all flew off. Pippa filled Guen in with what she would be seeing when they got to Fae Land and that there were also humans living there too that were very nice. So you all get along nicely? asked Guen. Yep and some of them are great cooks, said Ivy. One made Viridian and I some pancakes with maple syrup that was nice and sweet. Oh maple syrup is really good, said Guen but never heard of pancakes before, said Guen. They make pancakes in the palace dining room also so you can try them there, said Ivy. Okay, I have never been in a house before, said Guen. Well Alieta lives in a big palace that has big rooms in it so you won't feel closed in at all, said Pippa. Though the dining room may not be big enough for everyone with wings to sit at the table at once so we will probably have to eat outside. Well you two find a place to sleep, I am going to bed and try and get some sleep, said Guen. I am a bit nervous meeting Alieta so I want to look my best. I have never met another queen before. Guen smiled then flew off. In the morning Tulip made everyone breakfast then went and got Lollipop to give her some final instructions of what she should do while they were gone. The girls kept asking Ivy, is it noon yet? They were all very excited seeing that some of them had never been out of the forest before. Finally it was almost noon. Apollonia popped in and asked if everyone was ready. Yep just waiting on Guen, she will be here in a minute, said Pippa. Oh there she comes now. Hi Apollonia. How do I look? Guen asked. Beautiful, said Apollonia. God really knew what he was doing when he created fairies. Oh you are so sweet, said Guen. Okay is everyone ready? asked Apollonia. Everyone close your eyes, said Ivy. Being transported looks weird and can make you feel dizzy but not with your eyes closed. Everyone closed their eyes then Apollonia transports all of them. They appeared about fifty yards from the palace. I am going to go see Viridian, I know she will be worrying about me, said Ivy then flew off. I better get back to the woods and see what is going on there, said Pippa. You are going to leave us out here alone? asked Guen. Apollonia is here and look around there are elves all over the place, said Pippa then flew off. Wow Mom, look at all the open space and nice grass, said Lilly. Guen looked around and saw the palace. Is that where Alieta lives? asked Guen. Yes and some other people, said Apollonia. Now follow me and tell the elf out front of the palace, that you are here to see Alieta. I will be very close by so don't worry about anything.

A couple of elves saw them heading towards the palace and ran up to them and said hello. Why are you all out of the woods? asked one of the elves. Don't be rude, said the other elf, it nice to see pixies out during the day. We are fairies, said Pippie. The two elves smiled, sure you are and we are fairies too, said the elf. But we are watch said Lilly then made her wand appear and made two nice gold necklaces appear on their necks. Wow you really are fairies. We just have to tell all our friends said the elf then they both ran towards the elf village. Well news gets around here fast so in no time, everyone in Fae Land are going to know about you six, said Apollonia. Six there should be seven including myself, said Guen. Guen looked and saw that Pippie was missing. Oh my we left Pippie behind, said Guen. Don't worry I will go back for her in a bit, said Apollonia. I thought you said everyone was ready. Oops that is my fault said Tulip. She told me she had to check on something and would be right back. She is going to be so mad at me. I was just excited to be leaving to come here. Well she will be here soon, said Apollonia so do worry, said Apollonia. When they got to the palace steps there was an elf standing there. Apollonia had a seat on the steps. Hello how can I help you asked Penny. Go ahead Guen, tell her, she won't bite you, said Apollonia. Um I am here to see Alieta, said Guen. Really, okay then, give me a minute and I will see if she is available, said the elf then ran in the palace. See that wasn't that hard was it now, said Apollonia. Harder than you think, I am shaking, this place is so big, she must be a very powerful queen, said Guen. Do I look okay, is my hair tidy? You look perfect, just relax, Guen, said Apollonia.

Alieta was in her den reading the last pages of the fairy book she found in the library when Penny came in. Alieta there are a bunch of pixies out side that want to talk to you for some reason. Kind of odd to see six pixies out of the forest during the day but one is a bit bigger than usual. Don't they usually deal with Pippa? Well Pippa is not here right now, said Alieta. Yes she is, I saw her with them plus Ivy too but they both flew away leaving Apollonia with them. Alieta stood up fast. Apollonia called the taller pixie Guen, said Penny. No way, already, Pippa got them to come here already. But I am not ready yet, said Alieta. How do I look as Alieta wet her hand and wiped back her hair. You look beautiful as usual, said Penny. Oh boy I am so nervous all of a sudden and I don't know why. Does my outfit look good, is it clean? asked Alieta. You look perfect, what is going on, I have never seen you act this way before when pixies come to see you, said Penny. Because they are not pixies, they are fairies, real fairies and Guen is the Queen of Fairy Land, said Alieta. What!, your kidding right? asked Penny. No that is where I had Pippa take Ivy a couple of days ago, to meet them. I wasn't expecting them to come back with Guen. Um and five very cute looking fairies I guess, said Penny that now was smiling. She brought her children with her too!. My God. The Queen and her five fairy princesses are here, said Alieta. Oh my, real fairy princesses too, said Penny. How do I look, I want to greet them too, that is my job you know. We will both greet them. Then you will have to get Ginger and get her to figure out what to do in the way of entertainment for them all, said Alieta. Okay lets go, too late to do anything else, I don't want them to think I am not coming out.

Outside all the sisters were talking among them selves and looking around. Guen was straightening her dress and kept asking Apollonia if she really looked okay. Then Alieta and Penny came out of the palace. Apollonia went up to Alieta. Surprise she said to her. Yes, a bit of notice would of been nice, said Alieta. I have never met another queen before so I am a bit nervous, said Alieta. Well Guen, is very nervous to the point of being scared, said Apollonia. This is the first time she has brought her children out of the safety of the forest. She is way past being a bit nervous so do your thing and calm her down. They are hundreds of miles away from home in a strange land. You ready Alieta? asked Penny. Yes, said Alieta. Okay girls her is Alieta Queen of Fae Land, said Apollonia. All the sisters gathered closer together to get a better look at Alieta. Guen straightened up and put on her best face. At least she thought it was. Alieta walked down the steps and walked up to Guen. Are you nervous too? asked Alieta. I have never met a real queen before, said Alieta. All of a sudden the both broke out laughing. You are as nervous as I am? asked Guen. Oh yes when the Penny came in told me that very pretty pixies were here that came with Ivy and Pippa, I knew it was not pixies. Okay now that the ice has been broken, I am going to go get Pippie, said Apollonia. Then she vanished. Mom, introduce us to Alieta, said Tulip. Yes of course, said Guen. This is my youngest Tulip, and next is Lilly then Sunflower and Roseberry then finally my oldest daughter Chestnut. Somehow Pippie got left behind but she will be here soon. You have a beautiful family, said Alieta. Well thank you Alieta, said Guen. I read about fairies in a small book I found in my private library. I bet that was the book I let Theo write a long time ago, said Guen. Yes that was his name. He wrote it in story form and I couldn't put it down, said Alieta. Well he promised to never make more than one copy and when he knew he was going to die soon he was to give it to someone that would bring it to a place that it would be safe forever, said Guen. Well it was sealed with wax and it was well hidden in the oldest section of my library behind a big book, said Alieta. I found it just by chance. Okay now everyone here still thinks you all are just very pretty pixies so let me address them, said Alieta. Everyone, listen up. They all went quite immediately. Hmm impressive Guen thought to herself. I would like you all to meet our visitors from a land far away called Fairy Land. And this is Guen who is the queen of Fairy Land. The commotion started and they could here some of the elves say, "Did she say Fairy Land". Yes every one we have been blessed with the visit of real life fairies. Now don't crown them please. Lets all welcome them to Fae Land. How was that Guen? asked Alieta. You got class Alieta. It is like they are all your children, said Guen. In a way they are. Everyone in Fae Land I treat as family, said Alieta.

The elves all walked up to the sisters and started introducing themselves to them. You know Gabriel told me not to hold my breath when I told her how nice it would be to have some fairies here in Fae Land. Who is Gabriel? asked Guen. She is the first angel God created and in charge of all the other angels, said Alieta. My you keep good company, said Guen. Would you like to meet her? She told me that there was no way a fairy would leave there forest and come to Fae Land, said Alieta. Watch this. "Gabriel I want to talk to you some more about fairies". Gabriel appeared in a few moments. I already told you all I know about fairies, said Gabriel. I don't know where to find them, I haven't even seen one myself. God deals directly with them and never angels. She is right, only God calls for one of us when he needs one to help someone, said Guen. Gabriel looked at Guen. Hello, who are you? asked Gabriel. I have never seen you here in Fae Land before. This is Guen Queen of Fairy Land and those cute little girls out there with the elves are her children, said Alieta. Oh my god. Real life fairies in Fae Land. How did you manage that? asked Gabriel. It wasn't me, said Alieta. I was surprised to see them too. Well it was my idea, said Guen. Pippa told me many stories about Fae Land and when she brought Ivy to my forest and did the most amazing things with the magic from our cove I just had to come and see this land of magic for myself. My girls wanted to come too so Apollonia brought us all here. Hmm I should of known Pippa would bring Ivy there but what did she do with magic? asked Gabriel. Oh she is very special, she can control magic, said Guen. Much more powerful than I am. Gabriel looked at Alieta. First I heard about that, said Alieta. Well Guen we have to talk but first can I go meet all your wonderful children? Sure but they can be very curious and will ask lots of questions, said Guen. That is fine, so five girls I see, said Gabriel. Yes, my five princesses but Apollonia went back to get Pippie so there is six in total, said Guen. The queen and six fairy princesses, this is amazing, said Gabriel

Alieta told the elves that Gabriel wanted to talk to the fairies so they all went back to what ever they were doing. Gabriel walked up to the sisters. Wow another angel but with white wings, said Tulip. How come you have white wings and Apollonia has black wings? Well all angels have white wings, just Apollonia has black ones, said Gabriel. How come? asked Sunflower. Because she is a special angel that God made to help people down here, said Gabriel. Ya she saved our forest from being destroyed by creatures, said Tulip. She is really special. Lilly flew up and looked at Gabriel closer. Your hair is all white too. White wings, hair and dress. You must like white. Gabriel smiled. Yes I do, white stands for pureness, said Gabriel. So Apollonia isn't pure then? asked Lilly. Well yes she is but it is a bit confusing to explain, said Gabriel. Not really, fairies are all pure but we have all different colours. It is all about inside the body that makes one pure or not, said Tulip. Yes that is correct, my you girls are very smart, said Gabriel. Yep but Tulip is the smartest and the best at making food, Lilly is the best at designing and decorating, Sunflower is best at singing and dancing, Roseberry is the strongest and I am best at healing. Oh ya, Chestnut is the oldest and is best at everything, at least that is what she tells us. Gabriel giggled. Well tell you what I will show you what I am best at, okay, said Gabriel. Now line up in a straight line for me. They all moved around until they were in a straight line that took a bit seeing they kept switching places. Is this okay? asked Tulip. Yes that is perfect. Okay now put you right hand on your chest where your heart is. Perfect. Now I am going to make you five special souls for God. Then Gabriel raised her arms and said,"In the name of our almighty God, creator of all that is good I bless, Chestnut, Lilly, Sunflower, Pippie, Roseberry and Tulip". What about out Mom? asked Tulip. Oh yes, and Guen, added Gabriel. Then Gabriel drew the cross in the air. There all done. So what does blessing do? asked Tulip. It brings your soul closer to God so he can hear your prayers better, said Gabriel. Oh okay, that is good, said Tulip.





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