Fairy Land Chapter 4


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A Little Help From A Friend

The Troglodytes were now ripping and tearing at the trees along the one side of the forest and were making a bit of headway plus making lots of damage to the trees. I won't stand for this another second, said Ivy. We need to get to a spot just outside of the forest where there is no magic. Lets go to the other side of the forest then, said Guen. They flew across the top of the forest then down to the ground. So why do we need to be where there is no magic? asked Guen. The ponds magic repels everything above the forest including birds and insects, said Ivy. I am not sure if it will repel an angel too. Apollonia I need your help! It is a emergency! yelled out Ivy. Apollonia, the angel with black wings? asked Guen. Yep she is my friend, said Ivy. So she will hear you even though you are hundreds of miles away? asked Guen. I hope so, she will come when ever Alieta or one of the heroes call for her. She will come, just wait and see, said Ivy. They waited for a couple of minutes and still no Apollonia yet. Maybe she didn't hear you, said Guen. Oh I heard Ivy, said Apollonia. This is the furthest I have ever teleported. Man you are very far from home, said Apollonia. Where are we? Ivy smiled, you came, I was beginning to get worried, said Ivy. Your my first priority. Viridian told me I better keep my ears open for you if called and needed help. That is one girl I don't want to mess with, said Apollonia. Well you are just outside of Fairy Land and this is Guen, the Queen of Fairy Land, said Ivy. Really, Fairy Land and a real fairy? This is so cool. It is a pleasure to meet you, how can I help? asked Apollonia. Fly up here and I will show you, said Ivy. They flew up above the forest to where it was being attacked. Look down there, said Ivy, Troglodytes are trying to get into the forest and are killing trees. There are hundreds of fairies that live in this forest that are going to get hurt. Well I won't let that happen, said Apollonia. She flew over to the edge of the forest and looked down and saw about twenty troglodytes tearing and ripping at the trees with their claws. There were at least a hundred more not far back from them waiting for their turn. Ivy come watch, this is going to be fun, said Apollonia then jumped down out of sight. It's going to be fun, how can it be fun? asked Guen. I am scared to death. Don't be, Apollonia won't let anything happen to any of us, said Ivy. Come on lets watch her in action, I have never seen her destroy evil, I just heard the stories she told me.

Apollonia landed beside the Troglodytes tearing at the trees. Hey stop that, you have no business hurting and killing those trees, said Apollonia in a loud voice. All the creatures looked at Apollonia then started to run towards her. Oh well I guess they didn't understand what I said, then she waved a hand making all of the creatures burst into flames then turn into ash. Wow, how did she do that? asked Guen. I don't know but she is pretty awesome, don't you think, said Ivy. Apollonia saw the rest of the Troglodytes charging towards her. Man these things are stupid, she thought. Lets see how this new trick works. Apollonia waited until they were almost on her then took a big breath and blew out ice cold air at the creatures that slowed them down then froze every creature solid. I learned that from Tempressa, said Apollonia. Who is Tempressa, asked Guen. That is the Ice Queen that lives in Fae Land and is one of the heros, said Ivy. Apollonia started to flap her wings very fast and hard creating a whirl wind storm around the frozen creatures making them smash into each other and breaking into small pieces. Apollonia then flew up in the air and yelled out, where do you think you are going. What is she talking to? asked Guen. Not sure but in one of the stories she told us, she said a demon can't hide from an angel, said Ivy. A demon, demons can't break into our forest, said Guen. Well I guess this one didn't read the memo, said Ivy with a smile. You are really enjoying this aren't you? asked Guen. You bet, that is my friend out there kicking butt, she is amazing, said Ivy. Apollonia made her sword appear then raised it up to the sky making a bolt of lighting come down hitting the ground. Now the demon could be seen covered in flames screaming. She shot out an energy beam cutting off the demons head that rolled towards her looking up. She blasted the head into pieces and watched the burning body fall to the ground. Okay, Ivy, the fun is all over. Do fairies know how to make ice cream? asked Apollonia. Tulip does inside the cove, said Ivy as both of them flew down to the ground. My that is a lot of damage, said Guen. It is going to take a while for this to grow back. Ivy looked closely at all the busted up trees, some of which were beyond repair. Well all the roots are still alive, I have an idea, said Ivy. Let's all go to the cove and see how much the magic here likes me.

They followed Guen back into the forest and to the cove. Tulip was still there doing something with the overviewer. They walked over and Guen asked how it looks. Pretty bad, said Tulip. We lost a very big chunk of the forest. If it was night time when we were all asleep, the fairies in that section would of been killed. Can you show me how this works? asked Ivy. Best Mom shows you, I am still learning, said Tulip. So what do all these dots and bright areas mean, asked Ivy. Well this big green rectangle is the pond in the middle and that big red area is where all the damage is. All the little green dots are all the fairies in here. Okay so can you direct magic to go to certain places with this? asked Ivy. Well yes but just a bit. You see if I put the palm of my hand on the water surface it shows all the paths the magic travels in the forest with blue lines. As you can see there is a lot of blue lines going to the damaged red area but the pond will not ignore the rest of the forest so only about ten percent of the magic is going to that big red area and will stop once the damaged trees are healed but will not replace the ones beyond repair. Can I try something? asked Ivy. Sure go ahead, you can't break anything here, said Guen. Ivy put both her hands in the water and pushed all the blue magic lines together on one side of the pond then grabbed them like hair. Okay can you hold these like this and and point them all at that red section. Wow, I never seen that done before but sure, said Guen. She grabbed the blue beams and held them tight. Ivy then went in the pond and sat down in the center. Okay Apollonia you watch from back there and if it looks like I need help get me out of here, said Ivy. Okay I will be watching closely, said Apollonia. Ivy then raised her head and closed her eyes. Suddenly the water began to swirl around some like before but now magic could be seen rising over the entire pond. Ivy still had her eyes shut tight then the magic rising from the pond began to gather around her. Guen saw whatever Ivy was doing more and more of the blue lines of magic were going straight to the red damaged area and the water was getting so hot she had to take her hand out but the blue magic lines didn't spread out. Soon it looked like all the magic from the pool was directed solely to repairing and the red section began to shrink. What ever you are doing Ivy keep it up because it is working. Guen watched as the red section got smaller and smaller until it was completely green again and every tree was healed and back to their original place. Then the overviewer went off and Ivy stood up in the water then walked out.


Apollonia flew over to Ivy and asked if she was okay. Yep just a bit tired but I did it, said Ivy. You did what? asked Apollonia. She somehow was able to completely control the magic from the pond and fixed the forest like nothing ever happened to it, said Guen. Where in heaven's name did you learn to do that? asked Apollonia. I just figured it out when you showed me that you could control the magic some, said Ivy. Once I got in the pond and connected with the magic I was able to see all the magic everywhere, it was very beautiful. Then I just began moving it to the bad spot and once all the trees were healed I focused the magic to the roots of the broken trees that were still very much alive. The magic here is very strong and very good, like in Fae Land. Pure white magic. Well how ever you were able to do all of that I have to thank you both, said Guen. If it wasn't for Pippa bringing Ivy here all us fairies would of lost our home and I would have to start over again looking for a new spot. Where did you learn so much about white magic? When I was in Eden, said Ivy That is where all the magic in Fae Land comes from. I sat down where it was the strongest and listened to it. Magic talked to you? asked Guen. Sort of, more like showed me, said Ivy. White magic is everywhere, it comes in many forms and can grow. God created this planet and the people on it with his love. Love is very magical and can cause so many things to happen. All I know is love is white magic and very good. So where is Pippa? Oh I sent everyone to the far side of the forest, said Tulip. I guess I should go tell everyone the threat is over. Make Apollonia an ice cream cone first. She really deserves one, said Ivy.


After Tulip made Apollonia an ice cream cone she went to get her sisters and Pippa. So this Land Of Fae is sounding like quite the place to visit, said Guen. Well you are welcome to come any time, said Ivy. Alieta loves visitors and also loves to throw parties plus feed everyone. It was her that tricked Pippa into saying fairies were real and she knew where to find them. She must be very smart to trick Pippa, said Guen. Pippa is very smart and doesn't trick easily. Pippa and the fairy princesses all returned to the cove looking very happy. Apollonia, when you go back to Fae Land, can you ask The queen if it would be alright for me to come visit? asked Guen. Well first she don't like being called queen, said Apollonia but I think it would be more fun to surprise Alieta. What do you think Ivy. Good idea, Alieta is used to meeting people that just show up at the palace, said Ivy. Ya let's surprise her, said Pippa, that will get her back for tricking me. Okay then I will come back with Pippa and Ivy but it may take longer because fairies can't fly as fast as pixies or sprites, said Guen. No need I will just come and get you three, said Apollonia. Yep, she can teleport us all, said Ivy. Can I come too? asked Pippie. Me too said Tulip, and us also said the rest of the sisters. Well that is up to Apollonia, she would have to make separate trips to take all of you, said Guen. Not at all, you all are light weights, said Apollonia. I can move a small army if I needed to. Well who is going to be in charge of the forest? asked Guen. Get Lollipop to look after things. She is my friend and I have showed her everything I do and she is really good at planning also, said Tulip. Okay then it is settled you all be ready right here just before noon tomorrow and I will take you all to Fae Land, said Apollonia. I can hardly wait to see Alieta's face. Ya especially when a few days ago she didn't believe fairies even existed, said Pippa.



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