Fairy Land Chapter 6


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The Magical Lunch

When Ivy got to her place she yelled out to Viridian,"I'm back Viridian, I'm back. Viridian ran out of the house and gave Ivy a big hug. Man did I miss you, said Viridian. I missed you too, said Ivy. It was fun at Fairy Land but I like it here way better. Fairy Land, that is where you two went. I didn't think fairies really existed, said Viridian. Well they do and we brought the queen and her six daughters back with us, said Ivy. Really so where are they now. I left them with Apollonia and Pippa at the palace. I wanted to come here and see you first. So Apollonia was there too? asked Viridian. Yep I had to call him to kill all the troglodytes that were destroying the fairies forest and she killed a demon too. Apollonia is very powerful. Then I made the magic from the coves pond fix the forest. After that Tulip made a ice cream cone for Apollonia. I didn't have another one because we all had one earlier before she came. Well it sounds you had quite the adventure then, said Viridian. Yep, it was a lot of fun, said Ivy. So how is the coconut tree doing? Just fine, I talked to it like you do all the time. It grew a bit more but I am no forest sprite so you can take over now, said Viridian. Just then Apollonia appeared. Hi Viridian I did what you said and came when Ivy called. Yes, so Ivy told me. Thank you taking care of her for me, said Viridian. Ivy can take care of herself but I am glad she called me. Those fairies are a lot of fun and very cute, said Apollonia. I had to go back and get Pippie though. Really we forgot Pippie? asked Ivy. Yep but she is here now, said Apollonia. She was sad when I first saw her but she is happy again now. Do you want to go see them now? I will take you. I will take my horse and get Ktara to come also, said Viridian. Okay I am going up to heaven and talk to Gabriel, said Apollonia. Gabriel is at the palace, said Ivy. Oh, well I will talk to Cindy then and all the other angel I can find there. Then she vanished. Okay then I am going to go next door and tell Ktara the good news and then we will meet you at the palace, said Viridian. Okay, first I have to talk to the tree and let it know I am back, said Ivy.


Back at the palace Gabriel asked Alieta if it was okay to use her den to talk to Guen some more. I have a lot of questions, said Gabriel. There is very little known about fairies and now that there are some here I want to know what ever Guen is willing to tell me. Only if I can come too, said Alieta with a smile. Sure, said Gabriel, it is your palace. Maybe I should go see if she even wants to go in the palace, said Alieta. I doubt she has ever been inside a building before. Yes of course, call her over and and see if she will come in with us, said Gabriel. Alieta call Guen over. Yes Alieta, how can I help you? asked Guen. Gabriel has some questions to ask you and would like to do it in my den where there will be no distractions, said Alieta. Well that will be fine but first my girls haven't had lunch yet and neither have I, said Guen. We never miss a meal. Oh I can get the cooks in the palace to make you lunch, said Alieta. Guen smiled. No that won't be necessary, said Guen. Have you had lunch yet? Actually no, said Alieta. Good, Tulip is the best at making food so give me a moment please, said Guen then she walked back over to her girls. Just then Phonixa and Repellia came out of the palace. Hi Alieta, oh hello Gabriel, nice to see you again, said Phonixa. Why are their so many pixies out front today? asked Repellia. Well they are visitors from Fairy Land, said Alieta. Oh okay, said Repellia. Wait, Fairy Land, your kidding right? No, the taller girl is Guen, Queen of the Fairies and those other girls are her fairy princesses, said Alieta. I think they are about to make lunch for us. The twins looked at each other then smiled. Man it just keeps getting better here, said Phonixa.

Both girls ran out to meet the fairies looking very excited. Hi girls, I am Phonixa and this is my sister Repellia. Can we help you with lunch? How kind you two are, said Guen. Do you both do magic also? Well just a bit but maybe we can get plates and stuff, said Repellia. No need for that but maybe you can help in another way, said Guen. Do you see my daughter over there with the red hair and outfit, her name is Tulip and she is very good at making food but the thing is she will need to know what to people eat for lunch here. Oh we can definitely help that way, said Repellia. Now Ivy told us that in Fae Land people eat deserts also so let Tulip and Pippie, she is the girl beside Tulip know what they are, said Guen. Okay they said and ran over to Tulip and Pippie. My goodness such nice girls, thought Guen. They look so much alike also. Hi Tulip, Guen said we could help with lunch, said Phonixa. I can show you what we eat for lunch usually and Repellia will show Pippie what we have for desert. Tulip rubbed her eyes then looked at Pippie. Do they look the same to you? asked Tulip. Yep like two copies, said Pippie. We are twin sisters silly, said Repellia. What does twin mean Tulip, asked Pippie. Two that look the same, said Tulip. Oh, yep they are definitely twins then, said Pippie. Are there a lot of twins in Fae Land? Nope we are the only ones, said Phonixa. Good, it could get very confusing knowing who is who if there were, said Tulip. Okay hold out an arm each so we can hold and read you. Tulip and Pippie started to read Phonixa and Repellia and began to smile. What are you smiling at? asked Repellia. Well either you can't make up your mind or you eat a lot of different things for lunch, said Tulip. Ya same with Repellia. she loves everything that is sweet, said Pippie. Is that a problem? asked Phonixa. No not at all it is actually very good, said Tulip. Okay so what are you going to make? asked Phonixa. Pippie looked at Tulip then they both said "Everything!"


Everything, you can do that? asked Phonixa. Sure can, look here comes Ivy and two more people are coming over there on horses plus somebody else just came out of that building, said Tulip. Usually I just make the food for my Mom and sisters then the rest of the fairies make their own food but now this is like a party. Do people dance here? Yes they do, Alieta loves to have parties, said Repellia. Okay so stand back and let us make a couple of tables first then we will make all the food, said Tulip. Both Tulip and Pippie made their wands appear then made two tables. Then Tulip began making all the different kinds of food she saw in Phonixa. That should be enough for now, said Tulip. Your turn Pippie. Pippie began making cakes, pies, ice cream treats and other kinds of pastries and sweets. There how does that look? asked Pippie. Looks fantastic, that was amazing to watch. Oh you forgot something, said Phonixa. What? asked Tulip. Forks, spoons and plates, said Phonixa. Oh ya, thanks for reminding me, said Tulip. Viridian and Ktara rode up and jumped off their horses and ran over to where the two table were set up. Did we just see you make all of this out of thin air? asked Ktara. No, we made it with magic, said Tulip. Ivy landed beside Guen. I want you to meet Viridian, she is my best friend too. She teaches me lots of stuff here, said Ivy. So Ivy how many best friends do you have? asked Guen. All my friends are the best so lots, said Ivy. Everyone moved around the two tables and looked over the big spread of food. This is a lot of food, said Alieta. We won't be able to eat all of this. That is okay, what ever we don't eat my girls will just make it all disappear, said Guen. It was made with magic and magic will clean up after. Every started grabbing plates and picking things to eat. Now this is what I call a spread, said Phonixa. Gabriel was just looking at all the food Tulip and Pippie made with their wands. Go ahead Gabriel, have some cake. Yes I will, I am just a bit shocked at how this all happened, said Gabriel. Magic made it happen, said Ivy. Very good fairy magic.

Okay girls eat up, there is lots of food here you have never seen before so try a bit of everything so you can see what you like the best and make it again for yourselves another time, said Guen. Lilly asked Phonixa what the coloured balls in the jar were. That is fruit flavored bubble gum. You just chew them until all the flavor is gone then put it in the garbage, said Phonixa. They are very sweet so best not to have more than two. Once everyone had finished eating Tulip and Pippie made the left overs disappear with their wands plus the tables. Alieta and Gabriel brought Guen in the palace to talk. Ivy walked over to where Viridian and Ktara were sitting on the grass by the sundial and joined them watching the twins and Ginger dancing and playing with the fairy sisters. Young fairy princesses, I never in my dreams thought I would see them, said Ktara. Well they are not really that young, said Ivy. Well Tulip is the youngest, she is almost a hundred and eight. What, she looks like maybe fourteen tops, said Ktara. Actually they all look that young, said Viridian. Yep, fairies are everlasting like sprites but the forest they created is so full of white magic they will never grow or look any older than they do now, said Ivy. Chestnut is the oldest, a bit over eight hundred. Remarkable, being children forever is the wish of many people, said Ktara. They may look young but they are very smart, said Ivy. Smarter than Alexa and Pippa. When I first met them, they asked me so many questions, fairies are very curious and always want to learn more. When Tulip had to hold my arm to know how to make ice cream I saw so much in her and how she can figure out stuff that none of the other fairies can. They all told me that Tulip is the smartest and that is why only she can help control the magic in the cove. So what did this cove look like? asked Viridian. Well it is a beautiful structure of stone, plants and water with archways leading out in different directions. It is hard to explain actually, it something one needs to see for themselves. Guen told me stories about how they found and built that forest. It was not the first one they had. I saw a sad spot on her heart for a moment when she was telling me the tales but then it passed. Must of been a bad memory, said Ktara. Everyone has them but best to move on, said Viridian. Yep just like me, said Ivy.

Alieta brought Guen and Gabriel to her den and let Guen sit in her chair. Gabriel sat across from her. So this is what it looks like inside a palace, said Guen. Ivy told me about how nice it was. So you don't feel confined at all being inside? asked Alieta. A little bit but there is a lot of space in here, said Guen. Well sometimes we have meetings in here so it doubles as a meeting room and a place for me to read and write, said Alieta. So Gabriel what was it you wanted to talk to me about? asked Guen. Well first I would like to say it is a pleasure to meet you and you have a lovely family, said Gabriel. Thank you, they are all good girls each with their own special talent, said Guen. A fairy princess is different from regular fairies in that they have stronger magic and can control magic around them much better. I see, so how many fairies are in the Fairy Land forest? asked Gabriel. Well not exactly sure but we are back up to over two hundred now is my best guess, said Guen. What do you mean you are back up to two hundred, were there more fairies at one time? asked Gabriel. My yes at one time there was over a thousand of us but that was a very long time ago, said Guen. Back then fairies stayed hidden and lived in normal forests. Those were more dangerous times. Anything could come in the forest and our fairy dust that got spread around could be sensed by all kinds of bad beings. Okay so what happened to all those fairies? asked Alieta. Mostly dragon attacks, said Guen. They would come out of nowhere and set the forest on fire hoping to scare out what ever animals were in there, then eat them. Unfortunately most fairies got killed in the process. There used to be several forests with fairies in it but once my forest got attacked just a handful of us were able to escape the fire. When small dragons can not see us and even if they could we are way too fast for them. Okay so is that when you made the forest you are in now? asked Gabriel. No we had to find other places to hide for a while seeing a forest was not safe. We lived in places where there was lots of water and no dangerous animals mostly. It was when I met a very special unicorn that everything changed for us. Tillia was her name and she was a very powerful unicorn that told me there was a place not far from this lake that had some strong magic underground. She took us all there at night when no dragons were around and used her horn to do something to the ground in one spot. Yes I know Tillia, she is the first special unicorn God created, said Gabriel. She is in limbo now waiting for another companion. Oh good she is still around then, said Guen. Anyways what she did with her magic was drill down deep into the ground until water sprouted up and formed a pond that was just full of magic. Suddenly trees and plants began to sprout out of the ground making a big enough wooded area to hide in for us all. She told me the pond will protect this spot from anything including dragon fire. Over time as the fairies mated and our numbers began to increase again the trees kept expanding making sure there was always room for all of us. What happened to the unicorn? asked Alieta. I am not sure. One day she was just gone and we never saw here again, said Guen. This is the forest that we called Fairy Land now. It took a very long time to get as big as it is now, but it is our home and because of Pippa bringing Ivy here and then calling Apollonia to help us, it is still our home. So it was the stories that Ivy told you about Fae Land that made you want to come visit? asked Alieta. No not at all, said Guen. I found it nice to hear there was another magical land but Pippa told me she was kind of proclaimed queen of the pixies and was having a problem with so many pixies coming to live in Fae Land with only two small woods for them to stay in. So I wanted to come and see if I could find a place to make another forest for her but all my girls wanted to come also which is a good thing because only myself and fairy princesses can start a new forest out of barren land. Really, you can make trees grow in the desert? asked Gabriel. Nope but we can take the seeds from existing trees and soak the ground with magic from our wands then plant them. Anyways that we will begin tomorrow as thanks for saving our forest. I would like to go back outside and see how my girls are doing, they can get to be quite a handful at times. Well that was very enlightening, said Gabriel. I need to get back to heaven now, I will see you later. Then Gabriel vanished. So you really think you can make a forest out of desert land? asked Alieta. We will see, said Guen. You do have the six most powerful fairy princesses on the planet here to try for you.

The End...



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