The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

Fairy Land Chapter 1


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Over a week went by and there were no problems in or around Fae Land. Alieta figured that now the time line device under the palace was fixed, things should stay a lot more peaceful seeing it wasn't radiating magic or what every it was doing before Merlin, Alexa and Apollonia went down there and fixed it. She hadn't heard from Pippa for a while and the twins were spending most of their time with Ivy and Apollonia. The twins told Alieta that the four of them finally went to the park in the human village and everyone was very happy to finally get to meet Ivy and Apollonia seemed to fit right in with the children and the grown ups mostly because she acted more like a real person than an angel like Gabriel does. The story that Ginger told her about meeting Pippa and a fairy was becoming more and more on her mind so she called for Pippa and asked her if is she knew anything about the fairy Ginger told her about and where they might be. Pippa did say that Lily was a real very special fairy but she had no idea where fairies lived then said she had to go finish something and took off fast. She could tell Pippa was keeping a secret from her but why. Aleta called Gabriel to find out more about fairies and if they actually existed. Well yes there are fairies but you will never see one probably. Once and a while a fairy is needed to help out some young person to get through a rough patch in their live but other than that they stay hidden from the rest of the world for their own safety, said Gabriel. But Pippa said she knew of one called Lily but wouldn't tell me anything about her or where she went after they reached Fae Land. Sometime fairies will become friends with a pixie but not very often, said Gabriel. If Pippa knows where to find them she will never tell anyone. She would of sworn never to tell anyone. Best you forget about fairies, they are not needed in Fae Land, you have enough to deal with here. Then Gabriel vanished. Man nobody will tell me much about fairies, thought Alieta. I will decide how full my plate gets. Now that things are so calm around here, it would be a good time to find out more about fairies. Alieta went to the palace library to see if there was a book about fairies there...


The Fairy Book

When Alieta got down to the library she found Faylinn the librarian sitting at her desk reading a book. Hi Faylinn what are you reading? Oh hello Alieta. This is a real nice love story, I love romantic novels, I love all kinds of books but the ones that make me teary eyed are the best. So how can I help you? Well Ginger told me that you and here plus a few other elves met Pippa when you were first coming to Fae Land and there was a fairy also that traveled with you all. Oh she told you about that did she, well yes but Lily and Pippa didn't travel with us, said Faylinn. Pippa just pointed us in the right direction and they just kept coming back to check on us and Lily would make us food to eat. Once we reached the woods none of us every saw Lily again and even Pippa said she didn't know where she took off to either. Okay so I heard but I think Pippa is keeping something about fairies from me. Do we have any books on fairies here and not the children type fairy tale stories. Not that I know of, said Faylinn. Most people don't believe in real fairies just like they don't believe in pixies so there is no section on them but if there was a book on fairies or pixies I would of put it in the wizards and witches sections as being magical beings. Yes that would make sense and Ginger did say you were very organized down here, said Alieta. Yep I love order in here. My house is a mess but the library is clean and organized, said Faylinn. There is one section way in the back that I haven't got to yet mostly because it is very dirty and dusty there and most of those books are so old the titles have faded so you can't read them. Well can you come and show me this spot? asked Alieta. I don't want to go to Cumberland to their public library if I don't have too. Oh you will find nothing there, said Faylinn. I go there from time to time to get new releases. They just have fiction books mostly. Okay, be prepared to get a bit dirty. One of these days I will clean and try to organize that area. Faylinn led Alieta to the very back most corner of the library where it was quite dark. See here we are and the light from the windows don't reach this far very well, said Faylinn. Alieta looked at some of the books on the self that seemed to be there since the palace was built. They were not that dusty as Faylinn said and most seemed to be in good shape. Okay this should help. Hmm, looks like someone cleaned up a bit here, said Faylinn. Yes these books don't look that bad or dirty looking, said Alieta. I bet the twins were down here and cleaned up some, they are always doing things like that, said Alieta. Well I will have to thank them, said Faylinn. Let's start here first. Okay, here are the books on dangerous creatures and this one is about how to become a warlock if that is even possible. Hmm. I wonder why this book is stuck out a bit. She pushed it but the book didn't move. Must be something behind it, she thought. She pulled out the big book and found a small hardback book that seemed to be in good shape still behind it. That's odd, who would want to hide a little book like that, said Faylinn. What is it called, asked Alieta. Let's see, said Faylinn as she pulled it out. Look at that it is called "The Fairy Book", said Faylinn and handed it to Alieta. It has never been opened, it has a wax seal on it, said Alieta. I see that, books sealed with wax means they are not to be read by just anyone. Usually they are delivered to whomever they were written for by a messenger or somebody that was entrusted not to open it. That book may be just what you are looking for. Can I read it after you please? asked Faylinn. Alieta smiled. Yes when I am done, said Alieta. Thanks for your help then Alieta headed up to her den.

Once back in her den she sat in her chair and broke the wax seal then opened the book to the first page that read, "The unbelievable can be believable". Hmm she thought to herself, well I definitely know that. The unbelievable always happens around here. She went to the next page that had a drawing of a small fairy with a wand touching a small rabbit with it. Okay that looks like she is healing it or something, Alieta thought. The next page was all hand writen text so she sat back and started to read. The mystical fae that are rarely ever seen are the magical fairies with the kindness and knowledge of life more than any other beings on earth that I know of. No one knows where they came from but I was lucky enough to meet them in a distant forest far away while I was travelling. I saw this amazing forest and tried to enter it but I just kept ending up where I started no matter how many times I tried. The trees were so close together I had only one path to follow but it always led to the same place even though it seemed to be going into the forest. One last time I tried but this time I tripped on a root and fell and it felt like a broke my ankle. Great I thought to myself. What am I going to do now being stuck out here with a broken foot. The leaves behind me started to rustle a bit so I tried to get up thinking it might be a wolf or something but I fell back down and yelled ouch. A little voiced asked, "Are you hurt". I replied yes but could see no one. Suddenly a tiny elf like person the size of my hand appeared hovering in front of me. You poor thing she said then made a wand appear in her hand that had a star on the end of it and pointed it at my foot. It began to glow and immediately my ankle felt better. There you go. All fixed, she said. Thankyou I said and stood up and I could walk again with no pain. She hovered up close to my head and I told her that she was very beautiful. It looked like she blushed then said thank you sir. She then grew some to about four feet tall and said her name was Pippie. Alieta stopped reading for a minute. Pippie, like Pippa, I wonder if that is just a coincidence. This book is pretty cool so far she thought to herself then continued reading. Hi Pippie I said and told her my name was Theodore but my friends just call me Theo. Oh, both are nice names she said then looked at me straight in my eyes. Then she said that I had very kind eyes that showed her that I was a good person. Eyes are the windows to the soul you know, said Pippie. I asked her if there were more of your type around. She laughed then said,"Oh yes, there of hundreds of us fairies living in this forest". Fairies? I said to her. I thought they were just a myth. Well we are very secretive and usually stay small plus this is the only forest with fairies in it that I know of, said Pippie. I can understand why you would think that. Fairies have to stay hidden or else people would try and capture us. I can understand that, I said. So why couldn't I get anywhere in this forest, I just kept ending up back where I started? I asked. Well it is magic Theo. We protect ourselves from bad animals and people that way. We rarely leave the forest but some of us have to when a request is put in. A request from who? I asked. She just pointed up and smiled at me. Then she heard someone coming from the woods. Oh no, It sounds like someone is coming. Quick hide behind that tree, said Pippie.

Pippie where are you? Over here Mom, said Pippie. So there you are, what have you been up to? asked, Pippie's Mother. Oh nothing, just doing stuff. Really, I can tell when you are hiding something from me, said the Mother. I am not hiding anyone I mean anything from you, said Pippie. I peeked around the tree to see who it was. Really, then who is that trying to hide behind the tree over there? and she pointed in my direction. Oh that is Theo. He hurt himself in our forest so I fixed his foot so he could walk again, said Pippie. Are you mad at me? Not yet dear. Come over here please so I can have a look at you, said the mother. I came out and approached her not knowing what to expect. She looked at me for a few moments then asked, how are you feeling now? Well it is amazing but I feel great now, I told her. Good. We don't get many visitors here by design but seeing you hurt yourself in our forest, you are welcomed to come in some more and meet some of my other girls. I feel responsible for you getting hurt and Pippie just did what comes natural to her and healed you. My name is Guen and I am Queen Of The Fairies in this forest. Alieta stopped reading again. What there is a fairy queen also! She read on. Follow us dear and we will show you some of our beautiful forest. I followed the two of them through the forest that seemed to open up to them as they walked and closed behind me. We got to what seemed like a dead end that was just sparkling with magic. Guen turned to me and said welcome to our cove. She touched one of the trees in front of her and suddenly the trees opened up. What I saw was something you would only see in a children's fairy tale book. I couldn't believe my eyes.

Guen look at me as I was in a state of shock. I take it you like our cove, said Guen. This is where we control all the magic for this forest. The pool is the source of the magic where you can get in and relax but don't drink the water it is unpleasant tasting. The water is full of magic and will feel very soothing and heal any cuts or blemishes on your skin if you have any. You cannot go any further into the forest from here because that is our private areas where all the fairies live and sleep. I will get the rest of my girls to come meet you and Pippie here will introduce them to you. If you want a drink there is a fountain with fresh spring water over there to the left. I will come back a bit later on after I do some fine adjustments to some of the new trees in our forest. Enjoy your stay but remember you will have to leave in two days at most and never tell anyone where this place is. Then Guen got small and flew out of the cove through the back arch way. I was still stuck not being able to move as I looked around and saw the most magical place one could imagine. Well come on in silly, said Pippie and grabbed my hand and pulled on it. As I walked into the cove I could feel the magic everywhere. Don't worry you will get used to the magic in here, said Pippie. Do you think it is pretty in our cove? It is magnificent, stunning and many other words of greatness I haven't thought of yet I said to her. Okay so you do like it then, said Pippie. Look here comes my sisters, they are lots of fun. Even when we are working we have fun together. How many sisters do you have? I asked. There is six of us, well for now anyways, said Pippie with a big smile.

Hi Pippie, Mom said you had a surprise for us and wow she was right, said the fairy with the red hair. Yep this is Theo and it is okay, Mom said it was alright for him to come this far into our forest. Okay, said one of the other fairies. Does he know how to play? I am not sure, I think everyone knows how to play, said Pippie. So Theo, what games do you know how to play? asked another fairy. Now here I stood in this very magical place with five other very cute fairies talking to me and checking me out as they flew around me. Then it suddenly hit me. These six girls were real fairy princesses and each one of them looked no older than twelve or thirteen year old girl. Well that makes sense, thought Alieta. Their mother is the queen so they would have to be princesses. I wonder if this is a true story or just make believe. It is handwritten and sounds very real so far. Just then an elf came in and asked if she needed anything. No I am fine, said Alieta. I want to finish this book so no interruptions please. Okay, what are you reading? asked the elf. Book about fairies, said Alieta. Oh like there is such things as fairies said the elf then left. Doesn't matter this story is one of the best I have read in a long time. Just imagine what it would be like to find such a magical forest with fairies run by a queen and not just one but six fairy princesses. That would be extraordinary but completely unrealistic, said Gabriel that just popped in. Why not, anything can be possible, said Alieta. Not a forest full of fairies run by a queen. I have never seen a fairy just heard God saying he need one's help from time to time. Don't you think he would of told me about a forest full of fairies and a queen fairy? asked Gabriel. Maybe not, did you ask him if they were real? asked Alieta. Don't be silly, I don't want him to think I have lost my mind, said Gabriel. Anyways I came by to tell you that I have been hanging out with Apollonia today trying to get her to like me as a friend and not a boss angel. So far so good but this whole making friends thing is new to me. Usually people just like it when I show up. Have you any advice you can give me. Really, your asking me? Yes, everyone loves you, said Gabriel. Just do what Ivy has been doing, said Alieta. Smile a lot make people feel good about themself and give them ice cream, said Alieta with a smile. Really that is the best you got, said Gabriel. Look friendship isn't something you can make you have to earn it, said Alieta. Okay that was good advice. So where did you get that book you are reading? asked Gabriel. In the palace library hidden behind some other big books. Now leave me alone and let me get back to it. She story is getting really good now. Gabriel smiled while shaking her head then disappeared. Okay where was I...


Alieta opened the book back up and leafed through it. Here we go, one of the fairies asked what games Theo knew... Well let me see, I know hide and seek and tag plus guess what I am and some other things like soccer and volleyball but they are sport games, I said to them. See he plays, said Pippie. Good we love to play a lot said the other fairy. Pippie introduce them to me as Lilly, Tulip, Chestnut, Roseberry and Sunflower. Wasn't that the names of Pippa's good friends in the woods, thought Alieta. Pippa does know these fairies a bet. She read on a bit more. How do you play "what am I" ? asked Lilly. Oh you move around making shapes and stuff with your body but you can't talk at all, then everyone has to guess what you are pretending to be, I told her. Oh that sounds like a lot of fun, said Lilly. Let's play it. You go first. I thought for a moment then then crouched down and started to hop around some. You are a rabbit, that was easy, said Tulip. My turn now seeing I guessed it correct. Yep that is how it works, said Theo. She thought for a minute then started to flap her wings and looked like she was bringing her hands back and forth to her mouth like eating something. Are you a moth? asked Pippie. She shook her head. Then you have to be a butterfly, said Sunflower. Yep, you got it, said Tulip. Now you just made me hungry, said Lilly. Do you like to eat? she asked me. Well yes, everyone likes eating I said. Good come with us and we will create whatever you want. Lilly made her wand appear and made a picnic table and we all sat down. Okay just ask Tulip what you would like and she will make it for you, said Lilly. She is the best at making food. Well a nice vegetable noodle soup with some bread is alway good, I said. Oh he likes what you like Lilly, said Tulip. Lets all have the same, said Chestnut. Tulip made her wand appear then waved it at the table and six bowls of hot soup with spoons appeared in front of everyone. I tasted it and it was perfect. Not too hot or cold and just the right amount of ingredients. Do you like it? asked Pippie. Oh yes it is perfect. Good! and they all started to eat.



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