The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

From One Forest To Another Chapter 1


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  It is the start of a new week and the four little girls are all back in school with Alexa. She told one of the elves about letting the girls have some fun with art during the second half of the day so she went to get the art room ready for them. Tamari got a small bag of gems for Megan and Garlum so they could buy their own house but neither of them knew anything about finding a house or what to do with the gems. Gwyneira did as Yeanny told her and went a different town to exchange the gems into gold coins then took the two out looking for a place for them but on the other side of town. Nessie was now doing great at making tulips everywhere and different colours now also. Hennie figured she better start teaching her how to make other types of plants and flowers before Eden turned in to a land of tulips. Yeanny still had not met many of Alexa's team but didn't want to just show up somewhere with out being with someone that knew them. She couldn't think of anyone that would have the time to take her to meet any of them so she decided to forget about it for now. Ivy was working in the cove when she suddenly remembered that she told Samantha that she would talk to the sprites and pixies in her old forest so she was going to get Tobias to go with her. That way her old friends could see she had a boyfriend and was not sad and mad anymore. Tempressa was now getting very bored at home even though she now had lots of friends that visited her, she missed her team mates and the fun they had together. She decided it was time to just go and do some visiting and see what was going on everywhere else but wanted to see Alieta to find out if anything new was going on...

Ivy's Old Friends

  Ivy was trying to get some things adjusted in the forest but couldn't get her mind off going to her old forest. She asked Sara if she would take care of things for her because she didn't want Samantha to think she didn't even try to help her out. Sara said no problem seeing she liked being in charge of the cove and was getting pretty good at controlling the magic now. She told Ivy that Tillia was riding around with Viridian on her horse and would probably end up at the palace for lunch anyways and she would see them there. Ivy then flew off to get Tobias at his place. When she got there she found Fawn sitting out on a lawn chair reading one of Alieta's books. Hi Fawn, is Tobias home? asked Ivy. Yep he is inside trying to figure out what to get for his bedroom. Seems like he is not the decorating type, said Fawn. Did you know that Alexa and her team would travel many miles to help out other places that needed their help. Sometimes it would take them three days to get there. Nope I didn't know that, said Ivy. I thought they just did stuff around here. So you havn't read any of Alieta's books then, said Fawn. No but maybe I should some time, said Ivy. Yes you should, said Fawn. They are good friends of yours so it would be a good idea to learn more about them, said Fawn. Ivy was now starting to feel a bit ashamed seeing that Fawn was learning more about them and she barely knew them. Well I am sure Alieta has some of these books in her library now so borrow one or two of them and read up. The stories are amazing, said Fawn. Okay I will, said Ivy then went inside to get Tobias. She found him sitting on his bed looking around the room. Hi Tobias, what are you doing? Just can't figure out what I need to fix this room some, said Tobias. I can tell it is kinda bare and Sally and Fawns room has lots of girl stuff in their rooms but I am not into what they bought, he said. Well I will take you shopping and help you. Sitting here is the wrong way of doing things but now I need you to come with me so we can help our your parrents, said Ivy. Really where are we going? he asked. To my old forest. I need to see if the sprites and pixies there will move to your mother's forest. Oh okay, is it far away? asked Tobias. Not as the sprite flies, said Ivy then grabbed him by the arm and pulled him out of the house.

  Okay bye Fawn, Ivy is in control of me so see you later, said Tobias then they flew away. Fawn just smiled and was glad Ivy finally got him out of house. They flew out to the north end of Fae Land first then turned due west and Ivy noticed that some of the land had changed with more small towns and villages here and there. There was also a dirt road that was heading what looked like to her old forest and it had people on horses coming and going on it so they flew higher to stay out of sight. She could now see the forest ahead and noticed that it didn't look much bigger which concerned her seeing there were pixies and some forest sprites in there too so the place should be a bit bigger by now anyways. They flew down and landed in the middle of the forest but could hear people talking and what sounded like arrows hitting trees. Hey you two get up here fast, someone said from above. Ivy looked up and saw a sprite waving them up. They flew up and sat on a big branch. What were you two doing down there during the day. The hunters shoot anything that moves, said the sprite. Oh we didn't know, said Ivy. We are not from here. Another sprite flew over and looked at Ivy. Oh my goodness, it is Ivy! she said. Ivy recognized her but for got her name. It is me Kendra, we used to play together. Now Ivy remember her and smiled. So last I heard you moved to Fae Land, said Kendra. We were all worried about you when you disappeared and never showed your pretty little face anymore. Yep I live there now and have lots of new friends now, said Ivy. Good, that is what Kevin told us when he went looking for you. Who is Kevin, asked Ivy. Oh one of the pixies that didn't like the idea of a forest sprite leaving the forest. Took him a while but he found you in Fae Land and it looked like you were now living in a huge building, said Kendra. Yes when I first got there the woods were not big enough for me to sleep in a tree. Alieta made me stay in the palace at night with Viridian that is one of my best friends now. Yes I know, said Kendra. Kevin stayed very tiny and listen to everything that was going on with you until he saw Pippa. Then he came back here. Why did Pippa scare him or something. Oh no not at all but once he saw that you were friends with Pippa then he knew you would be just fine. Pippa is amazing you know, said Kendra. Ivy smiled and said yes she is my very best friend. You are best friends with the queen of the pixies! Wow you are so lucky, said Kendra.

  So what is going on here that we have to hide in the trees? asked Ivy. Well first lets go to where the others are. It is safer there because the forest is too thick for humans to get through easily, said Kendra. They flew above the trees and there was a clearing in the middle of some very thick tree growth and Kendra led them down. Ivy looked around and saw a bunch of sprites sitting on the ground and some in the trees surrounding them. Suddenly a pixie showed up and got big. Hi Kevin look who showed up and looks like she has a very cute boyfriend. Ivy! Your back, said Kevin. Then he thought for a second. But why are you back, you were in Fae Land? Well I still live there, said Ivy but I came here to see how things were doing here and if you would possibly help out Tobias's mother. What do you mean help his mother? asked Kevin. More sprites came flying over to see what was going on. Oh my it is Ivy, who is the cute guy she is with? Ivy could hear them saying to each other as she looked around. Well to let you know what is going on here, those stupid humans are making our life miserable. All day long they are in the woods hunting, cutting down trees to make camp fires. Some leave when it gets dark and some sleep over night. So I would say all and all things are bad, said Kevin. Ivy looked around and saw some familar faces but none of them looked happy like she remembered. So what is this help you mentioned? asked Kevin. Well move to Tobias's family's forest, said Ivy. There is a big forest there in the middle of their land with some pixies living in it and it is getting magical with pixie dust. No one is allowed to hunt in that forest and the land is protected by Tobias's mother and father and three other sprites that are amazing warriors, said Ivy. You mean the amazing five, said one sprite from behind Ivy. We have heard about them but didn't know where they lived. Well actually not that far from here, said Ivy. You could get there in less than thirty minutes by air. A pixie could get there in two minutes probably. Really! well what are we waiting for? Lets get the heck out of here, some one said. Everyone started to get all excited. Okay said Kevin, sounds great to me. Let me round up all the pixies and we will catch up and follow you there. Well if you want, pixies are much faster so just fly due south and you can't miss it, said Tobias. Okay good plan, said Kevin. Time to start living again!




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