From One Forest To Another Chapter 6


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Gwyneira Visits Again

  Sara flew over from the forest and said hello to everyone. So where is Ivy? asked Alieta. Oh she left early to bring some old friends to Samantha's place with Tobias then came back later and took Tulip, Pippie and Lilly there too for some kind of celebration that they were having. Oh really, you mean a party? asked Alieta. Yep I guess so and she also said something about them making her queen of the sprites. Not sure what that was all about, said Sara. Alieta smiled, that girl just keeps getting better and better all the time, said Alieta. Yep, she is the best sister anyone could ask for, said Sara. So what is going on now? Oh not much now, said Alieta. Hennie came by and brought her girls home and Ktara and Viridian went home so we have been just sitting and talking with Yeanny and Sakura plus the sisters while Tempressa is telling them some stories about some of her adventures, said Alieta. Ginger has been keeping Tillia company too. Sara looked at Ginger and smiled at her. Gwyneira appeared and said good, you didn't move this time. Well hello Gwyneira what brings you here? asked Yeanny. Oh we were house hunting today but those two are still complaining too much so no one wanted to deal with them. I brought them back to our place and I figured I will go out my self and find them a place tomorrow, said Gwyneira. Ya figured they wouldn't take becoming normal humans easily, said Yeanny. Is she the witch you talked about? asked Repellia. Yes it is, her name is Gwyniera, said Yeanny. They both ran up to her. So a real one hundred percent witch right? asked Phonixa. Yes I am a witch, she said. We have never seen a real witch before just read about them in Alieta's books but they were bad ones. So do you do magic stuff too. You look like you can plus you look amazing in that outfit. Very witch like, as they both kept talking to Gwyneira back and forth. My these two are adorable also. Where do you find these pretty girls Alieta? asked Gwyneira. Oh they all seem to find me, said Alieta. Well girls yes I am a real witch and I can do magic also but not as good or as strong as Yeanny but I get by for all my needs. Yes I like to dress sexy to keep my man from straying, though you two dress kinda sexy too, said Gwyneira. Ya we got boyfriends too but we always like to look good, said Phonixa. That is good, us girls have an image to up hold, said Gwyneria. Exactly, what would the world be like if all the girls dressed like sheep herders. Everyone laughed. Yes that would be terrible, said Gwyneira.

Sakura and Alieta walked over to them. So anything exciting going on here? asked Gwyneira. Well not really but seems like Ivy is having a party in the country beside us, said Alieta. That pretty forest sprite is having a party? asked Gwyneira. She didn't seem like the type to throw one of those. Oh Ivy loves to have fun, said Alieta. Well you know Ivy so lock onto her and pop over and see how they do parties around here, said Yeanny. Do you think she would mind? I would only know her, said Gwyneira. Well Tulip, Lilly and Pippie are there too making the food and probably the music too, said Alieta. You know them also so just mingle in. Do a few safe witch tricks for everyone. I am sure everyone would like to have a real witch do some entertaining, said Yeanny. Hmm never entertained before either. Okay I think I will, said Gwyneira. Sakura got in froint of Gwyneira said bye bye, be a good witch now. Yes I will and you be a good girl. Okay lets shake on it and she put out her hand to shake Gwyneira's hand. My you are such and angel, said Gwyneira. She shook her hand then disappeared. Well that was interesting, said Tempressa. As witches go that has to be the nicest one I have ever seen. Very pretty too. Yep she is cool, said Yeanny. Well that is enough excitement for me, said Tempressa. Got to get home now and see what is going on there. Now expect to see me more often. It seems that all the good stuff happens at the palace. Okay Tempressa, have a nice ride home, said Alieta. Yep and don't freeze anymore flowers, they like it warm the best, said Sakura. Tempressa smiled and said she wouldn't then she went to get her horse. Okay so I am guessing it is getting close to supper, said Alieta. Anyone getting hungry like me? Yep they all said. Good, I am glad Ivy left some fairies here for us, said Alieta. Today is Monday so why don't we all have pizza today. Been a while since they made that for us, said Alieta. Good idea, said Sara. Do you like pizza Tillia. Yep very good food, just need you to cut it up for me, said Tillia. Has Sakura eaten pizza before? asked Alieta. No not yet but I am sure she will like it, said Yeanny. Okay good, pizza it is then, said Alieta. We just have to wait for the fairies to get here.

Soon all the remaining fairies came out and set up a table of pizzas for everyone. Tillia ate an entire pizza herself after Sara cut it up for her. Sakura was unsure about the way a pizza looked at first. She said it looked gross but smelled good. After taking a little bite she found that it tasted very good and managed to eat one and a half slices. So where is Tulip, Pippie and Lilly? Misty asked Alieta. Oh they went with Ivy to Samantha's place to set up a party, said Alieta. Oh really a party and no one told us, said Misty. Well it sounded like it was Ivy's party and it was mostly for the pixies and sprites that just moved there today, said Alieta. Oh well that is okay then, said Misty. I wonder how Ivy is doing though, she has never put together a party before and neither has Samantha, said Alieta. Well if those three fairies are there then all will be fine, said Misty. They know how to get a party started and keep it going. Anyways Ivy loves to play and dance so she is going to do just fine also. Ya you are right, said Alieta. Ivy has been to enough of my parties to see how have her own, said Alieta. So how was the pizza, asked Misty. I haven't tried any yet. It looks kinda wierd. Well looks are decieving when it comes to pizza, said Alieta. Just taste a little bit and you will see. Sakura didn't like how it looked either but after a small taste she liked it, said Alieta. Okay I will try some. Everyone else seems to be liking it. Alieta smiled but still was a bit worried about what was going on at Samantha's place.


The party was doing great as everyone was eating and dancing, just having a good time. The fairies were doing little magic tricks with their wands that every one there found anmazing seeing no one had ever seen a fairy before. Ivy was standing with Tobias watching everyone having a good time when Gwyneira appeared and said hello. So this is what a party looks like, she said to Ivy. Yep, my first one and it is going great, said Ivy. Okay, I see dancing and eating plus magic tricks going on, said Gwyneira. Yes this does look like a lot of fun, do you think I would fit in with this group? I have never been to a party before so just asking, said Gwyneira. Well the forest sprites are wearing sexy outfits, the regular sprites have on sexy outfits. The pixies are wearing pretty sexy outfits too and you well that is some sexy outfit also. I am pretty sure you will have no problem fitting in, said Ivy. Kendra came over and said, this party of yours is fantastic, lots of real food, dancing and magic too, said Kendra. You always were the best at making up games for us to play and now parties too. So who is this hot looking girl with you? Oh this is Gwyneira, she is a witch and a friend, said Ivy. Really a real witch too, do you do magic too? asked Kendra. Yep that is what witches do most of the time, said Gwyneira. Do witches dance also? asked Kendra. Yep I can dance, said Gwyneira. Okay good lets rock it, then Kendra took her by the hand and brought her into the middle of the group. Kimberly and her brother walked up to Ivy. Hi Ivy, my sister wanted to talk to you for a minute. Oh okay, what is it Kimberly? asked Ivy. Well when I felt you inside me I could see a bit inside you, said Kimberly. Okay so what did you see? asked Ivy. Well not a lot but I did see a very beautiful place that you live in or something plus friends, lots and lots of friends. And one more thing that was very beautiful, said Kimberly. Okay and what was that? asked Ivy. A pure white horse with one horn and she could talk, said Kimberly. Was that all my imagination? No not your imagination at all, said Ivy. I do have many friends and Fae Land is very beautiful. The white horse is a unicorn named Tillia and she belongs to my sister. She turned to her brother and said, see I told you it looked like a unicorn, it wasn't my imagination. Ivy smiled so do you believe her now? asked Ivy. Well yes now I do, I thought unicorns were only in fairy tale stories. Well look around you, there are pixies, sprites fairies and even a nice witch out their dancing, said Ivy. This is all real, where do you think fairy tales come from anyways, said Ivy. Wow fairy tales are real, said the brother! I would never of guessed that. Okay thanks Ivy, tell Lilly she is the best fairy doctor in the world for me, said Kimberly then they went back to the party. So Tobias are you ready to join in. You bet he said and they both joined the party.

The End



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