From One Forest To Another Chapter 5


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The Magical Party And Fix

  Ivy got to the forest then went straight to the cove where she found Tulip. Tulip can you come and help me at Tobias's parents new place? Why what is going on there? asked Tulip. They are having a celebration and I would like you to make the food and music for everyone, said Ivy. Okay but what are they celebrating? asked Tulip. Well I went to my old forest and met a bunch of my old friends there and they were having problems with hunters and stuff so I took them to the big forest in Samantha's land which I promissed her I was going to do when she was here and now she wants to have a celebration for them, said Ivy. Samantha is not set up to have a party and feed people that live on her property so I figured you could help, said Ivy. There are lots of pixies and sprites there plus all the other people are humans. Maybe get Pippa to come too, said Tulip. Yes they all know she is the queen too, said Ivy. She called out for Pippa, "Pippa, come have some fun". Pippa showed up real fast. Fun, what kind of fun Ivy? Party time fun in the forest at Samantha's place, said Ivy. I brought all the pixies and sprites form my old forest to theirs. Oh okay, I go there from time to time. Very nice pixies there, said Pippa. Well lots more now and lots of sprites too, said Ivy. Really, sounds like it is going to be fun, said Pippa. Okay Ivy sounds like more than one fairy will be needed, said Tulip. Pippie, Lilly, want to go with us? You bet, thought you would never ask, said Pippie. Okay then lets all go and get things set up, said Tulip and they all flew off to Samantha's forest. Chestnut flew into the cove and saw Sara alone by the overviewer. Where is everyone? asked Chestnut. Ivy is having a party over in Samantha' land and took Tulip, Lilly, Pippie and Pippa with her, said Sara. Why didn't you go? asked Chestnut. No one asked me but I would rather stay here anyways, I hardly know anyone there, said Sara. Well seeing they are gone why don't you go to the palace. There is nothing to do here plus there is always something happening at the palace. Ya okay, good idea then Sara flew out of the cove.

When they all got there Samantha was getting the gounds ready for the party. Kevin and Kendra was there also helping. Hi everyone, told you they would come, said Ivy. Oh good, that means I don't have to set up any tables then. Nope we got that covered, said Tulip. So nice place you have here. Has lots of room for growth. Yep we have big plans for this place, said Samantha. Kevin saw Pippa and looked at Kendra. Do you think it would be okay if I went and talked to her, he asked. Well she is your queen so why not, said Kendra. He pushed back his hair and staightened his clothes then flew over to Pippa. Hello Pippa, my name is Kevin and it is very nice to finally meet you. My look at you a male pixie, a very rare breed, said Pippa. Well it is nice to meet you too. I see you have a forest sprite over there as a friend also, said Pippa. Yes that is Kendra, one of Ivys old friends before she disappeared, said Kevin. Well wave her over, I would like to meet one of Ivy's old friends. A friend of Ivy's is a friend of mine, said Pippa. Kevin waved her over and Kendra flew over to them. So look at you a very pretty forest sprite like my Ivy, said Pippa. Yep, and I have heard many stories about you from all the other pixies that live with us, said Kendra. They all say you are a very nice and helpful queen. So Ivy, this was one of your friends I was told. Yep, Kendra was really good at playing and always it was always fun with her around, said Ivy. She is a bit older than me though. No secrets either, said Ivy. Well seems like all you forest sprites dress the same way, said Pippa. Yep, the girls do but the guys don't like to dress the same as each other, said Kendra. There are male forest sprites here too? asked Pippa. Yes but just two, they both have girlfriends, said Kendra. Okay here comes some of the humans from the farms and the small town so someone go tell everyone in the forest to come out and lets get this party started, said Samantha. Ivy you take charge of the party. Really, I have never thrown a party before, said Ivy. Niether have I but you have probably been to lots of Alieta's parties, said Samantha. Just do what she does, you will do great. I want to mingle and get to know some of these sprites and meet some of the farmers too. Kevin went into the woods and told everyone the party was starting. Tulip looked and saw a swarm of pixies and sprites coming. Wow there is a lot of them, she said to Pippie. Yep good thing there is three of us, said Pippie. Better get the music going then Pippie and Lilly went to either end and started the music. The pixies and sprites didn't need to be told anything else as they just started dancing and playing together to the music as more and more human families showed up and joined in.

One last wagon was coming up that had four people in it. Wonder who that is? asked Samantha. Oh that is the Morgan family, said a man that does carpentry work. The little girl is just seven but she rarely talks. The doctors can't figure out what is wrong with her. They say physically she is fine. Samantha called Ivy over. You see that wagon that is almost here. Yep, nice people coming, said Ivy. Yes they are but the little girl is only seven and she hardly talks. The doctors can't find anything wrong with her. Oh that is sad, said Ivy. Yes it is but I know you can see things that the doctor could never see, said Samantha. Oh okay so you want me to read her? asked Ivy. Well not really just have a look around and see if you find something wrong, said Samantha. The doctors say it is not physical so just go slow with her. Okay, said Ivy. The two of them walked over and Samantha greeted them all as they got out of the wagon. Hello Samantha, said the mother. We brought our little girl here to see if it would cheer her up some. Yes we heard that she hardly talks, said Samantha. Yes and hardly smiles either, said the mother. Well this is Ivy and she is from Fae Land. She has a very special talent that may help some, said Samantha. Okay, said the mother. We have tried everything with her. Okay Ivy do your thing and remember, slowly, said Samanath. Ivy walked up to the girl and looked at her for a brief second. Hello Kimberly, very nice name you have. Kimberly looked at Ivy as if to think how did she know my name. My name is Ivy and I am a very special forest sprite, at least that is what every one tells me but I feel normal myself. Then Ivy smiled at her. Kimberly got a bit of a smile showing. Now I am just going to do a little bit of sprite magic for you and this will not hurt a bit, okay? Kimberly nodded her head. Ivy looked at her just a bit at first then much deeper. Well the doctors were right she is a very healthy little girl and has no secrets plus has a pure white soul, said Ivy. You can tell that from just looking at her? asked the mother. Yep now let me check one more thing, said Ivy. Ivy got close to Kimberly's face and look right into her eyes. Kimberly smiled a bit more. Okay found it, said Ivy. Found what? asked the Mother. Well I don't know what it is called but let me call a friend over. Ivy waved over Lilly that flew over right away. Yes Ivy what is it? asked Lilly. Well I just found something in this girl. I don't know what to call it but it is hurting her and making it hard for her to talk. Now if you touch me and I let you read what I saw can you see that in me? asked Ivy. Yes as long as you let me that will be good enough. Okay here take my arm. Lilly grabbed Ivys arm and in less than a minute she let go. Okay got it, said Lilly. I can fix that. She needs to lay down on her back though. The mother got Kimberly to lay on her back Lilly made her wand appear. Kimber now had a pretty big smile and said, fairy. Yes dear I am a fairy and I am going to take that pain away for ever. Now just close your eyes and think of nice things. Kimberly closed her eyes and was still smiling a bit. Lilly put the wand right on her forehead while she had her other hand on top of Kimberly's head. The wand lit up very bright and Lilly kept it there for at least a full minute then the wand went dim and she removed her hand. Okay she can sit up now, said Lilly.

Lilly stood up and Kimberly slowly got to her feet. So Kimberly, how do you feel now? asked Lilly. Kimberly threw her arms around Lilly and said, fairy magic is very good. My she has never spoken that load before, said the mother. Mom she is a real fairy, she stopped my head from hurting, said Kimberly. The mother almost started to cry. Yes dear a real lovely magical fairy, she said to Kimberly. Mom I am hungry can we eat now? asked Kimberly. Well that is a good sign, said Samantha. Well food is being made right now so go with your brother and get something to eat, said Lilly. Kimberly's brother  came and took her by the hand and headed towards the crowd. That was amazing, said the father. I don't understand what just happened but look she is happy and talking now. Well there was a thing called a tumor growing in her brain and it was causing her pain and as the tumor grew it was effecting her speech and a few other things. Eventually it would of grow too big and she would of died. All gone now though and will never come back, said Lilly. Brain tumors are very had to find and I would not of been able to locate myself but Ivy has super strong insight and was able to find it and show it to me. Well then thanks to both of you, how can we ever repay you. Oh fairies and sprites don't require money for doing these types of things. Just take good care of her, said Lilly. Us fairies have three main types of good magic. We can heal, we can make tasty food and we can build almost anything, said Lilly. Now go out there and enjoy the party. Yes we will now, Rasta say it will be a party we would never forget and she was absolutely right. Lets go dear, we have something to celebrate now also and they both joined the party. Well you two did a very good job here today for them, said Samantha. Well it was you that knew to get Ivy here to read her. So we all did good today for them, said Lilly. Okay lets go have some fun, said Lilly and they joined in also.



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