From One Forest To Another Chapter 2


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Tempressa Gets Surprised

  Tempressa rode straight out to the palace after having breakfast. Ktara saw her ride past her fast so she got on her horse and followed Tempressa to see what was wrong. Tempressa got to the palace and saw Alieta and Ginger checking the sun dial. She got off her horse and walked over to them. Soon Ktara showed up then ran over to see what was going on. Hi Temperssa, Ktara. What is going on? asked Alieta. I don't know I just saw her pass my place fast so I followed her, said Ktara. Well nothing is going on, that is what's up, said Tempressa. I am dying of boredom at home and needed to get out and see if anything new was going on here, said Tempressa. Ginger smiled. Well not at this very moment but yes lots has happened since the last we have seen you. Good, said Tempressa fill me in, I am all ears. Well here is one of the new things that is new and Alieta pointed towards Viridian and Tillia coming fast. Tempressa looked and saw Viridian being followed by a white horse. Okay so Viridian has gotten a new white horse, said Tempressa. Well first of all that is not hers. Oh really, then whos? asked Tempressa. Tillia is Sara's, said Alieta that now was some having fun with Tempressa. Did you say Tillia? asked Tempressa. Tillia is a unicorn from what I remember. Yep and she is amazing, said Ginger. In a few more moments Viridain and Tillia reached them. Hi everyone. What was the big rush about? asked Viridian. We saw you two going fast to the palace while we were running around in Eden. Tempressa said nothing, she just was staring at Tillia. Tempressa was bored, that's all, said Ktara. Viridian smiled then got off her horse. Ginger said that Tillia here belongs to Sara. Is that true? asked Tempressa. Yep, isn't she a beauty. Well yes she is, it is Tillia, said Tempressa. When did this all happen? asked Tempressa. Oh not too long ago. She lives with us now, said Viridian. Tillia, meet out friend Tempressa, she is really cool, literally. Hello Tempress, nice to meet you, said Tilla. Wow so it is true, you can talk, said Tempressa. Well of coarse, said Tillia. How do you think I can communicate with Sara when she is on me? So Sara can ride you? asked Tempressa. Yep she is my companion and we are great together, said Tillia. So you are the girl that can freeze stuff right? asked Tillia. Yes I am the Ice Queen, said Tempressa. Oh a very impressive title, said Tillia.

  I can do some magic too but only when Sara is here except for healing, that I can do any time, said Tillia. Okay I get that, I read that you are only as powerful as your companion, said Tempressa. Sara is very strong and quite smart too so you two must be able to do amazinig things together. Yep she is perfect for me, said Tillia. Just then Yeanny appeared and said hello to Alieta. Hello Yeanny. How are things with you and the little one? asked Alieta. Oh really good, Alexa is teaching Sakura and the other little girls at the school. She really loves it there, said Yeanny. Um who is this? asked Tempressa. She appeared out of no where. Oh I am Yeanny, nice to meet you. So Alieta, I came here to asked you if there was someone that could show me where some of the heroes lived. I would love to meet them but not alone, said Yeanny. Well these are three of them right here, Viridian, Ktara and Tempressa, said Alieta. Really! How exciting, said Yeanny. I have heard some amazing stories about Alexa's team. You three must be very brave and special. Well you must be special too, seeing you just appeared out of no where, said Tempressa. Yes, how did you do that? asked Ktara. Oh I am a wizard, said Yeanny. A wizard! both Ktara and Tempressa said at the same time. Ginger was trying her hardest not to laugh. Yep, Merlin has been giving me lessons, said Yeanny. Merlin comes here to teach you too, said Tempressa. I think I have to sit down. Well you wanted to know what was going on, said Alieta. Yes but a unicorn and a wizard living in Fae Land now was very unexpected, said Tempressa. Oh and fairy nymphs too, there is a bunch of them living in the Untamed Forest, said Ginger. You mean those little people that create plants? asked Tempressa. Yep they live really close to me and Viridain. They are so cute, said Ktara. Now I do have to sit down, said Tempressa and walked over to the steps to sit. Well do you think she has had enough new news yet or should we tell her about Sakura, plus Gwyneira and Tamari, said Alieta. Maybe we should hold off for now, said Ginger. Who are they? asked Viridian and Ktara. Oh Gwyenira is a witch and Tanari is a wizard. They don't live here though but they are friends of mine, said Yeanny and Sakura is my little girl that is very special. Special how, asked Ktara. Oh I made her and god shared my soul with her so she wouldn't become evil then Cindy blessed the two of us that separated us so she wouldn't sleep everytime I went away and she can disappear plus fly super fast like a pixie almost, said Yeanny. Ktara and Viridian looked at each other. I think we need to sit down now too, said Ktara and they both went and joined Tempressa on the steps. What is wrong with them? asked Tillia. To much information at once I think, said Alieta. They will be okay soon.

  Okay so Yeanny, just so you know. Viridian is the elf that has the powerful spear and can go invisible, Ktara is the amazing tracker plus great cook and Tempressa is the girl that can freeze things, said Alieta. Oh okay, said Yeanny. Now if you come by here more often you will get to meet the rest of the team eventually, said Alieta. Okay good to know, said Yeanny. So lets go over there and see how they are doing, said Alieta. Alright, said Yeanny and Tillia. They walked over and Yeanny sat down in front of them as they were still talking among them selves. Alieta sat beside Ktara and Tillia just laid down to relax and of coarse Ginger sat beside her and started patting Tillia. So Yeanny, how powerful a wizard are you? asked Tempressa. Oh pretty strong and getting stronger, said Yeanny. See, and she made two small fire balls in each hand. Just then Phonixa and Repellia came out of the palace. Hey look she can do what you do Phonixa, said Repellia. Yeanny quickly threw both fire balls over her shoulder behind her. Hey watch where you are thowing those things, said Tara that just landed behind her. Oops sorry Tara, said Yeanny. The two sisters started to laugh. Well they don't seem shocked at all, said Yeanny. Oh we are used to wierd stuff happening here now, said Phonixa. So why is everyone sitting on the steps, asked Repellia. Oh just resting, said Alieta. They all just heard about all the new people here plus there is Yeannys's friend the witch and her boyfriend the wizard. Just soaking it all in I supose. Wow a real witch. Can we meet her? asked Phonixa. Well she lives pretty far away but she will be back to visit soon I feel, said Yeanny. Okay we will wait. Move over every one, said Repellia. Well this is a sight said Tara. Never seen this many people sitting on the steps before. All you need now is Sakura to come and entertain you all. Might as well join you all. Ya that would be fun, said Ginger. Who is Sakura? asked Phonixa. Oh she is my daughter, said Yeanny. She has a magical way of making people smile and even laugh with out her even trying. My little pink angel. Pink? asked Repellia. Yep lots of pink, said Yeanny. She is in school right now though so it will be a while before she will be home yet. But school hasn't started yet, said Repellia. Oh Alexa is teaching her at the school with the three youngest fairy nymphs, said Yeanny. Alexa is their teacher? Talk about becoming a scollar in one short week, said Tempressa. Well two more weeks but they seem long to me, said Yeanny. It just makes me feel so good when she is around. Funny, most parrents are glad to get rid of their kids for half the day, said Tempressa. Oh you will see when you meet her, said Yeanny. Just seven years old and a bundle of joy. Everyone smiled. Okay we are definately not moving until we meet her too, said Repellia.


While everyone was waiting at the palace for Sakura to get out of school, all the girls were listening closely to Alexa and now she was teaching them how to add and subtract. She wrote simple addition questions on the board like one plus two and three plus four but didn't give them the answers. Now try and figure out the answers your self first then I will check and see how you did. Use you fingers to count if you have to. The girls went to work on their papers and all started counting fingers to get the answer. When they were all done Alexa checked each of their papers and saw they all got the answers correct. Okay very good girls now seeing you all learned how to count to twenty last week, I am going to put a harder question on the board for you all to try and answer, said Alexa. Alexa wrote down eight plus nine. Okay girls try you best, said Alexa. They started counting fingers but Nissie, Fettie and Setta looked like they were stuck. The three girls looked at Sakura and saw she was also counting the toes on her left foot. They all started to do the same. Alexa couldn't help but laugh a bit. Okay all done they said. Alexa checked their answers and all were correct again. So what do we do when we run out of fingers and toes? asked Nessie. Well you won't need to add that way any more, said Alexa when you learn how to count to one hundred. Wow all they way to one hundred, said Fettie. That sounds hard. Well not as hard as you think, said Alexa. You see it will be very easy to see how numbers get higher than twenty. Now tweny looks like this and she wrote it on the board. Now to go one number higher you just change the zero to a one, That is twenty one. Change the one to a two then you have twenty two and so on until you get two twenty nine. Then what? asked Setta. Well simple, You change the two to a three then change the nine to a zero then you have thirty, then just start all over again until you get to fourty then fifty and so on until you get to one hundred that looks likes this then Alexa wrote one hundred on the board. Oh I see, said Sakura that is kinda easy and makes sense. Yep we get it too, said the other girls. They did some more questions in both addition and subtraction and Alexa noticed they stopped counting fingers and toes.

Okay it is time for lunch said an elf that opened the classroom door. The girls all ran out to the cafateria. Alexa, there may be a problem with the art room, come and see please. Alexa followed her there and saw that the room had a lot of unfinished work still on easels and a partly worked on sculpture. Well we shouldn't disturb this work in progress, said Alexa. Well the paintings are all dry so we can cover them for now and put them over there with the other blank canvases then cover or move the Sculture out of the way for now. Then clean all the brushes and get things set up but that will take some time because we don't want to ruin any of the kids work so it will have to be done carefully and slowly, said the elf. The art teacher should of done this himself but maybe the paint wasn't dry yet or something. We can have it all ready for you tomorrow though. Okay that will be fine, said Alexa. I will just let the girls go home early today. My I wish you were my teacher back when I went to school. A teacher would never let the students off early. Just give us a surprise test of something, said the elf. Well I am a different type of teacher, said Alexa. Yes I heard, you are going to be teaching the older ones now during regular school. That is so exciting. I told all my friends that you may be a teacher here now. Well I haven't said yes yet but I think I will do it, said Alexa. Teaching is a lot of fun. Good, said the elf I have friends that have kids that would love to see you and learn from you too. So far they are barely passing. They tend to skip a lot, said the elf. So Mrs. Parker told me. Well it will be interesting to see if things improve, said Alexa. Oh they will, said the elf then they both went to get something to eat. After everyone had eaten they all went back to the classroom. Okay girls, todays plan to start art lessons has to wait until tomorrow. So today you can go home early. So be good and remember your lessons. The girls all smiled then left quickly. Okay so I suppose I should head back home too, thought Alexa.



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