From One Forest To Another Chapter 4


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Bundles Of Joy

  The four little girls got outside of the school and wondered what they should do now that they were out early. Well I am going home to see mom and see what she is doing, said Sakura. Oh can we come too? asked Nessie. I guess so, said Sakura but shouldn't you tell Hennie first. She might get mad if she finds out we got out of school early and you didn't go home first. Oh I will go tell her, said Setta. I will meet you at your place so wait for me please. Okay, said Sakura and off she flew. Okay lets all go see Yeanny, said Sakura then they flew off too. When they reached Sakura's place Yeanny wasn't outside. She must be inside, said Sakura. Sakura tried to open the door but it was locked. Don't you have something to open it? asked Nessie. Nope mom has the ony key, said Sakura. How come? asked Nessie. Well where would I keep it anyways, said Sakura. Ya that would be a problem with that outfit, said Fettie. Well mom told me that if I came home and she wasn't here then I was to go to the palace and Alieta would look after me until she got back from what ever she was doing. Okay, lets go there then, said Nessie. Well we have to wait for Setta first, said Sakura. Oh ya, I forgot, said Nessie. So what do we do while we are waiting for her? Well we can play your it, said Sakura. What is that? asked Fettie. Well some one is it first then the others, fly around and the person that is it tries to touch one of us making that person it. That is not fair, you are way faster than us, said Nissie. Oh ya, I forgot, said Sakura. How come we forget so much but Alexa says we are really smart at school? asked Nessie. I don't know, said Sakura. Well lets just sit and wait for Setta to come back. She won't be long, said Fettie. Okay, lets practice counting, said Sakura. In a few minutes Setta got to Sakura's place. So what are you three doing? asked Setta. Just waiting for you, said Sakura. What did Hennie say? She said it was fine just to behave and listen to Yeanny and do what she says. Oh, we can do that, said Nessie. Well mom isn't home so we have to go to the palace, said Sakura. That is what she told me to do when she is out. Okay lets go and see what is going on there, said Nessie and off the four of them went.

When they got close to the palace they saw that a bunch of people were sitting on the palace steps and Yeanny was sitting in front of them all. Look Tillia is there too, said Setta. Okay lets go see what they are talking about, said Sakura and they all flew down to the palace. Hi mom, we got out of school early. Alexa said something about the art room wasn't ready yet for us so we went to our place but you weren't there so we came here like you told me to do when you were out, said Sakura. Yeanny smiled. Well ya, I am glad you remembered, said Yeanny. Phonixa and Repellia stood up and Repellia said, my goodness she is cute and nice pink hair too. The two of them walked over to Sakura. Hello. I am Repellia and this is my sister Phonixa. Hello, said Sakura. You two are very pretty. Nice brown hair too, good and long, maybe I should grow my pink hair longer. Do you two like to play? asked Sakura. Now everyone was smiling. Well yes we do play sometimes, said Phonixa. Good because it is one of two things that are my most favorite, said Sakura. Oh so what is your other favorite thing, asked Pnonixa. Ice cream of coarse silly. It is the best, said Sakura with a big smile. Alieta looked at Tempressa that now had a big smile on her face. Go ahead and talk to her, said Alieta. She says some of the most unique things. Well she is funny and not even trying to be, said Tempressa. Don't think she has met you two either so get off the steps and go talk to Sakura. It will be fun, I guarentee it, said Alieta. Sakura I want you to meet three of Alexa's friends that are on her team. Come and say hi. Sakura flew over while the three of them were getting off the steps. Sakura stood in front of Ktara first and looked up. Hello Sakura, I am Ktara, nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too, I like your hair. The two sisters have nicer hair but yours looks good too, said Sakura. Ktara smiled the looked at Viridain. Sakura moved over to Viridian then look way up. Hello, my name is Viridian. Oh you are Sara and Ivy's friend. They told me you were tall but wow you are really tall. You must eat a lot or something. Well sometimes, said Viridian with a smile then looked at Tempressa that still had a nice smile on her face. Sakura moved in front of Tempresa and looked way up again. Hello, my name is Tempressa, it is nice to meet you. Sakura smiled at her and said, you have beautiful hair. Best of everyones, even mine. You have a very nice smile too it makes your face glow. You are very tall also, you must eat at Viridian's place, you both are very tall. I like your top, kind of pinkish, do you like my pink outfit, my favorite colour is pink, is your favorite colour pink too? I can tell you are special, my Mom says I am special too, do you like to play? Do you want to hear a riddle I just made up? Okay, I am good at riddles, said Tempressa. What kind of room has no windows or a door? asked Sakura. Lets see, well all rooms have to have at least a door, is this a trick question? asked Tempressa. Nope, no tricks, said Sakura. Well I give up, what is the answer? asked Tempressa. A mushroom silly, said Sakura. Tempressa started to laugh. Sorry I couldn't help it, she is so funny, said Tempress. Like I said, she is my bundle of joy, said Yeanny.

Show her a bit of your magic Tempressa, said Ktara. Well I need something to freeze first, said Tempressa. Oh I can make tulips now, said Nessie. Can you freeze tulips? Yes that is very easy, said Tempressa. Okay watch, watch this, said Nessie. She made a bunch of tulips then stood back. See not just red anymore, pretty good right, said Nessie proudly. Yes very pretty, now I will freeze them but don't worry they will thaw out and not be harmed, said Tempressa. Okay, it is not nice to hurt pretty flowers, said Nessie. The four little girls were all looking at the tulips then Tempressa pointed at them and froze the entire bunch of them. Wow that is awesome, said Nessie. Sakura and Nessie touch a leaf. Yep frozen stiff, said Sakura. Nice magic, very cold nice magic but still nice magic, said Nessie. Tempressa smile at them all. The four girls sat by the tulips and found that if they blew on them, they thawed faster. They were all blowing at the tulips and watching with amazment as they thawed. Well Tempressa. Looks like you are a hit with them, said Alieta. Yep, the young ones are always the easiest to please, said Tempressa. Well only two of them are young, said Alieta. Sakura is seven, Nissie is ten but Fettie and Setta are much older. Not sure how old but around a hundred years anyways, said Alieta. No way, said Tempressa. They all look like children. Yep and always will for many centuries, said Alieta. Even Nessie's mother only looks to be in her twenties yet she knew Zan back when things were good and you know how far back she goes, said Alieta. So girls, seeing you all got out of school early, does Hennie know where you all are? asked Yeanny. Well sort of, said Setta. I went and told her we got out early and we were all going to Sakura's house but yeanny wasn't home and the door was so Sakura said we had to come here and stay with Alieta. So she dosn't really know that you all are here, said Yeanny. Nope, I guess not, said Setta. But you are here and that is really close to being at your place, sort of, I think, well maybe not, are we in trouble? asked Setta. My they are all funny, said Tempressa. Well no not in trouble but someone should of flew back and told her where you all moved too. Ya we know but were excited to come to the palace and when we got here you wanted Sakura to meet Ktara, Viridian and Tempressa, plus the two pretty sisters wanted talk to here too, we just forgot. We forget things sometimes you know, said Setta. Okay I get it, this is partly my falt too, said Yeanny. I am sure Hennie will figure out where you are. In the mean time go out there and play some while us big people talk a bit. Okay they all said then flew off to the middle of the palace grounds.



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