The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

Kendra And Sparkle In Strange Lands  Chapter 1


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Alieta told Penny that her friend Aiko was fine and invited her to stay in the palace until Aiko returned from Granada. Penny was over joyed to be living it the palace for a while and made here self at home after getting some things from home that she needed. Mika and Layla were enjoying their new home and Layla did the shopping for the most part, mainly because Mika still couldn't get riding a horse down properly and kept falling off of it. Banshee's house was done and she was now living in it and liked visiting Mika and Layla plus going back to the tree house to sample Gingers cooking that she was getting good at now. Alexa and Ivy worked together figuring out how to make electricity from small solar panels and also brought Tulip in to help them. It had only been one day passed but Alieta was missing the two sisters already and was concerned what would happen to them in a land of advanced technology. Ginger finally found some men that knew how to build a bank properly. She figured the first bank should be built in the humans village seeing lots of them had used a bank before. It's a brand new day now in Fae Land that seemed to be starting off normally but that changed very soon after alieta and Ginger were outside over by the sundial...

The Unexpected Visitor

Avan and Tara flew past Alieta and Ginger and landed over by the maple tree and started talking. I bet if that portal appeared in front of us two we could blast it out of exsistance, said Tara. Ya we can control dimensions so it wouldn't be able to take either of us anywhere, said Avan. Ya but wouldn't it be cool to go and see what this Granada looked like, said Tara. Ya but I am sure two she devils in a world of all humans wouldn't go iver too well, said Avan. Ya your right, we would just scare everyone. Just then a flash of light appeared and in the ground just a few yards from Avan and Tara was a girl laying on the ground. What the heck happened, where am I? said the girl then stood up. She heard someone behind her say "Hello". She turned and saw Avan and Tara standing there looking at here. She let out a very loud scream then ran towards a big building not too far away. Geeze, all I said was hello, said Avan. As she got close to the bulding. Alieta and Ginger started to walk towards the girl. The girl saw that one had big wings and stopped in her tracks. She looked behind her and saw Avan and Tara was still just standing there looking at her plus Alieta and Ginger were walking towards her. The girl dropped to the ground and started crying. Alieta saw her crying and stopped. You go see her, said Alieta. Something is very wrong here. Ginger slowly walked towards her saying, "It's okay dear, no one here will hurt you".

When Ginger got to Sparkle she got down on one knee and told her again that no one will hurt you. Sparkle still had her head down and crying. There are monsters back there, said Sparkle. Ginger looked at Avan and Tara and signaled to them to fly away. Yep we definately would scare everyone in Granada, said Tara then they flew away. Okay they are gone now, said Ginger. Sparkle looked up at Ginger. You have elf ears like Sapphire and Aiko. You know Sapphire and Aiko? asked Ginger. Ya I met them at Olympia's place. I just went there to visit, said the girl. Okay, you must be from Granada then, said Ginger. That is where Sapphire and Aiko are right now. What is your name? Sparkle, so am I not in Granada anymore? Ginger smiled at her. Here get up off the ground and you can meet someone that will explain things to you, said Ginger. Sparkle got up and saw Alieta was still keeping her distance. Is the lady with the wings safe? asked Sparkle. Oh yes she is very safe and very freindly, said Ginger. So what is that you have in your hand? It must be very important seeing you didn't drop it. Yep it is, it's my cell phone with all my contacts in it, said Sparkle. Then she put it in her pocket.

Sparkle walked beside Ginger towards Alieta. Alieta stayed where she was until they reached her. Hello young woman. Looks like you to quite the scare over there, said Alieta softly. Those monsters scared me, said Sparkle. How come you two weren't affraid of them. Well because that was Avan and Tara and they is a friend of ours. They protect us from evil, said Alieta. So there is evil here? asked Sparkle. Well not anymore because of them two. They were created by God and can distroy anything bad, said Alieta. Oh okay, said Sparkle. Sounds pretty far out there to me but after this girl made them go away and you with those pretty wings, I have to believe you. So what are you, a fairy like Sapphire? No dear, I am a sprite and queen of this land. A queen? That makes you very important then. I have never met a queen before, just the mayor of Granada. He is nice too, but no wings. Alieta and Ginger smiled. So you are from Granada then, said Alieta. Yes she saw my ears and said they were like Sapphire's and Aiko's, said Ginger. So my name is Alieta and this cute elf is Ginger so what might your name be? asked Alieta. Sparkle Parson, my dad owns the school and a bunch of other big important buildings and just opened a big university for doctors and nurses. He owns the biggest contruction company in Granada. Really, so you are like the princess of Granada then, said Alieta with a smile. Sparkle smiled too, I never thought of it like that but I guess so. Princess Sparkle, it has a nice ring to it. My Dad calls me his princess sometimes. So Sparkle, have you had breakfast yet? asked Alieta. Actually no, said Sparkle. Well then come into the palace with us and we will go to the dinning room. I will get the cooks to make you anything you want. Wow, it must be nice being a queen, said Sparkle. What land are you queen of?  Fae Land, it's a magical land of faes. Okay I think I heard Aiko say she was from there, that is a catchy name, said Sparkle. I was drinking some wine that Olympia gave me to calm me down after Sapphire appeared out of nowhere, the bottle was almost empty when she gave it to me but when I went to pour another glass it was completely full again. Sapphire saod only God can turn air into wine, do you think Gad really did that? Probably, you must be in his good books for him to that for you, said Alieta. Then the three of them headed into the palace to get something to eat.

When they got in the diningroom, Alieta took her place at the head of the table then Ginger and Sparkle sat on either side of her. So Sparkle what would you like? asked Alieta. Two eggs sunny side up five strips of bacon and home fries with a glass of orange juice, said Sparkle. Good choice, I'll have the same, said Aleita. What about you Ginger? That sounds good and healthy so the same also, said Ginger. An elf came out and asked them what they would like and Alieta told her three breakfast specials all with two extra pieces of bacon please. Okay that will be about ten minutes, said the elf then went to the kitchen. So Sparkle, you must have some questions about Fae Land. Yes I do but first how did I get here? asked Sparkle. Well it is kind of complicated but it has something to do with a moving portal and dimensions, said Alieta. Do you know about different dimensions? Oh yes, we studied all about them in science class, said Sparkle. There are several main dimensions and each dimension has an alternate reality but it is all just theory and speculation but I find it fasinating. Well it sounds like you know more about this than I do, said Alieta. You said each dimension has an alternate reality. What do you mean by that? Well the best way to explain it is how my teacher did, just think of earth as an onion. The outer thick layer is one dimension. As you move deeper into the onion you come to the next thick layer separated by a very thin skin. Are you following me so far? Actually yes, said Alieta how about you Ginger. Yes she is very good at explaining this, said Ginger. Okay good, said Sparkle. Now the outer reality and the one next to it one layer in will be very similar in appearance but the people and animals may be quite different looking. The people on the outer layer may be very calm and peaceful but on the ring next to it may be more war like and very violent. Think of it as when you get closer to the center the land gets smaller and les being live on it until you get to the core which is pretty much barren. So in different reality I could be an evil queen? asked Alieta. Yep or a peasant girl and Ginger could be the queen, said Sparkle. Who knows for sure but I can't tell what ring I am on right now. I may be from the second outer ring and Fae Land is the outer ring or the other way around but the two rings lands are directly over each other separated by a very thing layer of skin just like an onion. Like I said it is just a theory but it is the only thing that can explain why I am here. Yes I agree. That is the best explaination I have heard so far as to why people keep vanishing here from that moving portal and ending up in Granada, said Alieta. Okay so Sapphire is from Fae Land then right? Yes she now she is but originally Gabriel brought her here from another reality of only Fae that are good and bad. Sapphire said there was alot of evil creatures there and she was a breed of fairies that helped protect the good Fae. Okay then she must be from the third ring in, said Sparkle. Now portals don't move, said Sparkle as I was taught. It has something to do with a rip or hole in the thin layer between the realities or dimensions. A rip or hile can happen anywhere without warning. I hope some one here can fix it, said Sparkle. Yes I do also, said Alieta. Just then two elves came out with there breakfast. Will that be all one asked. Yes thank you very much but could you get a messenger to summon Alexa for me please? asked Alieta. Tell her no weapon or armor is needed. Okay lets all eat. I like you as the queen, said Sparkle. You ask people to do things and don't order them and say please and thank you all the time. You are a very nice queen. Yep Alieta is the best, said Ginger.

After they all finished their breakfast the elves cleared off the table. That was very good, thank you, said Sparkle. Your welcome, said Alieta. Now as you heard I sent for Alexa. She is a very special person in that she is the leader of the team of heros that help protect Fae Land and neighbouring countries plus she is extremely smart. Probably the smartest person on the planet. Don't let her small size fool you though. She is very strong also. Alexa is a hybreed human with amazing skills. Cool so there are humans here too? asked Sparkle. Yes they are lots but they are in a different area of Fae Land further north west of here, said Alieta. I am going to keep an eye open for Alexa and tell here where you are. She should be here any minute now, said Ginger. Ginger left and went outside. In a few minutes Alexa showed up in the dining room. Hi Alieta, what is going on? Well I want you to meet Sparkle, said Alieta. She is from Granada and has has been taught at her school about different dimensions and realities. It seems that Granada is a much more advanced place than Fae Land. Yes it must be after reading those books Ivy brought back. Know one here would of ever been able to make solar cells or light bulbs with out them, said Alexa. So you got one working then? asked Alieta. Yep and now Tulip is making more and bigger ones. Just got to figure out where they should go, said Alexa. On the roof of each house, said Sparkle. That way they are out of plain sight. They are kind of ugly looking. Alexa smiled at her. That is the best place for them and yes they are not the prettiest things. So Sparkle tell everything you told me about that onion theory then see if you two can figure something out, said Alieta. I am going outside to read the sun dial and then sit with Ginger. Alieta left and Alexa sat across from Sparkle. So you must be smart to invent solar panels. How long did it take you? asked Sparkle. Three days, said Alexa. What! It took our scientists years to invent them, said Sparkle. Well I did have those books that sped things up, said Alexa. Just getting the raw materials were a bit hard at first but that is where Tulip came in. Who is Tulip? asked Sparkle . Oh she is a fairy, said Alexa. You have a fairy here too? I thought just Sapphire was brought here but she is a fairy nymph and is in Granada, said Sparkle. Nope were have real fairies and there are a bunch of them in the fairy forest. They can make just about anything with their wands, said Alexa. This place is sounding so much cooler as time goes by but I guess we better do as Alieta said first. Yes the onion theory, said Alexa. What is that about? Sparkle went and told Alexa everything she knew about dimensions and realities that Alexa seemed to be understanding completely.

Okay I understand that theory and I am thinking that it is no longer a theory but a reality, said Alexa. Holes or rips in the layer between the dimensions makes more sense than one portal moving around. Yep and that means that at any time someone from Granada could just appear here and the other way around, said Sparkle. Ya at least whole it is so hot, said Alexa. I bet Granada is in the middle of a heat wave also. Yep it has been very hot for a while now, said Sparkle. Okay so that is why we are getting these rips in the thin layer between the two dimensions, the heat has soften it and with the world spinning, the movement is causing small rips or holes. So basicly nothing can be done about it, said Sparkle. Nope, we just have to wait for the heat wave to end, said Alexa. Can we go sit outside and maybe you can tell me some stuff unless you need to be somewhere else? asked Sparkle. Nope I got nothing important to do today, said Alexa. It is a nice day so lets get out of here. They both left and went outside. Alieta and Ginger were sitting on the steps and Alexa told Alieta that everything Sparkle told her made sense but as far as she could tell no one in Fae Land has the power to fix it. We just have to wait until the heat wave ends. Anyways Sparkle wants to talk to me about Fae Land so we are going behing the palace where it is coolest and sit on the grass. Good idea, that is where Amelie and Keiko go when ot is hot and when ever Quazar shows up, said Alieta. Ya and tell her about Avan and Tara too, said Ginger. They scared the pants off her this morning plus Quazar and Gabriel. Oh I already met Gabriel at Olympia's place, said Sparkle. She was very nice and happy to see me.The two of them walked around the back and sat by the tree then Alexa started telling Sparkle about the two she devils. So she had no intention of killing me then, said Sparkle. No not at all, both of them are very friendly and actually are not allowed to kill a human being or normal God made animals, said Alexa. So what about this Quazar, who is he? asked Sparkle. Well Quazar is king of the overlords and overlords keep the universe in tact, said Alexa. Kind of God's helpers that stop super novas and close black holes, the stuff they do is way above what the human mind can conceive. Quazar is the most powerful and is out friend. His daiughter that is half overlord and half human lives in the palace with the other girls. He name is Rose and very powerful too but a real nice person. All this talk sounds like a good science fiction movie to me, said Sparkle. So does Gabriel come to Fae Land too? Oh yes lits times, said Alexa. Her and Cindy come here from time to time plus when there is a new born, one of them will appear to bless the baby. Just then Cindy appeared. Does someone need blessed? asked Cindy.

Oops, I said the word didn't I, said Alexa. Hi Cindy, sorry but no one needs blessing. There is an angel behind me isn't there, said Sparkle. Um yep, there sure is, said Alexa. Oh look who is here, said Cindy. Sparkle, stand up for me and lets have a look at you child. Sparkle stood up and faced Cindy. Alexa stood up too. My my, you have turned into such a beautiful young woman. Thankyou Cindy, said Sparkle. You are so beautiful like Gabriel. Well thankyou dear. I am more of a modern dressed angel, said Cindy. That old dress style is too old fashion for me. So I take it you got caught in that dimension travel thing. Yep took me right out of my bedroom and right here in front of Avan and Tara that scared the crap out of me. Cindy laughed. Ya I can see them scaring you, said Cindy. So here we have Alexa that was top of her class in every subject and so was Sparkle, I bet if you two put your heads together you could dolve all the problems ih the world. Well we already figured out what can be done about the portals, said Alexa. Really, what is that then? asked Cindy. Nothing, we just have to wait for it to get cooler, said Alexa. Yes that is correct, we can't control the weather like Mother Nature can but I heard through the angel gossip line that God told her not to do anything about it just yet. There is always a good reason for everything he does. So are there more angels in Granada? asked Sparkle. I have prayed lots of times for a angel when I was sad or scared or needed help but none ever showed up. Oh yes dear angels are everywhere, though Granada is very peaceful so they don't need to show up there too often. Really I never saw and angel, said Sparkle. Sure you did. They don't show their wings that often and dress like the locals but she came and fixed everything for you, twice actually, said Cindy. Sparkle thought for a moment. You mean that nice silver haired lady that helped me out of that cave I got lost in? Yep that was Nancy. She said you were brave but she really had to help you. She also helped you to become a very good student by keeping you interested in science and space. You never saw her then but those books that got delivered to your home every month was her doing. She is kind of your guardian angel in a way. Us angels can see the good in people. Sparkle smiled and two tears began to drip down her cheeks. So God loves me? asked Sparkle. Oh God loves all his children dear, just some he loves more, right Alexa, said Cindy with a smile. Ya I guess so, said Alexa. You guess so, Gabriel told me all about how he made you. You don't need a guardian angel, you have God as your gardian. Sparkle here does things for people in need in Granada and doesn't ask for anything in return. God smiles at people like that and keeps them safe hense your guardian angel and you will never know when she is helping even if it is a little thing. Anyway, nice chatting with you two but I hear someone calling me about a two twins needing blessed. Man I love this job then Cindy vanished. Wow, she was so nice, said Sparkle. Yep Gabriel is really nice too Cindy likes to tell more than Gabriel, said Alexa. Cindy is a much younger angel than Gabriel but she sure knows her stuff. So she said that God made you, said Sparkle. Ya so, he makes everyone, said Alexa. Oh no, that is not what she meant, said Sparkle. She meant you were made by him and not from a man and a woman I am presuming. You know what that means. No what, other than I have no blood parents, said Alexa. It means silly that you are God's daughter. Oh my that also means that Jesus is your big brother. Boy you come from a very cool family. Alexa thought for a second then smiled. Okay but don't tell a soul anywhere. That was supposed to stay a secret so people wouldn't think I was nuts, said Alexa. My lips are sealed, said Sparkle.



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