Kendra And Sparkle In Strange Lands  Chapter 6


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When she reached Sapphire she said that is all the room I have for pictures on my phone. Okay good we have to go now anyways, said Sapphire. Okay bye everyone, you people are amazing, best time I have had in my life, said Janet then they both vanished. Well I suppose wr are all going to be famous in Granada now, said Ginger.I suppose so but I will just be happy when Aiko and Kendra get back home and this portal stops effecting out lives, said Alieta. Okay we are back, said Sapphire. Janet has lots of great pictures for you to use. Please take care of her getting home. I have to get back to Olymica's place. Okay no problem, said Michael then Sapphire teleported out. Ok Janet, what was it like there? asked  Michael. It was the most unbelievable place I could ever imagine, said Janet. Magic is every where and the most remarkabe people too. Just look at these pictures and Janet handed him the camera. Michael plug a cord into the cell phone that was connected to a port on the computer. He started panning through the images. Oh my god. these are real people? asked Michael. They are real Fae people, said Janet. Everything that Kendra told us is true. It is the most beautiful and magical land on the planet. Avan or Tara told me that Fae Land is God's new Eden and is protected from all evil now. Michael wiped his face. You girl need to go home and get a good nights sleep because you are back here first thing in the morning to help as we show these images to everyone and explain each one of them. You Janet will win the Nobel Prize for what you did today. I already contacted several other networks and they will be televising it too. The entire world will be watching. Janet smiled knowing that there is a place in the world where dreams do come true and now there is proof of it. Back at Faith's cottage after Kendra and Faith were dropped off, Faith made a nice supper for Kendra. You did great on TV, said Faith. So where did Sapphire take Janet? To Fae Land, where else would he take here, said Kendra. She had her cell phone with her and it takes pictures. So I will be able to see what Fae Land looks like? asked Faith. Yep probably, everyone will. The pictures will be on the morning news like Michael said but me I am tired. Can I go lay down? asked Kendra. Yes please do, you must be exsausted. Then they went to the bed where Kendra sat down and Faith asked a few more questions. So do you think the people you talked about on the news will let Janet take pictures of them? You bet, they are all a bunch of show offs, said Kendra. Care free and fun loving people. So like you then, said Faith. Yep like me, I guess. Some even more so. Then Kendra yawned. Okay you get some sleep then, said Faith and she went over to her dresser to get Kendra a nightie. When she turned around Kendra was already laying down on her stomach fast asleep. Well I guess forest sprites have there limits too just like humans, she thought. I guess we are just all people no matter where we came from. She went and sat on the bed beside her and watched her sleeping. My dear friend Kendra. You are just as cute asleep as you are awake, she thought to herself. I suppose I am living at the cottage until you go back home.


After Sparkle picked out a horse that she liked The three of them headed back to the house. Sparkle was suprised that the new horse just followed them and didn't need to be led by a rope. Sparkle helped Paisley prepare supper as Titus watched. It's going to be nice to have a helper around with me, said Paisley. Ya she sure looks like she knows what she is doing, said Titus. Yep I love to cook, said Sparkle and I like every thing nice and tidy. I may not be the cleanest person but I think things should be organized. Well we are the same so you are going to fit in here with us perfect, said Paisley. After I eat I am going to have to go back home, said Sparkle. I have some papers I need to put together for tomorrow morning but my parents are away for a week so if everything goes as planned then I should be back tomorrow afternoon. Sounds good to me, said Paisley. That will give Titus time to get ahold of Lilly and we will go visit Mika and Layla. We need to get them a house warming present, said Titus. Do you know what they may like as a gift? Just get them a couple boxes of chocolates, said Sparkle. They both love chocolate coated candies. Okay that is easy enough said Titus. Ya and get me a box too, said Paisley with a smile.

After They finished eating supper and cleaned everything up Sparkle went to her bedroom and got her orb and brought it back to the kitchen with her. Okay do you remember how to work it? asked Paisley. Ya I think so, said Sparkle. I just hold it with both hands and look down into the top. She looked into the orb and saw lots of places appearing, some in Fae Land and some in Granada. Okay there are so many choices, said Sparkle. How do I get it to stop where I want to go? asked Sparkle. Maybe just think of where you want to go, said Titus. Do you know where you want to go in Granada? Yep, my bedroom, said Sparkle. Fine then just think of your bedroom then, said Titus. Sparkle thought of her bedroom and is stopped changing scenes and showed her bedroom. There it is, said Sparkle. Ikay see you two tomorrow then she wiped her fingers across the top and she vanished. Well there she goes, said Titus. Ya you are not the smartest man on the planet, said Paisley but you do come up with some giid ideas. Ya you got the brains and I got the muscle, said Titus. Yep we are a perfect match, said Paisley. Sparkle appeared in her bedroom and it was just like it was when the portal took her way. Now that was cool, said Sparkle to herself. She put the orb in the bed stand then put the papers she needed for in the morning on her dresser and sat down on the bed. Life has be very good to me so far but now I am sure it is going to get much better, she thought. Then she went and put on her pajamas and crawled into bed.

The End




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