Kendra And Sparkle In Strange Lands  Chapter 4


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Kendra Goes Live

After they finished eating Fillia decided she better get back home and finish some paper work she had to do. I'll give you a call in the morning then we can set up a time to do some more practice, said Fillia then she grabbed her shoes and racket and left. Just then Sapphire out of nowhere again. Okay where did you come from asked Faith, did you just pass through that portal also like Kendra. Nope, I am here to make sure anyone from Fae Land is safe, said Sapphire. I have been watching for a while and she looks very safe with you Miss Fairweather. World champion tennis player, very impressive. I don't know exactly what tennis is but being a world champion at it sounds great anyways. So Kendra, I would of been here sooner but I had to bring the twins back to Fae Land and they had a bunch of bags with them after shopping. Anyways I wanted to tell you that some lady was here looking in the windows while you all were eating. That was probably Joanne, she is a news reporter for Ganada TV and has been wanting to do an interview with me, said Faith. Good thing she didn't see Kendra or this place would be swarming with reporters. Why am I doing something wrong being here? asked Kendra. No but you would be big news to everyone here, said Faith. Now with that portal thing going on and everyone scared to go outside and now you, people will think you are some kind of alien. But I could tell here that it is safe to be outside and there is nothing to be afraid of if they end up in Fae Land, said Kendra. Well she is back, said Sappire. I will be here but just invisible incase you need me. Then Sapphire vanished.

Quick lets go out the back door, if she sees you in here she will call the station and I don't want a bunch of reporters in my cottage, said Faith. They both went out the back and over to the tennis court. Okay here is the plan, said Faith. We need a plan to talk to just one girl? asked Kendra. Well she can be a bit forward and bossy sometimes being so highly ranked in the comunity and top reporter, said Faith. Oh I don't care about that. All the people of Fae Land are equals, even queen Alieta considers her to be an equal and boy she loves to feed people and throws the best parties. Faith smiled. Okay there she comes, don't let her push you into anything you don't want to do. Hello Faith, you are sure hard to get a hold of, said Joanne. Why daven't you retuned my calls and text messages? Been busy practising with Filia, said Faith. Really what is going on there? asked Joanne. We are teaming up for the woman's doubleds tournement, said Faith. Really, now that would make you two pretty much unbeatable I would think, said Joanne. Joanne looked at Kendra. My goodness who are you and what's up with the wings? Hi I am Kendra, don't you like my wings? asked Kendra. No but you awefully old to be dressing up like a fairy. said Joanne. I'm a forest sprite, fairies are a lot smaller than me, said Kendra. Really, and what does a Forest sprite do may I ask. Yes you may, we take care of the forest and make sure all the trees and plants are happy and grow healthy, said Kendra. Joanne turned to Faith. Is she kidding me or is she one of those special people if you know what I mean? asked Joanne. Oh she is special alright, said Faith. Yep everyone in Fae Land is special, said Kendra. Fae Land, where did I hear that name before, oh yes on another news station, said Joanne. Some kind of an imaginary land with imaginary beings living there I believe they said. I watch the other news stations to see what the competion is doing. Fae Land isn't imaginary, it is real and so is eveyone living there, said Kendra. That is where I live. Okay pretty girl with lovely green hair and eyes plus finger nails and toe nails plus pointed ears. Very real looking wings also, said Joanne. If you are from this Fae Land then prove it. Okay said Kendra then flew up very high in the sky then swooped down fast just missing Joanne then flew up again and did some loops then flew down and landed where she was standing before. Oh my God you can fly and very fast to, said Joanne. How is that possible? With my wings silly, said Kendra.


Well I came here to ask you to do a televised interview with me at the news station but I want to do an interview with Kendra too now, said Joanne. So many people have phoned in and want to know if we knew more about this Fae Land but we just figured it was some kind of joke someone made up and started the rumor. Can you come to the television station and do a live broadcast with me? Ya I can do that but what is a television station? asked Kendra. It is where we tell people the news through TV cameras and the people at home can watch and listen to us on the televisions, said Joanne. Really that sounds like some kind of magic, said Kendra. There is a lot of magic in Fae Land but nothing like that. We get most out news from the pixies. There are pixies in Fae Land also, what else lives there? asked Joanne. Well lots of regular sprites and lots of elves, just on unicorn, she belongs to Sara, Ivy's sister, said Kendra. Then there are that fairies and the fairy nymphs, two really pretty she devils. Then there is Zan, she is a Trffie plus there are lots of humans there too in the north village mostly. I think that is it, oh ya there is the blue fae that live underground and the black Fae that live in the south east province. How big is Fae Land to have so many different kinds if people living in it? asked Joanne. I don't know, really, really big. I haven't seen all of it yet, said Kendra. This is amazing when do you want to do the interview? asked Joanne. Soon would be best, I am not sure when Sapphire is going to take me back home, said Kendra. Who is Sapphire? asked Joanne. A very powerful fairy nymph, she is pretty too, everyoune in Fae Land is pretty, said Kendra. Well lets go now, said Joanne. I can call ahead and let them know we are coming so they will have the studio set up. Okay that works for me, said Kendra. How about you Faith? I just have to get changed, into something nicer for TV, said Faith then she ran into the cottage. Faith is a world champion tennis player you know but I beat both her and Filia two against one and I didn't even have to fly, said Kendra. Does that make me a world champion too now. I don't know what that makes you if you beat them both at the same time, said Joanne.

After Faith got changed she brought Kendra out to the car and opened the back passenger door. Now sit back there and don't be moving around a lot, said Faith. Joanne has to keep her eyes on the road when driving sowe don't get in an accident. Okay I will try but I am excited, said Kendra. Well do your best, said Faith then she shut the door after Kendra got in. Faith got in the passenger frint seat. So looks like she has never been in a car before, said Joanne. Nope so don't drive too fast and maybe put the radio on. She really likes music, said Faith. One more thing you should know is that forest sprites are a bit on the nutty side. Very smart but can be nutty and love to have fun. Okay nutty, smart and fun loving, got it, said Joanne. Okay lets go, I already phined the station and they are getting it set up for us. Joanne then drove off slowly. So Kendra, do you like music? asked Joanne. I love music, our mistrels can really rock out some good tunes, said Kendra. So you like rock and roll? asked Joanne. Yep sure do but I like all types of music. Joanne turned on the radio and put on a classic rock station. After a few minutes Joanne looked in the rear view mirror and noticed Kendra rocking her head back and forth but saying nothing. My she acts like a teenager on the outside but I can tell she is older and pretty smart, said Joanne. Yep she is clever and old enought to be your parrents, said Faith. Your kidding, she doesn't look a day over twenty, said Joanne. Like she said, Fae Land is a magical place, said Faith. In about ten minutes she got to the station and parked right beside the door. Okay lets get in there, said Joanne and she got out of the car with Faith but Kendra didn't know how to open the door at first but soon figured it out. Okay got it, said Kendra and jumped out. They went inside and there were two men sitting in the waiting room. Okay you stay behind the desk here with Karen and Faith you come in with me, said Joanne. I may need you to back me up when I tell Michael what is going on. Hello Kendra, my you are pretty, said Karen. Thankyou, your very pretty too, said Kendra. Who are those two guys? They are waiting on their job interviews, said Karen. Really well maybe I should fix them a bit, said Kendra. Um but you are suppose to stay back here, said Karen. I know, this won't take long. Kendra walked over to the two men and said hello. This is no way to get a job being bent over looking at the floor. Sit up straight and let me look at you. The both sat up and saw Kendra in all her glory. You, your hair is a mess, let me fix that. Kendra used her hands to make his hair look nicer. That's much better now take that shocked look off your face and smile. Everyone likes a man that smiles. Now you do the same and smile and let me fix that shirt. Kendra straightened his collar then did the buttons all the way up. Much better. Now here is a kiss on the forehead for you and kiss for you too. That is for good luck. Then Kendra started back to the desk just as Joanne came back. Okay we can go in now, said Joanne. I'll be there in a second. What was she doing with those two men? asked Joanne. You won't believe it but she fixed them in just a couple of minutes. Even I would hire them now, said Karen. Joanne smiled. Ya she sure is special, said Joanne then she went in the news room.

Okay this is the news room, said Joanne. I asked everyone to leave for now while I show you around so you can get used to the envirorment. Wow is that a big screen on the wall behind the desk? asked Kendra. Sort of, said Joanne. It is a flat screen monitor that can play live feeds from stories that I am reporting from the desk. Now this is the camera that will be recording the interview. Now that is a very big camera. Way bigger than the one Faith used on her phone to take a picture of me, said Kendra. Well that camera takes still pictures. This camera records and broadcasts real time moving shows. Kendra went in front of the camera and started to wave. Well it is not on now but when there is a man behind it and that green light on top turns on then it is broadcasting, said Joanne. It looks heavy, bet it is hard to carry around, said Kendra. She bent down and picked it up a few inches off the ground then put it back dowm. Nope way to heavy to carry, said Kendra. You just picked up a five hundred pound camera. A man can't even do that, said Joanne. Well sprites are pretty strong compared to humans. About four times stronger, maybe more, said Kendra. Most Fae are stronger than humans except pixies and fairies. Okay, good to know, said Joanne.

So Kendra have a seat in the chair to the left behind the desk then have a look around from there, said Joanne. Okay, said Kendra then walked around and had a seat. So do you feel comfortable sitting there looking out towards me and the camera, said Joanne. Yep, this is a good spot. I can see everything from here, said Kendra. Yes so looking into the camera doesn't make you nervous then? asked Joanne. Nope but it is off anyways, said Kendra. Green light is off. Faith told me lots of people will be watching and listening to me but that is fine. I can't see them. What would be scary with tons of people looking at me and I could see them. That is for performers, not me. Yes I agree with you there, said Joanne. Okay I am going to interview Faith first so have a seat in one of the chaires back there so you can watch how Faith does interviews then when she is done we will break for a comercial and you two will switch places. What is a comercial? asked Kendra. Just a recorded advertisements that helps to pay the bills said Joanne. Kendra sat in a chair at the back then Joanne went over and opened the side door and called everyone in. Kendra watched as Joanne interviewed Faith and saw how she looked at Joanne when she asked her a question then looked into the camera when answering. In ten minutes they were done and Faith walked over to Kendra. Okay your turn to sit in front of the camera, said Faith. Now your interview will be longer because there will be more questions and probably they will take calls from the people at hime watching. Just answer them the best you can. Okay, this is going to be fun, said Kendra then walked up to the desk. Everyone took there places then the news director approched the desk. That's the director, said Joanne. He is in charge here, she told Kendra. Well hello Kendra, my you are a pretty girl. Very nice to meet you. Kendra looked at him with a big smile. Wow you are very good looking for a human, what is your name? asked Kendra. Well thank you for the compliment, my name is Michael and I make sure everything goes smoothly in my news room. So Joanne, as usually I don't have a pre show breakdown for this interview. What is your plan? asked Michael. Well first I will asked Kendra a few questions about herself but not many and definately not personal ones, said Joanne. Why is that? asked Michael. Well she is quite strong and picked that camera up off the ground to see how heavy it was, said Joanne. We don't want to upset her. Michael looked at the camera then at Kendra. Okay, no personal questions then, said Michael. So that are you going to ask her? Mostly what everyone wants to know, said Joanne. Questions about Fae Land and the kind of people that live there. Okay so how much time will that take? asked Michael. Beats me but I want to open the phone lines also so that people can ask Kendra questions too once I am finished, said Joanne. Okay I will set up some people to answer and filter calls but we are a bit short on staff right now, said Michael. Oh there is two very nice men in your waiting room that want jobs, I talked to them and fixed them up a bit, said Kendra. I sensed they really needed jobs. Okay if you talked to them and recommend them, then I will call them in for a trial, said Michael. One more thing Michael. We are going live with this one. Live, what if we need to edit something out? asked Michael. Nope we won't be doing any editing, said Joanne. I have never heard Kendra say a swear word and she never lies. Really, what is she an angel? asked Michael. Nope I am a forest sprite, said Kendra. Gabriel and Cindy are angels. They are very pretty with much bigger wings than me. You have two angels living in Fae Land also? asked Michael. Nope they live in heaven but they visit Fae Land from time to time, said Kendra. I think this is going to be the most interesting broadcast were have every done, said Michael. He turned around and yelled to everyone, "Okay we are going live with this one so no talking during the broadcast". Kevin, load the Breaking News screen and lets do this people. Kendra looked at Joanne and he has a very nice bum. Michael turned around. You like my butt? asked Michael. Yep almost as good as Tibias's, said Kendra. Michael smiled at Kendra then went to the back and sat in his chair beside Faith. She likes my butt, said Michael to Faith. Faith smiled. Well she never lies, said Faith. Do you know who Tobias is? asked Michael. Nope, not a clue, said Faith. 

Okay get ready, we are about to start, said Joanne. Okay, said Kendra. This is going to be fun, said Kendra. All right lets go. Three, two, one action! yelled Michael. Joanne started to talk. Welcome everyone, I have a very special guest today that I know you all have been wanting to see and hear from. Her name is Kendra and she is from the magical Land Of Fae. Say hello to everyone, said Joanne. Kendra looked into the camera and waved. Hello everyone in Granada. So Kendra has agreed to talk to us an bit about herself and about her home land plus the people that live there, said Joanne. Now please hold your calls. We will be taking calls later during the interview. So Kendra tell us a bit about yourself and what special talents you have. Well first, I am a forest sprite, said Kendra. That means I have some extra tallents that normal sprites can't do. So expand on what a forest sprite does in Fae Land first, said Joanne. Well we take care of the trees and plants and help them to grow big and healthy. Plants and trees become very happy when a forest sprite is nearby. We can comunicate with trees and make sure they are doing okay. So do the flowers understand you too? asked Joanne. I think so but I talk in old elven to them. The stems will lean towards me like they are listening, said Kendra. That is amazing, said Joanne. Now tell everyone more about you tallents. Well I can fly very fast and do tricks in the air as I showed you today. I can sense how people are feeling when I am close to them and read them enough to know if they are good or bad. I can see very good even at night plus all sprites are very strong, about  three or four times stronger than a human male though some are even stronger and we have excellent hearing. I think that is it other than we are ever lasting, said Kendra. Forest sprites don't have as many tallents as other Fae. We are basically tree and plant folk. Okay everyone, it is time for a comercial break but don't go away, we will be right back with Kendra from Fae Land. And cut to commercial, said Michael. Your doing great, said Joanne. So how good can you hear and sense people's feelings, Michael asked Kendra. Well Tobias is Ivy's boyfriend in Fae Land and he is a very handsome male forest sprite and I know you are attacted to a girl that works here but I am not going to say her name, that is your personal business. Unbelivable, said Michael then went back to his chair.

Okay everyone we are back in five seconds, said Michael. Okay now make sure you are looking right into the camera when you are talking, said Joanne. Okay but... Then the green light came on and they were live again. Um, what was it you wanted to say? asked Joanne. Well this chair is uncomfortabe. Can I sit on the desk? Well the desk is hard too, said Joanne. A pillow would be nice then, said Kendra. Michael asked the girl beside him to get Kendra the pillow on the couch. She ran over and grabbed it and placed it on the table then ran back to Michael. Kendra then flew up off of her chair, crossed her legs then lowered down on it. Perfect, much better, said Kendra. Michael looked at the girl. Now that is a TV first, he said. Alright so what do you want me to talk about now? asked Kendra. Tell us about Fae Land and what it looks like, said Joanne. Well Fae Land is the most beautiful place on the planet, said Kendra. There is flower gardens and amazing woods and forest scattered every where. The Pixie forest in is very beautiful with a waterfall and places for people to have picnics. It is very magical in that forest because of all the pixies that live there and take care of it. Then there is Sandy Lake that has a huge waterfall running into it. It is not that deep but the water is crysal clear and only comes up to my chest in the deepest spot. The water is always the perfect temperature. That beach we can sun bathe topless seeing there are no homes with children around it. Just Fae Lands heroes live by it. Then there is the fairy forest that is the most magical of all the forests. That forest you need permission to get in or the trees won't open up and let you in. Okay stop there, said Joanne. You have mentioned a lot of stuff that raise many questions. Like what? asked Kendra. Well pixies for one. What are they? asked Joianne. Kendra smiled. They are so cute and can shrink so small you can't see them, said Kendra. They are the fastest of all flyers and have very pretty wings that have the magic pixie dust on them that falls to the ground when they fly around making everywhere in Fae Land magical and not just Eden. Okay and you mentioned fairies, said Joanne. Tell us about them. They are cute too with lovely wings that have stronger fairy dust on them. They can only do just good white magic though like making items and food plus healing. They can get pretty small too but not as small as a pixie. And you said the trees won't open up to let you in, how is that possible. It is a forest that the fairies made and the trees can move but Ivy made it so anyone new trying to get in needs someone that has permission to enter like Alieta or Ivy herself or the trees will stay too close together blocking that person. Forest sprites like me can always get in without permission. All forests love us. Okay we need to take another commercial break so we will be right back, said Joanne. Michael ran up to the desk. We need to open the phone lines now. People are flooding them trying to call in like crazy. Those two new guys have filtered out a lot of them but have one girl is on hold that refuses to hangup until she asks her questions to Kendra. It seems she wants proof of magic and thinks the flying on the desk was just a TV trick. Really, she doesn't believe in magic? asked Kendra. It seems that way, said Michael. Okay we can fix that, magic is everywhere but there is someone that is very magical that I know, said Kendra.


Okay then, I have no idea what you are up to but we are letting that girl ask her questions to you, said Michael then he walked back to his chair. Now the fun will really start, said Kendra. You said this won't be anything bad right, said Joanne. Not bad at all just fun and funny. You like having fun, don't you, said Kendra. Yes of coarse, said Joanne. Okay Kendra, we are live again and that girl is on the phone, said Michael. Hello Kendra, my name is Janet and I am having a hard time believing all this TV hokus pokus I am seeing. Everything that you have done so far can be done with special effects that I have seen in many movies. How can you prove that what we are seeing and what you said about Fae Land with the pixies and fairies is not a big lie or joke? So you don't think I can't really fly even though Joanne saw me and I did a bit here, said Kendra. Plus you think I am not telling the truth about pixies and fairies? Well I don't lie. It is not part of my make up and lying never turns out good. This upsets me and leaves me no choice but to have someone change your way of thinking. Joanne saw that Kendra was a bit mad at this caller and was a worried at what was going to happen next. Okay Sapphire, your up. Show everyone what a fairy nymph can do. Everyone went silent then a bell rang. Then suddenly Sapphire appeared at the end of the desk. The camera man quickly moved the camera back to get the new arrival in the frame. Hello Kendra, you have been doing a great job so far but I get that people can be skepticle when it comes to the unknown and unseen. Joanne had a look of shocked on her face. Relax Joanne, all is good, said Sapphire. My you are cute up close. Joanne smiled and was feeling more relaxed how. So Janet, you don't believe in fairies and pixies and other real neat stuff like that. Were you never a kid and wished we were all real. Well yes but that is just a child's fantasy, said Janet. When I grew up I stopped wishing and stuck to what was real. Well Janet, magic is all around you. It is around everyone and everything. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it is not there. Ya but the type of magic that Kendra is talking about is not little things, said Janet. She is talking about stuff that is just impossible. So me appearing from nowhere and her flying onto the desk and also picking up that camera over there that is well over five hundred pounds is just a trick in your mind. I didn't know she did that, said Janet. Well she did, said Sapphire. She can pick a person up a throw them a good twenty feet. She is not a human, she is a Fae. Fae were on this planet long before humans were. I don't believe that, said Janet. God created humans in his own form and were first on the planet. Wrong, said Sapphire. Insects, fish and animals came first even before the Fae. Don't you know the story of the surpent and the apple tree, said Janet. So maybe I was wrong about who came first but the bible doesn't say anything about Fae people. That is simple to explain, said Sapphire. God created an alternate reality for us all, good and bad after man killed off this very first beings with a soul because they looked different to them and had ram horns. They thought the Triffies were demons and hunted them. This bible was created by humans long after all Fae were sent to the alternate realities. How can I believe that is true, asked Janet. It's called faith, said Sapphire. Have you seen God? No but I can feel he is real, said Janet. Who else counld if created the universe. Well he did but has help maintaining it, said Sapphire, Well there is only one way to convince you that the Fae are real, said Sapphire. Do you have many friends? Yes and a bunch are here with me watching my TV, said Janet. Perfect, said Sapphire. Sapphire put her head down for a few moments then vanished. Where did Saphire go, asked Joanne. I think she went to get Janet, said Kendra. No way, she can do that? asked Joanne. Yep, Sapphire is a fairy nymph, way more powerful than a regular fairy, said Kendra. Keep those cameras on yelled Joanne. We don't want to miss a thing.

Sapphire suddenly appeared in Janet's living room where a several girls were sitting on the floor watching the tv. Okay which one of you lovely girls is Janet? asked Sapphire. All the girls quickly looked up at Sapphire with their mouths opened but said nothing. You with the cell, your Janet right? asked Sapphire. Janet slowly nodded her head. Good now your cell phone takes pictures right? Um yes, said Janet quietly. Okay put it in your pocket, your going to need it and stand up please. Janet stood up and put the cell phone in her back pocket. All the girls were still looking at Sapphire with their mouths opened. Here lets give you sweeties something sweet to put in those open mouths, said Sapphire. She waved her had and gave each of them an ice cream cone. Wow, thanks Sapphire, one of the girls said. Now you and I have a couple of trips to make with me, said Sapphire to Janet, then they both vanished. Wonder were they went? asked one of the girls. Um look, Janet is on tv, said one of the girls. At the news room Sapphire and Janet suddenly appeared in front of the desk. Joanne jumped off her chair and grabbed her chest. Is that who I think it is? asked Joanne. Yep, say hello to everyone Janet, said Sapphire. Janet slowly took her hands off her head and waved into the camera then turned around and saw Kendra still sitting on the desk. Okay those wings do look real, said Janet. Yep they sure are, said Kendra then she flapped her wings and hovered a bit off the pillow. Okay you definately can fly and Sapphire sure can do magic after seeing her give my girl friends ice cream cones but that Fae Land still seems far fetched, said Janet. What you gave her friends ice cream cones, what about me? asked Kendra. Sapphire smiled. Here you go pretty girl and a chocolate ice cream cone appeared in Kendra's hand. Thanks Sapphire, your the best. How about you Joanne, asked Sapphire. Sure why not, said Joanne. Then Sapphire gave her one too. Now Janet is going on a little trip with me and we will be gone for about an hour, said Sapphire. So you two finish the interview, tell them about the heroes Kendra then that should be enough. I can sense you are getting tired. Michael, make sure you are here when we get back. Janet here is going to have something for you to broadcase tomorrow. Then in a flash Sapphire and Janet vanished. So where is she taking Janet now? asked Joanne. Fae Land of coarse, said Kendra. Really good ice cream don't you think. Sapphire makes good ice cream, not so good at other foods though. Joanne just shook her head and started eating her ice cream and Michael went to another commercial break.

After the two of them finished the cones Joanne went and sat back in her chair. Okay, the heroes is something I would like to know about, said Joanne. Why don't you come sit up here with me, said Kendra. There is another pillow on that couch. It is wierd talking to a camera when you are asking the questions. Yes I think I will, said Joanne and another pillow was brought over then Joanne kicked off her sandals and joined Kendra on the desk. Okay, Joanne we are live now, said Michael. Okay we are back with Kendra and she is going to talk to us about the heroes, said Joanne. Now first what kind of heros are they? asked Joanne. I don't understand what you mean, said Kendra. They are Fae Land's heroes that defended Fae Land back when things were not so calm and safe like it is now. Oh so warriors then, said Joanne. What were they fighting? Well lots of evil things like orcs, demons, devils, dragons and other evil fae creatures plus bad wizards and witches. Wow those sound like very powerful beings, how did the heros beat them? asked Joanne. Well there is twelve of them that each have their own special skill and tallent. Alexa is the leader and is super strong, way stronger than me and is thought to be the smartest person on the planet. She is a enhanced human, short and cute as a button. Then there is Tempressa, the ice queen that can freeze anything by just pointing at it. Then there is Zatsuky and Carmen that are best friends. They used to be dragon slayers before they came to Fae Land. Zatsuky is a tall elf that has a magical sword that shoots out beams that can kill just about anything. Viridan is a tall elf also and has a staff like spear that does the same and Zatsuky's sword but it was blessed by God so it has the power of the heavens that makes it stronger. Then there is the two centaurs, Taiyo and Oaklyn. They are very strong and fast runners. Next there is Titus and Paisley that live, Titus is as strong as Hercules and Paisley is very athletic. Very pretty too. Then there is Ktara the tracker and an amazing cook. You have to have a good cook when you go on a quest. Finally there is Alexa's boy friend Diego and her two pet Titan wolves that all live in a house at the north end of Fae Land. Diego is a bow and arrow guy that can shoot off arrows faster that you can see him and the titan wolves are Angus and Silia, the fastest running animals anywhere and super strong. So that is quite the team, said Joanne. What do they do now seeing it is peaceful in Fae Land. Well they still go out and help other lands but just the heroes that are needed to get the job done. Alexa makes that decission. Okay, I have one more question then we will call it a night, said Joanne. You said that Zatsuky and Viridian's weapons can kill almost anything. What can't they kill? He devils and she devils, said Kendra. Devils can't be killed by anyone. Only a strong devil can kill a weaker one but that rarely happends. They tend to travel in packs. They weren't created by god and have no soul so even he can't kill them but he created his own two she devils that have no problem killing them. Everyone says devils were created by demons and Avan and Tara can kill them too. So are there still devils in the Fae Land reality? asked Joanne. Nope, they are all dead now, said Kendra. Tara and Avan killed them all so there is none left anywhere on the planet. They are the most powerful beings in the planet and very pretty too. They can absorb and drain the magic from an evil wizard too making them harmless. Avan and Tara live in the woods not far from the palace. Very nice and friendly girls with the biggest of all wings. Okay I think that is enough information for now, said Joanne. Joanne turned to the camera and said, "Thankyou for watching and we will keep you posted with any new news about this amazing land of Faes". Michael yelled "Cut". So why would Sapphire take Janet to Fae Land? asked Joanne. I don't know but she knows what she is doing and said they were bringing something back for your news tomorrow, said Kendra. Joanne paused for a moment. Oh my god, she had her cell phone in her back pocket. Cell phones take pictures too. Well I guess they are bringing back pictures of Fae Land then, said Kendra. Can you drive me home, I need to have supper and then go to sleep. It has been a busy day for me. Yes in a moment, said Joanne. She walked over to Michael. Keep these two guys here until Sapphire gets back, said Joanne. Janet has her cell phone with her, they are bringing back pictures of Fae Land. My god that is perfect, said Michael. Okay boys I am ordering a couple of pizzas. We are here for the night. The two men looked up at Kendra and smiled. Kendra blew them both a kiss.



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