Kendra And Sparkle In Strange Lands  Chapter 5


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Seeing Is Believing 

 Sapphire and Janet reappeared at Sandy Lake in Fae Land. Okay here we are, I hope the trip didn't bother you too much, said Sapphire. No I did feel a bit wierd and everything went blurry but I an good now, said Janet. So where did you take me? Fae Land, said Sapphire. Ya right, all I see is a forest, said Janet. Well that is the Untamed Forest, said Sapphire. That is where the regular fairy nymphs live but turn around. Janet turned around and saw an amazing scene. Now this is Sandy Lake. One of Fae Lands beautiful land marks, said Sapphire. Wow it is gorgeous, said Janet. Are you sure we are not in Africa where they have lots of beauthiful waterfalls like this. Well Africa has tons of insects, said Sapphire. There are no insects in Fae Land. Now take out your cell phone and take a couple of pictures then we are going to the palace grounds. It is supper time there so lots of people will be present. A palace, like where a king lives? asked Janet. Ya but we have a queen, said Sapphire. Now take the pictures and lets go. We only have an hour, if we take too long then the portal will close. Janet took some pictures then they vanished. Now this is the palace grounds, said Sapphire. Over there is the palace and it looks like they haven't started supper yet so we will be able to enjoy some excellent fairy food. So who are all those odd looking people over there? asked Janet. Well most if them are the palace gang but we are in luck, Ivy and her sister is here and so is Tillia. If those three don't convince you that Fae land is real, then nothing will, said Sapphire. First I have to take you to see the queen. She has to know what is going on. What, I am not dressed to meet a flipping queen. Your are just fine, said Sapphire. Your not dressed even close to how sexy they all dress. Follow me and keep that phone ready.

Sapphire took Janet over to where Alieta and Ginger where standing. So who have we here? asked Alieta. This is Janet and I brought her here from Granada to prove to her that Fae land is real and so are all the people that live here, said Sapphire. Why would she not believe in Fae Land after seeing you? asked Alieta. That is a bit of a long story but right now Kendra is in Granada and she is in a news room being interviewed. What Kendra is there now too, said Alieta. Yep and she is doing great and exactly what Gabriel expected her to do, said Sapphire. Now they have cameras that can broadcast the interview to every home in Granada so everyone can see and hear what she says right now. Okay, Gabriel and Ivy did tell me that Granada was more advanced than us here. Well everybody she meets seems to love her, said Sapphire. Now there are other people in Granada that are non believers so that thing Janet is holding can take pictures. I figure we can put the pictures she takes and put them on the news there. Okay then, so Janet, my name is Alieta, queen of Fae Land and this cute elf beside me is Ginger. She is in charge of the palace and many other things that go on in Fae Land. Um hello Alieta and Ginger. You have beautiful wings and they look real, said Janet. Yes of coarse they are real, said Alieta. Just as real as the hair on your head. So you want to take pictures of me and Ginger? Yes please, she sounds to be very important here too. She sure is, said Alieta. My very best friend also. So how do you want us to pose. Well lets do you two together so get close together and I will take a full length shot then a head and shoulders picture, said Janet. They both got side by side and Janet took the pictures.

Okay Janet, here comes Ivy and here sister Sara with Tillia, Ivy is going to read you to make sure you are okay, said Alieta. Read me, like read my mind? asked Janet. Well she does more than that, said Alieta. She can also see if you have a good or bad soul and if you have any bad secrets. Just stuff like that. Ivy has a very strong inner energy. She is the most powerful forest sprite of all. Probably more powerful of all types of sprites. So welcome to Fae Land and please join us for supper when Ivy is done with you. Come Ginger lets go talk to Tulip while we wait for Avan and Tara to arrive. Another forest sprite and even stronger than Kendra? asked Janet to Sapphire. Yep and more powerful in every way, said Sapphire. Kendra mentioned her a few times while being interviewed. She controls the magic here in Fae Land. Also the prettiest girl in Fae Land. Ivy walked up to them with Sara and Tillia and said hello to Sapphire. Are you being a good girl in Granada? asked Ivy. Well I have been kept very busy so yes, said Sapphire. So a girl from Granada I see. Name is Janet Foster, has no bad secrets, loves sports but is a bad sport when she loses and soul is mostly white but you have a grey spot on it. You are very cinical and don't trust anyone plus you like to boss people around. You should work on fixing that or you will lose the few friends you have now. This is my sister Sara and her unicorn Tillia. Really a unicorn! There are unicorns in Fae Land, wow. Well just Tillia is in Fae Land but she told me there are more in other lands but nit as magical as Tillia, said Sara. Hello Janet nice to meet you, said Tillia. Holey moley, you talk, it is nice to meet all of you, said Janet with a big smile.  So I see you have a cell phone, that won't work here, said Ivy. Ya but it takes pictures and she is here to take pictures of everyone then I wll bring her back to Granada for them to go on the news there so everyone can see that Fae Land is beautiful and filled with friendly people. Really, I love getting my picture taken, said Ivy. Leila took some of me with her camera when I was there. Are you going to take some of us? Yes but you said I have a grey spot on my soul. How come? asked Janet. Well negative qualities in your presonality does that. Being a bad sport and not trusting people, even your closest friends will do that to your soul. It's an easy fix though. Just stop caring if you win or lose and just have fun and open your heart to people and trust them plus stop trying to boss people around, said Ivy. People don't like a bossy person. Plus you don't always have to see to believe. Trust what your heart is telling you, you will make more friends that way. Okay Ivy, enough with the preaching and give us some poses, said Sapphire. Well she did ask? said Ivy. Ya I know but we are on a time limit here. Ivy did a few cute poses for Janet and Sara posed with Tillia then Ivy told them to come watch Tulip make supper for them all.

They started walking over to the palace where Tulip was talking to Alieta and Ginger when Ivy saw Avan and Tara flying in. Oh good they are here, said Ivy. Janet looked up and saw them coming. My God what are they? Oh don't worry about them two. That is Avan and Tara. God's she devils. The most powerful beings on the planet. Very pretty and very friendly to us here. I will tell them about you so you can take some pictures of them too. No reasons to be scared of those two nuts. Then Ivy walked over to them. Ya those two are cool, said Sapphire. I forgot about them. You will never see she devils like them in your fantasy books back home. You can't fake anything about the way those two look. Now you stand here and I will tell Tulip what you are doing then take some pictures of her. So a real normal fairy then? asked Janet. Yep and very cute tii. There are a bunch of them but Tulip makes the best food and always does lunch and supper for everyone. Sapphire went and told Tulip about Janet the went and joined Alieta and Ginger. Tulip flew up to Janet and smiled. That thing takes pictures? asked Tulip. Yep it sure does, said Janet. Cool so what do you feel like eating? asked Tulip. Maybe pepperoni pizza, said Janet. Yum, my favorite. A forest sprite from across the ocean taught me how to make them. Okay first I make the table then the food. Then Tulip flew back and made her wand appear. Wow, a flippin wagic wand too, she thought to herself. Then Tulip made the table then all the food with a couple of pizzas also. Then Tulip flew back to her. Did you get some good pictures. You bet, said Janet. Can I take a picture of you with your wand out? Sure go ahead, said Tulip and Janet took the picture. Here this you can take home with you, said Tulip. She pointed her wand at Janet's neck then a beautiful pearl necklace appeared around her neck with a heart hanging from it. Wow this is for me? asked Janet. Yep something for you to remember me by if you don't make back to Fae Land some day. The pearls are normal except for the pink ones, they are very rare but the red gem is a ruby and the heart is a wishing heart. It will grant you one wish per day. Just little wishes like a new hat or shoes. You know girlie stuff. It will only work for you. Now go get some pizza, said Tulip then flew over to talk to Alieta.

Janet went and took a couple of slices of pizza then went and sat on the ground. Everyone else grabbed a plate and filled it up and found a place to sit and started eating too. After Janet was finished Tulip flew over. So was that good pizza? Very good, said Janet. Thankyou so much. Your welcome, said Tulip. Now I got to get back to my sisters. My mom the queen of fairies is coming to check up on us. Nice meeting you Janet then she flew off to the fairy forest. Janet thought for a second then got up and walked over to where Sapphire and Alieta were standing. Hello Janet, did you have enough to eat? asked Alieta. Yes I did. It was very good. Tulip just said to me that her mother was coming to visit them and she is the queen of fairies. Oh good, she is such a nice woman, said Alieta. Ya but does that mean Tulip is a fairy princess? asked Janet. Yes it does, there are six of them here plus two others that are their friends, said Alieta. Fairy princesses have the strongest white magic. Wow, when I was a little girl I used to dress up in a fairy costume and pretend I was a fairy princess, said Janet. I had a wand, silk wings and everthing. Now today I just met a real fairy princess. So you are starting to believe what you are seeing here is real now? asked Sapphire. Oh I started believing after Alieta talked to me but once Ivy read me, that was the clincher. Nobody knows that much about me with out being magical. Alieta smiled. Yep Ivy is quite the girl, said Alieta. So did Tulip give you that nice necklace? asked Sapphire. Yep she said the heart is a wish heart but just for small wishes. Well it also goes on and off easily, said Sapphire. Just pull the necklace forward and it will come off then just bring it close to your neck and it will pop on by it's self. Go ahead try it. Janet pulled the necklace forward and it magically came off. That is so cool, said Janet. Then put it back on. So now go get a couple of pictures of Tara and Avan. You will like those two characters, said Sapphire.

Janet started walking over to where Tara and Avan were standing. Here comes the Granada girl Tara so behave yourself. You know how easy it is to scare the humans. I will, said Tara. She doesn't look scared of us right now. Janet walked up to them and said hello. So who is Tara and who is Avan? asked Janet. I am Avan and this is my sister Tara. It is nice to meet you Janet. So twins then, you two look very similar, said Janet. Yep God made us at the same time with all the same powers about three years ago, said Tara. So you two are just three years old then? asked Janet. Yep the second youngest faes here, said Avan. Ivy's sister is one and a half years old. God made her for Ivy. Jezz God sure does a lot of stuff here then, said Janet. Well Fae Land is his new Eden and he has protected it from evil with us two and all the heros, said Avan. Nobody dares mess with Fae Land anymore, said Tara. So what kind of powers do you two have? asked Janet. Well mostly energy blasts but we can control a small area of two dimensions trapping a demon or devil and scrape them together turning them to dust. So can I see what an energy blast looks like or is that to dangerous around here? asked Janet. No we have full control of how strong it is, said Avan. Oh can I show her? asked Tara. Yes Tara go ahead. Blast that big rock over there to peices, said Avan. Tara took aim and blasted the rock to dust. I said peices, not dust, said Avan. Oops, just a bit too much power, said Tara. Alieta looked over. They are showing off again. Ya Janet needs to see that they can do, said Sapphire. Wow that was awesome, said Janet. There is nothing that powerful in Granada. Awe that was nothing, said Tara. We can blast the ground while flying and create a big river. We did that for Mother Nature a while ago. Mother Nature, she is a person? asked Janet. Yep, real pretty one two, Tempressa's sister. So they say that thing in your pocket takes pictures right. Yes it does, I definately want a couple pictures of you two, said Janet. Okay, so lots of people will see them? asked Tara. Yep thousands at first then probably millions later on. Wow okay, how do I look Avan. Is my hair okay. I think so how does mine look Tara. You two are funny and you both look gorgeous, said Janet. Oh isn't she sweet, said Avan. Juswt then Zan ran over. Wait for me I want in the picture too, said Zan. Yeo got to have Zan ih the picture too, said Tara. Okay so what are you Zan? I'm a Triffie, the first beings God created. Okay, Sapphire talked about your king, she wasn't too impressed with the human race back then, said Janet. Neither was I, I'm the last one, said Zan. Okay take the pictures, said Avan. The three of them did few poses together for Janet then she said thank you then started to walked back over towards Sapphire.

Janet was checking out a few of the pictures she just took then heard someine say, "Hey we want our picture taken too". She looked up and saw two pretty girls running towards her. Hi, I am Repellia and this is my twin sister Phonixa. You can't go back to Granada with out taking a picture of us two. Okay, I can do that, said Janet. Okay cool now we know you wanted pictures of the Fae that live here and we are humans but Phonixa her can spice up the picture for you, just watch, said Repellia. The both got side by side then Janet pointed the cell phone at them then Phonixa put out her right hand and made a fireball apear in it. Wow how did you do that? asked Janet. I'm a fire holder and cane make fireballs apear in my hands, said Phonixa. I can throw them now too! Okay, this will make an awesome picture, said Janet then took a couple of pictures. My sister can make things move with her mind but that wouldn't show up in a camera, said Phonixa. We just got back from Granada and did a ton of shopping in that big shopping mall, now that was a dream come true but we have dance lessons in the morning so we had to come back. You two were in Granada too? Kendra is still there, said Janet. Really, she will have fun there, she is really cool, said Repellia. Okay thanks for taking out picture then the two of them rand into the palace. Wow this place is full of surprises, thought Janet then walked back to Sapphire.




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