Kendra And Sparkle In Strange Lands  Chapter 3


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Sparkles New Room Mates

Alexa and Sparkle decided to go out front of the palace and see what was going on. Ginger and Alieta were sitting on the steps talking. It sure is hot today, said Sparkle, days like this I usually go to the beach and hang out in the water some. Well I was thinking of going to Sandy Lake for a bit, said Ginger. That is a good idea, said Alexa. Is there some spare bathing suits in the wardrobe room? Yep there is lots of them, said Ginger. Lets go up and grab some then head over to the lake. How about you Alieta, do you want to join us? asked Alexa. I would but I have to stay here and wait just in case Samantha  comes to visit today, said Alieta. Well she would of been here by now you would think but you know where we are if you change your mind, said Ginger then they went in the palace. They went in the wardrobe room and found Miyo and Rose looking for bikinis. I see you two were thinking what we were, said Ginger. Yep, way too hot not to be at the beach and gets boring in here with Repellia and Phonixa not here. Okay where is Zan? asked Ginger She is sitting in her bath tub reading a book, said Miyo. She is quite happy doing that. Ginger giggled. So who is the new girl? asked Rose.This is Sparkle, she is visiting from Granada, said Ginger. Well welcome to Fae Land then, said Miyo. They all picked out a bikini and a few blankets then headed out of the palace. Okay Alieta, talk to you later, said Ginger. Best you do what Zan is doing. What is that? asked Alieta. Laying in the bath tub reading, said Ginger. Good idea, said Alieta. Okay lets go, said Alexa. When they reached Sandy Lake they got changed then laid out the blankets on the ground. Wow, look at this place, said Sparkle. It is like a picture out of a fantasy fairy book. Well this is Fae Land and fairies are fae, said Alexa. Ya I am just not used to this place yet. There is a lot to absorb, said Sparkle. That is an amazing waterfall, said Sparkle. Where does the water come from? Underground and up through the center of the mountain, said Alexa. It is very pretty here. Just then Paisley walked up to them in her bikini. Hello you all, enjoying the sun I see. Well we were just heading into the water to cool off, said Alexa. That is what I am here for too I just want to cool off in the water then get back home. Titus is out camping again with Diego and won't be back until tomorrow sometime. That gave Ginger idea but first it was time to cool off. After they splashed around some in the water, Paisley said she was heading back home now. Ginger waded over to her.


Maybe you could do me and Alieta a favor, asked Ginger. Really, what kind of favor? asked Paisley. Well Sparkle over there is from Granada, said Ginger. She got caught in that dimenison portal thing and ended up on the palace grounds in front of the she devils that didn't go over well for her. Paisley smiled. Poor girl, Avan and Tara must of scared the dickens out of her, said Paisley. So they haven't fixed that portal thing yet then? asked Paisley. No we are not able to, we have to just wait until the heat wave ends, said Ginger. Now we don't have a clean bedroom in the palace right now and I know you have a spare bedroom. Do you think you could take care of her for a couple of days? So a girl from Granada you say, is she nice? asked Paisley, she looks kinda young. Yes she is very nice and very smart plus she comes from a very important family back home. Plus you are human and that will make her feel more comfortable here. Well she is kinda cute as most kids, sure why not, said Paisley. It will be fun having another girl in the house for a bit. Paisley started out of the water and Ginger told Sparkle to go with Paisley. She has a spare bedtoom you can use, said Ginger. Paisley walked up to Sparkle. So you are mine for a couple of days, said Paisley. Yep, take good care of her, said Ginger, like I said she comes from a very well known and wealthy family. Just have some fun. Maybe take her to see Centaurs, they shouldn't scare her, said Ginger. There are centaurs here too? asked Sparkle. They are half human and half horse right? Yes and they are very nice plus Taiyo and Oaklyn have a son. Very nice family but we will see how it goes, said Paisley. Now go get dressed and lets go then I will show you the room you will be sleeping in. Sparkle got changed then walked beside Paisley and had a ton of questions for her that Paisley was happy to answer for her.


When they got to Paisley's house she showed her the spare bedroom then they went in the kitchen and talked a bit more. Now when it gets dark Titus and I always sit outside and watch all the pixies flying around, said Paisley. They stay nice and small and look like little fire flies. Really, so there are lots of pixies here too? asked Sparkle. Yes, must be thousands of them. They drop pixie dust off their wings everywhere making everything even more magical, said Paisley. Seeing that Titus isn't here you can join me outside tonight. So Alexa said Titus was strong, said Sparkle. Oh yes he is like my Hurcules. He can easily pick me up with one hand, said Paisley. Wow, that sure is strong, said Sparkle. Okay let me go get changed before you ask me any other questions, said Paisley. Come with me and I will lend you a tube top to wear instead of that shirt and vest, it has to be hot wearing that. Ya it is a bit, I was planning on changing at home but that didn't happen, said Sparkle. Well sometime things that happen unexpectively can be best, like me meeting Titus. Ya this is the best unexpected thing that has ever happened to me, said Sparkle. Well here in Fae Land we have to get used to the unexpected. Sometime they are good and sometimes they are not so good but we always make sure things turn out good, said Paisley.

After they got changed they headed back out to the kitchen. What is that sticking out of your back pocket? asked Paisley. That is my cell plone, it is used to oalk to people over great distances and it takes pretty good pictures also, said Sparkle. Really that sounds remarkable, said Paisley. Sparkle took it out of her pocket and turned it on. That is odd, it is still almost fully charged, said Sparkle. It should be down to around half battery power by now. Must be the magic in Fae Land, it is very strong white energy, said Paisley. What kind of pictures can it take? Here let me show you, said Sparkle. She went over to where Paisley was sitting and showed her the pictures on the phone. Wow they are good pictures, those are very tall buildings in the background, said Paisley. Yep some are fourty stories highm my Dad's company built some of them, said Sparkle. What are thise things on the side of the road? asked Paisley. Thise are cars, we use then to drive around in and they can go very fast if you want but there are speed limits you have to obey, said Sparkle. This is all very futuristic to me, said Paisley. Don't you have horses in Granada. Yep but just in the country, cars are much faster but I love leaving the city and going horse back riding with some friends, said Sparkle. Do you have many friends there? asked Paisley. Yep tons, everyone knows about the Parson family and I do lots of charity work helping out single mothers or girls in distress, said Sparkle. Here is a outside picture of the Sparkle Parson Shelter for women. Who is that standing beside you? asked Paisley. She is a very good friend of mine and donates lots of money to the foundation, said Sparkle. Her name is Faith Fairweather and is the world champion womens tennis player. She has won three years in a row so far. Well I have never heard of tennis but she must be very good to be a world champion, said Paisley. Yep she is the best and owns a cottage bedide my parrents so we are very good friends, said Sparkle. Tennis is a very fun game but I am no where near as good as she is. Sounds like there are some very nice people in Granada, said Paisley. Yep everyone in Granda is friendly and there is no violence which makes it the safest place to live just about anywhere, said Sparkle. Sure sounds a lot like how it is here except with out the magic, said Paisley. Ya but we have the magic of technology, said Sparkle.

  They sat and talked a bit more then later Paisley's decided to get supper ready for Sparkle and herself. Have a seat at the table. I'm just warming up some left over stew, said Paisley. It will be getting dark soon so we can go sit outside and watch the pixies flying by. Okay that will be cool. I never go out at night in Granada. Too dark in the country, said Sparkle. The city is fine with all the street lights and store signs but in the country you can't see anything when it is cloudy. Not even you hand in front of your face. Well it's a full moon tonight so it won't be that dark, said Paisley. Titus and I go out almost every night after supper and watch them flying around. Paisley took the pot of stew out of the ice box and placed it on the stove then lit the fire at the bottom. It seems to me that you all do just fine with out electricity, said Sparkle. Yep we all do just fine, it is actually fun using fire to cook with and lighting candles when it get dark in here, said Paisley. Candles can be very romantic and when you have a man like Titus as your man that comes in very handy for setting the mood. You are a very beautiful woman so Titus must be very handsome I suspect, said Sparkle. Ih he is, Titus is very handsome and the kindest person a girl could ever wish for, said Paisley. He just loves doing things for me and I don't think he has ever said no to me when I asked him to do something and I never say no to him when he wants to spend time with his good friend Diego. I miss him when he leaves but I know he will always be back and would never cheat on me. He is my true live and I am his. Wow one day I hope to meet my true love, said Sparkle. Well keep hoping because it is well worth the wait. Once you meet Titus you will why I love him so much, said Paisley. Okay looks ready, time to eat. Wow that didn't take long, said Sparkle. Yep fire waistes no time that's for sure, said Paisley.

The two of them sat and ate and Paisley told Sparkle about some of the adventures she was on with the team. After they were done they went outside. Okay we sit over there on those two chairs by the bushes. It's the best spot, said Paisley. They both sat down and as soon as it started to get dark streaks of light could be seen from the pixies. Wow, they are fast, said Sparkle and there is a lot of them. Yep pixies are the fastest flyers when they are tiny like this. Pixies are very smart but very nutty too, said Paisley. They can talk fast and say a lot, you may not understand all what they are saying but it all makes sense to them. They don't talk as fast to us though, they know better but they still are pretty nutty. Not a care in the world and been around forever, said Paisley. How would you like some wine as a night cap? asked Paisley. Sure that would be awesome, said Sparkle. Don't worry about anything, you are safe here especially from harmless pixies, said Paisley. I won't be too long. Got to light some candles too. Paisley got up and went back in the house. Wow this is so cool. It is llke a light show with all different colours streaking by. Suddenly a pixie flew straight at Sparkle then stopped and grew some. Your not Paisley. Your hair looks like hers sort of but not the rest of you, who are you and why are you sitting in her chair? Um I am Sparkle and I am staying with Paisley for a couple of days. Oh so her guest, said the pixie. That is okay then. Do you like to play? Pixies love to play all the time, well except when we are sleeping but I play in my dreams too so I guess I do play all the time. Sparkle started to giggle. Did I say anything funny? asked the pixie. Not sure but you say a lot quickly but yes I do like to play, said Sparkle. The pixie smiled then landed on the ground in front of Sparkle and grew to her full size.

So Paisley's guest, where is she? asked the pixie. She went inside to get us a glass of wine and light some candles, said Sparkle. So where are you from, I know everyone in Fae Land but I have never seen you before, said the pixie. Well my name is Sparkle and I am from Granada. Oh that is that country that all us pixies heard about. My name is Lilly and it is nice to meet you Sparkle from Granada. Nice to meet you too, said Sparkle.You look almost exactly as Tinkerbell from the story I read in Granada. Oh you have pixies in Granada too? asked Lilly. No she is just a fictional fantasy character in a book. Oh that is too bad, pixies are fun to have a round. Kinda nutty people say but still fun. You are pretty though, not as pretty and Paisley but still pretty. Well thank you and you are very cute and pretty too. I love your wings, said Sparkle. Ya us pixies are very proud of our wings. Lots of different coloured wings. We spread pixie dust all over Fae Land. It is our job you know. The queen says so. Oh Alieta told you to do that? asked Sparkle. No not that queen, said Lilly, Pippa, the queen of all pixies everywhere. She is one of my best friends. She almost die though but all us pixie's helped make her better. So do you like in Fae Land? Yes I love it here but I can't stay, said Sparkle. My parents will be miss me if I am don't go back plus I have lots of responsibilities to do. That is too bad, said Lilly, Fae Land is the best and most magical place in the world, said Lilly. Well Granada is pretty nice too, just not magical at all. I will miss everyone have met so far but I do have a lot of friends back home, said Sparkle. Well you sound like a very very nice girl. Lilly paused a stared at Sparkle for a few seconds. I will get you a present that I am sure you will like. All pretty girls like presents but this will be a special one to take back to Granada with you. I have to get back to work now but I will leave it on the chair you are sitting on for you to get in the morning. By pretty girl Sparkle, keep sparkling! and off Lilly flew and got tiny again. Paisley came back out with the wine and sat down. I saw from the window that Lilly came to talk to you, said Paisley. I stayed in to let you two get to know each other. She was wonderful and so nice and pretty and just a bit nutty like you said. She does look like Tinkerbell from a story book I read, said Sparkle. Well she is a very good friend of Pippa's that is their queen. Very important pixie as pixies go. Well I told her that I was from Granada and she heard about it. She looked a bit sad when I told her I had to leave even though I love it here. Well pixies care about nice people a lot so she must of liked you, said Paisley. Well she said she was bringing me a present and it will be out here on the chair in the morning. Wow you must of really impressed her then. Pixies don't give people gifts very often unless they think they really need one and are special, said Paisley. Rest assure it will be magical in some way. Really, what kind of magic. Beats me but like I said pixies are very smart and she figured you needed what ever she is bringing you, said Paisley. Anyways drink up and lets relax and watch the pixies some before going to bed.

In the morning Paisley got up and went to the kitchen and started making breakfast. As she was making it Sparkle ran past her and headed for the front door. Where are you going in such a hurry? asked Paisley. To see if Lilly left me a present, said Sparkle then she ran out the door. When she got to the chair there was a green ball like thing that looked a bit like a crystal ball. Wow, I wonder what it does, she thought then went back in the house. So did she leave you something? asked Paisley. Yep and it looks like a green crystal ball, said Sparkle. Let me see it for a minute. Sparkle handed it to Paisley. This is no crystal ball, it is an orb. An orb, what is an orb. Well orbs are very rare and very magical, said Paisley. We have come across an few of them in our adventures. Some can be used for bad and some are used for good. There is something stuck to the bottom. Here peel it off. Sparkle peeled off the piece of folded paper. Must be instuctions maybe, said Sparkle. Well open it up and see what it says, said Paisley that was now excited too. Sparkle unfolded the paper and read what it said out loud. "This orb is for Sparkle only. Hold it with both hands and look into it from the top. When you see a place in Fae Land or Granada that you want to go then just rub the top of the orb and you will be there in an instant. You will always be abe to return to Fae Land that you said you loved and you will never be late seeing your parrents and you will be able to care for those people you take care of. Place the orb close to you when you sleep at night in Granada. Keep on sparkling Sparkle for a very long time." Well that is some gift, said Paisley. Lilly must of really seen the good in you. Pixies can sense kindnes and goodness in a person's soul. Well looks like I can go home anytime I want now, said Sparkle. Yes that is true but the last part of the note is very good too. What the keep on sparkling for a long time, said Sparkle. She told me to keep on sparkling when she flew away last night. Well you see that orb has Fae Land's magic in it that never dies out and every time you come back here you will be surrounded by the same magic, said Paisley. Okay so what does that mean? asked Sparkle. It means that you girl are going to be like me, said Paisley. You will look young for a very long time. Lilly gave you a way to travel between dimensions and have longenity. Keep that by your bed at night when you go to bed. It will keep you young and without sickness in Granada too. Wow but what if it breaks by accident, it is very light. Oh orbs are almost imposible to distroy. Only Viridian's or Zatsuky's enchaned weapons can distroy it. Now don't leave yet until I feed you. Oh it is not tome to yet, said Sparkle. I want to go see Layla and Mika yet today. Okay then go put that orb in the top drawer of the dresser in your room for now and come back here for breakfast. My room, you mean the spare room. Nope if you are coming back all the time you are going to need a place to sleep, said Paisley. What about Titus will he mind. Titus has the kindest heart I have ever known. Once he hears what happened he will accept you into the family like his own daughter so don't worry about him, said Paisley. Sparkle smiled and gave Paisley a hug then ran off to her bedroom.

After they finished having breakfast they sat and talked a bit. So do you think it is the same time in Granada as it is here? asked Paisley. Well it was morning when I was in my bedroom before I ended up here and it was morning in Fae Land when I ended up on the palace grounds so I think so, said Sparkle. Hang on there is a clock on my cell phone. She took it out of her pocket and turned it on. A little after seven in the morning so yep same time, said Sparkle. Okay good, said Paisley. Today is Sunday so I can bring you to Layla and Mika's house but I will have to come right back because Titus will be back anytime today and I want to tell him about you. They went outside and Paisley got her horse.  She jump up on it in one leap. Hey that was awesome, you have strong legs, said Sparkle. Yep Titus likes how I get on a horse too, said Paisley. Okay give me your hand and hop on I will look into getting one for you while you are gone, said Paisley. Sparkle got on the horse and wrapped her arms around Paisley then they rode off. Okay that house over there is Ktara's, she is a fanastic cook and loves cooking for everyone. You have to visit her some day and up ahead is Carmen and Zatsuky's home. They are very nice too. Carmen is very girlie like me and we hang out together a lot but Zatsuky isn't girlie at all but super sexy and long legs. Wow so these are all heros too like you? asked Sparkle. Yep, most of us live in Eden, said Paisley except Alexa and her man Diego plus Tempressa. They live in the north town. Okay we are almost there. See that nice modern looking house just up ahead, that is Mika and Layla's place. Wow it looks beautiful, said Sparkle. Yep they got lots of money so Alieta had the builders make it special for them. It is just on the edge of Eden but you see that golden tree over there, said Paisley. Yep it is sparkling, said Sparkle. Ya well Ivy planted it and it expands the magic from Eden all the way to the Pixie Forest so lots of magic at their place too, said Paisley. Once they reached the house Sparkle jumped off the horse. Okay you have fun and say hi to them for me, said Paisley. I haven't met them yet but I will soon. Then Paisley headed back home. Nice flipping place, thought Sparkle to herself. She knocked on the door but no one answered. She tried the door and it was unlocked. Might as well go in she figured. She started walking in and saw Layla coming out of her bedroom. Sorry I knocked but no one answered but the door was open so I came in, said Sparkle. That's okay, we don't lock it, no one is going to break in here, said Layla. Then Layla stopped. Sparkle, is that you? Yep in the flesh, said Sparkle. Wow what are you doing here and how did you get here? asked Layla. That is kind of a long story, said Sparkle. Never mind then, let me look at you, said Layla. My you have grown into a very pretty girl. You were always cute at school but now you are hot! Sparkle smiled. Well you are looking awesome too, said Sparkle. So is Mika home? Yep she is still sleeping, she had a busy day yesterday. Go in and surprise her, I know you two are friends. Her room is through the left door. I'll see you later. I have to do some more shopping, said Layla. Layla then left to go shopping.

Sparkle walked into Mika's bedroom. Wow what a big bed, it's like a super king size bed, she said to here self. She ran over and jumpped on the bed like she always did when she woke Mika up. Hey wake up sleepy head, your sleeping away theis wonderful day, said Sparkle loudly. Go away Saparkle, I need just fifteen more minutes sleep, said Mika. Wait, Sparkle? I must still be dreaming. Nope it is me now wake up, I have good news, said Sparkle. Mika sat up fast with a big smile on her face. Sparkle when and how did you get here? asked Mika. That portal thing got me yesterday, said Sparkle. Olympia and Sapphire told me that you and Layla here living here now. Ilove your ears, very sexy! said Sparkle. Mika smiled. So where are you staying, in the palace? asked Mika. Nipe I am staying with Paisley and Titus, they don't live that far from here, said Sparkle. Cool, I haven't met them yet but Ivy told me they are quite the couple, said Mika. Well I haven't met Titus yet but Paisley is gorgeous and very nice, said Sparkle. I already talked to your sister before she went shopping. So how do you like it here? asked Mika. I love it but have to go back soon, said Sparkle. That is what I want to talk to you about right now. Okay what's going on, asked Mika. Well last night while we were watching the pixies flying around on came up to me named Lilly and she was really nice and kind of funny but she gave me a gift that will allow me to go back and forth between Fae Land and Granada when ever I want, said Sparkle. Really, what is it? asked Mika. Some kind of magical orb. Paisley said it is very magical but the note on it said only I can use it, said Sparkle. I am not sure if I can bring anything here from Granada but I am going to test it next time I come back. So what do you think I should bring with me? Well there is no cell signal here so maybe a couple of walkie talkies, like the ones the police use that have a very ling range plus batterise for them, said Mika. That way me can call each other and make plans like we used to with out cell phones in Granada. Okay, good idea, said Sparkle. They are light and not very big. I can put them in my back pack and see if they will come with me. Anything else you can think of? Sure tons of stuff but lets see if those will teleport with you first. Okay so I can't stay too long I have to get back to Granada in a bit and I have to walk until I buy a horse. Well just borrow mine, I haven't figured how to stop falling off it yet especially with out a saddle, said Mika. Sparkle laughed. Ya you are definately going to need how to learn to ride a horse, said Sparkle. Okay so that gives me a bit more time to hang with you so tell some stuff that you have seen while you have been here. 


Meanwhihe back at Paisley's place Titus just got back home. Paisley, I'm home early, said Titus. There was nothing go on out there so we decided to pack up and come home. Paisley was in the bathroom freshing up. I'll be right out Titus, I have a surprise for you. Oh I like your surprises, said Titus. Not that type of surprise silly, said Paisley. She came out and gave Titus a kiss. Go put on a clean shirt please, said Paisley. What's wrong with the one I have on? asked Titus. It smells like a camp fire, said Paisley. Okay but what is the surprise? asked Titus. You will see, said Paisley. Just get dressed and come out to the kitchen and I will fill you in. Paisley went out to the kitchen and Titus soon joined her at the kitchen table.. Okay I am here so tell me about this surprise, said Titus. Well it all started at Sandy Lake where I met Ginger, Alexa, Miyo, Rose and another girl.  Okay so what is so who was this other girl? asked Titus. Well you see her name is Sparkle and she accidently got transported by that portal thing we all are hearing about from Granada. Granada, that is the place that is supposed to be very advaced in science, right? asked Titus. Yep that is the place, said Paisley. Well after we all went for a swim Ginger asked a favor from me. Okay so what was the favor? asked Titus. Well I tild her earlier that you were gine for the weekend and she knows we have a spare bedroom so she asked is Sparkle could stay with us for a couple of days, said Paisley. Okay, how old is she? asked Titus. Just nineteen but smart as a whip and as pretty as they come with blonde hair. I just wanted to check with you if she could use the spare bedroom. Yes of coarse she could use that room, said Titus. Well there is more, said Paisley. Last night we were outside watching the pixies as we always do when Pixie Lilly flew down while I was in the house. I noticed them talking through the window but let Sparkle get to know her seeing she never saw a pixie before. Okay I am following you, said Titus. Now get to the point please. Well Sparkle must of really impressed Lilly because she left her a present on the chair outside in the morning. She brought it in thinking it was a crystal ball but in fact it was an orb and a very magical one. An orb, wow those can be very dangerous, said Titus. Ya they can but they can be very good too, said Paisley. Mother Nature uses one to control the weather, saod Paisly. Oh ya, that is true, said Titus. Now this one came with instructions and it said that only she could use it and it will teleport her back and forth between the two worlds in an instant. Okay that is a very good and powerful orb then, said Titus. Well seeing she will be coming back most every week because she loves it here but loves her parrents and friends in Granada too, plus she dies lots if charity work in Granada she will need a place to stay when she is here so I want to give her our spare room. Titus said nothing at first. Well we will have to paint it what ever colour she likes best and you help her get that room more girlie like, said Titus. It is not decorated for a teenage girl right now. Paisley smiled. I knew you wouldn't mind. She is so sweet though you have to remember she is very smart and comes from a very wealthy family and is highly respected. I will be in charge of her but she seems very mature for nineteen so we should have no problems with her. She is smart then, and rich, said Titus. So where is she now? Visiting those other girls, Layla and Mika from Granada that we haven't gone to see yet but really should. Yes I agree, said Titus. We should be good neighbours and buy a welcome present too. Just then Sparkle came in the house. I am back, yelled Sparkle. Guess you don't have wait any longer to meet her, said Paisley.

Sparkle walked into the kitchen and Titus turned on his chair to have a look at her. Hello Sparkle, said Titus. You are right Paisley, she is very pretty. Hello Mr. Titus am happy to meet you, said Sparkle a little nervously. Oh loose the Mr. please, just Titus will do. I told Titus all about the orb and how you can come and go as you want and he is happy to let you have the spare room, said Paisley. Oh good, I was a bit worried he wouldn't want me staying there, said Sparkle. Well a friend of Paisley's is a friend of mine and that isn't a spare room anymore so what colour would you like it painted? asked Titus. Oh you don't have to paint the room for me, I can do that, said Sparkle. I'm not going to paint it, said Titus. Lilly will do it for you, said Titus. Lilly the pixie paints too? asked Sparkle. No Lilly the fairy, she does everyone's places with her wand, said Titus. Oh I haven't seen a fairy yet, said Sparkle. I'm going to have to get used to all this magic here in Fae Land. You will fast, said Paisley. I will make sure you meet all the special people here next time you come. Cool, I will look forward to it, said Sparkle. So can I have a look at that orb? asked Titus. Okay, give me a second, said Sparkle then ran into her room to get it. Sparkle came back out with the orb holding it with both hands tighly. Okay her it is, said Sparkle just be sure not to drop it, said Sparkle. Dropping an orb will not harm it at all, said Titus but I will be careful. Sparkle handed him the orb. Nice and light too. So you see how you can look right through it. That's not because it is made of glass. Really, what then? asked Sparkle. It is like this because it is not completely here, said Titus. It is partly out of phase with this reality. That is probably why it is warm also. This is a very special gift Lilly gave you. Titus put the orb on the table and stood up. Wow look at the muscles on you, said Sparkle. I bet you could pick me up and throw me away. Titus and Paisley smiled. Ya probably a good distance at least, said Titus. Anyways I would like to welcome you to the family then Titus put out his hand to shake but Sparkle went right to him and gave Titus a big hug. Thanks for being so nice to me, both of you, said Sparkle. So what do we do now, it is still early, said Sparkle, Well first we go to the palace and let Alieta know the new arangements that have been made then we buy you a horse unless you like walking a lot, said Titus with a smile. That would be awesome, I will pay you back, said Sparkle. Well I am pretty sure your kind of money is no good here, said Paisley. Really, how come? asked Sparkle. Well Ivy told me you all use paper money, we use gold coins, said Paisley. Oh okay then I will bring a brick of gold and give it to you to have it turned into coins, said Sparkle. You have a brick of gold? asked Titus. I will when I buy one from the Granada mint, said Sparkle. Normally they don't sell them but my Dad has a lot of pull in Granada and friends with high ranking pisitions there. Hmm I am really liking the way this girl works, said Titus. Well a girl has to have money right, how else am I going to buy stuff, said Sparkle. That is right Sparkle, us girls have to shop, it is part of what we are, said Paisley.

  Titus handed Sparkle back her orb and Sparkle. Okay put this back in your room then lets get ready to go to the palace and talk to Alieta, said Titus. Sparkle took the orb back and put it in the dresser then came back. Okay I am ready, said Sparkle. Good you can ride with me again, said Paisley. No Mika lent me her horse, she doesn't know how to ride one yet, said Sparkle. She has always lived in the big city and they don't allow horses there and every thime she came to my place outside of the city she always shyed away from my horse. I think they kinda scare her a bit. Titus smiled. A horse is a very big animal so probably it is not the horse that scares her, just it's size. I was a bit scared around horses when I was younger. Sparkle looked at Titus, standing beside Paisley. I san't see you ever being afraid of anything, said Sparkle. You are the strongest man I have ever seen, in person anyways. Looking at you two together now I can see you were meant for each other. Well the compass never lies, said Titus. What compass, asked Sparkle. The compass that I got from the Fae chest that Alieta owns, the compass points the person holding it to their true love but that is a story we can tell you another time and was a long time ago, said Titus. Okay lets head out and get this done before you go back to Granada in a bit. The palace is not that far from here.

They headed out to the palace and when they got there Alieta and Ginger were talking together out front of the palace. They rode up and got off their horses then walked over to them. Well heallo you three, not often Titus and Paisley come to the palace together, said Alieta. Ya I hang out with Diego a lot and you haven't needed are services much lately so we go outside of Fae Land hunting and camping on the weekends all the time, said Titus. Well good to hear you two are getting along so well, said Alieta so what is up with you all? Well first we need to tell you about the new living arrangements we made with Sparkle, said Titus. Really is there something wrong, she will be leaving soo, said Ginger. No nothing is wrong, actually very good, said Titus. Pixie Lilly gave Sparkle a magical orb that can teleport her back and forth between Fae Land and Granada so the two of us decided to let her keep our spare room permantly so she has a place to stay every time she comes back to Fae Land, said Titus. Really, Lilly gave her an orb that can do that? asked Alieta. Are you sure it is an orb, I thought they were usually made of dark magic. Yep it sure is and a very good one, it is green and not red, said Titus. Okay I didn't know pixies had access to orbs, I will have to talk to Pippa to find out more, said Alieta. So looks like you are going to be a duel citizenship then between the two palaces then if you actually have a home here and in Granada. I guess so, is that okay? asked Sparkle. Yes it sure is but we have neve had anything like this before right Ginger. Well not between two different realitirs but I did set one up between Zotac and Samantha when they left Fae Land, said Ginger. Who are they? asked Paisley. Thise two are Mika's original bith parrents, said Ginger. Really, I knew Mika's real father died and and later so did her mother and new father got killed in a car accident, but she never told me anything about this Zotac, said Sparkle. Well she was still in her mother's tummy when she ended up in your reality, said Alieta. Zotac died fighting a demin and it is suspected that he teleported his wife out of hanged and ended up in your reality, said Alieta. How did he do that? asked Sparkle. Well Zotac is a very powerful wizard that was taught by Merlin, said Alieta. Okay so that means Mika is not just an elf but she is part wizard too. said Sparkle with a surprised look on her face. Well yes that is true, that is why she needed to be brought to Fae Land before here wizard powers click in soon, plus her elf ears were begining to grow also, said Alieta. Man I love her ears, they look great on her but she never said anything about being half wizard to me and we are very good friends, said Sparkle. Well she didn't know about Zotac being a wizard I think and we are nit sure if she will inherit his powers but we are pretty sure she will get some of them, said Alieta. Wow my friend just became my best friend, said Sparkle. I have gone to Zotac's shows in Granada, he is the best magician I have ever seen, said Sparkle. Well nit a magician, he is a real Far wizard just like Merlin and yes Merlin is real and a giid friend of mine, said Alieta. Okay enough of this magid wizard stuff, said Titus. We also came here to buy a horse for Sparkle. She is riding Mika's right now. It seems Mika can't ride one yet and she lent it to her. Okay no problem go to the stable and the elves in there will show her what ones are ready to be sold, said Alieta. Okay, thanks, said Paisley Sparkle said she will bring a brick of gold to us when she gets back to be converted onto coins then they headed to the stable. Okay I will get the paperwork done, said Ginger. Okay but she has a bick of gold? asked Alieta. Well she does have a wealthy family so I suppose so, said Ginger. So you know what this all means right. No other than she is becoming one of the people living in Fae Land, said Alieta. Yes but it also means if she gets in trouble in Granada we are oblicated to help and protrct her, said Ginger. Okay, I don't think she will need our help in Granada, said Alieta. Probably not but I am sure either Avan or Tara would definately fix anything bad that might be happening to her, said Ginger. Oh ya, those two would definately fix any problem for her, said Alieta.

After they picked out a new horse for Sparkle they headed back home. Alieta and Ginger were about to go into the palace when a bright flash appear the Saphire and the two twins were standing in front of them plus a some bags. Okay here are yiur girls back, I have to get back to Granada and keep an eyre on Kendra, said Saphire. What Kendra is there niw? asked Alieta. Yep but don't be worried about her, she is fine and ended up with two nice girls that are tennis pros, said Sapphire. Okay what is a tennis pro asked Alieta. It is a type of game that looks like a lot of fun and the two of them are world champions in that reality. Kendra figured out the game fast and beat both of them two against one once she got a hang of how the game works. You should be proud of her. I decide to let her stay at Faith's plasce for now seeing Kendra made friends with her then Sapphire vanished. Hi Alieta we are back and man were are glad to be home, said Repellia. Granada is cool but it is way better here with all the stuff that happens at the palace. We bought lots of new clothes for the wardrobe room and got everyone on the palace a present. Really, you didn't want to stay in Granada? asked Alieta. No way, it is boring ther compared to here but the car rides we kinda cool, said Phonixa. So what are the gifts, asked Alieta. They are wind up alarm clocks. I bought one for everyone that lives in the palace, said Phonixa. You don't need to set the alarm if you don't want but it tells you the time like the sundial but you don't have to leave your room and go outside though you have ti wind them up every few days. Well thank you, it was very nice you were thinking of us here, said Alieta. Thinking about you all, your are our familly, we would of come back sooner but we had to shp some first, you know us, said Phonixa. But we did buy you two something special. Phonixa grabbed a bag and first pulled out a small gold statue of a queen beside a girl that was looking up at her smiling and gave it to Alieta. Then she took out a similar small satute and gave it to Ginger. I hope yo like these, you two are our most favprite frinds on the world, said Phonixa then the two of them ran into the palace. So you were worried that the two of them would not want to come back? asked Ginger that now had tears in her eyes.  Look at what they gave us, said Alieta teary eyed, Have you every felt so loved before in your life? Yep, everyday with you, said Ginger. And you were worried they wouldn't want to come back. Ya so I was wrong, said Alieta. Well I was worried too but it sure is good having them back! said Ginger.




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